Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Territory arrangement

Waiting until the afternoon, Yang Song realized that suddenly there was nothing to do, and it was not that there was nothing to do, but the things that needed to be done had no conditions to do.

For example: exploring outside the city, the logistics material for the army is not yet ready. Expansion of the population is not a matter of overnight.

suddenly remembered that he hadn’t taken a closer look at his mansion, and the candidates for the new housekeeper. Thinking of this, I found that I still had something to do.

Let all the maids and servants gather in the martial arts field. A total of two maids, four servants, and a cook were found.

After introducing myself, I learned that the maids were named Xiaolan and Xiaojuan, the servants were named after the letter of benevolence, justice and etiquette, and the cook was named Li Er.

Yang Song thought for a while, appointed a new housekeeper, and then let the servants go down and do their jobs.

The new housekeeper is Yang Li.

After handling the mansion matters, he was ready to take a walk around the mansion. He wanted to take a good look at the place where he would live and live in the future.

Martial arts training ground is the square in the front yard. There is a wall in the square next to the gate, which cuts off the line of sight from outside the gate.

There is a side room on each side of the square, which is also a guest room. There are two more houses behind the side house. The two on the left are for guards and guards, and the two on the right are for subordinates, separated by men and women.

And Yang Song’s main bedroom building is in the middle of the two buildings, behind it is the back garden, and there is a pavilion in the garden. The left rear of the main building and the main building are connected to a loft.

On the right side of the garden and next to the lower residence is a small courtyard with a kitchen and a utility room. A little far behind the small courtyard is the cottage. To the right of the garden are the warehouse and stables, which are also separated by a courtyard wall.

Each building is connected by a corridor, even if it rains, it can be unblocked.

After Yang Song finished inspecting the lord’s mansion, time passed unconsciously.

As the night was approaching, the servants came to report, Yang Zhong, Zhou Wu, and Zhang Wei waited in the lobby to see each other, and walked back to the living room quickly.

“See the Lord”, after the ceremony, they will be seated in order of priority, and Yang Zhong will begin to present the content of today’s work.

“Master, his subordinates have already distributed the fields outside the city, and they have distributed farm tools and seeds to the households. They can start farming at dawn.”

“Some subordinates who can’t farm also arranged to go out of the city to log or dig mines.”

“That’s good, pay attention to the planning of the planting content, how much rice to plant, how much mulberry planted, and how much vegetables and fruits should be planted, you have to plan.” Yang Song said, he does not want to have no vegetables and fruits in the future.

“You are busy so much by yourself, I guess it’s awful enough, you can hire a few people to help you.”

“Yes, thanks to the lord.” Yang Zhong also felt that there was not enough manpower. He was so busy today. It was because of the help of a few literate people on the spot that he would be busy today.

“How are you two?” Yang Song asked Zhou Wu and Zhang Wei again.

“The lord, the captain, and the leader have all been selected. This is the list.” Zhang Wei finished speaking and submitted a list.

“Okay, what else?” Yang Song asked as if unintentionally while looking at it.

“Master, his subordinates have arranged for cavalry to be used as horses to explore the vicinity of the city, spying in batches, to ensure that they know the surrounding environment as soon as possible.” Zhou Wu replied.

“Very well, your main task now is to find out if there are enemies around you, but you must also pay attention to safety and notify me immediately if there is any situation.” Yang Song said with satisfaction. Looking at the system map, he found that there are cavalry around the city. .

“My lord, my subordinates have also arranged infantry to patrol the city wall and guard the city gate. However, due to the serious shortage of troops, they cannot fully guard the city wall. The subordinate plans to focus on defending the city gate and arrange more soldiers to patrol the city wall.” Reported.

“Very good, it’s already good. Now we must focus on guarding the east of the city. There is now a residential area for the people.” Yang Song said, “You two are good, so let’s do it for the time being. Pay more attention to the outside of the city to prevent enemy attacks.”

Yang Song found that in the system, the two characters pending after the names of the two in the military module and general options were gone. This was because the system recognized the identities of the two, because he recognized the abilities of the two, so the system would only recognize it.

“The public security in the city must wait for Yang Zhong to recruit enough staff before making arrangements, and let your army do it for a few days.” Yang Song found that there was nothing wrong for the time being, so he asked Zhou Wu and Zhang Wei to go back to rest.

Turning his head and continuing to say to Yang Zhong: “By the way, there is no special official government office. You can find an empty house for the office, and build it later. There are also a few orders I issued today. You will implement him. Go down. Go and rest if you have nothing to do.”

Early the next morning, after having breakfast, Yang Song went to the barracks to find Zhou Wu. He wanted to learn how to ride horses. He even ate lunch in the barracks. Although he could ride a carriage on weekdays, he didn’t want to pay for it in the future. Take a carriage.

Among them, it is worth mentioning that during the meal, he discovered that people in ancient times had only two meals a day. Yang Song ordered the military camp’s food to be changed to three meals a day, and he also explained the three meals a day to the two commanders. Importance, the importance of improving combat effectiveness.

Ordinary people Yang Song is not good to order directly. He hopes to bring this habit to ordinary people’s homes through the influence of the soldiers in the barracks.

When he returned to his home in the evening, Yang Song went back on horseback by himself. Although he was not proficient, he could still walk on the horse. I have learned everything that needs to be learned, and I just need to practice more in the future, this is what Zhou Wu said to him.

Back to the mansion, Yang Zhong has something to tell. Yang Song asked him to see him in the study.

“Master, the subordinates have already made a plan for recruiting staff, please have a look.” Yang Zhong said and handed some papers in his hands to him.

Yang Song took it and looked at the content on the paper. It said the method of recruiting personnel: recruiting talents by means of scientific examinations.

There are also positions recruited: patrol, civil affairs, finance, court, and farming.

and wrote the scope of responsibility for these categories and the questions of the examination in the back:

The court is responsible for the trial. The topic of the exam is to discuss the punishment of crimes such as theft, robbery, and murder, and then write an article on how the law should be qualitative and quantitative.

Patrol, responsible for maintaining city security, for patrolling the city, and arresting criminals based on the approval of the sentence. The examination content includes martial arts, interrogation, literacy and other subjects.

Civil affairs, responsible for managing civil affairs, household registration, etc. How to conduct household registration management, marriage registration and other aspects in this test.

Finance, responsible for taxation, accounting books, tax evasion, tax collection, tax management, etc.

Nong mulberry, responsible for agriculture and breeding, the test is the grasp of the seasons and the familiarity with the crops.

After reading the plan that Yang Zhong has worked out for a hard day, I can see that it is a plan after careful consideration.

“Very good, I have worked hard, I don’t have much to say about these, but I suggest adding one, adding a department responsible for the management of mineral resources such as ore and timber. What do you think?”

After reading Yang Zhong’s plan, Yang Song suggested after a moment of reflection.

“The lord is wise, the subordinates will do it.” Yang Zhong admired.

“No, let’s discuss it right away and come up with a final decision. You can go public tomorrow, decide early or start hiring early.” Yang Song waved his hand to indicate that it would not be so troublesome.

“Yes, Lord.”

Finally, I decided to add one item: Shimu, responsible for resource collection and processing.

After the agreement was reached, Yang Zhong went busy. On the contrary, he was okay, so he looked at the books on the shelf—all the words of the sages.

The most important thing is that there is no such complicated entertainment as before. You can only read books and pass the time without saying that you can enrich yourself.

As a monarch, he has to do everything he does, and what he needs is to know people and use them well—he still knows this.

Yang Song did not get up until noon the next day, waiting for lunch. Zhou Wu has something to report.

“The lord, now it has been explored that more than 20 miles (10 kilometers) east of the city is the ocean, and there is a bay. The river in the north of the city flows into this bay from west to east, and the west and south of the city have not yet returned.” Zhou Wu reported.

“Okay, I see, pay attention to continue the investigation, and report the situation immediately.” Yang Song replied, and then turned his attention to the system map.

“Subordinates obey!” Zhou Wu took the order and left.

There is a wide river in the north of Tianqi City, and the situation on the other side of the river cannot be known because it has not been explored.

Ten kilometers to the east is an ocean, not far from Apocalypse City, and it can be used as an exit to the sea in the future.

And the west of Apocalypse City is a large forest, and I don’t know how large it is.

A little bit of sight from the city to the south is a grassland with some trees dotted with it, which is very suitable for animal husbandry. Farther away, it was still pitch black, with cavalry exploring at the edge.

Shi Cai Zhou Wu didn’t report the situation to the west and south because the cavalry who went out to explore had not yet reported back, but Yang Song could already check the places that the cavalry had explored through the system map.

Yang Song thought for a while. UU read www.uukanshu.com mounted his horse, and led the guard Wang Wei and the guards to the barracks. Zhou Wu took the only cavalry team left in Apocalypse City and rushed to the bay in the east of the city. , Ready to see the sea.

As for why the soldiers should be brought, because Yang Song is afraid of death.

I don’t know if there are any natives in this place, plus the threat of wild animals, it’s better to be prepared.

Leaving Zhang Wei guarding the city to take care of the house, there is a systematic map there and he is not afraid to get lost, so he heads straight to the bay.

took a break in the middle of the journey, ate some dry food, and continued on the road. Due to the excellent horses, it only took a few hours to get to the beach, because he had to bypass the impassable places.

Yang Song arrived here and found that this bay is really a holiday destination, with golden beaches, white waves, and beautiful scenery very charming.

So a group of people took a break at the beach, and even Yang Song went for a swim. After resting, walk all the way north along the coast.

The mouth of the Tianqi River (the river in the north of the city is named Tianqi River) is in the north of the bay, and I don’t know what happened after crossing the river.

The cavalry in this direction was exploring south and never crossed the river at all.

After riding a horse for a while, the sky gradually darkened, and the mouth of the river appeared in front of him. Yang Song asked Zhou Wu to arrange a location for camping, and wait for tomorrow to see if he could figure out how to cross the river.

At night, light a bonfire, roast game, eat dry food, the scenery and strange beasts along the way.

met a group of wild dogs on the way, about thirty or forty, but they scattered and fled under the cavalry.

And he is a complete dragger, a group of guards guarding him from being attacked by these beasts.

Yang Song made up his mind that after returning home, he must go to the barracks for training, and he can’t let himself have no combat effectiveness at all.

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