Online game: Confession of love to a noble daughter at the beginning

Chapter 273

The sea area of ​​Padalumbu has experienced a whole day of chaos.

The vast ocean is still overturning wildly, and the accumulated lava is boiling in the chaos.

Layers of dark clouds are shrouded in rainstorms, and the crazy air waves seem to tear the entire sky apart, gathering thicker and thicker, as if collapsing into the ocean.

Lava rises from the center of the ocean, forming black rock pillars that go straight into the sky, as if supporting the crumbling sky.

Flames continue to overflow from Gulerton's feet, rushing towards the black waves that are shaken around Dozal's body.

A white steaming mist once again fills the field surrounded by vines.

Looking from above, through the thick white fog, you can vaguely see that at this time, the sea area is like a flame and a huge wave of rainstorms fighting each other.

Gulerton's red body is stained with red scars.

The lava on his body turned into hard obsidian, which was falling off under the heavy rain, and the pieces of debris kept hitting the scorched earth under his feet.

Several dry wounds flashed on Dozal's body.

The blue fluorescence flowed into the ocean like blood, and the waves of water splashed and hit the obsidian pillars, making a dull roar.

Victor squinted his eyes and looked at Dozal with some wounds on his body.

After a whole day of fighting, its health value.

dropped by 15%.

This is Dozal in the ocean. It is absolutely difficult to defeat it without leaving its home court.

Of course, Victor has not made a move yet.

At this time, Dozal swung his body wildly.

It stared at the top of Gulerton's head, extremely angry.

After a day of attack and defense, Dozal finally realized.

Compared with Gulerton, Victor standing on top of it is more troublesome.

It dived into the ocean, sneaking quickly under the cover of the rainstorm.

The violent storm became extremely chaotic at this time, and the waves gradually reversed wildly from all sides and completely rushed into the thick dark clouds.

The bean-sized raindrops gradually stopped, and instead, a terrifying heavy water cannon was replaced.

The water cannon burst down from the sky with terrifying ripples and rushed straight towards Victor.

At that moment, the windbreaker behind Victor danced wildly, and the red lines quickly began to spread between the gullies on the windbreaker.

The tail of the windbreaker seemed to be burning with a crazy flame, tightly surrounding Victor.

The next moment, Victor raised his head and looked at the rapidly attacking water cannon, and a fierce red flashed across his eyes:

[Fourth-level magic: Prison of Blazing Fire Phoenix]

The magic circle was instantly generated, and countless red rotating formations were immediately ignited around Victor.

The formations combined with each other, the lines changed rapidly, and a red phoenix slowly formed in the center of the huge formation.

In this gloomy world, this huge red formation seemed like a sun hanging in the air, completely engulfing everything.

The red lines quickly began to bloom in the air, as if everything was burning in Victor's hands.

Countless raindrops kept hitting the high-temperature formation, quickly turning into misty and invisible water vapor, and suddenly disappeared.

The formation disappeared, leaving only a flame barrier like a scorching sun that completely isolated everything.

The flames continued to spread in the air, and countless sharp red energy turned into silk threads circling around Victor.

The terrifying high temperature has distorted the space, and the red formation fire illuminated the sky and the earth, and the ripples of the waves were clearly visible.

Dozal, who was sinking under the ocean, felt the extreme high temperature coming from above, and roared a huge whale cry.


The next moment, the ocean instantly formed a huge vortex, spinning rapidly around Gulerton.

Dozal gradually revealed a ferocious face, as if a violent storm was brewing on the sea.

Heavy water cannons penetrated the rain curtain and poured down on Victor fiercely.

However, the moment they touched the protective barrier that was like a red cover falling from the sky, they all melted like frost and evaporated instantly.

Casting fire magic on Gulerton's head doubled the effect.

Those water cannons that were blocked outside were not completely resisted, but reunited after being untangled.

Rebounded again in a purer energy form, rushing straight towards Victor.

Hitting the red protective barrier, a bright spark of stars burst out.



The violent airflow suddenly burst from above, transformed into a sky-high tide, surging around.

The raging air waves hit the vines, causing the standing tree wall to sway unsteadily.

When the wind calmed down, the sky was filled with a rain of fire, and the flames that shone like stars streaked across the night sky like golden rainbows.Arc.

Victor's eyes were on Dozal who had emerged from the sea, and he squinted his eyes.

He saw it clearly.

Dozal wanted to gather water elements, stir up a storm, and blow Guldun completely into the ocean.

Victor raised his staff and suddenly took all the thousands of fire rains in the air into his arms.

The red fluorescence mixed with the majestic pressure of the magic ocean.

[Fourth-level magic: sunset fire rain]

The thousands of fire rains turned into lava stars all over the sky, pouring down with the crazy rainstorm.

The hot flames mixed with the high-temperature steaming heat waves mixed with the rain of the storm quickly hit Dozal's scarred body.

The moment it touched Dozal, the originally blue ocean suddenly turned into a red light, as if the whole space was burning.

The explosion and air waves rotated rapidly, and the terrifying power began to explode rapidly here.

Faced with such powerful magic, Dozal immediately interrupted the gathering of water elements and turned over to dive into the sea.

But the dynamic vortex did not stop.

The entire ocean spun at high speed and completely merged with the crazy airflow.

Dozal's figure gradually disappeared, and Victor squinted his eyes and stared at a place in the ocean.

Above Dozal's head, its blood bar had dropped by 20%.

And once the blood volume of the disaster was attacked to this extent, it meant.


From the depths of the seabed, an amazing whale cry sounded.

Along with a faint blue light reflected on the seabed, two amazing lights spread out from the seabed.

Those were Dozal's eyes.

Countless faint blue stripes gradually attached to its body, and the grooves of its body lines glowed slightly.

Compared with before, the body gradually became slender.

Then, the body swam at high speed and broke through the sea surface again, leaping into the air.

The azure body was completely covered with countless flashing blue lines.

Gathered under the two giant eyes that looked like light bulbs, it was so majestic.

The terrifying sense of oppression spread throughout the sea, and the surrounding rain and waves were violent again.

And this time, they could not stop.

The second stage of Dozal.

[Source of Tides]

However, under this amazing sense of oppression, Victor just looked at Dozal calmly after the transformation was completed.

Smiled faintly:

"Not bad, but..."

He raised his staff, and the next second, the terrifying lines gradually formed behind the violent windbreaker.

The lines spread rapidly, and the extremely high temperature flame element was spreading towards Gulerton's body.

"We have it too."

The moment the voice fell,

The obsidian on Gulerton's body suddenly shattered into dust.

The flames on his body gradually began to condense, and the red energy began to collide wildly, turning into lava all over his body.

Red lines also began to emerge on his body, and terrifying magic power merged into it.

The vast scorched earth under his feet was also completely ignited, and the hot flames seemed to be constantly extending outward, trying to engulf the entire ocean.

Above the dark clouds, a scorching sun seemed to break through the clouds, shining with golden light.

The two disasters fully demonstrated their full power, and the chaotic and majestic breaths continued to collide with each other.

The sky and the earth lost their color, and all things were silent.

The waves were crazy and lifted the world, but the lava completely stopped the manic things.

In the ocean, countless creatures felt panic.

They were immersed in the sea, and even hiding in the sea water to breathe seemed to have become an extremely difficult thing.

"Victor, it's almost done."

At this time, Vega's voice sounded in Victor's ears.

Above its head, the drop of water gradually became dim.

Obviously before that, it was still bright.

Hearing Vega's words, the red windbreaker behind Victor kept swinging with the frenzied heat wave.

He looked at Dozal hanging in the air and said calmly.

"It seems that you don't have much time."

Almost the moment the voice fell, a bright blue light suddenly appeared in Vega's eyes.

At the same time, blue light burst out of Victor's eyes at the same time.

[Link successful! ]

Feeling the majestic magic power filling in his body, Victor picked up the staff and raised it to the sky.

Buzz-buzz-buzz-! ! !

Countless mysterious magic array sounds rose behind Victor, and the next second, the huge heterochromatic array that stretched for hundreds of miles was fully unfolded.

Ten thousand lines were completely intertwined to form a huge magic net, which completely linked countless arrays together.

Countless runes, like densely packed souls, gathered around Victor.

The formation seemed to cover half of the ocean.for terror.

High temperature and heat continued to rise around Victor.

In the abnormal movement, Victor's voice sounded slowly.

"The sin of dry creatures, the terrifying existence of quiet rain."

"The world poured haze into the sky, chaos and resentment turned into red roars, everything turned upside down, and the sky and the earth lost their color."

"Despair emerged here, and I exist here."

The terrifying magic power kept gathering in Victor's body, and on the staff, red magic power continued to overflow.

Several different colored formations were now completely inlaid with more exquisite formations.

This is the formation within the formation.

At this moment, it seemed that everyone had sensed something.

Erica and a group of crew members looked up and saw the amazing net woven in the air.

Levi, who turned into a stream of water, wandered in the water. At that moment, he felt the amazing magic power coming from the sky.

Heilnarson stopped swimming, and at the same time, the mermaid councillor who followed him also stopped behind her.

She looked up at the sky, and her eyes suddenly widened.

"Wait a minute, this, this is..."

"War magic!?"

She had heard that a new member had recently joined the parliament.

A madman who liked to use war magic to bombard frequently!

Finally, the sky suddenly lost all its colors.

The earth was shaking wildly, and the entire ocean seemed to be boiling, completely covered with white foam.

Above the bright sun, a scorching flame burst out, passing through the thick clouds and rushing completely to the ocean.

Victor looked at Dozal, who was about to be shrouded in white light, and his tone was calm.

"Then, let's start with one."

"My favorite appetizer."

[Super Fourth-level War Magic: Naraku's Grief and Fierce Light]

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