Overpowered Witch Reincarnation

Chapter 28: Miss Witch’s Dungeon Dive – 4

Leao Heart, Prince of the Lion Clan, First Order of the Snuffle Empire, and S-rank adventurer, was a force to be reckon with. Many called him The Brutalizer, but Taos, The Healer, she called him a womanizer.

“You already have many marriage prospects at home. Why do you want that one so bad?” She asked.

He laughed heartily after crushing several zombies together with a bear hug. “That one must be mine at all costs! She has a hidden strength none of the other women have. With her, the future of the lion clan would be guaranteed.”

Taos sighed as one of the other fools nodded along. “Boss is the greatest after all!”

“You’re scum,” Taos said.

The leader lion laughed once more. “I have always loved that mouth of yours. Don’t look so down. There's always a place for you in my harem.”

“Not only are you scum, but you’re also a masochist. I am secretly hoping you bite off more than you can chew and fall down a deep hole.”

“There is no hole that would keep boss down!”

Taos sighed again as she looked at idiot number two. She wondered why her father surrounded her with idiots, but alas, she couldn’t go against a prince if she wanted to.

“That’s right, I am pretty great. Aren’t I?” Leao asked.

Taos could only roll her eyes as they reached a door. “Seems we stumbled on the boss room, venerable leader.”

“Finally acknowledging my greatness?”

“That was sarcasm, you buffoon.”

“Not an ounce of love in your heart, but that’s what I love about you.”

Taos rolled her eyes as Leao opened the door. Hopefully it’s a spike trap that sends him to a healing ward! She prayed. But wait, I am the healer! She sighed once more. I wish that witch were here to put him in his place.

The lion healer remembered how cute that girl had been before unleashing a fury that could rival the Grand Empress. Cute? No, this isn’t like me! She slapped her cheeks and focused on the room before them.

Entering the boss room, it was a small open expanse. It was like a tiny meadow, yet the boss stood in contrast at a large height. Taos recognized the B-rank monster as a Magi-allo. The dinosaur was quite strong for most adventurers and rarely tamed for transporting large cargo. However, this one was different from other allosaurs, for it was not covered in scales, but candle wax. Its mouth dripped hot flame onto the ground, but the nature of the dungeon prohibited the grass from burning beneath it.

The beast charged at them without a warning.

“Just like an unintelligent monster to charge at the strong without worry,” Leao said.

Taos rolled her green eyes once more. “That’s rich coming from you.”

Leao shrugged and ran forward to meet the charge of the beast head on. He spread his arms wide, as if to hug the beast. And when it arrived, he did hug its snapping jaws. “You are far too weak to try and snap at me.” The lion bellowed before spinning the monster around. He grabbed it by the back of its tail and lifted it into the air. Leao fell backward and brought the dinosaur up. Then it was dropped right on the back of its neck.

A loud snapping sound could be heard, and the monster’s head exploded.

“Way to go boss!” One of the idiots shouted.

Leao turned and winked at Taos. “Did that make your heart flutter?”

“No, in fact, that brutal display made me remember how reprehensible Your Highness is. I’d hoped the monster was powered up enough to snap your head, but alas…”

“Now, now, don’t be like that.”

“I will be however I want, ‘Your Highness.’”

“Alright, I get it! Just stop calling me that.”

Taos chuckled. “Anyway, we should continue on with the dungeon. The longer I spend with you in closed spaces, the more I want to throw myself down a wyvern trench.”

“You could have stayed with the others, you know? You were assigned to be a healer at the rear.”

“Yeah, but if I did that, Father would murder me before I could take the plunge.”

Leao nodded. “Even I wouldn’t want to tango with that man.”

“Right, so let’s continue before I lose my sanity.”

The body of the allo sunk into the floor, leaving only a large white and green mana stone. Taos picked it up and stored it in her magic bag before following the others to the other side. This boss room didn’t end in a door. Instead, there was a teleportation circle at the end of the meadow, and when they stood on it, they were dropped to the second floor. On arrival, Taos immediately heard voices.

“Did you really have to fight it on your own?”

Taos grinned on noticing the elf from earlier. Finally, she was reunited back with people who were more intelligent than her leader. She appeared to be talking to King Tallow.

“Of course, isn’t it better that way? I mean, you guys got to conserve your strength, and I got to test my own.”


“Lion’s Heart? Glad to see you all survived,” King Tallow said, walking over. “As expected from an S-rank team.”

The lion prince frowned. “I am surprised to see you made it before myself. What sort of sorcery did you use?”

The one to answer was the armored man next to the elf. Except his answer was only a short grunt.

“You have to use your words, Tank, or they won’t understand you! What this guy means to say is that King Tallow is quite something,” the elf said. “You should have seen it. I have never seen anyone fight quite like that. I mean, it is not Eerie levels of absurd, but—”

“Hoh, so she is even better than me, is that it?” King Tallow asked.


“Haha, don’t worry!” The king patted her shoulder. “I knew that when we first met.”

Taos gaped. For him to say that only meant she was truly special. Who are you, Miss Witchhat?

Am I seeing things, or did this guy really just german suplex an allosaurus to death?

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