
Chapter 41 Aftermath

Hearing what Lin Qingming said, Wu Zhongyuan became even more sad. He wanted to answer, but didn't know what to say.

Lin Qingming didn't wait for him to speak. After speaking, he increased the accelerator and rode his motorcycle north.

Seeing that Lin Qingming was really leaving, Wu Zhongyuan wanted to say something eagerly, but he had thousands of words in his heart, but didn't know how to speak. He just watched Lin Qingming disappear into the north alley.

Seeing that Lin Qingming was gone, Wu Zhongyuan suddenly came to his senses and used Qinggong to chase him north. After today, Lin Qingming will be on the run. The two brothers may never see each other again. There are some things that he must say to Lin Qingming. Today If you don't say it, you may never have the chance again.

But after chasing him to the alley, Wu Zhongyuan stopped. The reason why he stopped was not because he didn't see Lin Qingming, but because he suddenly thought that there were some things that would be useless even if he told Lin Qingming. He originally wanted to tell Lin Qingming his truth The origin of the crime made Lin Qingming join forces with him to find a way to return to ancient times. As long as he returns to ancient times, Lin Qingming will no longer be a prisoner.

But if you think about it carefully, this road will not work at all. The reason is very simple. If you want to maintain Huang Ping's life, you must bear high medical expenses. Lin Qingming needs to make money while evading arrest. He has no time to do anything else. of.

In the end, Wu Zhongyuan still didn't shout, but just watched Lin Qingming leave. He didn't look back until he couldn't see him anymore.

It was inevitable to feel sad, and it was inevitable to want to cry, but Wu Zhongyuan tried hard to hold it back because Lin Qingming said that men cannot cry.

The top priority was to help Lin Qingming deal with the aftermath, so he threw the crutch directly into the river. This thing was already included in Lin Qingming's hospitalization expenses.

The 200,000 yuan in his arms had to be sent to the hospital quickly. Although Lin Qingming thought that Zhao Dazhong would not call the police, he was still worried. This was life-saving money. Even if Zhao Dazhong called the police, I believe the police would not take the money from the hospital. Want to come back again.

I just wanted to take a taxi to the hospital, but I suddenly changed my mind. I returned to the south wall of Dazhong Real Estate and looked towards the reception room from my hiding place. At this time, Zhao Dazhong had not come down yet and there was no one around the reception room.

After waiting for three to five minutes, Zhao Dazhong came down and entered the reception room. He stayed in the reception room for about ten minutes, then came out and walked to his car.

The two security guards also followed out and stood at the door, waiting for Zhao Dazhong to leave before returning to the communication room.

You can't tell much from their actions, but their faces are always filled with happy smiles. Being tied up and gagged is not a pleasant thing, and it's quite shameful not to be brave enough to protect the president. Yes, the reason why the two of them laughed so happily was because they got benefits and got hush money.

This also indirectly shows that Zhao Dazhong really does not know how to call the police.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to the hospital. Director Wang was in a meeting. Wu Zhongyuan went to the inpatient department first to pay the deposit. He hesitated for a long time when paying the money. At first, he wanted to leave 20,000 yuan for Huang Ping's family. After thinking about it, he decided He changed his mind. The money was to extend Huang Ping's life and could not be used for other purposes. The Huang family was in difficulty and he could try to help.

But in the end, he still paid 180,000 yuan, just because he was about to start school, and his tuition and living expenses were problematic, and he had no ability to support the Huang family.

At five o'clock in the evening, Dean Wang returned to his office after the meeting. By this time, Wu Zhongyuan had been waiting outside his office for nearly an hour.

He came to Dean Wang for two things. One was to thank him sincerely. Dean Wang was a good person and helped him a lot. The second thing is to explain to Huang Ping. He can't always stay by Huang Ping's side.

Taking care of Huang Ping has to be entrusted to the hospital.

Dean Wang was surprised to learn that Wu Zhongyuan paid a hospitalization deposit of 180,000 yuan, but he did not ask about the origin of the money. He just reassured Wu Zhongyuan that as long as the patient's family did not give up hope, the hospital would not give up treatment.

Wu Zhongyuan wanted to take the last bus back to the village. After finishing the business, he said goodbye and left. Dean Wang got up to see him off.

"Dean Wang, what can I do for you?" Wu Zhongyuan felt really touched and helpless at this moment that he had received a favor from someone but could not repay it.

Dean Wang smiled and shook his head, "Go and do your work. Don't worry about the patients. If there are any changes or progress, we will call you as soon as possible."

Wu Zhongyuan nodded in agreement, so he could not help thanking him profusely.

At half past five, Wu Zhongyuan got on the last bus to town. Next, there was one thing he didn't want to do but had to do, which was to inform the Huang family about Huang Ping's situation.

It was already dark when we returned to the village. Wu Zhongyuan knew where Huang Ping's home was. When he arrived at the door, he hesitated for ten minutes before he bravely knocked on the door.

In rural areas, there is no need to knock on the door, just take pictures. After taking pictures, you open the door by yourself. After opening the door, you see Huang Ping's father sitting in the kitchen and lighting a fire. The Huang family is really poor. The light bulbs are all 15-watt. It's been a long time, dust has accumulated on it, and the light looks even dimmer.

When Wu Zhongyuan walked to the main room, he glanced at the east wing. The door to the east wing was open and there was a roller inside, but Huang Ping's brother was not inside.

Father Huang was in poor health and his eyesight was poor. He knew someone was coming but couldn't see clearly who it was. It wasn't until Wu Zhongyuan walked to the door that he saw him clearly. He stood up holding the stove and greeted him to come in.

During the Chinese New Year, the first thing to do when meeting someone is to wish them New Year greetings. After saying what should be said, Wu Zhongyuan stopped. He still didn't have the courage to say what he shouldn't say.

Huang's father sat in front of the stove and lit a fire. The lid of the pot was made of wood. The hot steam coming out of the pot smelled of sweet potatoes and leftovers, mixed with the damp and musty smell of the house, which was very depressing.

Not having the courage to say what he shouldn't have said, Wu Zhongyuan began to ask about the whereabouts of Shuan Zhu, who was Huang Ping's brother's nickname.

His name is Shuan Zhu. In fact, this idiot can't be tied down at all. He has been missing for several days. Huang's father is in poor health and has lung disease. The cold weather makes his condition worse. He can't go far, so he can only search nearby, but he can't find it. .

In the end, Wu Zhongyuan did not have the courage to tell the truth to this lonely old man. Huang's father was very ill and Huang Ping was his only hope. If he knew Huang Ping's true condition, he would not be able to bear such a heavy blow.

If he couldn't tell the truth, he had to lie. In desperation, Wu Zhongyuan could only lie. He only said that something happened to the boss of the factory where Huang Ping worked. Huang Ping followed other workers to work in another factory. The work in the new factory was very tiring and she had to work overtime every day. On top of that, we can’t take a holiday during the Chinese New Year. Finally, he took out the 20,000 yuan and said that Huang Ping really couldn't leave and asked him to bring her salary back.

The old man never thought that Wu Zhongyuan was lying to him. After hearing what he said, he asked suspiciously what happened to the boss of the factory. Wu Zhongyuan did not go into too much detail. He only said that Huang Ping said that something happened to the boss and what happened. He doesn't know either.

Huang's father believed it and was extremely happy with the 20,000 yuan. The Huang family had always been in embarrassment, and 20,000 yuan could do a lot of things.

Wu Zhongyuan was relieved. The workers were on vacation when Huang Ping fell. Not many people knew that she fell. However, the murder of the factory boss would definitely spread after the holiday. He disclosed the news to Huang's father in advance. Even if Father Huang heard any rumors, he wouldn't think much about it.

When the meal was ready, Huang's father invited Wu Zhongyuan to have dinner with him. Wu Zhongyuan did not refuse, hiding the heaviness in his heart and trying to pretend to be relaxed.

After dinner, Huang's father knew that his house had been demolished, so he left him to live at home.

Wu Zhongyuan wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he finally agreed. He couldn't just leave like this. He had to try to find Shuan Zhu and drag Huang's father home to prevent him from missing his daughter and going to the city to look for Huang Ping.

After clearing the dining table, Wu Zhongyuan left, went to the village canteen, bought memorial supplies, and went to the ruins of the old house to pay homage to his master.

The house is long gone, the ruins are gone, and even the big trees are gone. A resort is to be built here. This area is part of the golf course and has been planted with lawn.

Even without a reference, Wu Zhongyuan could still find the specific location of his master's grave, but instead of worshiping from nearby, he burned paper from a distance, spilled wine, and talked to himself to his master. Ask Master to bless Lin Qingming...

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