One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 417 The three forces rush into the battlefield and many people appear! (2-in-1)

"A rider with the fruit ability?"

"Lieutenant General Brugueras?!"

He said something about the old woman in the air, and her words made Kuzan even more shocked. As one of the commanders in this war, Kuzan memorized the personal information of his opponent's generals before setting off.

However, he could confirm that Lieutenant General Brugulath's name did not appear among the generals who accompanied the team on this expedition.

The navies participating in this war are all of the Mesozoic generation, basically between 20 and 50 years old. The only frontline commander over fifty is He He.

Suddenly there was an extra person in the team, and Kuzan couldn't help but think about it.

In the air, Prometheus caught Big Mom, who had fallen unconscious from the air. After trying to wake up Big Mom to no avail, the two Homies, Prometheus and Napoleon, couldn't help but become impatient and quickly took Big Mom away. Want to get out of the battlefield.

But how could the Navy miss such a great opportunity?

Lieutenant General Brugulath, who controlled Zeus with his fruit power, saw Prometheus quickly fleeing with Big Mom, and patted Zeus's body gently. Then Zeus's body was not controlled by his own will. He followed up in pursuit.

He glanced at Kuzan's slightly strange expression, then raised his head and looked at the figures chasing each other in the air. After explaining, he urged:

"Our Navy is more or less familiar with Big Mom's Devil Fruit abilities."

"It is only natural to dispatch capable veterans for this war."

"Lieutenant General Brugueras is a good friend of mine. He has long been relegated to the second line. This time he went to sea because I was the one who brought him here."

"Kuzan, don't think too much, hurry up and finish the work, Big Mom will be taken away soon!"

During Kuzan's delay, the flying Prometheus had already rushed out a long distance with Big Mom, while Zeus seemed to be flying very slowly due to the release of a large amount of energy.

The pursuing figure of Lieutenant General Brugueras was quickly pulled away by Prometheus.

At the same time, the changes in the port location also attracted the attention of the pirate legions in the distance. The pirates who were originally afraid of being involved in Big Mom's attack found that Big Mom was inexplicably hit by a thunderous thunder and fell from the cloud. They also realized that something was wrong and rushed towards the port.

Several of the pirates quickly passed by their companions and rushed towards Prometheus.


Kuzan also knew that now was not the time to continue asking Lieutenant General He, so he nodded slightly, and after answering, his body suddenly turned into a ball of ice mist, and rushed towards Prometheus in the air.

"MAMA, wake up!"

"That guy Zeus rebelled, and that strange navy is after him!"

"MAMA, wake up! Something bad is going on!!"

Prometheus and Napoleon flew rapidly in the direction of the pirates, calling Big Mom constantly along the way, hoping to wake up Big Mom.

But the calls of the two Homitz were of no use at all. Behind them, a group of cyan ice mist chased quickly, and in an instant, it was behind Prometheus.

Then, without Prometheus or Napoleon being aware of it, he quickly passed over them and arrived in front of them.

At the same time, Kuzan's figure quickly condensed in mid-air in front of Prometheus. The frozen gloves attached to Kuzan's hands. Kuzan, who had condensed out, directly punched the unsuspecting opponent. on the head of Prometheus.

"Boom!!!" Kuzan's attack not only used the power of the frozen fruit, but also attached powerful domineering energy. He knocked Prometheus away with just one punch.

Prometheus, Napoleon, and Big Mom fell directly from the sky and fell towards the ice field below.

As Big Mom's generous body freely fell and hit the ice sheet, the ice sheet that was frozen extremely thick couldn't help but be shocked.

Big Mom's body smashed a giant ice hole several meters deep on the ice field, and Prometheus and Napoleon were scattered in two directions and fell to the ground.

Kuzan took advantage of the victory and pursued, with no intention of capturing Big Mom alive. His figure exploded rapidly in the air again, and he quickly pursued Big Mom who fell into the ice field.

Kuzan swooped down, and the four fingers of his right hand were brought together to form a knife-like shape. The Ice Fist that was attached to his hand a second ago underwent a huge change in shape at this moment, as if it had turned into a knife. Kuzan held the sharp ice sword firmly in his hand and stabbed Big Mom in the pit.

It was obviously unrealistic for the unsuspecting Big Mom to block Kuzan's attack. If the sword had struck hard, Big Mom might have suffered heavy damage even if he had not died.

Kuzan's figure fell rapidly. Just when he was about to rush into the ice cave to assassinate Big Mom, two majestic biscuit soldiers suddenly flew out, directly raised their shields, and smashed Kuzan in mid-air.

It seemed like a simple shield attack, but it blocked Kuzan's path, and Kuzan could obviously detect that the shields of these two biscuit soldiers were equipped with powerful armed domineering energy.

Facing this sudden interception, Kuzan frowned slightly. Just as he was about to elementally pass through the defense line of the two biscuit soldiers, he suddenly felt a very powerful aura approaching quickly from behind, forming a shield attack with these biscuit soldiers. The trend of encirclement.

Kuzan wasn't given any time to think, his body reacted earlier than his brain.

Kuzan, who was falling rapidly, suddenly turned to one side and quickly blocked with the dagger in his hand.

Compared to the Biscuit Soldier's shield attack, Kuzan felt that the attack from behind was more powerful.


The moment he swung his sword to block, there was a golden sound in the air, and a black trident was firmly blocked in front of Kuzan. The fork tip was only a few centimeters away from Kuzan's head.


The next second, Kuzan's back hit the biscuit shield, and a huge force came from behind, making Kuzan's breathing stagnant and the strength of his arms loose.

The trident overwhelmed Kuzan's ice sword and stabbed down quickly, but after Kuzan blocked it, he already had enough time to dodge with elementalization.

Kuzan's body suddenly turned into a ball of ice mist and disappeared.

The targetless trident directly pierced the two biscuit shields, and the shields suddenly shattered under the attack of the trident.

"Did you avoid it?!"

Seeing that the attack failed, Katakuri, who was holding the trident in one hand, murmured and took advantage of the force of the shock to jump up. He stood on the edge of the ice cave and looked towards the other side.

There, Kuzan, who had escaped in elemental form, was slowly condensing his figure, frowning as he looked at Katakuri who broke into the battlefield at this time.


At the same time, there was a soft sound from behind Kuzan. Kuzan turned his head slightly and saw Krick, holding a long sword, who had also come behind him, looking at his back with vigilance. back.

Feeling the powerful aura exuding from Katakuri and Klikka, Kuzan frowned even deeper.


With a secret thought in his mind, Kuzan lowered his head slightly and glanced at the ice cave directly in front, and activated the ability of the frozen fruit directly.

A trace of cold air was emanating from the ice field, and as Kuzan used his frozen fruit ability, the entrance of the ice cave created by Big Mom was shrinking rapidly. Kuzan planned to temporarily freeze Big Mom in the ice. It is impossible for the other party to escape from his ability in such a state.


At this moment, an anxious cry came from a distance, and a tall figure quickly fell from the air and rushed directly into the ice cave before the ice cave entrance was completely closed.

Kuzan noticed the other party's figure, but had no intention of stopping him.

If you want to spend some time with BIG MOM, then go!

The entrance to the ice cave was completely covered by solid ice, as if the cave had never appeared before. It was only then that Kuzan looked at Katakuri and Klicka carefully, and slowly raised his hand.

The moment Kuzan revealed his intention to attack, the ice field under Katakuri and Kricka's feet seemed to come alive. The frost on the ground unknowingly slipped from the soles of their boots. It spread, as if intending to freeze the two of them directly on the ice field.

However, Katakuri and Krick's reaction speed was also very fast. They used their Haki and quickly raised their legs to break away.

But when the two feet stepped on the ice sheet again, the frost began to spread from the soles of the boots towards their bodies. It was meaningless to break free in a short time.

"Is this the power of the natural devil fruit, the frozen fruit?"

"Really troublesome ability."

Kricka kept taking small steps with his feet, not daring to stand still on the ice sheet, and Katakuri was the same. Both of them felt the difficulty of Kuzan's ability, and their expressions darkened.

Kuzan glanced at Katakuri and Kricka, and said calmly:

"Second son."

"Ten sons."

"From the moment you set foot on this ice field, you have fallen into my control!"

When Kuzan spoke, a burst of cold air came out of his mouth, and his whole body gave Katakuri and Kricka a very powerful feeling.

However, Katakuri had no intention of talking to him. Facing the terrifying Kuzan, he lowered his head slightly, looked at the ice in front of him, and curled up the corners of his mouth.

"Admiral Aokiji!"

"You look so confident. Do you think your navy will win?"

"What I want to tell you is"

"We, the Big Mom Pirates, have never lost!"

As if in response to Katakuri's words, the ice field beneath their feet began to tremble slightly. The next second, a flash of fiery red was suddenly reflected in the blue ice beneath their feet.

In Kuzan's slightly stunned eyes, a huge force suddenly came out from under the ice, and the ice field under his feet suddenly exploded.

Thick water vapor surged out of the cave the moment the ice sheet was broken open, and the terrifying high temperature suddenly raised the ambient temperature by dozens of degrees.

At the same time, a young man with orange hair grabbed Big Mom's body with both hands and leaped out of the cave.

Kuzan looked intently and recognized the young man who came out of the ice with Big Mom.

Big Mom's fourth son, Charlotte Irving, a user with the hot fruit ability.

After seeing the person clearly, Kuzan finally understood how the other person escaped from the ice.

Charlotte Owen's domineering ability is obviously incomparable to someone like Katakuri. With his domineering power, it is simply impossible to break such an ice layer.

But if the other party is a user with the hot fruit ability, then everything will make sense again!

Big Mom's huge body was placed on the ice sheet by Owen. Prometheus, who had been knocked away by Kuzan before, quickly came over and gently lifted Big Mom's body, floating in mid-air. Owen and others stared at Kuzan.

At the same time, more and more pirates were coming here. Shortly after Katakuri, the three brothers Cracker and Owen arrived, reinforcements from the Big Mom Pirates joined to target Ku. Zan's siege.

Big Mom's third son, Charlotte Daifuku, a user with the ability to transpire fruit, joins the battlefield.

As BIG MOM's subordinates arrived in large numbers, the navy also entered the battle state of boarding battle. Teams of navy armed with sharp blades and muskets descended from the warships in groups. Under the leadership of generals at all levels, He rushed towards the pirates.

The two sides gathered on the vast ice field. Soon, the port of Coco Island was filled with shouts of killing. The golden sound of weapons clashing, the screams of humans being attacked, and the sound of guns and cannons rang out on the battlefield. .

From the moment the war actually began, people died, or were dying, every moment.

Kuzan, surrounded by Katakuri and others, had no time to distract himself from taking care of his subordinates. The pressure he had to face was not small. None of the cadres of the Big Mom Pirates were easy to deal with. .

"Navy, you need to pay for what you have done!"

Katakuri raised the trident in Kuzan's direction and said coldly. As his words fell, Dafu, Klik and others also slowly surrounded Kuzan.

The war is about to break out.

Among the clouds thousands of meters away from Coco Island, a slender warship broke through the clouds and flew below the clouds.

In the direction of the bow of the warship, Mihawk was holding a telescope in his hand, leaning over to look at the Coco Island battlefield in the distance.

When he saw Kuzan surrounded by Big Mom's sons and Big Mom's huge body lying on the ice field, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Kuzan was able to defeat Big Mom so quickly, which surprised Mihawk.

Mihawk's judgment on the situation of the navy and pirates before the war was that the navy was 3 and the pirates were 7.

The navy without a general in charge is simply missing one person. Their combat effectiveness has actually been greatly weakened.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan knew about this, Yixiao also knew about it, and Sakaski himself also knew about it.

However, Jiguo Yuanyi did not want to let Sakaski leave just like this, so he and Yixiao Yi planned to let the new navy "fill in" part of the missing strength of the navy.

When Yixiao learned about Ji Guoyuanyi's intentions, he immediately drove the warships over, but now it seems that before they arrived, a war had already broken out on Coco Island.

"With a smile, it looks like Big Mom was defeated."

"The situation of the battle is a little different from what we expected at the beginning."

"What do we do next?"

Mihawk looked at the telescope for a long time, then turned sideways and asked Yixiao beside him.

Their new navy judged that after the navy lost a general, Big Mom would become the biggest resistance to the navy. However, they did not expect that the new navy performed very well and actually defeated Big Mom in advance.

The plan had changed, and Mihawk couldn't help but ask his partners for their opinions.

After hearing Mihawk's words, a smile appeared on Yixiao's face and he said with a smile:

"The best thing to do is to sit back and watch."

"But Enichi said that we need to fill the vacancy of General Akainu."

"No matter what the war situation is, the vacancy in the Navy is real."

"We also join the battlefield!"

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