Paladin of Asgard

601 [Holy Vision] 4 more

A moment passed.

Bruce Banner broke the frozen atmosphere and asked anxiously: "How is it, can Natasha be resurrected?"

"Yes." Luo Wei looked at him, then changed the topic, "But it will bring some side effects."

Bruce said without hesitation: "It doesn't matter any side effects, as long as Natasha can come back, even if she becomes a man."

"Ahem, that's not going to happen." Luo Wei coughed twice, "But her personality and habits may change, I must tell you clearly in advance."

"Okay." Bruce nodded.

Seeing this, Luo Wei didn't say anything else, Queen Xi's soul imprint was immediately applied to the black widow, and then released lay on hands, the palm of his hand shone brightly.

Immediately, under everyone's unbelievable eyes, Natasha's terrible wound torn by the jet engine healed quickly, without even a trace of scar.

The process is a little awkward.

Because Natasha's wound was on her chest, the flames scorched her heart and lungs, and naturally destroyed her two peaks.

Originally, because it was burnt into a piece of charred marks, nothing could be seen.

Now that the resurrection technique is in effect, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Natasha's bare skin regains its luster, and the two peaks are plump again, standing upright again.

But right now is the time to save lives after all, and everyone has no intention of caring about these details.

But there is one thing to say, big is really big.

The missing skin, muscle, blood and other tissues are directly created out of nothing, and quickly regenerate and spread, making the injury completely healed.

With the recovery of the heart, the heartbeat has also completed the restart.

Accompanied by a strong restarting heartbeat, Natasha's body shook, she suddenly opened her eyes, and looked around in confusion.

"I'm dead already," she murmured.

After she was resurrected, her pupils turned red, and she exuded a faint cold aura.Luo Wei knows that this is Queen Xi's power

The power from Sylvanas combined with Black Widow, even though it is only a part, still makes Black Widow reborn.

Through the eyes of liquidation, it can be clearly seen that Natasha is now a level five creature, out of the category of mortals on earth.

"Natasha, you're back, you're really back!" Bruce cried with joy, and immediately stepped forward to hug her.

"It's really resurrected." Everyone was also overjoyed.

Natasha's huge evil was still exposed in the eyes of everyone, and it took a while for Bruce to react, and quickly found a coat and put it on her.

Luo Wei looked at Natasha and said slowly: "This resurrection technique will bring you unprecedented strength, but it will also bring you some extra emotions. It will take a while to get used to and adjust. You just need to understand that you It's Natasha, and I don't think it's a big deal."

"Thank you." Natasha whispered.

"If you have any troubles, tell Bruce in time, love is a good medicine to cure troubles." Luo Wei said again.

Natasha came back from the dead, and everyone's attention returned to Ultron.

Luo Wei asked, "Where is Ultron now?"

Tony shook his head: "If you're asking about the center of Ultron, he just escaped by transferring to a sentry. If you're asking about Ultron's consciousness, then he is everywhere, filling every corner of the Internet. "

Rowe frowned.

This is the most troublesome part of Ultron. Ultron itself has limited combat power. Even if he controls the sentinel, Luo Wei doesn't think he can turn the world upside down.

But Ultron's consciousness is everywhere, flooding the earth's network communications, which makes it almost impossible for him to be wiped out.

Thor said: "I have read a case of technological civilization war in history books before. It probably means that on a certain planet, a relatively weak country used star energy to destroy the communication equipment of the entire planet and wiped out the entire planet's communication equipment. The information superiority of a big country, and then win."

"Maybe we can also take similar measures to destroy communication equipment around the world, so that Ultron can be killed."

Spiderman couldn't help saying: "This is too exaggerated, destroy all communication equipment, and all human beings will return to 100 years ago."

"Otherwise, is there any other way?" Thor said, "Ultron is everywhere, and any plan to keep communication equipment can revive him."

Spider-Man said again: "Even if the cost is not considered, I don't think this method is feasible. If Ultron is not completely eliminated, we will lose a lot."

Tony suddenly said, "There is another way."


Tony hesitated: "I can upload Jarvis into Vision and turn him into a more powerful artificial intelligence, so that he can expel Ultron in the online world."

"No," Bruce blurted out, "Isn't the lesson of Ultron not enough, you still want to engage in artificial intelligence"

Tony argued: "This is different. Jarvis is not Ultron. He is safe and reliable. He must be on our side."

Bruce still disagrees: "We can't trust AI."

However, after a while of silence, Rowe said something surprising: "Do as Tony says."

Bruce wanted to object, but due to Ro Wei's identity, and Ro Wei had just saved Natasha, so he opened his mouth and said nothing in the end.

Luo Wei knew that the illusion in the original book was the key to defeating Ultron, and this was the safest way: "Use artificial intelligence to deal with artificial intelligence."

After he expressed his opinion, everyone finally agreed or acquiesced, reaching a consensus.

Rowe directly asked Heimdall to open the Rainbow Bridge, and sent him and everyone to the Avengers Building, where he was going to upload Jarvis to the Vision.

"There is already part of Ultron's consciousness in the Vision." Bruce looked at the data on the monitor, "Dr. Zhao, is there a way to delete this part?"

Helen Zhao shook her head: "No, Vision is a special kind, not a pure robot. His existing consciousness can no longer be edited by a computer."

"He contains part of Ultron's consciousness, will it?" Steve was about to say something.

Luo Wei said, "Steve, join me in pouring holy light into the illusion."

The power of the Holy Light naturally has attributes such as life and order. The illusion in the original book has not been polluted by the will of Ultron. Now with the help of the Holy Light, it is naturally even more impossible to be polluted.

Even if the Vision is polluted by the Arcana this time, the Holy Light poured into it can be transformed into a weapon to impose sanctions, at least part of the inorganic structure of the Vision can be directly destroyed.

"let's start."

Immediately, Tony, Bruce, and Helen Zhao began to upload Jarvis's consciousness, while Rowe and Steve poured holy light into the Vision's body.

Under the bright golden light, a new and strange life is conceived in the cradle of regeneration



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