Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

54. Gentle flow

Iruka.exe stopped working. He couldn’t believe what he had just seen. Cold sweat flowed down his back as he tried to rationalize what had just happened. A girl that for all intents and purposes should barely know how to use her chakra had used an A ranked jutsu no, that thing might as well be S rank at this point. What made it worse was that the girl just stood there, unhindered by the immense amount of chakra she had just used.  


“Hey Tomoka, stop acting” A voice suddenly brought Iruka out of his stupor. Nozomi walked next to Tomoka while saying that. Acting? Iruka couldn’t understand what she meant, that is until he saw what happened next. Nozomi gave Tomoka a slight tap on the shoulder.


‘Damit Nozomi! It was going so well!’ Tomoka couldn’t help but scream in her mind as doing so with her mouth was currently imposible. Like a puppet with her string cut, Tomoka collapsed. She would have hit the floor hard if a certain purple eyed angel hadn’t caught her.


“Is she alright?” Iruka’s mind was still in disarray, because of this his thought process was lacking. As a teacher, he should have taken action to ensure his student’s safety. However, right now he didn’t feel like a teacher.


“Yeah, she is fine, this isn’t the first time she has done something like this” Nozomi said nonchalantly as she gave Tomoka’s leg a slight kick. To tell the truth Nozomi was a bit angry with Tomoka. Every time she did something like that she was reminded of what happened four years ago. 


“I see, in that case let her rest and let's continue with the final test” Iruka decided to simply forget about it for his own sanity and move on. 


With that done, Nozomi turned around to see Tomoka receiving a lap pillow from Hinata who had a slight blush on her cheeks and a mocking grin directed at her. At that moment the Uchiha girl realized the great opportunity she had lost and given to her rival. She felt like crying but a distraction came just in time. 


Unlike before, Iruka decided to draw lots for the taijutsu test, since it consisted of one versus one matches. As names were called kids moved forward and fought till one of them either fell out of the ring, gave up, or their backs hit the floor since those were the rules. 


“Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga” The next two names were called and Naruto’s expresion paled. He had seen Hinata fighting when she got serious and it was simply scary. The gentle girl would always refuse fights even when they were simple spars because she disliked hurting others. However, there is an exception. Whenever Tomoka offered rewards the girl would become savage and merciless.  


“Erm, Hinata, did Tomoka offer you any reward?” He needed to make sure, after all he didn’t want to end up beaten black and blue. However, to his dismay the girl only gave him a sweet smile. 


“Alright, do the friendship sign” Following this the two did as told. Next they got into position and soon after the fight began. 


In an instant Hinata began sprinting towards him with determination burning in her eyes. This was all Naruto needed to see before he knew he was fucked.


 Not wasting any time he changed his form to a defensive one Tomoka had drilled into his skull through constant beatings. In the past he had felt some resentment for that, now however, he was thankful. The poor blond kid blocked and dodged as much as he could as Hinata's relentless punches and kicks assaulted him.


Iruka was once again having a hard time understanding what was going on. He knew full well that all Hyuga members practiced the gentle fist style and they were taught it from a very young age. This should apply even more to Hinata since she is the Hyuga’s clan princess. However what was currently unfolding before him was completely different from what he expected. 


The style Hinata was currently using wasn’t completely dissimilar from the gentle fist. However, it is well known that the gentle fist style has little to no moves involving the lower part of the body. On the other hand Hinata was using her lower body masterfully, weaving kicks in between punches and open palm strikes. 


Tomoka, who had recovered enough to at least sit by herself, felt proud. She had worked really hard to introduce kicks and foot work into the gentle fist. Of course, she couldn’t take full credit for it since in reality she had merely guided Hinata a little. The girl made her new gentle flow style all by herself.  


“Kick his ass Hinata and I will pamper you for a full day!” Tomoka’s sudden shout had distracted the girl for a second. That second had been long enough for Naruto to land a punch square on her face. The impact had pushed her back which almost resulted in her back impacting the floor. 


For his part, Naruto only processed Tomoka’s words after he had taken advantage of the gap which he now regretted thoroughly. He saw with trepidation as Hinata landed on her hands doing a backflip before charging back at him. 


‘Gentle flow style: flowing wrath’       



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