Chapter 2: Chapter 2
After that, the little girl go to the man's house. He said his name is Agasa Hiroshi. People usually call him Dr. Agasa. He also ask about my name, but somehow i forgot my name on the previous world. For exchange, there's name that suddenly come to my mind.
Oshino Meme.
The name sounds weird at first, but for me, i don't know why, it feels nostalgia and match for me. I don't have this body's memory, but sometimes i feel Dejavu about something. Probably that was this body's experience before he became me.
At first, since i don't know where i live, i'm planning to stay at Dr. Agasa's house for one night, but after looking at the atmosfer between that little girl and the doctor, i choose to leave.
Wandering alone at night with my umbrella surprisingly feels nice.
After walking for a while, following where my legs were guiding me, I arrived at the abandoned building. On the gate, there's written the name of the building.
"Eikou cram school"
It's four-story building that already abandoned. There's big tree on the roof. When I enter the building, the room is Messy that shows signs of neglect. Since the building was used for educational purposes, chair and table are seen scattered in the room.
But one of the room seems tidier compare to the other rooms.
So, this is where i live?
I sit on the table that is neatly arranged so I can sleep on it, take the cigar in my pocket and light it.
The first day on this world feels strange. So i come to the world of Detective Conan and find a little girl that is probably one of the main Characters on the show.
But i don't really watch this series in my previous world, so i don't know how the story going. I do know some of the main Characters and the premise of this story, but just that.
Well, i don't have to know the plot to live in this world though. That's how all of the human live. They don't know what Will happen next but still living the life. Rather, that's how people should live. So i, someone who know a bit of the "plot" of this world is an anomaly. Someone that should not exist in this world. But since i come to this world, there's should be purpose of my existence. God never make mistake. God give us choice and we are the one who choose which one. If the choice is a bad choice, then we just choose the wrong answer. It's just a bad luck. Is what i think.
Well, Let's just sleep and see what tomorrow's look like.
The next day.
When i open my eyes, the day already noon. Since i don't have phone right now with me, i can't tell the time. But looking at the sun on the sky, i can tell that it's already noon. The clock on the classroom is not working.
Since the water still on eventhough the building is abandoned, i take a shower for a bit.
After that i go out and planning to go to some restaurant and eat something, but on the way, i saw a familiar face.
It's the little girl that i picked yesterday.
Right now she's walking with other kids. One of the kid is a fat kid with triangle head. One of the kid is skinny kid and kinda tall comparing with other kids but still shorter than the fat kid. The other one is a girl with bandana on her head. There's also one kid that looks normal comparing to the other kids. The last one is a kid with glasses.
Since i saw her and she seems to saw me, i decided to approach them. I don't know the other kids so i just greet her.
"Yo, little girl. How's your body going?"
"It's better now. Thank you for the other day."
"Haha, don't worry about it." I Pat her on the head and she seems doesn't like it, "But, you sure recover fast. Just yesterday your body temperature was so high and now you have already recovered."
"Yesterday? What are you talking about? It have been a week since that day, you know?"
….what? A week? How the hell it's a week? I remember i picked her on the road yesterday, how the hell it have been a week since that day? So what? I sleep for a whole week? How!?
"Haibara, do you know this person?" The girl with the bandana on her head asks the little girl. So, her name is Haibara, huh. Now i remember. Haibara Ai. That's her name.
I also calmed down a bit from the confusion. Let's think about that matter latter
"Who the hell are you, uncle? Are you a kidnapper that Kidnap Tomoya's brother?" The fat kid suddenly said.
"Hey, Genta, it's Rude, you know?" The skinny-tall kid said.
"Haha, kid, you sure have a lot of energy. Did something good happen to you? Well, for your question, no, i'm not a kidnapper. If i am a kidnapper, this Haibara girl Will not be with you right now."
"Uncle, do you know Haibara?" Now the kid with glasses ask.
If i'm not mistaken, this child is the MC of the series right? Edogawa Conan, or Kudo Shinichi.
"Well, i do know her. But i just a person that coincidentally found her on the road and bring her to her house."
I glance to Haibara and she seems telling me to not tell Conan anything. So i just stop there and change the topic
But before i said anything, Conan seems recognize something or someone and then he ran towards the convenient store. The other kids also follow him quickly after that, but Haibara just walking slowly behind them. I also decided to follow them and see what's happening.