Oring Hunter

Page 38

However, what appeared in the young man's field of vision were just a few birds passing by the treetops by chance. These small and cute guys didn't even look at Yechen, and continued to fly towards the depths of the forest, continuing to spread their Loud singing.


Ye Chen took a deep breath in relief, but for the time being, he cut a cut on his arm with a long knife first, so that his blood slowly and orderly adhered to the edge of the blade, turning into a bright red "Blood Blade".

After that, he put away his knife, took out his pocket watch, and watched the time.

The hour and minute hands on the pocket watch stopped at six o'clock.

But when Ye Chen looked up at the sky, he found that the sun was hanging high above him, making his shadow into a circle, and the time displayed obviously had nothing to do with six o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the evening .

Could it be that this pocket watch was broken in the process of traveling through the space?

Ye Chen looked at the pocket watch for a long time, but couldn't see any problems.

Or... the time law of the Holy Light Pure Land is different from that of the Arcane Labyrinth?

Ye Chen took back the pocket watch, wondering inwardly.

But no matter what he thinks, he can't come up with a definite answer now, he can only clearly understand the fact that "pocket watches are no longer reliable".

Ye Chen temporarily put this question behind him, and wandered in the lush forest relying on his intuition.

Soon, Yechen saw countless novel creatures such as tortoises, flying squirrels, anteaters, woodpeckers, etc., chirping to add vitality and vitality to this unknown forest.

In the past, he had only seen the types of these creatures in the biological illustrations in books, but now he was able to see them with his own eyes, which surprised Yechen, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise.

Moreover, as soon as these small animals looked at Yechen, they all fled away in a hurry, and none of them would take the initiative to attack Yechen, so that Yechen was immediately immersed in a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, enjoying the long-lost breath. Calm down.

As he walked towards the heights of the forest, he considered the next plan in his mind.

It seems that he has successfully reached the Holy Light Pure Land.

However, I still don't know where the "Hunter Town" is, and how far I am from it...

That being the case, let's go to the nearest human gathering place and ask the locals.

After thinking about it, Yechen continued to walk in the forest for several hours, and then arrived at the top of a cliff with a good view.

He stood on such a high ground, looked up, and clearly saw a sea of ​​green trees, a group of rolling hills, and a broad avenue between the sea of ​​trees and the mountains.

However, even with an excellent vision, Yechen could not see any outlines that looked like villages or towns. The sea of ​​trees and mountains just covered the end of the world, silently telling Yechen the vastness of the Holy Light Pure Land Majestic.

"This is going to be difficult..."

Yechen looked at the magnificent scene in front of him, but his face was full of distress, and he couldn't help murmuring.

Even though Lyle had left Yechen a full-scale map of the Holy Light Pure Land in the Nawu handkerchief in advance, but because the pattern it depicted was too large, Yechen could not determine his position and the hunter based on what he saw in front of him. direction of the town.

Therefore, he, an outsider who was sent into the Holy Light Pure Land, is now lost in this deep mountain and old forest.

The only hope is the broad avenue that runs through the sea of ​​trees and mountains.

But Yechen didn't know where it was going, and he didn't know which direction he should go along it.

At this moment, the boy's road ahead is filled with thick fog, and he is at a loss.

Forget it, since this Kangzhuang Avenue has been opened up so spacious, the front and rear ends will definitely be connected to human gathering places, so just choose a direction to walk at that time, there will always be a way.

Yechen sighed, and was forced to make the above decision.

However, he was not in a hurry, and planned to rest on the cliff where the cool wind was blowing for a while. After all, human beings are made of flesh. In a situation like Yechen who is alone in the wild, he must pay attention to the distribution of physical strength and Replenish.

Yechen sat on a rock by the edge of the cliff, performed "space access", took out dry food and drinking water from the handkerchief, and began to enjoy a simple lunch.

While eating, Yechen also took out the diary that Lyle left him, and reviewed the content fragments that described the main points of the Holy Light Pure Land information in it again.

[Holy Light Pure Land is a circular space located within the circular area of ​​the Olympian Labyrinth. It covers an area of ​​about 500 million square kilometers and has a population of about [-] million people. The one who rules all of this is the Holy Light itself. 】

[It is believed by people as a god, and it is called "Holy God Angrinoande". It is a high-level life form far surpassing human beings. Lord of the Pure Land. 】

[At the same time, it is also an equal existence with the abyss, an incompatible relationship.People here call the body of the holy light "Holy God Angrinoande", and the body of the abyss as "Evil God Harvey Jordan". 】

[For millions of years, Harvey Jordan has been trying to infiltrate the Olympian Labyrinth and erode the interior of the Holy Light Pure Land, but he has never succeeded. Part of the reason is that the terrain of the labyrinth is changing all the time, constantly hindering Harvey Jordan The remaining part of the reason is the existence of Olympian hunters, because the latter will promptly eradicate the signs of the abyss that have penetrated into the inner circle of the maze. 】

【This is what you need to know first, Yechen. 】

Chapter 0073

[In addition, there are four main forces in the Holy Light Pure Land, which you must keep in mind. 】

[Respectively: Army of Order, Beacon of Truth, Knights of the Holy Light, and Olympian Hunters. 】

[First of all, the order army is a large-scale corps formed by a large number of ordinary human soldiers. It serves the holy god Angrinoand and maintains peace and stability in various areas in the holy light pure land, which is equivalent to the law of the holy light. Defenders Collective. 】

[Secondly, the Beacon of Truth is a college organization formed by gathering high-level intellectuals, funded by the Holy Light Central Committee, responsible for research and development of various new technologies, walking at the forefront of science, and continuously promoting the production and development of the Holy Light society . 】

[Then, the Holy Light Knight Church is a knight church built by believers who fanatically believe in the holy god Angrinoand and thus obtain the power of the holy light. its own first administrative body. 】

[The Army of Order and the Beacon of Truth are under the jurisdiction of the Knights of the Holy Light. They are responsible for formulating the laws of the Pure Land of the Holy Light, guarding the gates of the Arcane Labyrinth, eradicating any heresies that have infiltrated the Pure Land from the Labyrinth, and monitoring the actions of the Arcane Hunters. 】

[Finally, the Olympian Hunter Group is a hunter organization established by a group of sensors who have been summoned by the Olympian Labyrinth, experienced nightmares, and have since mastered the power of the Olympiad. At the same time, it is a special force that can not be directly governed by the Knights of the Holy Light, and its power is mutually restricted by it. 】

[The job of the Orion Hunter is to go deep into the Orion Labyrinth to explore the terrain with the help of the Holy Light Center, to complete the commissions and tasks about the maze in the Pure Land, and to hunt any signs of the abyss that have penetrated into the labyrinth. 】

[To sum up, Olympian hunters are experts in mazes, and all matters related to mazes in the Holy Light Pure Land must be handed over to hunters.After all, the Olympian Hunter's power comes from the maze, and he is born with a keen sense of the changes in the maze itself, so his work efficiency is naturally far superior to that of the Knights of the Holy Light.And it is precisely because of this that Angrino Ender needs Olympian hunters to prevent Harvey Jordan from infiltrating the maze. 】

Yechen was sitting on a rock on the edge of the cliff, chewing dry and tasteless dry food, while continuing to flip through the papers in the journal, his mind was constantly consolidating the memory of the forces in the Holy Light Pure Land.

However, his peripheral vision suddenly caught a change in the distant scene, which made Ye Chen's face suddenly freeze.


He couldn't help murmuring, and suddenly looked away from the journal, looking towards the source of the change.

At the end of the Kangzhuang Avenue between the forest and the mountains, at this moment, a row of sparse black shadows appeared in Yechen's field of vision one by one.

what is that?

With a puzzled expression, Ye Chen quickly took out the binoculars from his handkerchief, peered at the true face of the black shadow in the distance, and then found dozens of figures sitting on more than a dozen carriages full of goods, which seemed to be a train. The caravan of goods is now heading to the other end of Kangzhuang Avenue in an orderly manner.

Opportunity, I took the initiative to come to the door!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Yechen's face was immediately filled with surprise. He quickly deduced the speed and direction of the caravan, and observed the distance between himself and the nearest point of Kangzhuang Avenue.

After a brief estimate, the young man immediately put the dry food and drinking water in the handkerchief, and with a step on his hind legs, under the burst of abundant mystic power, he headed towards a wide bend in the Kangzhuang Avenue under the cliff. Road, run quickly.


On the spacious and flat avenue, Tang Bo, the owner of the cargo caravan, was sitting in a carriage in the middle of the team. Through the window, he was watching the lush and green forest around him, savoring the unique beauty of this primeval forest. Naturally aromatic.

A few minutes later, a fellow in the caravan who was in charge of exploring the road came to Tang Bo's window on horseback and announced to him: "Mr. Tang, the road ahead is smooth, and there are no traces of robbers ambushing, everything is fine. "

Tang Bo nodded through the window, but still responded cautiously: "Don't let your guard down, even if there are no robbers in this deep mountain forest, there may be some ferocious beasts, we are still in danger of being attacked, tell the bodyguards, Always be prepared for an attack!"

"Yes." The man bowed his head to answer, and then drove to the rear of the caravan, conveying Tang Bo's words to the others one by one.

Tang Bo sat alone in the carriage, rubbed his worried brows, and lowered his head to think.

This time, the deal is big and big...

But the hunters don't have enough manpower to escort our caravan, so I have to rely on these... ordinary people without extraordinary powers to act as bodyguards.

What should I do if I encounter some monsters that come out of the maze on the road?

Thinking of this, Tang Bo sighed involuntarily, and prayed to God.

"Don't make any trouble..."

However, just as he finished chanting this sentence, the carriage that was moving stopped abruptly, causing Tang Bo to jump forward, and his shiny bald head almost hit the wall inside the carriage.

"what happened--!?"

He poked his head out of the car window in horror, and yelled loudly at the people in front of the team, fearing that he had just finished praying, and the worries in his heart had already come true.

A moment later, a caravan boy hurried to his window on horseback.

"What happened? Someone robbed? Or was there a wild animal attack?" Tang Bo hurriedly asked the buddy.

"No... neither."

The clerk shook his head, sorted out his thoughts, and then replied with a very strange expression: "It's a young man who suddenly walked from the forest to the road and blocked our way, as if he wanted to let us Let's give him a ride..."

"Huh? Boy?"

Tang Bo was taken aback when he heard this, and asked with a blue face, "In such a desolate and remote mountain forest? How is it possible? Are you sure that he is not the agent of some gang of robbers to stop our convoy?"

The guy continued to shake his head with a weird expression.

"The bodyguards have quickly checked the surrounding situation. There are no traps or ambushes. The only person stopping the caravan is the unarmed young man. Now he is being watched by several of our bodyguards."

Tang Bo was silent for a while, then immediately pushed open the door of the carriage, jumped to the ground, and planned to go to the front to find out.

Soon, he reached the forefront of the caravan.

Then, a young man in a thin cotton shirt appeared in Tang Bo's eyes.

At this moment, several mortal bodyguards hired by Tang Bo were holding up shotguns, aiming at the young man with their pitch-black muzzles, while the latter stood there obediently, raising his hands, motionless, He showed a frightened look.

Tang Bo saw that a child really ran out of this wilderness forest. His expression froze for a while, then he hurried forward, stood behind the bodyguard, and questioned him in an unbelievable tone.

"How could you, a child like you, appear in such a place?"

The boy raised his hands and replied with a trembling voice with a timid expression: "My father and I drove to Hunter Town together a few days ago, but we encountered a mountain disaster on the way. Unfortunately, my father fell into a cliff, and it was only me One survived, waiting for rescue in this sea of ​​trees..."

Listening to the young man's trembling words, observing the young man's unarmed body and the numerous wounds on his skin, Tang Bo immediately fell silent, and he thought of his daughter who was almost the same age as the young man in his hometown far away in his mind.

The caravan owner's face changed for a while, and finally calmed down.

"So it's like this... What's your name?"

Tang Bo continued to ask the boy in a tone that was several times gentler.

"Lecky...my name is Lecky..."

The young man responded at a loss for words, exuding a weak and harmless temperament from all over his body.

Chapter 0074 Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce

"Boss, do you really want to take in this boy of unknown origin?"

A member of the caravan rode behind Tang Bo's window, looked at Yechen who was sitting opposite Tang Bo in the carriage, and then confirmed to Tang Bo with a worried expression.

"It's okay, what's so scary about an unarmed child? Concentrate on your work!"

Tang Bo waved his hand impatiently to the buddy, and after driving him away, he immediately looked at Ye Chen with a friendly face, and asked softly in a gentle tone: "Lei Qi, where are you from?"

Ye Chen, who used the pseudonym of Lai Qi, paused for a moment, and then replied timidly: "Cold Wind Village."

"Cold Wind Village..."

After hearing this, Tang Bo raised his cheeks and searched his memory for impressions of this name, but in the end he found nothing, so he asked Lai Qi curiously: "Where is the general location of the place I have never heard of? "

Lai Qi shook his head and said in a speechless voice: "In a forest in the north, it takes about a week's journey to ride here, but I can't tell you the exact location, because I have been living in the village before. It's rare for my father to take me out this time to see the world, but...but..."

Speaking of this, Reich stretched out his hands to cover his cheeks in grief, as if he was trying his best to stop his tears from flowing out.

Seeing this, Tang Bo didn't dare to ask more about what happened, so he quickly comforted Lai Qi's emotions. "Well, the world is unpredictable, but no matter what, the dead will never come back, you have to look forward..."

After hearing Tang Bo's words, Lai Qi fell into silence.

Although Lai Qi's name and background were just made up by Ye Chen at the scene, but when he recalled his statement for a while, it was somewhat similar to his real experience.

As a result, Yechen couldn't help but feel sad in his heart as he acted, which made his eyes dimmed a lot.

Seeing that Lai Qi looked very melancholy, Tang Bo immediately introduced his identity in order to divert his attention.

"Speaking of which, I haven't introduced myself yet."

"My name is Tang Bo. The caravan you are taking now comes from the Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce, and I am the boss of the Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce."

"Just now you said that you and your father originally planned to go to Hunter Town? If this is the case, it would be a coincidence, because our caravan is also heading to Hunter Town."

When Lai Qi heard this, his expression froze for a moment, and a burst of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Really?" The young man asked in a daze.

"Hehe, why did you lie to you? Olympian hunters need a lot of supplies every time they go out to the labyrinth. They are our regular customers. According to the current speed of the caravan, if there is no accident, we will be able to reach Hunter Town in the afternoon of the day after tomorrow." .” The caravan boss happily replied.

If what Tang Bo said is true, it means that Yechen can directly take this ride to Hunter Town. If this is the case, then he is lucky.

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