Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.34 – Scheme

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The next morning, Maple awoke with Emma cuddled up against her. As usual. Maple watched her briefly open one eye before pretending to be asleep again. Her lips twitched a smile. How silly. Slimes were surely able to see without eyes, or else how would she see without her human form? Besides that, her eyelids were translucent.

Whatever she was playing at, Maple acted first. She slid her hand to the Slime girl's chest for a sneaky feel and then pulled her close. Emma's lips became a smirk and Maple had to kiss that contented not-sleeping face that rested on the cutest Slime in the world.

Emma pretended to take it lying down, but then, as Maple was considering falling back asleep, she rotated and in one swift motion licked Maple's cheek. The goofy grin never left her face as Maple whispered.

"Why are you licking me, you silly little...Good morning, cutie."

Emma returned the greeting with an ILU hand sign, and Maple did it back. The gesture held a special place in Emma's heart she was now willing to share, and Maple cherished it. They kept quiet, so as not to wake Rachel. This was Maple's typical morning, these days.

What wasn't typical, was the worry itching the back of her mind. A single talk that didn't cover the Slime's entire past wouldn't solve everything. It might not even solve anything. Even several talks couldn't magically 'fix' the way Emma felt. These things took time. She knew that, and she worried.

There were two sides to her girlfriend. The outgoing, energetic, playful, lewd side. And the sleepy, reclusive, sad side. If that first side was a mask she wore, Maple didn't want her to feel like she had to put it on around her.

Finding the balance between giving her a reasonable amount of space, but not letting her retreat into her bottle, with all her bottled up emotions, would be difficult.

For now though, it was a new day. She licked her girlfriend's cheek in retaliation, and got back a faux look of disgust.

And oh yeah, she leveled up.

[Slut Level 6!]

[Slut Level 7!]

[Skill Obtained: Detect Gaze!]

"Wanna go have breakfast?"

Emma nodded and stretched. Her back arched, and for a few seconds, she was in her full sexy form. Maple chuckled and ran a hand over her slick body. The tease.

When she walked into the dining room, several pinpricks pierced her mind. It was the feeling of being watched given a tangible sensation. A sixth sense. They were centered at first and only alerted her to the fact someone was looking at her, but when she acknowledged the person doing so, direction was attached. The sensation pointed vaguely to the source of the gaze.

"Wow, that's weird as heck."

Emma cocked her head to the side and looked around. Nothing was out of the ordinary, just the usual regulars and waitstaff going about their morning.

"I got a new Skill."

Oh? Emma poked her.

"[Detect Gaze]. I can feel when people are looking at me now. You know when you think you're being watched? It's like that, but actually real."

Neat. What class?

Emma elbowed her with a silly smirk.

"You know both the classes it could be, punk."

Maple flicked her forehead and Emma jerked back with exaggerated force, her tongue sticking out to the side. Maple chuckled.

"That didn't actually hurt, right?"

Emma's head moved to shake no, but then she cut the action short and nodded yes. Very.

It did. You have to kiss it better.

"No, there's like...four people watching."

Maple laughed and looked around the room. Emma rubbed her forehead with puppy dog eyes, making a show of it.

They'll watch me cry, then.

"Jeez, you. Alright, come here."

Already in for a penny, Maple lingered on the 'wound' and gave it a big wet kiss. The number of people watching spiked for a second, and Sasha chose that moment to come over.

"'Morning, you two. Giving my other guests a show?"

"No, but I felt them watching. [Detect Gaze]."

"Ooh, useful. How'd you get that?"

Probably from having sex outside. She faltered, and Sasha laughed.

"Um—I don't know. The level system is weird. I'll have you two know, I'm a Level 7 [Slut] now. And you better respect it."

That was a mistake. Her face turned crimson before she even finished speaking. Just 'owning it' was the best way to deal with a lot of things, but...not this. Not in hindsight. She looked away and wanted to scream.

Emma pinched her cheek with a big grin. Girlfriend embarrassment in her favor, collect one kiss.

"I've seen worse classes. You two want breakfast? Some of the milk might even be Maple's, eh?"

Maple's shame couldn't take much more, but that at least wasn't entirely accurate.

"Nah, it'll be a while before any of mine goes around. There's batches and a stockpile to get through, or something."

SuQ Dairy could store milk almost indefinitely, thanks to magic. The lead time on a batch varied anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on current supply and demand. The exact date hers would go out was a mystery, and that was good because, she didn't want to think about it.

The batches also contained the milk from everyone blended together, so she didn't have to think about someone drinking her milk specifically. There was a difference, and some of the other milk donors had their own 'brand', which was kept separate from the main batch.

Skills were able to enhance the flavor of the milk produced, and could then be sold at a premium via quality alone. Others based their brand around having a fan base. Usually, that revolved around sex appeal, but it was also possible for other niches to flourish.

In either case, you had to be 'in it' to reach that point. Volume mattered, and you wouldn't reach the level needed without dedicated classes and a frequent schedule, which led to irreversible breast growth.

Gold flowed easily from any of those options, but Maple wouldn't be going that far. It was just a side hustle. She had, however, come up with a crazy idea last night while talking with Sasha and Bailey.

"Ah well, soon then. I'll look forward to it. You still doing that thing today, now that you've slept on it?"

This piqued Emma's curiosity, and Maple waited for her to write.

What thing?

"Yeah, I'm still going to do it. I was going to discuss it with you today Emma, to make sure you're okay with it, but I was thinking about, um...selling pictures. Of myself. In underwear."

Maple's voice got quiet, and Emma excitedly encouraged her. Lewd pictures? Do it. And what was that thing she once said, about giving your friends free things from their job? Sasha chuckled and turned to Maple.

"Well, I don't know if you'd find it weird, but I set aside some underwear you can pick from and borrow if you want. I still think it's a crazy idea, but they might be closer to what you're going for."

"Thanks, yeah that'll help. I don't really have anything, um, sexy."

Emma bounced with excitement.

"Bailey should be here around lunch. We're borrowing Sasha's room again, and then he's going to draw me. You can come too if you want?"

A naive question on her part. Emma carefully bolded one word.

How could I possibly miss it?

"Like this?"

Maple tried to make a sexy pose; her hips tilted to one side, hands raised above her head. But she felt awkward. She wasn't owning it.

"That's fine, just hold still."

Bailey focused on putting charcoal to paper, and Emma gave her own nod of approval. This was so much more embarrassing than taking a selfie. Both stared at her, each for a different reason. Bailey, of course, because he was drawing her. And Emma because—she was a horny little thing.

She felt their gazes on her scantily clad body. She had on black stockings and a thong; and a narrow bandeau-like strip of cloth for her chest. It was almost too much—especially the thong—but well, she wasn't naked.

Sasha and Bailey both said the idea was far-fetched, even if she were. Why would anyone pay for a drawing like that? Brothels existed. Paintings and artwork were viable merchandise, but they weren't usually so crude.

The supplies were also costly. Just the paper was two coppers a sheet. Add in labor and other materials, and Maple would have to sell them for at least 10 coppers each. That was a few meals, or almost half a day's labor, and she worried it was too much for one picture.

Bailey was nice enough to loan her the supplies he was using now.

"I don't mind. It's good practice, and typically if I wanted to draw a live subject, I would be the one who had to pay. Just remember me if you do get rich off this idea of yours."

Was what he had said. Maple would pay him back, if she managed to actually sell any of them.

Bailey raised the in-progress sketch for Maple to see. It was going well, she actually looked good—

"Oh my gosh, don't draw that."

"Draw what?"

He examined it, puzzled, along with Emma. They were really going to make her say it?


She pointed, hoping that would clarify things. Her face felt hot.

"Hrr. I don't know what you mean exactly."

"Oh, come on. The damp spot. That's so embarrassing."

He'd actually sketched it in, the wet patch on the underwear she was wearing. She hadn't realized it was even there, or so visible, but now she looked down and considered putting new ones on.

"I thought it would help, if anything. 'Sex appeal', right?"

"Yeah, but..."

Emma chimed in with a grin and thumbs up. Maple was outnumbered.

Very good. I'd buy it.

Good luck finding a bigger fan than Emma. It probably would add to the photo's value, but—half the issue was her embarrassment now. She'd become wet enough to soak through the fabric, just from being stared at in underwear.

To be fair, Emma was using her sexy nude form as a show of solidarity. But still.

"Jeez, alright you can finish that one since it's almost done. But I'm changing underwear after this."

They'd already been at it for two hours, and with only one sketch finished. With [Quick Sketch] it'd be done in a few seconds, but he could only use that once per day. He also claimed that actual practice was the only way his skill would improve.

The door swung open and Maple tried to cover herself until she saw it was just Sasha. And then she still turned away slightly.

"Hey, gang. Just felt like seeing how it's coming along. Ooh, not bad."

The Succubus referred to the first completed image, where Maple stood with her arms behind her back and her thighs crossed.

"The second's almost done, and then we might take a break. I'm thinking about finishing these with ink. Charcoal is too easy to mess up, especially if she's selling them."

Maple tried to go back to the pose she was in, but turned a deeper shade of red and couldn't stay still with Sasha also staring. She'd had sex with all three of them before. This shouldn't be that big a deal, but she was flustered.

"Stop staring so much..."

"Really, you act so bashful. But look how wet you are."

Oh god, she'd noticed too. And not just on the sketch—she pointed.

"S-shut up."

"That underwear looks good on you, though. You might really be able to sell these."

Emma nodded, and then slowly grew out a stiff cock. Bailey and Sasha watched with a mix of amusement and surprise. Maple choked back a laugh beneath her horror.

"Emma! You pervert, stop that."

"I'd say it's your fault, isn't it Maple? Looks like Bailey's having a similar reaction."

The tent in his pants rivaled even Emma's brashness. But his, at least, wasn't intentional. Maple was tempted to have her own futa cock join the party, everyone was doing it, but then there would be only one way to cancel the effect.

"Hrr. I apologize. It's a natural reaction, is all."

A charge filled the air as Sasha made everyone acknowledge how horny they were and, in turn, how horny everyone else was with them. Maybe she'd sensed it from the other room, and that was the reason she popped in. The scheming imp.

If this kept up, Maple would need a break, one way or another.

Her body felt hot. Her nipples poked through the fabric of her top, and the thong she had on was ruined. Embarrassment aside, she wouldn't mind going for that right about now. If it was really happening. Was it? She glanced around the room.

Emma held up a note for everyone to see; her face, the mischievous smirk of someone about to start a riot. Or a foursome.

Yeah, it's her fault! Let's punish her!

Ngl, I didn't re-read/edit this except while writing. I'd rather just continue on to the next chapter, and might just do that from now on. Idk if it'll affect anything.

Other than that, I think I use smirk too much. Grin too, likely.

That's the news for today. Thanks for reading.

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