Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.39 – Tour

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Two and a half liters of milk produced and a bit of fun later, Maple rang the magical bell to call Maztaran back. She'd banned Emma from drinking more than a mouthful this time, and looked forward to the payout: 2 silvers, 10 coppers.

"Excellent, Miss Maple, there's quite a bit more this time."

He looked pleased, likely from however the commission he earned worked. While his back was turned, Maple stared at the wings protruding from his hips; leathery black appendages like Sasha's, only he still had both of them.

His shirt and pants had hidden cutouts for his wings and tail. An extra layer of fabric on the inside prevented skin from being exposed. She'd never noticed that detail before since Sasha hardly covered herself. She looked away when he turned back to her.

"Um, we were wondering if it'd be possible for us to look around inside and see what it's like? It'd help me decide what to do for next weekend."

The unspoken part was that she wanted to get in for free. She might be taking advantage of Maz's willingness to accommodate her, but it wasn't a lie. Emma was the one most interested, but Maple was curious too. Poking around as a guest would be a lot less nerve-wracking, and manageable.

"Hmm. Normally you'd have to be there as an affiliate, or else pay the entrance fee. I suppose I could waive it just this once. Miss Emma would still need to show ID, however."

"Aw, look at you getting carded even though you're like twice my age."

Emma had it on her. Among 'N/A' entries, her age field merely said 'Adult'.

Maple went in expecting the worst: A den of degeneracy. A suffocatingly thick smell of sex and sweat. Bodily fluids that made you watch your every step and avoid touching anything. Erect penises slapping against you as you tried to wade through a crowd of horny perverts.

What she found was much more tame.

The optional clothing mostly concerned the affiliates, many of whom were nude, but they mostly stuck to their semi-private rooms unless an event was going on. Guests could go naked if they wished, but would be kicked out if they acted inappropriately. Most wore normal clothes, or only marginally revealing outfits.

Each affiliate room had a list of rules posted outside the door. A standardized checklist covered common things like whether or not touching, masturbation, and so on were allowed. With it were any custom rules set by the affiliate, along with the pricing of any additional services offered.

Breaking any of the rules would get you kicked out without a refund, and possibly banned. Additionally, each person entering underwent an STD test via magical artifact. Maple and Emma were clean.

As was the main area of the event. Maple hadn't spotted any slip hazards yet, and there was a slight breeze as fresh air was pumped in to keep everything feeling fresh. Sections were roped off for lewd games and merchandise stands. Anything from shirts to dildos were for sale, and along the back wall was a full bar selling drinks and snacks.

Among all this, and feeling rather out of place, was an actual tour of how they processed the milk. A bored looking Dwarf stood by the sign advertising it, and that's what they hit up first. He perked up the slightest amount as they approached.

"If yer lookin' for the restrooms, they be that a way."

"Uh, we wanted to do the tour actually."

The Dwarf had already gone back to staring off into space, finger still pointing. He suddenly came alive.

"The tour? Did I hear that right, lass? Ye better not be jerkin' me beard. No one ever wants the tour no more. By the gods, there's even free cheese at the end!"

"Huh? Um, yeah. We want the tour and the free cheese, please."

He jumped up, his hopeful caution fully gave way to enthusiasm. Maple wondered how long ago his last tour must have been. Emma watched with amusement clear on her face.

"Finally! A pair who know what's important in life! The rest of these sex fiends wouldn't know good dairy if they drowned in it. This way, this way."

Maple and Emma followed hand in hand. They hadn't known what to expect, but the enthusiasm was contagious.

"The name's Mirkham. Mirkham Truegold, [Cream of the Crop Milk Master]. Best on this continent, if not the world. Not to milk me own teats."

"Ooh, fancy. What's that class give you? Um, if that's not rude to ask?"

"Curious, aye? Ask all the questions ye want. Same to your, blue friend. I'll tell ya what I'm allowed ta'. I won't say me level, but the Skills be what ya'd expect. [Multiply Yield], [Enhance Flavor], [Quick Age], [Milk Sense], and the like."

Actually useful Skills. A dollop of envy came over Maple as she considered her own in comparison. Emma pulled out her notebook.

Hello, I'm Emma. Soap Slime. What does [Milk Sense] do?

Mirkham stared at the Earth notebook for a bit too long, but said nothing about it. He led them into a room as he answered. Labeled jugs of milk lined the shelves. They were grouped together by affiliate, and a notecard attached to the shelf detailed flavor profile and other information. Some were still blank.

"Tis' me first time meetin' one of yer lot. Well met, Emma. As fer [Milk Sense], it does what it says on the bottle! Tells me everything from flavor profile to spoilage, as if I din't already have a nose and tongue. This room here's cold storage; where all ta' fresh squeezed milk goes and sits before processing."

"Oh, is mine here?"

"Likely so. Maple, aye? Sure surprised me, gettin' a new Human. I've not quite got ta' profiling it yet, but let's see...Yep, right here's yer section."

Maple confirmed and blushed at the recognition, somewhat regretting asking. Her small section was a single row on a shelf next to the other affiliates without much output. Mirkham led them out of the room.

"Ye might have noticed the cold storage ain't cold. These days, it's done by fancy shmancy preservation runes. Anyhow, next is the mixin' and pasteurizin'. 'Tis all dumped in this here basin and blended together in a careful ratio for consistent flavorin', then heated to a precise temperature."

From there, it was pumped into the first stage holding tank via enchanted metal piping, where it stayed for further processing. The next step differed based on what it would be used for. The cream could be separated out and used for butter, or it could be homogenized for drinking.

"Now, the part ya've been waitin' fer. The cheese foundry. We don't make much ourselves, 'tis really more a hobby of mine. I could shed a tear, it's been so long since anyone's taken an interest in me passion. So whaddya say we break out the good stuff?"

Emma nodded with an enthusiastic thumbs up. Though Maple still found the idea of people-milk a little gross, she didn't have the heart to refuse the Dwarf.

He pulled out a wheel of cheese eight inches in diameter and flipped it in the air before slapping it onto the table. Then he disappeared and came back carrying a bottle and 3 glasses.

"Can't have a good cheese without a good drink to go with it, aye?"

Emma happily nodded, rubbing her tummy. He fixed Maple with an expectant stare.

"Um, aye."

The bottle was a red wine. He filled each of their glasses to the brim, and then sliced generous wedges out of the cheese.

"Get a load of this baby. She's my special Truffle Gouda. Three gold's what this wheel would normally sell for. Keep it between us, aye?"

Maple's eyes popped open at the price. Even Emma twitched her hand back, but then looked even more excited.

"Oh, jeez. Are you sure it's okay?"

"Okay? Bah! I haven't given a proper tour since those SuQ bastards perverted the day. They're lucky I'm still here and keepin' this place afloat. A bit of 'shrinkage' won't hurt 'em. Go on, then. To unperverted dairy. Be sure to savor it."

He took a bite out of his own piece, closing his eyes and shivering as he enjoyed it. Emma did similar, nibbling a small bite and then sending ripples through her body. Maple grabbed hers and sniffed it first. Smelled good. She glanced up to see both were watching her, and took a bite with mild trepidation.

Creamy smoothness filled her mouth with a mild sweetness and then combined with the robust earthiness of truffle. It was the best cheese she'd ever had, and she too closed her eyes to savor it.

"Mmm, wow. That is good. Now I'm going to be craving something I could never afford."

"Hah! Glad you think so. Now, chase it with a bit of that wine."

They all did. The wine cut through the creaminess of the cheese, and its fruity undertones added even more depth to the flavor experience. Indulgent. Maple took another bite, another sip, and couldn't stop alternating between the two.

"This is so good. Wow. Thank you, Mirkham."

This is the best!

Emma grinned and then hugged the Dwarf, wrapping her body halfway around him. He laughed something genuine, his eyes holding a deep and sentimental look.

"Aw, ye're making me heart all fluttery. Glad I could impart some good dairy onto ye two."

They savored the wine and cheese together a while longer. Mirkham handed them more slices and refilled their glasses as needed. He opened up a second bottle, and by the end a fourth of the cheese was gone and the bottles empty. Warm invigoration and satisfaction filled Maple.

"You two take the rest. Can't be sold no more anyhow. Stop by on a weekday sometime and I'll be happy to show ya the process in action."

With that, and after more thanks and promises to visit, the couple returned to the event area. Maple made Emma promise three times she was just storing the cheese inside herself, and not going to eat it.

I was gonna be like "They did the actual tour and then got cheese, onto the lewd stuff."

But then this enthusiastic lil guy showed up, and yeah. Hopefully it was enjoyable.

Thanks for reading.

Poll: I planned very little at the start of this story, so the milk thing appeared on its own. There's a bit more with it that needs to happen, but then we can move away in a different direction if that's what readers want. So I'm asking.

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