Opposite Morals

Chapter 19

“Hello, you better have a good reason why you're here. If you lost your wallet, sorry, but can’t help you. If your boyfriend ran away again, then good for him. Looks like he grew a brain, hopefully he won’t get caught this time. If its not that, then yes, it is considered rape or sexual assault if you put your hands on a man, even if he was drunk or if you were drunk”

As I walk into the police station, a small bell sounds out with a LOUD camera zooming in on Nora and I as the officer said his….Greetings…Wow…That was not what I was expecting….It is a little...Off putting. Just what did you have to deal with to have that as your greeting here? I kind of like the guy. No bull shit and right to the point

“Good afternoon sir. I am here to clear up a misunderstanding that happened yesterday”

The officer's annoyed look glanced up at me once he heard my voice. When he saw me, his previous annoyed look changed into a big smile as he closed his book that he was reading

“Why, hey there young man. Sorry about that. You deal with a lot of…Fun and interesting women in this job. So what's your name and what misunderstanding are you clearing up?”

He then straightens up and puts his book under his desk, while taking out a blank piece of paper as he starts to write things down

“I am Levi Gold. Yesterday at school, my lover, Nora and I sneaked away from prying eyes and had some fun adult time. But she was a little bit…Aggressive and we later found out that her sister, Samantha Smith, the principal at the local high school, played a prank. Which…Caused Nora to lose her marbles and completely destroyed the principal office”

As I talk, he glances at the time, then at Nora’s embarrassed face, then at me. Before going back to the paper

“Then Nora said some things that got taken out of context. When the other teachers overheard her, they attempted to protect me by getting involved. They also informed the police with all of this too”

Right after finishing writing down everything, he looks back at me

“Ah, yes. You’ll be surprised how...Common and often this happens...Though it is usually the female explaining her self. It’s become a big issue because of some of the things Nora Smith said. Please hold for a moment while I call this in”

I nod then sit down, dragging my sexy sport teacher with me. Since we walked in here, her confident and prideful self has completely disappeared. Fear, worry, scared, concern, and other negative feelings easily show on her face. As I stare at her, I can’t help but think that she is honestly adorable. It’s like looking at a kitten leader. She shows strength and pulls her own weight, but when she can’t lead or if things are not in her control, she acts like this. I don’t blame her either, if our roles were reversed, I would be freaking out. I am in complete control of everything. I could easily ruin Samantha's and her life right now if I wanted to. Not only that, she barely knows me and based on the little information I gathered, men are dicks in this world….That's bad wording, they have a chip on their shoulders…Man don’t look at me like that Nora….You’ll bring out my…..

“Damn it cupid, stop shooting me with those FUCKING arrows!”

I can’t help but mumble as Nora's perfect face turns to me. Her eyes brimming with tears as they threaten to fall

“What was that…Levi?”

…She totally forgot about the plan. You were supposed to call me cute nicknames….Think Levi, what to do at a time like this? What would my playful dad do? Oohhhh….I know…hehehe…This will be fun

An evil smirk goes across my face as I stare at her. I think for a moment on a plan of attack. I look toward the officer who has his back turned, talking into a walkie-talkie, reading something out loud. I then glance at the video camera

“I’m not into public affection, but at times like this, it's a nut up or shut up moment”

“What was—MMMmmmmmm”

As she was talking, I grabbed her sport jacket and pulled her towards me, shoving my lips onto hers. Giving her a deep kiss full of passion as I let myself go. After giving her a soft kiss, I slowly stick my tongue out and into her mouth. As my tongue touched her lips, I felt her shudder before her mouth slightly opened. Using all my porn and kissing knowledge I have..researched....in the past 18 years, I attack the opening. My mouth gets overtaken with a sweet nectar. Then, with fear that she might bite me, I quickly escape, leaving a long strand of saliva


Without giving her a chance, I pull her closer again, stealing her lips quickly before letting go and backing away

“And that, my sexy teach, is now Levi 4, Nora, 1”

Her face is bright red as she traces her lips with her hand. Then after staring at me with a daze, I see her hazel eyes slightly change color as one of the sweetest, yet scariest smiles I have ever seen her make forms

“Well, that's embarrassing, I am the female in this relationship. And here I am, acting like a man….Plus I’m the older one too…I need to put things in order now”

“Attammmm, you two done now? Levi, please come with me. Ms. Nora, stay here, my colleague here will have you answer a few questions”

I look back at the officer as he reaches his arm out, directing me to the now open door. As I was about to get up, I felt someone grab my face, forcing me to turn before a wet, soft, and familiar sweet taste over takes my mouth. I hate to admit it, but I feel myself slightly melt into that rough hand that's holding me in place

“Haaa…I think I'm honestly going to get addicted to your taste. With that, I now have 2 points”

FUCK! Now she grew a pair of balls?!? Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to do public affection? Especially when people are clearly staring at you!!

With my face getting bright red, I quickly bolt through the door, hearing the exhausted and uncomfortable sigh behind me as the officer follows

“Please sit here. Now let me go through all the legal mumbo jumbo stuff. Everything you say will be recorded, if you lie or if there are signs of you lying, there will be consequences. Everything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law…..Haaaa…If you don’t mind, let me summarize everything. Is that okay with you?”

He looks at me with a tired face as another person walks in and double checks the recording equipment. Once they finish, I nod my head

“Yeah, I'm okay with that. I know the general idea of how this works. I have seen a lot of television criminal shows before. I know that it’s mostly fake, but I think it's generally the same thing”

“Perfect, this person here belongs to child services. The reason why she’s here is because you're still in school. Even though your technically an adult, but when it involves students, the laws get a little changed, any questions so far?”

I nod my head horizontally. I had a feeling child services would get involved. What I'm surprised to hear is that I’m considered an adult. I’m 16 or 17 right now….So does that mean you're considered an adult when you're 16? Interesting

“Alright, then please state your side on what happened”

After nodding my head, I tell the full truth, with some very minor changes that I talked with Nora about before coming here. One changes include that even though Nora came onto me, I did the same. I did kiss her after all. A second change is that we were interested in each other before this incident. Who knew that my random compliment about her hair actually gave me support? I guess me realizing that she changed her shampoo shows that I was interested in her on a more personal level. Nora knowing about the details about my memory loss also adds support to this new story. Samantha only told the staff that I had an accident, but because they are siblings, Samantha told ALL the details about my accident to Nora…..Where's my HIPAA privacy?!?! The last change was that even though Nora almost became my permanent lover, I didn’t refuse her and instead I encouraged it…..Fuck you my big dragon. You want action that badly? Shit head…Think before you act damnit!

After many, many questions about the incident, and a few trick questions later, the officer and child support person lean back into their seat

“It’s…slightly weird that their story matches up perfectly”

The officer looks at the child services person

“Really? That just tells me that they had nothing to hide”

He then gets up and stretches. As I look at the clock, I realized that it has already been 2 hours since we went into this room

“Yeah…Maybe I’m over thinking all this…”

She then writes down a few more things before asking one more quick question left field

“You never said no? Not even once?”

“No, why would I? My very attractive teacher was being aggressive. It was super sexy and hot?”

Right when I said that, I felt like I accidently let something slip, but when I looked back at the camera, the officer already turned it off….Thank god. When I look back at the child service person, she had a weird look on her face, then before she could stop herself, a question slipped out

“You like it when you get sexually assaulted? That turns you on?”

…Huh?...Why are you two looking at me like that?

“I…mean I guess? If it's someone who I am interested in and trust, then sure? It does make me…excited when I think about it”

As if they couldn't believe themselves, they look at each other before speaking

“Neverminded. That weird feeling was that he was just…a different kind of person”

She then mumbles under her breath, next to the officer’s ear

“Why would a man like getting sexually assaulted in today's society? Guess there are all kinds of people in this world”

They then look at me like I'm a FUCKING zoo animal! RUDE PEOPLE!!! RUDE!!

“Yeah…This sounds more like a kind of sex play…Next time…Try to make it more…Apparent alright?...At least it's nothing serious this time…Oops sorry, that was unprofessional”

They then write down in big words (SEX PLAY?) on the paper before escorting me out of the room, back to the front entrance. They both had weird looks as they glanced at me. What's wrong with wanting to get safely assaulted by your girlfriend?!?!? HUH?!?!? It’s super attractive and hot! On both the receiving and giving side!! If you get aggressive and your lover enjoys it, then it's a massive power trip feeling!! It’s like whatever you want sexually you will get! Whenever you want it and whatever you want it! It’s a FUCKING DREAM COME TRUE!! Then on the receiving side, knowing that your lover wants you and only you makes you feel so wanted and desired!! It's an addictive and homely feeling!!! STOP LOOKING AT ME WITH FUCKING PITY!! YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND….Well neither do I….I never had that in my past life….fuck I’m feeling depressed now…..damnit

As I enter the entrance, I hear a few people talking to each other

“Based on the recording from you three. It was nothing serious…However…”

“Yes, please don’t mind the office damage. I’ll like to solve that off the record”

“Of course, that saves us with paperwork and other headaches too…just..”

“Yeah, this isn't my first rodeo, I’ll make sure the teaching staff understands and clear up this misunderstanding”

“Great. Then all we need is Mr. Gold to formally drop the charges and all allegations”

As I overhear this, I walk through the door. In the room are a few police officers, Nora, Samantha, and a man in a suit. They all stare at me before the man in the suit starts talking

“Good afternoon Mr. Gold. I am….Well that doesn't matter. I am the public attorney of this case. Fortunately, everything seems to be a misunderstanding! All I need you to do is swear that this was all a mistake and sign a few papers. Once you sign everything, all the charges will be dropped and the destruction of school property will be handled by the involved company. Is that alright with you?”

I quickly nod my head. I want to get the hell out of here already! Police stations make me feel very uncomfortable. As I nod my head, he leads me back into the back room

“Perfect, now you just need to sign here, here, and here. To save your time, all these papers are saying that you will drop all charges, no official crime was committed, all damages will be handled off the books, and so on….Great!”

I quickly sign everything before he puts it back into his briefcase

“Now that’s all handled, I can quickly go back to my wives! I love short days like these!”

A massive smile forms on his face as he finished packing everything up, he then looks at me with an understanding smile

“And if your wondering, I completely understand your…interests”



We then walked back to the front, after getting a stern warning from the officers, Samantha, Nora, and I were set free. As we walk outside I feel two massive balls of perfect squishy happiness on my back

“Thank you so much Levi….Thanks to you my record is clean and I can keep my job!”

I hear Samantha’s voice as she gives me a tight hug…It….Feels…..Weird…..In my old life, her husband accidently killed my family, and destroyed my whole world. But they were never bad people. I have respect for her honestly. She stuck around after what happened and did the best she could to support her husband and I…..But I also can’t knock the negative feelings I have for her…..FUCK! I need to get over it Levi. She is a good woman, a good wife. Someone who deserves my respect. I don’t regret helping her. In fact I feel grateful. She was always giving and never receiving….Damn it….Just take it at face value Levi….Karma is a powerful thing….Always give out good karma….Mom was into that and I fully believe in it too. I have seen it first hand…Okay….Just enjoy this warmth

As I talk to myself, I feel my rushing emotions calm down. As I get buried in her warm hug, it suddenly hits me….

“Why was I so…confident and calm in there, yet, when it comes to Aurora, I literally can’t act?…..”

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