Overlord: The Multiverse

Chapter 11: Vampire God

Not only did I splurge on cash items, but I also had a treasure trove of self-made and customized gear. I spent hours tinkering away, crafting my own equipment and tweaking existing gear to perfection. Hey, why settle for off-the-rack when you can tailor-make everything to your liking?

Now, if you took one look at my character, you might think I'm just your run-of-the-mill warrior. And yeah, I do warrior things like swinging swords and slaying monsters. But here's the kicker—I'm also a bit of a spellcaster on the side.

See, while most warriors are all brawn and no brains, I've got a little something extra up my sleeve. Thanks to my massive MP pool (Vampire has high mana from begining) and arsenal of Tiered spells, I can make even the most seasoned magic caster green with envy.

So yeah, I may look like your average sword-swinging brute, but don't be fooled—I've got a few tricks hidden up my armor sleeves.

And there is also another easter egg, You see I have a special ring. This aren't your ordinary piece of bling, oh no. This ring got a special knack for hiding some of my stats from prying eyes.

Now, you might be wondering, why go through all the trouble of keeping my stats under wraps? Well, let's just say I've been attracting a bit too much attention lately. You see, I'm not your average player. I'm not even your above-average player. I'm what you might call a game-breaker, a force to be reckoned with in the world of YGGDRASIL.

I'm talking next-level strength here, folks. Like, if you were to compare me to your average Joe player with the same level, it'd be like pittin' a bunny against a lion. No contest. I could take 'em down with one hand tied behind my back, no sweat.

But let's be real here. A player walking around like the undisputed king of the jungle? That's bound to turn some heads. And not in a good way, mind you.

Folks starting to whisper, rumors starting to spread. And the last thing I need is a mob of nosy adventurers poking around where they don't belong.

So with my trusty ring doing its thing, I can carry on with my grind in peace, without all the unwanted attention crampin' my style. 'Cause let's face it, in a game like YGGDRASIL, it's survival of the strongest. And if keeping a low profile means staying one step ahead of the competition, then you better believe I'm all in.

Besides, who needs enemies when you've got your own stats to worry about, am I right?

But so far, my everyday life has been a merry-go-round of grinding, hunting, mining, raiding dungeons, and tackling quests. Some might call it peaceful, but I prefer to think of it as the calm before the storm. I'm just here, biding my time, waiting for the chaos to kick in like an unexpected plot twist in a bad movie.

Sure, I might be enjoying this leisurely pace for now, but let's not kid ourselves. This game is about as predictable as a squirrel on roller skates—anything could happen at any moment.

But for now, I'm taking it easy and enjoying the calm before the storm. Life's good. Real good.

That is actually about to end...


In the Death Plains of Helheim, chaos erupted as loud cries and explosions echoed through the eerie landscape. Amidst the commotion, I found myself locked in combat with none other than an No life king.

Now, these undead kings aren't your average monsters. They're like the leaders of a spooky squad, not because they team up to terrorize players, but because they've got some serious necromancy skills. These guys can raise all sorts of undead minions—think skeleton knights, mages, you name it—and throw them at you like a creepy undead army. And let me tell you, they're not afraid to play dirty. They'll pull sneaky moves and ambush you when you least expect it. Seriously, they make cowards look brave.

But here I am, facing off against this No life king like a champ. Sure, it's a tough fight, but I've got a few tricks up my sleeve—or should I say, in my inventory?

As the No life king unleashed a barrage of spells and summoned his skeletal minions, I dodged and weaved like a pro. With each explosion and bone-rattling cry, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Here I am, just a regular old vampire warrior, taking on the big bad boss of the Death Plains.

But hey, in a world like YGGDRASIL, you gotta roll with the punches, even if those punches are coming from a horde of undead minions. As I parried and slashed my way through the chaos, I couldn't help but appreciate the irony of the situation. Who would've thought that a day in the life of a virtual adventurer would involve duking it out with an undead king in the middle of a cursed wasteland?

Despite the danger and the overwhelming odds, I kept my cool—well, as cool as a bloodthirsty vampire can be, anyway. With each swing of my sword and every spell I unleashed, I felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. This was what it was all about – the thrill of the fight, the rush of battle, and the satisfaction of coming out on top.

And let me tell you, coming out on top against an No life king? That's no small feat. But with a combination of skill, strategy, and just a dash of luck, I managed to emerge victorious. As the final explosion rocked the Death Plains, signaling the defeat of my formidable foe, I couldn't help but let out a triumphant laugh.

{Congratulations! You defeated the No life king}

{Congratulations! You have leveled up}

{Level 85>>>>Level 86}

{Congratulations! You obtained the rare item: Crown of Undeath}

{Congratulations! You have been given the opportunity to promote your racial class to "Vampire God."}

As the notifications flashed before me, I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. Now this is the kind of hard work I am looking forward to.


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