Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.18 – Busted

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Maple reached around for the blanket to cover herself with, but it wasn't even on the bed anymore. Apparently it had been knocked to the floor at some point, along with her clothes. That left her with only her arms and Bailey to hide herself with.

She utilized both before looking up.

"Eek, don't look at me—wait, why are YOU naked?!"

"I'm getting dressed, doll. Don't stare too much. You're the ones being exhibitionists. If Bailey had just used the system—hell, you were hiding under the blanket when I walked in earlier weren't you? Why is this what I come back to?"

He was indeed getting dressed—albeit while taking his sweet time about it as he chastised them.

"You just walk around naked with each other in the same room though? What system?"

The second question was addressed to the Gnoll on top of her.

Most of the cum on her had been transferred to his fur. She intentionally wiped her face off on him—because everything else notwithstanding, it was especially embarrassing to talk to someone while your face was covered in cum—and the rest was wiped up while trying to use him as a shield to cover herself.

"Oh, she's a prude now. Can't handle two guys being naked in the same room? Is that it, Miss Human?"

"What, no I just meant..."

The way he said Human was drawn out and full of derision. She trailed off as his answer mostly just confused her.

"Hrr. Sorry, Dragirth. Honestly, I didn't expect for anything to happen...The system, Maple, is just a sign on the door we use if either of us has company over we don't want the other walking in on. I've never had to use it before, so I forgot."

The Dragonkin just grunted in response. To his credit, he hadn't stared or lingered overly long; it just took time to dress himself. Not that she was looking, but there were tail holes to account for.

Thinking about it, Maple would probably be grumpy too if she found herself in his situation. He hadn't intended to be nude in a room with her, and he actually seemed kind of embarrassed despite his earlier proclamations.

"Um, sorry Dragirth! Wait, your name is Dragirth? Really?"

Maple stifled a laugh, and then immediately felt guilty. She didn't mean to make fun of him. She was just literally high on endorphins and felt giggly. Even her embarrassment was mere sea foam on an ocean of giddiness.

Dragirth laced up his boots and stomped over to the door.

"I'm going to the pub for a couple of hours. Be finished before then."

The door slammed shut after him.

Bailey and Maple watched him leave and let out a breath. The Gnoll twisted himself off of her and collapsed onto his back.

Maple waited a moment and then cuddled up to his side. She crossed one leg over his and wrapped her arm over his abdomen. He reached down and gently scratched her head with his clawed hand.

"Hrr. That was all your fault. You know that, right?"

"Wha—no it wasn't. Haha. Do you regret it?"

He lifted her on top of himself again, and stared into eyes. Maple blushed and looked away. She dug her head into fur on his chest. He might actually regret it. Oh god, why am I so weird? I'm sorry.

Maple thought of all the mistakes she'd made while waiting for him to answer.

"Do you?"

"...No. It was just embarrassing. It would have been better if your roommate hadn't come home, of course. But no...I had fun."

"Then I don't regret it either. And I did too."

Bailey ran a hand down her back and Maple felt something hard start poking into her. She realized they had two whole hours left by themselves if they wanted to continue...

They both showered again and then had to rush before Dragirth got back. They really pressed their luck by leaving almost exactly two hours later.

It was fine, though. Maple finally felt clearheaded again.

Bailey's dorm was much more active than it had been earlier. She kept her head low as they passed some of the other guards who lived there. Bailey spoke once they were outside.

"Hrr. Normally the date comes first, but should we get some food now?"

"Ooh, yeah. I'm starving. What a day, huh?"

She was—rolling with it. Who cares if she just had multiple rounds of sex with a large furry person who looked more animal than human? And so what if she only met him a day ago, and that it was before even having a first date?

This was all completely normal. She had complete control over her life. She wasn't losing her mind at all.

In all seriousness, they did need to have a proper talk. About a few things. For the venue, Bailey led them somewhere called The Syber Grill.

Or just The Grill if you were already in Syber and you knew that that was where you were.

It was a vibrant little eatery, and visibly, was rather popular among at least some subset of the population.

It was two stories, with half of the upper floor dedicated to an outdoor balcony area. That was the 'quiet' area—a place to enjoy the breeze while sipping on your drink and wondering what a Fairyblaster even was exactly.

In theory. The musical bards and storytellers were restricted to the first floor, but with how crowded it was even on the balcony, it was just as loud and chaotic from all the conversations going on at once.

Maple kept close to Bailey, a hand on his arm. People kept bumping into them and she felt out of place as what felt like the only Human there. As she thought that, a pale woman in a scarlet dress tapped her shoulder.

"You two looking for a third?"

Maple caught a glimpse of teeth as her mouth opened and closed, and barely made out what she said over the crowd.

"What? Uh, no?"


She shrugged and disappeared into the crowd.

Every so often, Maple would see a group of two or more drunken people of any gender ratio form and then drag one another off elsewhere. She could only guess what they did after that.

It was a weird, and noisy, place to Maple. Her anxiety had been climbing since they got there, and being openly propositioned only made it climb higher. The quiet conversation she'd wanted was out of reach, and they hadn't even been given a food menu yet.

"Do you like it here?"

Bailey didn't look comfortable either, but he had picked it.

"Hrr. I thought you would. It's supposed to be popular..."

Popular with whom, exactly? She might actually find another person with a class like hers here. That silly Gnoll.

"Do you want to leave?"

Maple nodded.

A door swung open as they walked past and out came a busty waitress carrying a tray of drinks. A blue blob caught Maple's eye just in time for her to turn and look into the kitchen before the door swung shut.

"Was that Emma? She looks busy."

"Ooh, let's get some corn."

Rather than another sit-down, Maple was content to try a bunch of street food. Bailey followed her to the cart selling cobs of corn on sticks.

"Hello! Two coppers each. Or buy two for three."

"Do you want one? I can pay, since you got the drink earlier."

"Sure. But I should pay, shouldn't I?"

The merchant slathered the corns in butter before covering them in some kind of crumbly cheese and a red spice. Maple and Bailey were still bickering over who would pay as he held them out.

"Okay fine, you pay again. But I'll get the next one, then."

There should be a balance to it, Maple thought. Why shouldn't she contribute too? She didn't want to just go along with things and make everyone else do all the work or put all the coin in. Which is kind of how things had been going.

Even the copper she used at the next stand, to get a bag full of fried dough balls, had been given to her rather than earned. It looked like Emma really did manage to get a job already, so Maple resolved that she would too. Tomorrow.

For tonight she followed Bailey and took turns paying for street food until there was no way they would actually finish everything they were carrying. They made it half way through town to the river cutting through it.

A stone path ran along the flowing water, and along that path, ran a garden. A variety of flowering trees, flowers, and other plants were glowing in the setting sun.

"I come here to draw sometimes. Are you sure you like this kind of place better, though?"

"Yeah. It's perfect, actually. I never liked crowds."

It was just the two of them and the occasional couple walking by, now. Benches were spaced far enough apart for an abundance of spots to privately enjoy the riverside while in the company of another.

That was good because Maple's legs were screaming at her by now. Would she have to be carried back to the inn? The idea simultaneously mortified her and made her heart skip a beat to imagine.

"You draw?"

The Gnoll put a hand on his neck and leaned back.

"Just as a hobby. I reached Level 6 in it recently. [Minuscule Sketcher]."

"Oh that's pretty good, right? Why's it 'minuscule' though?"

He dug a paw into the bag at his waist—notably not a bag of holding—and pulled out a tiny notepad.

"Paper is expensive, yes? I didn't want to waste money on larger sheets when I was starting out, and then the class stuck. I keep thinking I'll try to upgrade it one day, but...Do you want to see? They're nothing special."

"Yeah, I'd love to."

Instead of showing her a drawing he did previously, he scooted away and pulled out a piece of charcoal.

"Hold still. And...[Quick Sketch]."

His hand blurred. It looked like it was moving in fast motion, and then it stopped as quick as it started. He handed the portrait to her. It wasn't perfect, but it was pretty darn good.

"Wow, that's so cool. I wanna be able to do that. Instead I just have—well, you know. Can I look at the others?"

"You think so? I can only use that Skill once per day, but I can usually get better quality without using it. Go ahead, I guess."

His mouth was open in a grin, and Maple thought it might be from a little embarrassment. The other sketches were similarly realistic, looking almost like photographs of various places.

Until she got further in and saw a giant ship made for the sea flying through space. In the background was the moon with its tiny sister moon.

Bailey seemed even more self-conscious as she stared at it.

"Hah, this is cool. A spaceship?"

"Yes. I know it's silly, but I dream about being able to travel across the sea of stars one day. Even if just to our moons. Of course I know such a thing is far beyond even the greatest [Craftsmen] and [Archmages], let alone a simple [Guardsman] like me—"

Maple put a hand on his paw and gently rubbed it.

"Awh, it's not that silly. I mean, I'm sure it'll be doable one day. And the drawing is cool, who cares if it's realistic or not?"

See you space cowboys? J/k, but it would be interesting to see the Gnoll get to space. Or Emma with her hat.

Surprisingly, I haven't missed any of the three days a week so far. Advanced notice though, I have to do some things in the second half of August and there will probably be a couple weeks with only one chapter.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.