Online Game: My Theft SSS Class

Chapter 171 The Illusion Of Being Safe And Sound? Familiar Pitfalls

The loud eagle cry rang in the ears of everyone.

Chen Ming's eyes were suddenly dyed with a touch of gold!

in the dense fog.

This touch of gold is extraordinarily dazzling!

"Fuck, the boss is so handsome!"

"What kind of skill is this?! Golden pupil?!"

"Hey...Golden Eyes? Why does it sound so familiar..."

Everyone was talking.

Obviously, yesterday's heavy price did not make everyone lose confidence.

This shows that Brother Gang's post-war counseling work is well done.

Soon, everyone walked in the fog for four or five minutes.

along the way.

Didn't encounter any trouble.

Either way, this is a good thing.

But Chen Ming couldn't help frowning...

"There's something wrong with that."

The concentric state was always on, and Susu, who was hovering on Chen Ming's shoulders, also nodded.

"That's right... the monsters here are gone!"


So quiet!

The last time Susu and Chen Ming came to Dusk Forest, monsters were rampant.

Whether it is the outer fog wolf.

Or the shadow bird in the inner circle.

They are like lingering shadows.

Hiding in the thick fog all the time.

Always ready to give Chen Ming and others a fatal blow!

But this time.

They go all the way.

There are no creatures in it!

"Could it be... the last time Altaïr made a move, he also killed the fog wolf on the periphery?!"

It's not impossible.

After all, Altaïr himself said that he stole the essence of life in the thick fog.

These thick fogs are the reason why the shadow birds live, and it is also the reason why the shadow birds mutate into shadow birds.

The thick fog was affected by the big boss Altaïr.

The fog wolf on the periphery will change... It seems that it is not impossible.

With this idea.

Chen Ming was suspicious all the way, all the way forward.

As people go deeper and deeper.

The fog also became more intense.

And this time.

Everyone in the Jiuzhongtian Guild has somewhat relaxed their vigilance.

After all, after walking in the thick fog for ten minutes, nothing happened.

This is really unnerving.

Many people have already started talking and laughing.

Even looking around curiously in the forest, touching and looking around.

It's a very thorough implementation of the mentality of playing games.

Chen Ming didn't blame them either.

After all, along the way...and I did not encounter any trouble.

Just as Chen Ming became more and more certain, the creatures inside, accompanied by a shot from Altaïr, completely cut off all the ways of life and disappeared without a trace...


A player in the Jiuzhongtian Guild opened his mouth in doubt.

"what is this?"

While speaking, he looked up at the trees above his head.

The trees were in the fog, and most of the canopy was hidden.

But some parts still show up.

And the part of the branch that appeared slightly, turned out to have a round crystal, which was slightly shimmering with light...

Very very unremarkable.

That is to say, this guy is too relaxed, and even treats this mission as an outing, so that he can see this inconspicuous little thing when he looks up.

He immediately made a small jump, stretched out his hand, and took off the small crystal.

His actions immediately attracted the interest of those around him.

Everyone looked over curiously.

This person is not shy, and after studying for a while, he shook his head bluntly, "I don't understand, let's take a look."

Saying that, he shared that thing on the guild channel.

【Mist Wolf Crystal Core】

Everyone looked over immediately.

Discuss at length.

However, in the end, there was no reason to discuss it.

And their heated discussion finally attracted Chen Ming's attention.

He opened the chat log and looked at it.


His eyes widened suddenly.

Fog Wolf Crystal Core! ! !

If it was normal, he would not be surprised.


At this moment.

They had been walking in the Dusk Forest for ten minutes.

But nothing was seen.

However in this case...

But suddenly a fog wolf crystal nucleus appeared!

This can only mean one thing...

That is the fog wolf, and it has not completely disappeared.

Chen Ming's previous analysis was not correct!

And in this case...

They walked all the way, and didn't notice the appearance of any fog wolf, there was only one possibility.

That is the fog wolf here, who has already been wiped out by others!

And that group of people is not far from themselves!

It may be the kung fu of the front and rear feet!

Think of this answer.

Chen Ming suddenly felt goosebumps.

"Where did you find it?!"

Chen Ming immediately asked.

The kid obviously didn't expect that his remarks would attract Chen Ming's attention, and quickly answered Chen Ming nervously.

found in a tree? !

Chen Ming looked up subconsciously.

The fog rolled.

Blocks most of the canopy.

Chen Ming couldn't see why.


It was at this time.


A player from the Nine Heavens Guild screamed.

Chen Ming looked over subconsciously.

Only then did he realize that he seemed to be grabbed by a strange force, and was pulled towards the sky at once!

Head upside down!

"What the hell?!"

Chen Ming immediately pulled out the dagger at his waist, ready to rescue the player.

But he was standing at the forefront of the team after all, about ten meters away from the player who encountered the accident.

Far cannot quench near thirst.

Can't catch up!

But, at this time.

Mrs. Shazi made her move!

She wielded a giant sword that was as big as a human and leaped away!

"Where is the evildoer, hide his head and show his tail!"

She roared angrily.

The forearm exploded with a thousand strength.

He even threw the giant sword out!


Between the flying swords.

Pass by the player who was caught!

Only a crisp crack was heard.

The strange force that grabbed the player seemed to be broken, and he immediately fell to the ground.

That's when everyone suddenly found out.

It turned out that the player was not caught by some invisible force...

He simply stepped on a trap made by a rope.


Such news did not reassure everyone.

on the contrary.

Everyone showed a solemn expression.



These two keywords made everyone think uncontrollably of the ambush in the canyon yesterday...

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