Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 The Evil Side of Blood

It was dark outside and the wind rustled the treetops. The sound masked many other subtle sounds, including Su Ya’s footsteps.

Finally, Su Yay came up to Ning Tao’s side, and the kitchen knife in her right hand was close to his neck.

Ning Tao suddenly turned around, clasped Su Ya by the right wrist, and yanked her into his arms. Before Su Ya could let out a scream, he covered her mouth with his left hand. At that moment, he leaned over to Su Ya’s ear and whispered, “It’s me. Be quiet.”

Su Ya went rigid, not knowing what to do. She couldn’t make out Ning Tao’s face, but she recognized his voice. She couldn’t figure out why Ning Tao was in her room at dead of night. She got nervous as she thought of them alone in this room late at night, and smelled his male hormones. Meanwhile various conjectures crossed her mind.

In this subtle and tense moment, a man suddenly appeared out of the window. He peered into the room and then stuck a wire through a gap in the middle of the window. At the end of the wire was a ring, which slipped in and caught the latch.


There was a small click and the window latch was lifted by the wire.

The man outside the window raised his hand to the window and gently pulled it open.

The man’s face appeared rather blurred in the darkness, but Ning Tao could see it clearly. In the state of looking, the man’s face was as clear as a glowing lantern, and he was Qiu Meng!

It was not hard to guess that after losing her hostage, Qiu Meng did the same trick to find Su Ya, the culprit.

Su Ya suddenly tensed up, her hand that was holding the kitchen knife shaking up.

Ning Tao took the kitchen knife from her hand and grabbed it in his own.

Ning Tao’s gesture gave Su Ya, who was still in his arms, a sense of security and her tense nerves relaxed a little.

Ning Tao held the kitchen knife and gently pushed Su Ya away. Then, with his back against the wall beside the window, he raised the kitchen knife bit by bit with his right hand.

A hand came slowly through the window, holding a gun with a silencer.

He had a gun!

In Red Star Quarry, Emma asked Ning Tao what he would do if Qiu Meng had a gun. Ning Tao didn’t answer that question then, but now he answered the question in action. Just a second after Qiu Meng’s right hand entered the room through the window, Ning Tao took the kitchen knife in his right hand and chopped it down from the top!


Suddenly there was the sound of a blade cutting through the bone, and then blood spurted!

“Ahh!” Qiu Meng shrieked, jerking his arm back, but Ning Tao had cut his right hand off his wrist!

Ning Tao got up from under the window, jumped up, and went out through the window. While he was still in the air, he had already kicked Qiu Meng in the chest with his right leg, who had just taken two steps back.


Qiu Meng got kicked off the ground and smashed into the brick wall behind him before bouncing to the ground.

Ning Tao stepped forward, raised the kitchen knife again and chopped it down.

“No!” Even Qiu Meng, a cold-blooded professional killer, was shocked by Ning Tao’s toughness. Fear flooded his every nerve.


The kitchen knife in Ning Tao’s hand hit Qiu Meng’s left knee hard. Under the sharp blade, Qiu Meng’s knee was split open, and the bones were exposed through the thin skin. There was also splattered blood and bones. What an appalling scene!

Although Su Ya, who had walked to the window, saw Ning Tao and Qiu Meng, she only saw their vague figures in the darkness, and did not see Ning Tao’s dark side. Fortunately, it was still in the darkness before dawn, or the bloody scene might have made her faint.

Hit by the knife, Qiu Meng blacked out.

“Doctor Ning, are you all right?” Su Ya’s voice was full of worry, tension and fear.

“I’m fine, he’s already subdued,” Ning Tao replied.

“I, I’ll turn the light on,” Su Ya added.

“No, don’t turn the light on,” Ning Tao hurriedly stopped her. “You stay inside.”

But…” Su Ya wanted to see Ning Tao and what was going on outside.

“Do as I say!” Ning Tao yelled at her.

Su Ya was startled and shut her mouth closely. Now Ning Tao seemed to be a different person, which made her scared.

Ning Tao also clearly sensed his change. He knew that it was due to the awakening of his evil side as a go-between of good and evil. The sense of crisis and the smell of blood awakened the evil spiritual root within him most easily. He could not control it because it was half of him.

Just when Su Ya was stunned, Ning Tao went back to the window, stood on tiptoe to reach out and pick up the broken hand that fell under the window.

Qiu Meng’s broken hand was still holding the pistol.

At this moment Su Ya suddenly strode to the bedside table, reached out and pressed the light switch.

She was never an obedient girl.

The bright light drove away the darkness and exposed everything hidden in it.

Blood, broken hand and Ning Tao who was holding the broken hand in his hand with a deadpan face like knives came into sight.

“Ah!” Su Ya shrieked. Then darkness came over her eyes and she fell black on the ground.

Ning Tao gave a sigh and said, “I told you not to turn the light on, but you didn’t listen to me. Are you satisfied now?”

This sudden change made Ning Tao change his mind. He had planned to bring the unconscious Qiu Meng to the room where director Zhou had lived to repair the bleeds, and then interrogate him and contact Emma. Now that Su Ya had passed out, there was no need for him to take Qiu Meng to director Zhou’s room. He came up with a new plan.

Ning Tao carried the comatose Qiu Meng, threw him through the window into the room before he went back into the room. Then he picked up Su Ya, who had collapsed on the floor, and put her back on the bed, covering her with a quilt. Finally, he unlocked the blood lock behind the bedside table and brought Qiu Meng in a coma, his severed hand and pistol to the Sky Clinic.

As soon as Qiu Meng arrived at the Sky Clinic, the good-evil tripod suddenly revealed a scowl and it seemed angrier than it was when Jiang Yilong came! From this alone Ning Tao could draw a conclusion that Qiu Meng had done more sins of evil intention than Jiang Yilong did!

Ning Tao put Qiu Meng on the ground, sealed the blood vessels in his wound with Sacred Needles and his spiritual power, which quickly stopped the bleeding.

The spiritual power had a therapeutic effect, and thus there was some color back in Qiu Meng’s cheeks.

Ning Tao took the ledger of bamboo slips out of his small medicine chest and placed it in Qiu Meng’s left hand.

In the process of the ledger’s diagnosis, Ning Tao secretly thought in his heart, “I hit that old man with a Sacred Needle to Nasty Diseases, and the ledger didn’t record that I committed a sin of evil intention; Tonight, Qiu Meng tried to enter Su Ya’s room with a malicious intention. What I did was to defend myself and had no malicious intention. Will the ledger give a diagnose that a prescription pact is avaiable?”

If so, there would be a great deal of sins of evil intention!

A few seconds later, Ning Tao picked up the ledger, opened it, and looked over. Then he was stunned on the spot.

There was a simple line on the ledger, “It doesn’t conform to the ways of Heaven; The prescription isn’t available.”

Instantly, Ning Tao got depressed. He was hopeful a few seconds ago that this would be another big deal, and he even theorized that it would work out—he didn’t carry evil intention when he attacked Qiu Meng, so he should be able to write a prescription pact and earn a lot of sins of evil intention out of it. He never thought such a result.

“It doesn’t conform to the ways of Heaven; The prescription isn’t available.” Ning Tao read it and a bitter smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “I see at last. As the owner of the Sky Clinic, once I take action on my own, even without any subjective evil thought, no matter how many sins of evil intention a man has, I can’t write a prescription pact, because I am only the executor of the ways of Heaven, but I can’t represent the ways of Heaven.”

In fact, if he thought about what happened to Chen Pingdao, he knew that the result was perfectly normal. If this kind of cheating method was feasible, would the powerful Chen Pingdao worry about not earning enough rent? If the good-evil rent of Sky Clinic was really so easy to earn, Chen Pingdao probably wouldn’t have bothered to lure him into signing a contract to receive the clinic.

At this moment, Qiu Meng let out a groan.

Ning Tao immediately stopped thinking about it, grabbed a clean rag and put it over Qiu Meng’s eyes. Then he tied the ends of the rag around the back of his head in a knot so as not to allow him to get rid of it or untie it easily.

With Qiu Meng’s eyes covered, Ning Tao pressed his philtrum.

“Hem!” Qiu Meng woke up. Unable to see, he subconsciously raised his hand to remove the rag from his eyes. But the moment his broken wrist touched the rag, he felt a sharp pain. Then he realized that his right hand had been cut off from his wrist!

“Behave yourself, or I’ll cut off your other hand,” Ning Tao threatened in a cold tone.

“It’s you!” Qiu Meng recognized Ning Tao’s voice. With his left hand pressing the ground, he heaved his waist upward and then sat up from the ground.

However, before he could make another move, Ning Tao kicked him in the chest.


Qiu Meng’s back hit the ground hard, and the shock and pain nearly knocked him out again. But he didn’t give up. He tried to sit up again. Unfortunately, the move just now seemed to have exhausted all his little strength, leaving him powerless. Yet it was still remarkable for him to sit up after so much blood loss.

Ning Tao took a step and put one foot on Qiu Meng’s left hand.

“Whew! Whew!” Qiu Meng gasped in pain, but refrained from screaming.

“I have a few questions for you. Answer me truthfully. If you dare lie, I will let you live a living hell!” Ning Tao said coldly.

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