Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 829: Ragram's request (two in one)

"Huh... well, yes, this is perfect." After the end of the song, Alfin nodded with satisfaction-the boy in front of him can finally finish a rhythmic communication without any self-driven. Dance music. Although this is only the entry level of the nobility, at least it won't be said if it is taken out now, as long as it is explained that the character is not embarrassing and let go.

After the previous private "seeking for advice" by Heliga, another week has passed. During this time, the situation in the empire has undergone some subtle changes.

The first is on the big level-the wars in the territories of the various great nobles have basically ended the fierce competition and entered the final stage. Among them, especially the ruler of Sacharant State, the Haynes family, one of the four most famous, acted fastest. The regular army in Sacharente State has been fully controlled. In addition to being besieged by the stronghold, all small military camps and strongholds that can form a response have been uprooted by the Marquis of Haynes; surrounding villages and towns have also been uprooted. Was controlled, but according to reliable sources, the Marquis of Haynes did not completely cut off the regular army's food, but ordered his men to turn a blind eye to those small-scale smuggling and intrusion into the blockade. Generally speaking, it gives people the feeling that they are controlling the combat effectiveness of the regular army-neither driving them to extinction, or conducting the final battle through siege until they run out of ammunition and food, nor does it choose a strategic retreat to induce more The regular troops who left the fortress due to shortage of resources were strangling in batches, but they maintained this delicate balance. Of course, these news did not go out at the time. The news that the other three great nobles received from the Marquis of Haynes were all ambiguous news such as "Our army is steadily advancing the war."

In the report to the headquarters of the Noble Coalition, there was also the Marquis of Logner who held the same views as the Marquis of Haynes. However, the report given by the Marquis of Logner was as true and bold as he was. Naturally, it's not like Hines to hide private goods. The Marquis Rogner has broken two siege by Lieutenant General Sykes, and has made steady progress with his huge resource advantage. At present, they are already planning to attack the watchtower on the Nord Plateau and seize control of the guided communication there. Once completed, the communication at the Kanda Gate will be severely disrupted, and Sykes will be further weakened. It should be difficult to continue in this situation.

The other two are a happy family and a sad family-the base camp of Lord Kane. Lamar State has already gained a huge advantage. The remaining regular army troops can only hide in the hilly areas and do the last thing with the "Golden Raksha" army. Resistance and struggle, almost everyone agreed that the complete elimination of Lamar State is only a matter of time. Only in Kruchen State, the defense of the regular army and the offensive of the noble army formed a stalemate along the Galeria Fortress and the "Double Dragon Bridge", which made the Duke of El Barrea's face quite unbearable.

In this case, in addition to requesting assistance from the headquarters of the noble coalition forces, including but not limited to more weapons and equipment and outstanding generals, the Duke of El Barrea has also passed several tax laws in succession to carry out damages to surrounding areas. Continuous collection and squeeze. Not only a large number of local nobles expressed dissatisfaction with this, even the nobles in the circle of Balihat also criticized it. Precisely because of this, the rumors that the Earl Goti and other financial giants are preparing to organize some "untimely" large-scale banquets, the Duke of El Barea no longer beats too much in words. And I don't know if it is to ease the relationship in this respect, the Duke of El Barrea rarely let go and promised his second son, Euses El Barrea, to attend instead.

Under this circumstance, if you can see Euses-it is definitely a better choice for intelligence on the surrounding area. Heliga thought this way. After he received the news from the few merchants who were still able to pass through the territory of Kruchen State, he became more determined to go there. Fortunately, at this time, Warners also got away from the previous entertainment. The administrative means and ability are far stronger than Heilijia. He learned about this matter and Princess Alfin did not hesitate to condescend to personally teach him his lack After the aristocratic social etiquette matters, Heilijia said strongly that Heliga should temporarily "draw away" from the affairs of the refuge during this period, and fully cooperate with Alfin's "teaching plan."

I don’t know if it is because the feeling of being trusted makes her feel a little comfort, or simply because the person you get along with makes her happy-the hesitation and entanglement on Alfin’s face slowly disappeared, replaced by her once belonged That's happy and lively. Maybe it was because of this consideration that my father made this decision to smooth the boat? Heilija sometimes thinks so.

"Thanks." Fei's words interrupted Heliga's thoughts. She handed over a towel and a drink. "What I said just now is indeed a little bit worse. This is probably the first time Heliga has not stepped on Alfin. Right?"

"Yes, yes. This week, I have been stepped on the most times in my life." Alfin said immediately, hugging Fei, pretending to be bitter.

"She worked hard to this point, if you messed up at that banquet..." Fei took the hug from Alfin and said in a half-joking, half-serious tone.

"Hehe, if you have a specific result, if you have the opportunity in the future, Xiao Fei will come to personally check it." Alfin said mischievously, and the two girls giggled.

No, when did you two get so close? Heliga was unable to complain about this. But he also knew that the relationship between the two people had become better, and it was certainly not a bad thing for him-although he was a bit entangled in what happened behind it.

"Um... speaking of it, Fei. What about that thing that I said before? How's it going?" After laughing, Heliga asked about the business. Tovar organized them to carry out the killing of warcraft together, it seems that it has been completed-just don't know how to deal with the spoils.

"Still in the preparatory stage. According to Mr. Tovar, the amount of fur is obviously enough to survive this winter, but the work has not yet begun."

"Why?" Heliga asked, "It has been three days since that operation, right."

"Do you remember the woman who was almost driven away by you before? The one with the sick child." Fei said, "she happened to...before the war caused her to be displaced, she was a very skilled textile factory worker. According to her, these furs have not undergone the initial treatment. If they are directly tanned in the next step, they will not achieve the best results. However, some of the velvet above can already be processed-and before the leather is processed The most important process requires a step called "liming" in the industry. The necessary materials are not available here. "

"So, Mr. Toval came forward, and the same traveling merchant who was still able to pass through Kruchen State at this time negotiated. He promised to bring the necessities we need within next week-Mr. Toval I did mention it." Alphan echoed.

"Well. Heliga's father has already nodded in agreement with this matter, I think there should be no big problem."

"Oh... after a long time, I, the original main person in charge, was the last one to know." Heliga smiled bitterly, "Forget it... Anyway, the result is always good. So, that woman's. My son has also recovered?"

"Yeah. And Heliga's father...well..." Alfin seemed to be hesitant to speak.

"He wouldn't have an opinion on you just because you said it directly." Fei smiled softly on the side. "I guess Alfin must want to say that your father is more reliable than you when dealing with these things. It’s more efficient and efficient."

"Oh, really... Fei, don't hit him directly like this." Alfin on the side hurriedly defended.

"Your Royal Highness's words are the most heartbreaking..." Heliga made a very disappointed gesture very cooperatively.

"Okay, okay, don't do it again." Fei smiled and kicked Heliga. "In short, you don't have to worry about things in the territory during this period of time-I will take care of it, there will be no problem- —This is what your father asked me to pass to you."

"Um... so, please. Just tell him this." My father has much more management experience than himself. He handles many things better than himself, which is also a matter of course. Naturally, he will not Interfered by Alfin's bluntness. Rather, if the father is willing to help out, he can get free and do a lot of things.

"In addition, there is one more thing... it was sent by Laura and Emma." When mentioning this, Fei frowned. "That Ron Green city seems to have not been since the beginning of the Civil War. There is a problem...According to Emma, ​​it seems to be related to the "earth veins" on this continent..."

"About that... when we returned by boat, we seemed to feel that the ancient city had an unusual magic flow." Helijia nodded. This ancient city once belonged to a hero in the civil war of the empire. "Lianna Sandrot, and the war to seize power at that time and the current civil war, both on the surface and inside, have many similarities, plus she and there can be regarded as the same. The origin is quite deep, in a sense, there is indeed the center of the problem, "This kind of thing will happen, how can I say it, it really feels a bit unexpected..."

"Well... Emma also said that although it is not obvious enough, based on her observations, it is estimated that it will not be long before a fantasy species named "Eudemons" will appear on this continent. Even though she and Laura can handle the current level of problems, once the "Eudemons" appear everywhere..."

"Eudemons... it's the so-called wrapping around the periphery of this world..." Heliga thought to himself-although it was short, when Bernardo appeared, he did mention a little difference in this world- The whole Semlia is like sleeping in a huge magical "bubble", and beyond this layer of bubbles, there are all kinds of magical affairs; whenever this so-called "bubble" starts When the stability is lost due to various factors, this very strange phenomenon will occur in some places where the connection is not stable enough.

"Nosfieldu", previously known as the Undead King, is one of such outsiders. Generally speaking, Arian Hurd himself will stay in this ancient city all year round, and cooperate with the institution set up by a certain ancestor witch to seal and deal with these evil spirits from another world. But unfortunately, the current "Saint of Steel" is currently in Crossbell, participating in the "Illusory Flame Project" of the association. It is impossible to get out of it. Viscount Alside, who was supposed to be responsible for maintaining public order in the nearby area As the Red Wing fought in the western part of the empire, I had no time to take care of the problems in the territory. Therefore, as the lord’s daughter, Laura could only take up this task. With the help of Emma, ​​the two made A series of plans and try to implement them.

However, in addition to the huge Eudemons themselves with huge size and amazing power, there will be some small monsters that are not a big deal to warriors, but are extremely dangerous for ordinary people. Because of the huge number and widespread dispersion, Laura will Instructed the protégé of the "Alside Stream" who was still in the town to encircle the surrounding area. However, since the disciples who stay in the dojo all year round are generally not masters of the middle pass or above, although they have been repeatedly told by Laura to be careful, many people still suffer a certain amount in the process. hurt. Different from simple, the physical scars created during the competition are not simply burns or frostbites caused by the guided magic in the monster body-these forces from outside worlds are very difficult to deal with in terms of treatment. Emma's magic power has not yet reached the peak of the witch in her mouth, which is almost unlimited magic reserves, so the therapeutic effect is slightly discounted.

"In other words, they want me to help clean out the monsters over there, and treat those injured and inconvenient students by the way... I understand." Heliga nodded, "When?"

"Laura said, as soon as possible." Fei replied.

"In that case... I think about it, maybe I can start today. After all, His Royal Highness Alfin has already approved my practice assessment just now, and I am considered "graduated" in the dance course. "Heliga said, "And the banquet should be the day after tomorrow... Well, tomorrow, I think it should be enough to deal with this matter. "

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