Orc Hero Story: Discovery Chronicles

Chapter 73.3

“Did you happen to meet Poplatica or Carrot?”

“Hmm? Oh no, not at all. But that’s obvious.”

Judith breathed a sigh of relief at the “obvious” response and looked around. Thunder Sonia also displayed the typical elven reactions as if to say, “See, I told you.” Nazar could only offer a wry smile.

“By the way, do you plan to meet with Poplatica and the others?”

“No, not at all. But I’d like to.”

“Oh really? Why?”

“It’s obvious. They are beautiful women. I would like to marry one of them if possible.”

The atmosphere in the conference room relaxed slightly. It seemed that even orcs could make jokes, Judith thought. However, she was the only one with a tense expression. For an orc to mention marrying a woman implied taking her, bringing her home, and making her his own. Perhaps it was an indirect way of expressing hostility toward them.

“…Sir Bash, have you found that ‘thing’ you were looking for?”

“No, not yet. But I’ve learned several things during this journey and gathered knowledge. That’s why I’ve returned to the Human Kingdom.”

“Do you mean to say you believe that ‘thing’ is here?”

“I don’t know, but I believe there’s a possibility. Fortunately, I received guidance from a sage during my journey.”

“A sage? Did you meet the Sage?”

“Yes, I met him. I want to test the teachings I received from that sage as soon as possible.”

“I see…”

On this continent, there was only one person who held the title of “Sage”. He was a human who had deciphered all scriptures, possessed vast knowledge, mastered all forms of magic, and even had dragons under his command. He was considered the smartest human, the one who had read King Demon Gediguz’s strategies when no one else could. He was the only one allowed to carry the title of “Sage”. Judith didn’t know where this Sage currently resided, but she had heard rumors that he lived around these parts. No one seemed surprised when the “Human Sage” came up in the conversation; they all seemed to know that Bash had encountered the “Human Sage”. So Judith didn’t press further.

“I understand. Thank you for sharing your story. Truly, Sir Bash, the ‘Orc Hero’, is quite fascinating.”

Throughout his story, there had been no suspicious elements in Bash’s account. If everything was an invention, then Bash had transcended the orc race into something entirely different. By this point, the likelihood of Bash conspiring with Poplatica and the others was almost nonexistent.

However… In Judith’s mind, there was a slight premonition. Is Sir Bash hiding something?

Orcs didn’t lie, but they kept secrets. Judith had encountered some orcs over the past year who kept secrets. They didn’t hide anything significant, but still… The unease she felt from those orcs and the one she felt now while listening to Bash’s story were eerily similar.

She had no evidence, only a gut feeling. It was based on the reactions she had noticed in the orcs she had spoken to over the past year.

“Well, that concludes the questions. Thank you for your time.” With that, Judith decided to bring the conversation to a close promptly. “Sir Bash, where are you heading now?”

“I’m heading to the city. There are things I need to do.”

“However, this city was once captured by orcs, so the sentiment toward your kind here is not very friendly. Handling things like food and lodging on your own could be challenging.”

“Is that so?”

“Would you like me to be your guide?” She offered.

“I would appreciate that, but are you sure it’s okay?”

“Of course.”

“In that case, let’s go. Where is Zell? I lost her along the way.”

“She’s eating in a separate room. Shall I call her?”

“Please do.”

With a signal from Judith, a fairy appeared with a flutter of wings. The fairy spoke rapidly in a manner similar to the synchronized shot of human archers, but we can overlook that. She didn’t say anything noteworthy.

“Then, please wait for a moment in the room where Lady Zell was until the preparations are made.”

“Very well.”

Bash was escorted out of the room by the soldiers. Seeing this, Thunder Sonia proudly puffed out her chest and turned to Crusader.

“Happy now? I told you! Bash is innocent, right?”

Crusader, on the other hand, seemed dissatisfied. He spoke calmly but with a hint of discontent as he responded to Thunder Sonia.

“Ending the interrogation so quickly might be premature. What is Bash looking for? What are his intentions? Are you suggesting that we simply stop questioning him without knowing these details?”

“He has no ulterior motives since he’s on a journey to restore the honor of the Orcs. Therefore, the ‘thing’ he’s searching for must be an event that can help him with his goal! Like the incident with the Orc zombies in Siwanasi Forest. All of Bash’s actions so far can be explained through that. In fact, thanks to Bash, our perception of the Orcs has changed a lot, hasn’t it? Nazar, you too, right? Crusader, when you saw how Bash responded to our questions, didn’t you also think differently?”

Crusader, despite the slightly cold look Thunder Sonia’s words gave him, ended up smiling.

“Although it’s not the first time I’ve dealt with Orcs… in fact, Bash was remarkably composed, unlike any Orc I’ve encountered before. He gave clear and confident answers. I guess I was too suspicious.”

“Yes! Bash is rational. Normally, when an Orc sees me, they drool and say something like, ‘I’m going to f̲u̲c̲k̲ you right here, gehehe,’ but he’s different.”

Thunder Sonia continued to speak enthusiastically, and Crusader chuckled softly.

“Anyway, young lady, you mentioned guiding him, but it’s your first time in this city, right?”

“Yes, it is. Please have a soldier familiar with the city assist me later. It would be helpful if they could inform me in advance about the location of the main taverns and such.”


In response to Crusader’s question, Judith replied with a serious expression.

“Well… my job here is done, and since the suspicions about Sir Bash have been cleared, I thought it would be a good opportunity to hear more of his heroic stories.”

Thunder Sonia and the others exchanged glances. In addition to the fact that Judith was blending her personal interests with her duties, there was also a clear message in their eyes: “I want to hear them too.”

“Understood. I’ll arrange for a soldier from this city to assist you.”

“Thank you,” Judith nodded.

If nothing happens, then it’s fine…

Judith was a little interested in the contents of Bash’s secret. It was a personal interest, but it was also her duty as a Knight and protector of the Humans.

She didn’t know what Bash was hiding, and maybe it had nothing to do with this incident. If revealing it here had negative consequences or led to a war between humans and orcs, it would be a disaster.

Therefore, she decided to keep Bash close and accompany him for a while longer, trying to gradually find out what he was hiding. If it turned out to be nothing significant, that would be fine. She could keep it to herself.

However, if it turned out to be something that went against the interests of the Four Races Alliance… Judith intended to report its contents to her superiors. But that would be after she let Bash leave this country.

In that case, I might lose my title as a knight… but it would be a way to repay him for when he helped me.

That’s what Judith was thinking.

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