Original Again

Chapter 110: Go ahead! \"Cubs\"

Although these pseudo cubs are now older than himself, in terms of psychological age, Meng Jiuzhao thinks he is much older than them, so he naturally assumed the appearance of a big brother and began to comfort these little ones who left their father for the first time. Guys.

“Anyway, you can go back if you have an egg!”

This sentence is like a beacon, illuminating the road ahead of these Kantas.

Louis also nodded thoughtfully.

After Meng Jiuzhao’s inquiries, they have a clear understanding of the purpose of their trip, two words: lay eggs!

You can go home to see Dad after you lay the eggs~

For Dad! Must lay eggs! Even if you can’t give birth, you can go back if you think about it!

As a result, the upright courtship journey was vaguely distorted due to some human kindness.

Because of Meng Jiuzhao’s guidance, these sub-adult Kantas directly equated “you egg” and “see dad again”. This misunderstanding directly led to an extremely large number of egg thieves in the breeding grounds they went to this year.

Bale, you are such a sinful man!

Most of the Kantas here obviously grew up under the strict protection of their father. Although they are very big, they are still very naive and have an instinctive curiosity for new things.

As mentioned earlier, most of Kantas live alone or with cubs. In normal life, it is difficult for them to see their own kind.

The sense of tribulation connected with fate made these guys familiar with them quickly.

“My name is Jojo, thank you for the meat just now, I have never eaten meat like this before~ and what was the hot thing just now?”

Behind Meng Jiuzhao, he always seemed to be looking at Kantas who had just eaten a piece of Meng Jiuzhao’s barbecue. His appearance is ordinary, that is, his eyes are a little bigger than other Kantas, and his big eyes make him look more cute (← Bald, do you already have Kantas’s aesthetics? ==/// ).

“What you just ate was meat roasted with fire. Fire is the hot thing you said.” Meng Jiuzhao explained to him patiently. He has not been in contact with other Kantas, and is embarrassing to others in this world. He was also very curious about Tas’s life.

It can be seen from these Kantas’s questions that their lives are still very primitive, probably still to the extent that Black fed him minced meat when he was young.

“Is the honey you just brushed on the meat? That’s amazing! You can have so much honey! The honey nest I picked up will be gone after a lick!” Jojo is obviously also a sweets lover, but he is totally engaged I don’t understand how Meng Jiuzhao got a jar of honey. You must know that the ordinary Kantas’ method of eating honey is very savage. The bees here are not ordinary bees, even Kantas, being stung will hurt the dragon to death.

After listening to his question, Meng Jiuzhao again began to tell him how he kept bees and then how to collect honey… When he talked about these experiences, he inevitably mentioned his tribe, and listened to Meng Jiuzhao as if he was fascinated by him. Jojo’s big eyes were shining in his daily life.

Whenever Meng Jiuzhao explains a question, Qiao Qiao can always ask another question quickly, just like that. When Meng Jiuzhao’s thirsty announcement comes to an end, he dumbfounded and watched behind him unknowingly followed by a series of embarrassments. Tas.

That’s fine. What makes him more dumbfounded than this is: he found that he did not know when he became the forefront of this group of Kantas. He always thought he was following the team, but the fact is that this group of Kantas. Sidu is following him!

Emma-I don’t know where the blind date is, it would be a big sin to lead the wrong way.

Meng Jiuzhao gave way to the side without a trace, trying to get other Kantas to take his place. Who knows, after he gave way to the side, other Kantas actually followed him and gave way to the side.

As a result, Meng Jiuzhao found that he was still at the top of the team, a proper tour guide!

“Well… why don’t you leave?” He didn’t move, and the other Kantas didn’t move. After a while, Meng Jiuzhao had to ask his own question boredly.

Then, the Kantas behind him Qiqi said the answer he was most afraid of:

“Waiting for you to lead the way!”

“We don’t know the road, we have been following you!” As if afraid that the guilt in Meng Jiuzhao’s heart was not high enough, Qiaoqiao blinked his big eyes and raised him a little bit.

Meng Jiuzhao: Where does your confidence in me come from? I’m not so confident in myself! ! !

Meng Jiuzhao was completely embarrassed.

When he was in the Wash tribe, he was the monitor (←who was named?). Now, among this group of sub-adult Kantas, Meng Jiuzhao has become the tour guide of the kindergarten spring outing team somehow.

There is leader BUFF, that’s so shining!

Meng Jiuzhao had to bite the bullet and continue to lead the team.

In the dim world, a thin 180 cm human being walked in front, followed by a string of dinosaurs more than ten meters high. They lined up in a neat long line, slowly marching forward.

This scene looks really shocking, but it is also very harmonious.

As the team leader, Meng Jiuzhao himself is also very depressed. He really doubts whether his genes have been modified in the capsule. Why can every Kantas who sees him suddenly recognize him as their companion?

He was always worried at the beginning that he would be ostracized among the group of Kantas, and maybe he would be eaten as a snack. Although there is Louis, his claws are hard to beat the hoof!

It’s a pity that he hadn’t let his brain fill up a tragic story, and in a blink of an eye he was accepted by this group of Kantas without hesitation.

Maybe, I’m really half Kantas now? So, perhaps the “wild intuition to find a breeding ground” that Kantas should have in the legend should also have it?

He took a hard breath and felt it quietly, but unfortunately… he didn’t feel anything at all.

It seems that many of the legends are deceptive.

When none of the Kantas present had such “wild intuition”, Meng Jiuzhao could only rely on the knowledge and experience accumulated over the past two lifetimes to find a way forward for everyone.

After carefully talking to each Kantas here, he found that the breeding grounds in everyone’s memory had an amazing similarity: everyone’s impression of the breeding grounds was cold and white.

This memory fragment matches the birthplace in Meng Jiuzhao’s mind!

It seems that Kantas is indeed real estate in the extreme cold!

Regarding the memory of infancy, there is probably no one here who has a more comprehensive memory than his. Meng Jiuzhao has a complete memory of the days spent in reproduction in his infancy.

It is very cold and food is very barren. On the desolate ice field, Kantas is the only species that exists there. Although there is no food, there are no creatures that can harm the fragile cubs.

Thinking about it now, Meng Jiuzhao’s greatest feeling about there is actually two words: safety.

Also, Kantas, as the top hunter, is so fragile in the egg and cub stages. They will consider a agreed hard zone to lay eggs collectively. Thinking about it is not an incredible choice.

Meng Jiuzhao asked these Kantas about their current living environment.

“There are a lot of triceratops~ Every triceratops has a fat butt!” Qiao Qiao’s answer was really simple and clear.

Although his answer seems to have no reference value at all, Meng Jiuzhao, who is good at analyzing and summarizing, drew the conclusion that “local plants are luxuriant and water flow is abundant” from his sentence.

Triceratops are mainly vegetarian. They chase food and live in food-rich places. The barren land can’t keep them.

“There are a lot of small flowers! My name is like that my father took it~ My father said that before giving birth to me, the place where I lived was still white. After giving birth to me, the ground blossomed.” Kantas, who introduced himself by the name of Xiaohua He also actively raised his claws. He introduced the home garden in detail, and even took out a crumpled small flower bone from his backpack.

“This was picked by the nest before leaving.”

Xiaohua is obviously also a poetic Kantas. Meng Jiuzhao thanked him for the information he provided, and recommended his own Louis to him by the way, thinking that the two can hold some high-end talks in certain fields, and then…

Then he continued to analyze.

Meng Jiuzhao, who is good at analysis and summary, carefully observed the small flowers provided by Xiaohua (← good mouth orz). After such a long time, this plant only looked a little sluggish. It can be seen that it should be luxuriant before being picked. of.

It should be understood that the withering and dormancy periods of plants are gradually delayed as the dimensionality decreases. Due to daily beekeeping, Meng Jiuzhao is very sensitive to the greening period and the withering period of the plants in the mainland where he lives. When he left, there were a lot of them there. The plants have basically entered the withering period, and the flowers that Louis picks every day should be picked by him from far away.

The plants provided by Xiaohua are obviously still in their prime. According to his introduction, this plant near his home blooms almost all year round. From this, it can be inferred that the latitude of Xiaohua’s home should be very low, at least much lower than his home.

These Kantas are older than him and Louis. Through their description of the family, Meng Jiuzhao also noticed one thing, that is, the climate has indeed become warm in the past few years, but they are not what he thinks. When I came near the Cinnamon Tribe, it was earlier.

About thirty years ago, the climate began to gradually become warmer.

However, other places have become warmer, but the memories of Meng Jiuzhao’s baby days are still bitterly cold, can you think of it this way?

Maybe their first home was near the breeding ground.

Also, according to the physical strength of Black and White at that time, they couldn’t leave the breeding ground too far.

Meng Jiuzhao shrugged. He just recalled his “childhood” by the way, but what he guessed was not far from the truth.

In this way, the road to the breeding ground is a little clearer.

Cold place!

They have to follow the cold place!

Carefully discerning the situation of the plants on the ground, Meng Jiuzhao chose a direction to move forward.

The other Kantas didn’t doubt him, and they adorned Meng Jiuzhao’s and Louis’ buttocks like a group of big tails.

Regarding the matter of being a tour guide, Meng Jiuzhao was just helpless.

But his decision saved the lives of these Kantas.

Affected by the climate, the current of their ride stopped at a place where they shouldn’t. If no one can tell the way forward, these Kantas will inevitably get lost.

As a place where currents meet, the land where they are now will be completely submerged by currents in the near future. By then, no land animals can survive.

It is also this group of Kantas who should not be killed, following their petite compatriots, they are racing to steal eggs…no! On the right way to lay eggs!

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