Online games have evolved from wild monsters to the strongest villains

Chapter 864 Fierce Battle

In the anticipation of the players, the first batch of kobolds launched an attack on the NPC.

But the result disappointed the players.

Although there is a kobold shaman army, but in front of the NPC mage group, the kobold shaman army does not occupy much advantage. In the magic duel, the kobold shaman is obviously inferior to the NPC mage group.

Even if they use the strategy of hitting them halfway, and attack them before all the NPC mages have teleported over, the NPCs are not defenseless against such tactics.

Although there are few mages sent by the NPC, they are blessed by the powerful buff of the mage group, which is much stronger than the kobolds.

In the first round of firefights, it was mainly the mage's remote fireworks.

Kobolds are mainly based on fire and frost attributes.

In fact, Liu Shuai can also let the kobolds use the dark extinction formation, but in order to maintain the character design, he is still stable.

Anyway, he didn't expect a round of bombing to end the battle.

That is too underestimating the power of the mage tower.

Some players who were used as cannon fodder turned into scum directly under the bombardment of this spell, but the NPCs and kobolds did not have many casualties.

After the first round of spell exchange, the magic power of both sides has been consumed a lot, and there are not many forbidden spells that can be used.

So the rough-skinned and thick-skinned kobolds, who were ordered by Liu Shuai to resist magic, directly pressed the army.

After the spell duel, the NPC legion still had some magic power to spare, and some magicians from the mage tower arrived, even if they didn't have time to form a formation to release the forbidden spell, the power of ordinary spells caused heavy casualties to the kobolds.

"The buff of the mage tower is really strong."

Seeing his army of kobolds being harvested by magic in this way, Liu Shuai couldn't help feeling a headache.

In fact, the NPC is not exaggerating. After obtaining the mage tower, the war in Tianjie Mountain can almost be declared over.

With such a powerful buff, it's hard to lose.

What Liu Shuai hopes is to reap more benefits.

Liu Shuai took out some props from the wild monster mall, and the kobolds bravely charged the enemy.

Even if the first round of attack resulted in the sacrifice of hundreds of kobolds, the kobolds still went on and on.

The kobold leaders in charge of each legion were given a three-piece set of beast god bone, beast god battle flag and beast god armor by Liu Shuai.

After opening at the same time, the kobolds became even crazier.

The increase in combat effectiveness also concealed the weakening of kobold casualties.

And Liu Shuai spent another 1.5w reputation to exchange for a [horn of the beast god], which once again increased the combat effectiveness of the wild monster army.

However, it is still not the opponent of those NPCs.

That is to reduce some casualties.

As long as those NPCs are not killed, they can be revived by the nanny.

Therefore, after Liu Shuai superimposed the combat power of the wild monster army to the limit, the situation was still difficult.

Seeing this scene, the players were stunned.

"What did I see?"

"The kobold actually confronted the NPC head-on?"

"Ye Qing knot!"

"Kobolds fight with NPCs. Shouldn't the kobolds rely on their IQ to crush the NPCs and hang them up to fight?"

"These are the only kobold tactics?"

"Is this the legendary poor donkey?"

"It should be a poor dog's head!"

"Someone come on!"

"Kobolds must win!"

The players were supposed to be on the side of the NPC, but seeing this scene, the players felt a little disappointed.

After all, the previous NPC's actions have disappointed players time and time again.

Now players would like to see the NPC being rubbed against the ground by the kobold again, and then the great god descends from the sky to save the situation.

But unexpectedly, these kobolds chose to attack by force.

Also suffered heavy casualties under the suppression of the NPC mage group.

Some players even cheered on the kobolds through the screen.

Such a scene is as ridiculous as it is, but the player's sand sculpture thinking can never be deduced according to common sense.

Perhaps encouraged by the players, the kobolds fought more fiercely.

When the kobolds in the front row suffered casualties, a teleportation array would appear in the back row, and then a large number of kobolds appeared.

Because these kobolds have all been registered on the Heroic Monument.

After death, as long as you consume a certain amount of magic power, you can be resurrected in the monument of heroes, and then quickly teleported over.

Due to the distance, the cost of teleportation is very low.

The magic power of natural recovery is enough to support it.

Even if dozens of wild monsters are summoned at the same time, they can still use the magic power in the dungeon to support their consumption.

Although Liu Shuai's speed of absorbing magic power from the dungeon has slowed down a bit, the total amount of magic power that can be absorbed has increased a lot.

The consumption of supporting the Heroic Monument can still last for a long time.

So this battle is a battle of attrition for Liu Shuai.

After 10 minutes of hard fighting, the cumulative number of kobold casualties has exceeded 2, but there are still more than 1 kobolds charging forward one after another.

On the other hand, on the NPC side, after experiencing the initial embarrassment, the current defensive battle is more than sufficient.

If it weren't for these kobolds who are as strong as chicken blood, they would have been bulldozed by them long ago.

After 10 minutes, the last wave of teleportation was launched.

100 mages who have obtained a powerful buff came here through the teleportation array.

This is the strongest group of mages in NPC.

Seeing this scene, the players felt very sorry, and some players even waved their fists to cheer for the kobolds.

"It's over, the kobold is dead."

"Hold on!"

"Kobolds come on, don't give up."

"Be sure to defeat the evil NPC."

Liu Shuai: "."

It has to be said that it is very difficult to predict the behavior of sand sculpture players.

However, if these players are just shouting to let them join hands with the kobolds to deal with NPCs, they still can't do it.

After all, most of their missions and the acquisition of equipment medicines come from NPCs.

Although there are quite a few casual professional players, but with the existence of NPCs, casual professional players cannot raise their prices casually.

There are also some players, seeing that the NPCs have the upper hand, they fight with the NPCs, trying to see if they can get a few heads.

Emotional tendencies cannot affect their pursuit of interests.

Liu Shuai didn't mind this either.

In his original plan, he didn't expect the player to be of any help. He regarded the player as an imaginary enemy.

When all the NPC legions had assembled successfully and were preparing to launch a major counterattack against the kobolds, 60 magic summoning arrays appeared around Liu Shuai at the same time, and then 60 vampires appeared from the summoning arrays.

There are also some kobold shamans who have lost their disguise and reverted to vampires, and their equipment has changed rapidly.

In an instant, there were more than 300 vampires in the field.

In the middle of the vampires is a legendary vampire grand duke with a golden name on his head.

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