Original Again

Chapter 100: Journey to the new world

The Vash tribe, who had escaped from the dead and survived a catastrophe, settled in this new land.

Everyone is full of hope for a new life.

Having survived such terrible natural disasters, they thought that there should be nothing to be difficult for them.

However, ideals are always full, and reality has always been skinny.

Suddenly fell from the top of the biological chain to the bottom. This gap cannot be said to be too big. On the first day of resuming hunting, they couldn’t believe their eyes!

There are huge monsters everywhere! Even the smallest monster is about the same size as most of them!

“Sita, you can marry out—” His lips trembled, and Fendi finally uttered a word after a long while.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was kicked by Sita and stepped under his feet.

It can be seen from this action that everyone today is very cautious. According to Sita’s usual practice, whenever someone makes a joke about her marriage, Sita must not hesitate to push him to the horizon. To step on the right place, it is best to even close your mouth, lest the other party scream in pain and disturb those terrible monsters.

Sita looked carefully at the huge beasts in front of her.

Oh my God—

They look a bit like Black and White, and it is obvious that they are a “race”-they are all creatures called “dinosaurs” by babies. She thought that the prototype of Black’s father was the largest she had ever seen. However, today she saw more than one monster larger than Black’s father.

The necks of those monsters are really long, and the length of their necks alone is probably longer than Fendi’s whole body—Sita stared at the closest and largest dinosaur.

Several monsters that looked exactly the same to her were moving forward slowly, pickingly eating the leaves on the roadside trees while moving forward. The seemingly lax way of advancing is actually strictly guarded. Every dinosaur stands where it should stand. Once other dinosaurs advance, the dinosaurs behind it must keep up. The distance between them is strictly unchanged, and the inside is tight. Guarding the most important members of the team.

Such big “prey”, are they really “prey”?

For a moment, Sita’s brain was blank.

At this moment, Black and White were dispatched!

The two-headed sub-adult Kantas jumped out from the nearby woods and ran straight towards the target! Their target is the huge group of dinosaurs—

The dinosaurs who were eating grass leisurely fell into a panic. At first they could barely escape according to their original formation. However, Black and White did not give them any chance to escape. The two Kantas worked closely together, and they soon Disrupting the formation of the prey, the target chosen by them is finally alone!

Next, one of them is responsible for continuing to drive away, while the other hastened his pace and blocked the escaping prey! At the moment when the prey stopped, Black bit the tail of the prey, and at the same time, Bai also attacked the neck of the prey!

The whole hunting process lasted for a very short time, and finally ended in white biting the neck of the prey.

The bitten monster wailed for a long time before taking its last breath. The blood spewed from its neck stained the entire ground.

This violent hunt shocked everyone in the Vash tribe.

This is completely a standardized hunting action that only “dinosaurs” can make. In this world where only dinosaurs are available, can they really do it?

“That is Diplodocus. It is a very large vegetarian dinosaur. They like to live in groups, and their tail is their biggest weapon.” Unknowingly, Black had turned into a human form and walked in front of them.

Sita looked carefully at the youth who came towards her.

Yes… Before you know it, Black and White are already looking like young people. They are tall and muscular. When they first came, they were obviously much shorter than themselves, but now they are more than half a head taller than themselves.

They have been together for too long, and Sita dare not say that he is the person who knows them best in the tribe-they don’t even know their prototype, how dare to say that he knows each other?

However, Sita felt that he was probably the person in the tribe who knew their human form best.

After just one glance, Theta could see the care and caution in Black’s eyes.

The young man who had just grown up had unconcealed worries in his eyes.

Are you afraid of seeing them hunting with prototypes?

Or… worry that the old folks of the Wash tribe cannot adapt to the hunting style of their new home?

Maybe there are both…

Although Black and White have grown taller and stronger, they haven’t changed at all.

They are also good and considerate children raised by the Vash tribe.

Looking at Black standing in front of her, Theta smiled so happily, and slammed her big palm on Black’s shoulder, “Before we were worried that you are not living well here, so you have become so powerful now~ ”

Seeing Theta smiled, there was a vague trace of relief in Black’s eyes: great! Sita is not afraid of them!

“Shall we eat this diplodocus for dinner today? We can go back now—”

Black tried to persuade Theta to go back with them.

In his opinion, it is natural to share prey with everyone in the Wash tribe.

Although he has never said it before, he will never forget everything when he first arrived in the Vash tribe: he will always remember the strong lair, the warm fire, and the steaming rice soup when he first arrived in the Vash tribe!

That time was the most dangerous time for their family. He and Blake had their hair removed, and several of their white teeth were broken. At that time, if they continued to be outside, let alone feeding the cubs, it is estimated that even they themselves would have died that winter long ago.

Quite a few Kantas cubs died like that, which is what Dad told them after they returned to Dad.

For Kantas cubs, hair removal and tooth replacement are the most dangerous period. 100% of Kantas cubs who do not take care of their father die at this time.

Fortunately, they followed Em to the Wash tribe.

They accepted him and provided food and shelter for him, Bai and two cubs.

It also teaches them how to hunt.

The Wash tribe is their other home.

At first, I was afraid of danger and didn’t dare to become a human form. Later, I was afraid of being afraid of others, so I didn’t dare to become Kantas’s original form.

Black had always hoped that he could continue to live with everyone in the Wash tribe, and Bai did the same.

They all negotiated, and if everyone in Vash can’t hunt, their food will be provided by the two of them.

Who knows, this proposal was immediately rejected.

“No—” Sita waved at him, “The rule of the tribe: the prey should be shared. If you can’t hunt other prey today, naturally you can only eat your diplodocus, but we haven’t started hunting yet~ how about you Know we can’t hunt it?”

“Don’t forget, who taught you and Bai’s hunting skills in the first place?”

Sita blinked slyly at him.

Everyone was booing, dragging Black and White to the middle of the team and asking them to introduce their experience, making trouble, and returning to the way they were before.

Seeing this scene, Meng Jiuzhao, who had been shrinking behind his father, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the world he lives in, people live in circles.

People of different classes live in their specific circles, and they don’t interact with circles above or below. The former cannot be reached, the latter disdains. In the continent where they used to live, no matter how great Black and White are, they are nothing more than hunting more prey than others. Even if there is a difference, it is a difference that can only gain more admiration and ours, but now—

The difference between them has changed from “more hunting” and “less hunting” to “more hunting” and “less hunting”.

This difference is very subtle.

Meng Jiuzhao fully understands what his two little fathers are struggling with these days. To be honest, he also likes everyone in the Vash tribe, and if he can, he also wants to continue living with everyone.

However, once everyone in the Wash tribe discovers this difference and is in awe of them, at that time, can everyone really still live together?

Moreover, even if everyone in the Wash tribe is willing to accept the kindness of Black and Bai and share their prey, can this relationship really last?

Unilateral efforts are not a long-term solution.

Today, everyone in the Wash tribe has quickly cheered up. They happily accept the food provided by their companions, and they do not give up their own efforts to obtain food. Self-respect and self-reliance is the best way to communicate on an equal footing.

Meng Jiuzhao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Tweet—” Beside him, Chick Louis was also relieved.

The two cubs look at me, I look at you, and happily trot with the others.

On this day, the Wash tribe hunted the first prey in another world-a spiny ankylosaurus.

The 20-meter-long diplodocus and the seven-meter-long spiny ankylosaurus were placed together, and everyone from the Wash tribe had a fragrant barbecue.

Although the world has changed, although the new world is very difficult, everyone in the Wash tribe is still together. They can share breakfast, dinner, and hunting experience together. Although the strange world is perilous, everyone is very satisfied.

Under the arrangement of the leader Thaler, they returned to their original schedule. In addition to organizing a collective hunt every day, they will also be divided into several teams. Just like the previous exploration of the brown earth continent, they will work in shifts to collect prey information and explore The surrounding environment, they adapted to this terrible world in the shortest time.

It didn’t take long for them to understand the distribution and topography of the surrounding prey more than fiercely!

“A person’s power is limited, but we have a group of people. Fear is generated because of strangeness. We conquer the strangeness and subdue fear.” -by Saler

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