Online games have evolved from wild monsters to the strongest villains

Chapter 884

The biggest disadvantage of such spells is that they have no effect.

Can't attack, can't defend.

Even the stability of the entire level 4 spell structure depends entirely on the arrangement itself.

It must be guided by the user to give these magic powers, so that these magic powers can play a real role.

On the opposite fortress, the magic barrier and defensive curse have been constructed.

Seeing this scene, the players' expectations for Liu Shuai's spells were not so high.

There are hundreds of thousands of demons to be represented on the opposite side, and more than 2 mages.

Could it be that so many mages can't stop one of your spells?
So anyone with a discerning eye can see that the effect of this spell may be smaller than expected.

Reasonable dark guild members and players in the live broadcast room have already discussed it.

"It seems that this time the Great God's pretense is about to fail."

"It's also inevitable."

"The preparation time required for this spell is too long, and the preparation time for others is also very long. It's completely tasteless!"

"No matter how powerful this spell is, it cannot work."

"One person's strength cannot crush the overall situation."

"How do you know that the Great God will definitely fail? Maybe this one spell can send the entire fortress to the sky?"

"Ha ha."

"If you have the ability, you can also release this powerful spell!"

"Don't talk about it, we really don't need to discuss about an cheater, we just need to watch the show and eat melons."

No matter how many miracles Liu Shuai has created in the past, there are some common senses that cannot be violated.

One against ten thousand can exist.

However, there are certain restrictions.

Liu Shuai has killed tens of thousands of players, but that doesn't mean he can compete head-on with tens of thousands of players.

Relying on the speed that the players couldn't see clearly, he mingled directly among the player group, using the player's figure as a cover and shield, abruptly turning a group battle into a wheel battle.

How about a head-on counterbalance?

200 mages released meteor fire rain at the same time, and they were able to kill the Great God and Instantly by means of range damage.

The current situation is also a positive confrontation.

If a person's spells are powerful enough to compete against the enemies of the entire fortress, then why do they need to ban spells?
The emergence of forbidden spells is because people have limits.

A person cannot break the limit, and he is not even qualified to touch the limit.

With the help of everyone's power, it can't be touched.

However, Liu Shuai touched it.

He seemed to understand that the so-called limit was not just the superposition of power, but something more important.

Because of this, he has more confidence in releasing the legendary spell today.

Liu Shuai used the magic scepter in his hand as a medium, and guided by his own thoughts, to direct the magic power hovering around. The magic elements in the magic circle, under his guidance, converged in an orderly manner towards the top of his head.

A black fireball was burning above his head.

The black flame seemed to be able to devour even light. When the players raised their heads, they felt a black hole appeared in their retinas. People couldn't help but look away, not daring to look directly at the sky.

Some players also kindly reminded:

"Never look up at the sky."

After being reminded by a kind player, other players looked up at the sky one after another.

"Fuck! What is this?"

"My eyes are going blind."

"This visual effect is too exaggerated."

"Where did the boss learn spells?"

"What spell is this?"

"Is there such an exaggerated spell? Is the dragon language magic really so strong?"

"Are we really playing the same game?"

"It should be outdated to say such a question!"

"I think this question can be raised again, because you will continue to doubt life so much in the future."

Although the players who looked up complained endlessly, they were still very excited.

Not everyone can witness such a shocking scene with their own eyes.

The players were very excited, but Liu Shuai felt a little bitter in his heart.

It's a little too big for pretense.

When he tried to control all the magic power and gathered it above his head, he found that there was only so much he could control.

Even with the scepter of the God of Law as an aid, directing these magical powers cannot be done like a finger, but it seems extremely sluggish.

It's like stirring a vat.

It is extremely difficult to move forward.

In other words, this fireball cannot be used to hit people.

What can a fireball that cannot be used to hit people be used for?

As a result, the magic power is constantly gathering, gathering
Ning Meng raised her head and looked thoughtfully at the black fireball in the sky.

She had a faint feeling that Liu Shuai must have played off this time.

It should be difficult to control such a large fireball.

However, she doesn't know what to do?
The most sensible choice is - turn around and run.

In case the fireball erupts suddenly, none of the members of the Dark Guild present would be able to escape.

Leaving here now, there should be a glimmer of hope.

But she didn't do that.

If she was here, she would show her distrust of Liu Shuai, which would have a great impact on the entire Dark Guild.

"I hope you can succeed!"

"Hurry up and move!"

Liu Shuai shouted loudly in his heart, the fallen angel's wings behind him, the magic power continuously poured into the magic scepter, and was absorbed by the black fireball.

The magic power in the body is decreasing, the magic power of the book of darkness is also decreasing, and the black fireball is getting stronger and stronger.

But there is no way to start it.

What he wants is to smash this fireball on the top of the fortress, no matter whether it can break through the defense of the forbidden spell, at least it must be successfully launched!

But what is the situation now?
Even moving the position of the fireball is very difficult.

"I still misjudged, is the most difficult part of legendary spells?"

Liu Shuai felt a little desperate in his heart. He thought that the most difficult part of this legendary spell should be the structure of the runes, as well as the guidance and formation of the magic power. To such a conundrum.

Control of formed spells.

Without setting the trajectory of the magic attack in advance, now I can't do anything with this fireball.

"No, it must be successful!"

Thinking of so many people watching around, and thinking that many people must have opened the live broadcast room, Liu Shuai felt boundless motivation in his heart.

If the pretense fails, why not die socially?
Even in order not to die, you have to pretend to be forced.

Liu Shuai's thoughts communicated with the Book of Darkness held in his left hand, and the phantom of a super-large dragon appeared in the sky.

The whole body of this giant dragon is shiny black, and the front of his huge mouth is facing this black fireball.

Like a giant dragon with a black orb in its mouth.

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