Online game: Confession of love to a noble daughter at the beginning

Chapter 282

The huge three-color magic power burst out from the mouth of the giant beast that covered the sky and the sun.

The rolling dark clouds and surging waves cut a huge gully.

The violent magic power seemed to transform into the anger of the world at this moment, suddenly lifting the ground deep in the ocean.

The earth shattered and the clouds reversed.

The air fell into endless stagnation, leaving only energy suppressed together, completely penetrating the entire space into a huge passage.

The vast formation chanted by countless mages completely expanded, and the exquisite and complicated patterns and runes intertwined with each other.

Thousands of magic powers gurgled towards the center of the formation, and the heavy magic power gathered, falling dazzling white light downwards, constantly tilting the magic power.

At this moment, the formation reversed, completely draining the magic power in all the mages.

The attack transformed by natural energy seemed to break up the whole world.

The different colored lights were chaotically expanding, and a dark void appeared in the center, like a black star swallowing everything.

The heavy clouds and ocean that were originally split into two halves were now completely swallowed by the void.

The surrounding sea area of ​​100 miles seemed to have been dug out of thin air into a huge pit.

Dozal and Relais couldn't even resist. The next second, the energy with a destructive breath swallowed the two disasters.

Even the natural bird that was observing the battlefield disappeared under this terrifying attack and was submerged in the boundless void.

The people who were concentrating on observing this battle stared at the light blue screen, but the next second, the whole screen became erratic.

After a glimmer of light, the whole screen was occupied by darkness, and it was completely cut off from the Padarenbu Sea.

People stared at the dark screen for a few seconds, and then became extremely depressed.

They beat their chests and stamped their feet, extremely dissatisfied.

What's the follow-up! Why is there no follow-up!

At that moment.

Heim Horn looked at the white light and acted very calm.

"Sure enough."

"【Judgment of Stripping All Things】, this title, really-"

That's right.

The next second, the white light roared, as if swallowing up his voice.

The world fell into complete silence, and even the roar could not be heard in his ears.

Even the sound of the wind and the beating of the heart seemed to have never existed.

The passage of time became extremely slow, the light pierced into the eye membrane, and the warmth that seemed to be bright gradually buried everyone completely.

The heavy and terrifying momentum filled the whole world.

It seemed that every inch of soil and every inch of skin became twisted and shriveled in this chaotic ocean.

Everything fell into a sea of ​​shock, as if the inside of all things was filled with this terrible oppression.

Finally-the rain stopped.

The sky of the whole world seemed to be blown apart. In an instant, the land became extremely pure and peaceful.

The sky was clear.

The gentle breeze accompanied by the warm spring light shone on everyone's face.

The mages stretched out their hands to block their eyes and saw the dazzling sunlight.

They were still alive.

After recovering from the shock, the mages looked towards the center of the ocean.

A huge gap was hollowed out in the entire sea area.

It was bottomless.

The energy finally broke through the limit, and even the sea forest could no longer resist it.

The terrifying magic power still remained in the entire sea area, floating lightly like clouds.

The heavy and chaotic elemental magic power seemed to disappear in this sea area in an instant.

The surrounding seawater continued to rush towards the huge deep pit, as if to fill it completely, but the abyss was only injected into the ocean current, and the sea surface did not rise.

The seawater was hollowed out?

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them and felt a little shocked.

For a moment, they could only respond with silence.

What kind of magic was that just now?

Perhaps... only the user himself knows.

Countless wizards looked towards the center of the sea.

That was where Victor was originally,

And now, Victor and the blonde girl have all disappeared.

Looking at the place where Victor disappeared, Duke Levi's mood became a mess.

Sometimes he was worried, sometimes he was relieved.


Somewhere in Padarumbu Island.

It seemed that this place was created out of thin air by mysterious magic, and it seemed peaceful and stable in this noisy ocean.

Even the crabs were still pushing the sand and crawling towards the surging ocean.

Heni stood on the island, her wide black robe fluttering in the sea breeze.

She stood on the towering rock, looking into the distance.

From the moment the Water Disaster was summoned, she had already leftThe destroyed Sea City.

When the fierce white light suddenly lit up in the distance, it seemed as if the whole world had lost its color.

"Is it over?"

The voice murmured, with a little complexity in Heni's eyes.

She saw the professor's battle, which was very exciting.

Heni thought she had helped the professor and was very happy.

However, when she saw Erica also appear, Heni was completely confused.

She saw that Erica fought side by side with the professor and released the powerful and amazing magic together.

Speaking again, she asked with a hint of confusion:

"Mr. Crocodile... Do I need to atone for my sins?"

She used the mechanism of the Sea City to sacrifice all the people of the Sea who had to obey orders.

Although they were forced to live in the Sea City with the nutrients of the water disaster, their existence was no different from death.

But this was different.

Because of what she did, they accelerated their death.

Even after death, the souls of these sea dwellers could not rest in peace.

They were forced to become tools, emitting the last trace of their souls.

However, in fact, Heni did not regret it.

She still remembered what the little fish city lord said, and knew what those people did before their death.

They polluted the sea, deserved their sins, and died without regret.

However, their death was after all through Heni's hands.

At this time, Heni's heart was not calm at all,

Even her body was trembling slightly.

But Professor Victor needed her to do this.

Only through sacrifice can the incarnation of the ocean be summoned, and only sacrifice can help the professor.

For the professor, she extinguished the fire of 100,000 lives with her own hands.

Although she was extremely scared, but...

If there was another time, she would still choose this way.

At this time, Mr. Crocodile spoke, breaking the silence with a deep voice:

"I must say, this time."

"You are better than I expected."

Hernie was stunned:


She stood there, letting the sea breeze blow her hair.

A red-scaled crocodile sat quietly behind Hernie, its huge scarlet claws stroking its belly.

It has not returned since it came out, and has been in the comfortable outside world for a long time, very happy.

It has not been so long since it stayed outside comfortably, and even wanted to wander into the sea for a turn.

It is a pity that Lightton is so full that he doesn't want to move at all now.

The anger generated by the battle between the disasters, as an emotion, has also turned into Lightton's food.

Lightton found that he was so lucky to be a member of the Cravenner family and work for Victor.

Besides being well fed, it also felt very comfortable with a girl like Heni who seemed weak but was very friendly to the devil.

There was only one thing that made Lightton a little dissatisfied.

Victor did not allow it to kill people at will.

But after this period of time, as a demon with wisdom, Lightton also understood a rule.

In the current human society, humans cannot be killed at will.

And not only Victor, but even the object it possessed, Heni, was too gentle.

So this time, Heni sent away 100,000 people, which made Lightton applaud.

Lightton spit and said fiercely:

"I have said it a long time ago that in this world, if you don't like someone, you can just hit him directly if you want to. There are no so many reasons at all!"

"Hey, but...but..."

"Because your fist is hard enough!"

Before Heni finished speaking, Lightton interrupted directly.

Its fierce voice continued to sound:

"As a demon, the most important thing is to do whatever you want."

"Don't be so wronged anymore!!"

Hernie was slightly startled, feeling a little confused:


Lighton seemed a little impatient and opened his huge mouth.

"Remember, little girl."

"In this world, no one will talk about an obedient child."

It lowered its head and lay down, like a real crocodile.

But it was not like that. Instead, it spoke human words, and there was even some obvious temptation in its tone.

"Obedient children will not get candy."


"Sure enough, you are really like what the professor said."

The moment the voice sounded, the crocodile was stunned, and its two torch-like eyes widened.

But Hernie suddenly laughed at this time, and her smile was particularly intoxicating in the warm sunshine.

"Every demon is good at tempting people."

"Therefore, the professor taught me that I must be vigilant against the words of you demons and stick to my heart."

After the words fell,Heni put one hand on the button of her black robe, and pulled it hard, and the robe slipped down.

The robe fell on the sea surface and was soaked by the waves.

Heni put her hand behind her neck, lifted her hair, and shook her head, showing a majestic and elegant demeanor.

Her beauty was like a bonfire under the night sky, flaming up, overflowing from her body, and spreading around.

The bright amber eyes looked into the distance, and the light of expectation was hidden in the brightness, just like the stars, deep and dazzling.

"Your bewitching effect seems to be quite good."

The crocodile looked behind Heni and was a little dazed.

It could feel that Heni seemed to have some special desire in her heart.

"I have killed even 100,000 people."

She smiled gently, and her golden eyes reflected the brilliant sea.

The smile at the corner of her mouth was like a sharp scimitar, deeply imprinted in the depths of the world.

She tilted her head, smiled gently, and looked up at the golden sea. The corners of her mouth seemed to have turned into a sharp scimitar, piercing the heart of the world.

The dark and wide robe seemed to slowly move away along her gaze until it was swept away and drowned by the surging ocean.

"Why can't I try--"

"Be a bad boy?"



Third-level magician

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