Path of The Dragonborn

Chapter 41: Golden Dragon Claw

Lord Balgruuf's orders were issued quickly, and the deployment of guards was surprisingly efficient.

Alvor had already prepared how to answer the question from the lord, but the lord agreed so decisively, which made him feel very surprised.

Probably, how did Master Farenga confirm the news? All the idiot wizards hired by Elindil can do it, how could the court wizard who has been with the lord for decades fail to do it?

In short, although the presence of the Xueman army has eased the tension, it still cannot change the fact that Ximu is facing great danger.

After sleeping for less than five hours, Hardawa, who got up again, set off early and went to the base camp of the Imperial Army, the Castle of Durr in Solitary City. He didn't even have time to wait for Bernardo to wake up and say hello before leaving.

After waking up to find that his friend had left, Bernardo fell into a state of boredom.

The small town is just a place with a single economic system, and there is nothing to entertain; there really seems to be something hidden in the underground of the giant tavern, but it can also be felt that there are magic circle guards there, and there is no need to break in to satisfy curiosity. go with. Staying here for two consecutive days, the bored Bernardo yawned and walked into the last place mentioned by Hardawa, the grocery store opened by Little Elindil.

As a grocery store, this store is a bit too big...The whole store is neat and clean, rows of counters are full of trivial pieces needed for life, and some game tools and books for people's daily entertainment can also be seen To. There are two pieces of paper pasted in front of the counter, written in ugly words that you can see special products-this is rare, it seems that the brother of the merchant's union president is different.

It is noon now, and most people are having lunch or enjoying a short and rare lunch break. The shop looks relatively deserted. The owner, Erindier, sat with a woman enjoying the steak, still muttering something.

Pretending to be looking at the merchandise, Bernardo waited patiently for the two to finish their lunch before returning to the stage-there were still no guests at the moment.

"Boss, is there anything good?" Bernardo asked, who was near the counter. Maybe you can find any good baby.

"Ah, a discerning customer, isn't it?" Little Erindier nodded and took out a list of goods that were not on the counter. "Some people say that I am all **** here. , But I think it's a baby."

Bernardo took the list and looked at it carefully.

The list lists a lot of interesting things that are very rare for ordinary people, such as exquisite sapphires and garnets, brass and mithril crowns, 50 years old, and they are completely worshipped by the Mara Temple. The blessed white wedding ring... But for Bernardo, it is not that he has never seen anything more advanced than these, nor is it not. It is difficult for him to be interested.

"Is there a better product?" Bernardo is weak, and his hope of having fun in the end will be dashed?

"Ah, a picky customer, isn't it?" half surprised, half ironically replied, the shopkeeper took out another list, the difference is that this list is not written on parchment, but for the royal family Special high-end goods. The above content did not disappoint Bernardo. Shards of soul stone, light glass hand armor, scroll box of high-ranking destruction spells, unearthed cultural relics of high academic value, everything.

Picking up the quill at hand, Bernardo quickly drew circles on the paper. In the end, when the paper returned to the owner's hand, it was already densely labeled.

"Um... these words, a total of 7,300 Septin gold coins." Little Erlindil took out the ledger and quickly calculated. It stands to reason that this is a huge order, but in fact, for Little Erindier, he basically suspects that this person is making trouble. In fact, the person in front of him does not seem to be able to spend such a large sum of money at all. Secondly, in this town, no one has ever bought so many special products at one time.

"Do you only support cash payment?"

"The stamped gold coin voucher issued by the Imperial Capital Bank can also be used, or exchanged with an equivalent rare item."

"I don't have a ticket for the imperial capital... but the equivalent rare item, do you have a senior appraiser here?"

"Not now, but well, my brother is an expert in this field. Just ask him to come." I felt that the boy in front of me was not just talking casually, he was probably serious, and realized that he would be able to make history. The owner of the biggest single business ever hurriedly sent someone to find his brother.

After a while, one of the most powerful people in Ximu Town came here. When he asked the story of the matter, he turned to the boy in front of him curiously: "It turned out to be the friend who escaped from the dragon with Mr. Alvor's nephew... It's disrespectful... Then, what do you have? Can you exchange good things for these special goods?"

"This." Bernardo took out a small box and shook it gently. Inside it came the clinking sound of glass bottles, "If you are really as knowledgeable and knowledgeable as your brother said."

"Oh? Then I want to check it out." Wen Yan opened the small box and saw three small bottles filled with purple liquid.

"These are three different things, Lord President." Bernardo reminded him before Elindil started the inspection. For him, if the person in front of him can't distinguish the three liquid components, then the title of the most discerning person in the town will be greatly reduced.

Erindier took out the three small bottles one by one, observed it carefully, put them back in the box, and said meaningfully: "Yes, this is indeed a very valuable thing. It is also worth when you want to get from my brother Those things you got."

"What's the matter?" Little Erindier asked impatiently. Is this person really so rich? These bottles of liquid are so valuable?

"This first bottle is the second-purified frost spider venom. The amount is about two ounces and it is worth seven hundred Sepprtine gold coins. This second bottle is a specially formulated paralysis potion, which is made by changing the ingredient ratio and boiling it. Time, sacrificing the intensity of paralysis and extending the duration, it is also two ounces, worth about one thousand Sepptin coins. And this last bottle..."

"What's the situation?" Bernardo smiled more, but the shopkeeper was anxious at the moment. Why did his brother suddenly sell him?

"This last bottle of liquid is just ordinary purple ink...worth...three Septimum coins."

"What..." Little Erindier was in a state of semi-madness. He didn't know what to say about this kind of speechless and funny black-bellied joke, so he could only try to force it. Put the topic back on track: "What a joke! In this case, the total value is only 1,703 gold coins! It is far from the price I gave!"

"You didn't understand the meaning of this lord, my brother." Having replaced the honorific title of "this lord", President Erlindil was very meaningful: "This bottle of ink is called " The treasure of "Snow Bottle"! "

""Snow Bottle"? "Little Erindier stunned," Is it the legendary "Snow Bottle" that can be filled up instantly no matter what the alchemy potion is added to it, even if there is only one drop? "

"That's the case." The president said solemnly, "As far as I know, the famous alchemist Master Nuri Leon came to Skyrim several years ago to find its whereabouts... even he left himself in the wind The alchemy shops in Helmet are all called Snow Bottles, and they count on someone to provide clues..."

"Yes, it was Master Nuri Leon who found me. I helped him find and help him repair this bottle after all the hardships... It's a pity that the master who fulfilled this last wish died without regret after this. Before he died, he gave this bottle to me, hoping that I could use it well." Bernardo is also very sorry to mention the high elf alchemist who has a bad temper but is extremely serious about his research and work.

"Ah, but I'm not planning to sell it to you." After a few seconds of silence, Bernardo turned to Erindier, "Just use it to verify if your brother is like you said. Smart eyes know beads."

Little Erindier was speechless for a while, gave him a blank look, and continued: "Okay, okay... Now you have verified it, so can we trade normally?"

"Hold on, brother." The president interrupted his brother, "Don't you understand what this excellency meant?"

"What do you mean?" Little Elindil was puzzled.

"Oh..." President Erlindil has nothing to do with his brother's slowness and immaturity. "Do I have to make it straightforward? A lord with such a legendary artifact came to us to trade. ——"

"A good opportunity to expand the visibility of our store and the Chamber of Commerce!" Little Erindier finally woke up, possessing such an artifact, and being recognized by Master Nuri Leon, must be in the magician circle or related academics Circle someone with a certain status! The opportunity to trade with such a person is a huge opportunity! Once the goods sold here have been recognized by the people in front of them, as long as he casually spread the word of mouth, it may bring more and more orders to this store!

After figuring this out, Little Elindil did not hesitate anymore and immediately ordered the clerk to pick up the goods, and said, “It’s our honour for Mr. Bernardo to visit our shop. There is no need to rush to pay the amount required for the order, and wait until the funds are available. Turnaround is not too late." Looking at the little Erindier who was rubbing her hands in excitement, the woman who had been sitting beside him with cold eyes finally said: "I didn't expect that the weird things you sell will also make a lot of money one day. "

"I said long ago that these things are precious." Little Erindier was triumphant.

"Hmph, these in your heart are treasures, so what about our real treasure, Dragon Claw?"

"This..." Little Erindier frowned again.

"Dragon Claw?" Bernardo asked curiously, "Is it the kind of riddle door used in Ancient Nord's tomb?"

"Yeah! You really know how to do it--" the words that were photographed on the horseshoes were halfway shut down suddenly--after all, the potential meaning of this is to praise the young man in front of him for going down to the tomb many times and rich in experience, and Nord People are not proud of disturbing the deceased’s sleep.

"Yes, understand some." Unexpectedly, the boy in front of him was not dissatisfied. "What kind of dragon claw is that?"

"It's the "Golden Dragon Claw", which can be used to crack the riddle door mechanism inside the Cold Fall Temple on the mountains north of the stream. Of course, we didn’t mean to go to the temple to disturb the deceased’s rest. It’s just that this dragon claw itself is one of our family’s heirlooms, and it’s also the treasure of the shop in this shop. As a result, we were inadvertently caught by the little thief under Averna’s bastard. Let me go..."

"Avel?" Hearing this name, the young man frowned, his concentration improved significantly, and his tone was slightly anxious.

"Exactly, he is the bandit leader lurking on this cold mountain...The guards of the empire drove these bandits into the mountains before, and then they were dangerous by mountain roads. The price of crusade was too high, and the bandits lacked supplies. I refused to further purify it for the excuse of biting it... and there were indeed many thieves in that place. The mercenaries that my brother and I were looking for were unwilling to accept this commission, saying it was too dangerous."

"In that case, let me do a favor, take this Alvear out and find your golden dragon claws." Bernardo said so, the three of them were taken aback.

"If you are willing to make a move, that would be great!" President Bernardo, who was the first to react, smiled, "If you can solve this problem that our family has been worrying about, we are willing to waive all the costs of your order. I will give you a lot of money again!"

"Also...and, if you are still willing to come to us to purchase...all goods are 10% off!" Little Erindier quickly agreed.

"Really good terms." Bernardo said, "In this case, there is no reason to refuse."

"...Listen to what you mean, as if you were planning to go?" President Erlindil heard the meaning of the words.

"That's right... This "swift Avel", he and I originally had an old bill to settle... This time helping you is nothing more than a handy favor. With a wave of his hand, Bernardo continued: "Without any delay, bring me a map of this neighborhood, and I will set off soon. Keep these goods for me. I hope to see them intact when I come back. "

"Yes." Little Erindier turned his head and shouted to the clerk, "What are you still doing? Don't go!"

"The cold temple, in my impression, there is probably no dragon sacrifice..." Bernardo whispered, "If you don't make a big move, it will not be dangerous if you wake up the ghoul army...Aville, you Dog thief, I have to ask you where I got my "cold crack"! "


P.S: There are many people who have reported the chaos of the two-line plot. I have decided to open an old plot update separately at the beginning of the next plot... So don't worry about this anymore, um

So here comes the question. The current chapters cannot be changed for the time being. So, do you want me to end this old story plot (about 1-2w words) smoothly, or skip this side and return to the track plot first, and then Make up for the extra side? (Leave a comment in the book review area or in this chapter, I will read it, it depends on the situation to decide tomorrow~)

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