Pantheon Online

Chapter 191  Faith Breaker (Part 2)

Chapter 191  Faith Breaker (Part 2)

The Skardian flinched as his war hammer made contact with King Bargrux's shield. He cursed as he felt like he had just struck a mountain instead of a dwarf carrying a shield! However, he did not get a chance to analyse that situation before Bargrux shattered his hip with a mighty blow!

The warrior groaned as he attempted to swing his weapon during his fall. However, it was now too heavy for him to lift! It reminded him of the time before he had become a hero. Although he was tall, there was very little muscle in his body. He had often suffered abusive insults because of it. He could not help but wonder what had happened, just before Bargrux rendered him unconscious with his follow-up strike!

"Two down!" Bargrux chuckled as he turned to face the remaining two.

They had already witnessed his might and were eagerly doing their best to reach each other. King Bargrux analysed the pair with a frown. The woman wielded a shabby spear while the man had a sword in his hand. 'She'll be harder to deal with. The man it is then!'

King Bargrux stomped through the battle lines as he urged his men to step aside. However, he could see the remaining two were already faltering now that the pressure on them had grown. Shallow cuts appeared on their skin as ribbons of blood decorated the surrounding air. 'They'll fall soon enough.' Bargrux sighed as he debated whether there was a need for him to continue aiding his army.

However, his battle lust was not to be tamed so easily. He surged onwards until he broke from the crowd to challenge the Skardian male. The warrior looked left and right with the expression of a wild beast trapped in a corner. 'Hm, this one could be dangerous.'

When a warrior could control their emotions, they would show patterns in how they fought. However, someone without experience or who was not thinking clearly could be highly unpredictable. Though, Bargrux had full faith in his armour made by the finest dwarven metalsmiths. So he was not too worried about that.

He roared his challenge as he charged at the man, who, contrary to expectations, sidestepped him and chopped at his back with his blade! Bargrux grit his teeth as he felt the blow. However, it was little more than a shock as his armour deflected it. The warrior and his weapon were mediocre at best. Which was not enough to challenge dwarven craftsmanship.

The king quickly pivoted on his rear foot in an attempt to smash his shield into the man's ribs. However, he had already put a little distance between them, which cause Bargrux to miss entirely. Of The real problem in facing her came when the dwarves had to enter the doorway. There was only enough room for one of them at a time. Whenever they attempted to counterattack, she used that course, the warrior was so focused on the king and how to escape that he came too close to the other dwarves.

Spear tips erupted from his chest as cruel blades bit deep into his body! Bargrux's eyes went wide at that sight as he cursed under his breath!

"Alive! Take him alive you fools!" He roared before ordering the dwarves responsible to get the man some medical attention. He swore they would pay for it if the human died.

At that point, he turned his attention to the final warrior. She stood in the doorframe of the temple as she used her superior reach to keep the dwarves at bay. Her spear was just a blur to Bargrux's sight as he marvelled at her skill.

'This one is definitely used to wielding a weapon. She even has some awareness of the battlefield as she's positioned herself splendidly!' Bargrux complimented her in his mind. However, the dwarves had formed a shield wall in front of her and were using it to slowly close the gap!

The real problem in facing her came when the dwarves had to enter the doorway. There was only enough room for one of them at a time. Whenever they attempted to counterattack, she used that moment to drive her spear through the gaps in their helms for their eyes!

A small pile of dwarven corpses began to pile up, threatening to cause a blockage. Bargrux cursed at the sight while he stroked his beard. 'As soon as the doorway is blocked, she can use our corpses as a wall to strike at us safely from behind it!' He silently cursed her ingenuity as he glanced at the temple's walls.

'I may have to take down a wall to deal with her now.' Bargrux shook his head at the thought. He had hoped to keep the temple intact so that shrines could be built to the Ragnarok pantheon! That way, Exile could easily keep track of both battlefronts by sending an emissary.

However, if they took down a wall, they would have to rebuild it first. After all, Bargrux's pride would never allow him to greet a god in a ruin. 'What am I wasting time for?' Bargrux sighed in exasperation. 'It's not like it will be a problem for us!'

So he told himself, but the dwarven race was notorious for performing extensive renovations if they ever got to doing repairs. Bargrux roared as he struck the temple wall with his hammer! In a single mighty swing, a great hole opened up leading to the building's interior! The civilians cried out in panic as the woman defending them cursed.

"Throw down your weapon! There's no need to keep fighting now!" Bargrux commanded as he strode into that holy place.

The woman momentarily eyed the wall of corpses and then the dwarven infantry streaming inside. She let out a weary sigh as the dwarves pointed their weapons at the people gathered there. She had to admit that there was nothing left that she could do.

She found it useless to resist any further. Especially since she had witnessed the dwarves taking the others alive. Which meant they were unlikely to kill her. Bargrux nodded when she dropped her spear with a clatter and raised her hands in surrender.

Bargrux rapidly gave out orders to detain every Skardian in the temple, but to make sure they were treated well. The dwarves cheered, knowing that they had completed their main objective for the invasion of Vjern. However, the female warrior had a question to ask of Bargrux as she was led past him.

"How did you do it?" She asked with a defeated expression writhing on her face.

Of course, Bargrux realised she was asking how he had prevented the warrior oracle's ability from activating. A soft chuckle escaped his throat before he met her gaze with a serious expression.

"It's a secret…" He whispered, making her eyebrows shoot up while he stroked the head of his now sheathed hammer, God's Bane.

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