One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 397 An adult ceremony prepared in advance! (2-in-1)

In the forests of Mount Kolbo, Garp waved his "sandbag-sized fist" wantonly, regardless of the mood of his two children.

From time to time, loud roars would be heard in the forest. Under Garp's attack, the dense forest soon became a mess, and the broken trees fell to the ground.

Under Garp's threat, Ace and Sabo kept moving and dodging in the forest. Their movements were so agile that it was impossible to tell that they were just children under ten years old.

Not only are their dodge movements quick and proficient, but they also grasp Garp's attack intentions very accurately. Although there is an element of Garp's deliberately letting off steam, in Tsukuni Enichi's opinion, the talents of Ace and Sabo are already as high as Far superior to others.

The new navy that succeeded Guoyuanyi also adopted many orphans. After receiving the favor and education of the new navy, those children often became the reserve forces of the new navy at the age of fifteen or sixteen. In Dressrosa, Continuing his studies at the Naval Academy.

It is not until they reach adulthood that those students will be added to the army.

Enichi Tsukuni once inspected the naval academy managed by Koushiro Shigetsuki. It was probably impossible for the best talents in it to reach this level at the age of Ace and Sabo.

Ordinary people who trained for two or three years would never have the abilities that Ace and Sabo have now.

After all, not everyone can possess a "time weapon" like Kirby and can work two hundred times harder than our own navy.

Although Garp's methods of training children are not obvious, it has to be said that Ace and Sabo have grown very well under his hands and have very strong abilities.

"Don't just avoid it!"

"Men living on the sea will always encounter enemies stronger than themselves. Faced with such an opponent, does it mean that you can only run away?"

"Observe your opponent's attacks and look for their weaknesses!"

"You must learn to use your brain. Only in this way can you defeat opponents who are stronger than yourself."

"Can running last a lifetime?"

In the forest, Garp's figure fell from the sky and hit Ace. Ace seemed to have noticed it, and while jumping back to dodge quickly, he looked back at Garp who had fallen to the ground, and fled in a hurry.

After seeing Ace's escape, Garp shouted with a grin.

"I never said I wanted to be a navy!"

"What I want is-"


A loud shout suddenly came from behind Garp. Sabo's figure suddenly flew out from behind a broken tree stump not far behind Garp. He held the steel pipe high in his hand and hit Garp on the back.

"Asshole old man, you fell into a trap!!"

At the same time as Sabo made a sneak attack, a bright smile suddenly appeared on Ace's face as he ran away. He turned the long knife in his hand slightly, with the back of the knife facing downwards. He immediately turned around and accelerated towards Garp, swinging the knife fiercely. It hit Garp's knee.

This sudden scene made Garp slightly stunned. The next second, Garp quickly stretched out his hand.

Sabo felt that his eyes suddenly flashed, and Garp's figure was already close to him. At the same time, he reached out and grabbed Sabo's steel pipe.

Sabo felt a huge force coming from his arm, dragging him quickly back to the ground. The next second, a crisp golden roar sounded from the clearing. Garp grabbed the steel pipe with one hand and blocked Ace's attack.


Ace and Sabo both shouted at the same time when they saw this scene, but before they had time to react, Garp threw Sabo on top of Ace.


After a muffled sound, Sabo's body pressed against Ace's, and the two children flew out and fell to the ground.


"Kid, we're still far away!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ace and Sabo both covered their heads and got up from the ground. The fall just now was really not light, and the two children were thrown to pieces. Garp looked at the two disgraced children and let out a cheerful cry. laughter.

The two children Ace and Sabo are actually very "wild". They can often hunt in primeval forests like Mount Kolbo without adult supervision, which shows the terrifying abilities of the two children.

Moreover, the two brothers who grew up together have a good understanding of each other and are very thoughtful, which makes Garp very satisfied.

Of course, the most important thing is the kindness of these two children.

Sabo who sneak-attacked him could obviously aim at the back of his head, which was more vulnerable to defense, and Ace could obviously use a blade when attacking him, but neither of these two children chose to do so, which shows the character of these two children.

Compared with the so-called combat talents, Garp hopes that these two children have such kind hearts, and only such people can bring something different to the navy.

He didn't want the children he taught to be ruthless killing machines.

"Let's stop here for today's training."

"I'm hungry!"

"You two guys, prepare your own food for tonight!"

Garp looked at Ace and Sabo not far away, stretched out his fingers to pick their noses and ordered, without any sense of guilt as an adult when ordering the two children.


"Hey, old man, you are an adult!"

"Even if I have to prepare dinner, you should be the one to prepare it, right?!"

When Ace heard what Garp said, he couldn't help but asked angrily.

"This is also training."

"Do you still need adults to prepare food for you when you go to sea?"

Faced with Ace's question, Garp replied nonchalantly. Hearing his words, Ace and Sabo couldn't help but look at each other, and then sighed in unison.

In fact, this is not the first time they have experienced the waywardness of an old kid named Garp.

Garp glanced at the two children, with a bright smile on his face, and then said with a smile: "Don't worry, you only need to prepare your own share."

Garp said, flicking the boogers on his fingertips, resting his head on his hands and leaving the clearing. Upon seeing this, Ace and Sabo looked at each other and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They have seen Garp's appetite, and it is not easy to get such a large prey.

If they just prepare their own part, they won't have any pressure at all.

Mount Colpo is rich in natural resources, with a large number of small and medium-sized herbivores and medium- and large-sized carnivores.

Ace and Sabo were experienced in hunting. Following the animal tracks, they tracked down a foraging goat in less than an hour. Without saying a word, Ace quickly drew out the long knife in his hand, and the sharp blade was steady. It was firmly inserted into the goat's body, and the nearly 100 kilogram goat fell down in response.

Then Ace and Sabo skinned the goat on the spot, removed the internal organs, wrapped the meat in fur and hurried back to the camp.

When the two returned to the camp, Garp was leaning on the corpse of a beast the size of a small elephant, chatting with a red-haired young man.

Seeing the two children returning with the prey on their shoulders, Garp smiled and praised: "Yo?"

"Very capable!"


With that said, Garp pointed at the red-haired young man beside him and continued towards Ace: "Ace, this guy came to see you."

At this time, both Ace and Sabo had abandoned their prey and looked at the red-haired young man next to Garp with some surprise.

This young man is none other than Jiguo Enichi.

Ace grew up in Dressrosa since he was a child, and is familiar with Yui Yunyi. Sabo also spent some time with Yui Yunyi, so he is no stranger to Yuanyi.

"Lujiu asked me to come and see you."

Ji Guoyuan waved to Ace and said with a smile. Hearing his mother's name from Enichi Tsukuni, Ace couldn't help but get excited and quickly asked: "Mom, is she okay?!"

"I heard about Dressrosa."

Before Ace could finish speaking, Jiguo Yuanyi interrupted with a smile: "Your worries are unnecessary."

"Lujiu is a teacher at the Naval Academy. There will be no problem under Koushiro."

"I'm coming here this time mainly because I want to ask you if you want to go back to Dressrosa?"

After Kunoyuan left Elegia, he did not immediately rush back to the new world. Instead, he came back to Goa Kingdom specifically for a visit. The main purpose was for the two children Ace and Sabo.

The New Navy has gradually stabilized, and after Dressrosa was attacked by Doflamingo's group, he has completely stood by Enichi Tsukuni's side.

For a long time to come, the new navy will enter a period of accumulating energy, and Jiguo Enichi plans to take advantage of that time to cultivate the younger generation.

Ace and Sabo, who have outstanding talents, are naturally the ones that Jiguo Enichi plans to train.

"Back to Dressrosa?"

Hearing Tsukuni Enichi's words, not only Ace was in a daze, but Sabo and Garp were also in a daze. On Sabo's face, after hearing the news, his face darkened obviously and he felt a little disappointed.

"Yes, back to Dressrosa, not only you, but also Sabo."

"If Sabo wants, let's go to the New World together."

"Don't worry about life matters, I will be your guardian."

Jiguo Enichi knew very well what kind of situation Sabo was in, and the change in Sabo's expression was also noticed by Jiguo Enichi. Naturally, he would not ignore the thoughts in this child's head.

"Boy, what are you talking about to yourself?!"

"I just didn't hear you say that your purpose here was to take these two children away!"

After hearing Enichi Tsukuni's words, before Ace and Sabo expressed their opinions, Garp took the lead in shouting, looked at Enichi Tsukuni with a serious face, and said loudly:

"These two boys can't follow you. They will become excellent navy personnel in the future."

"How can I hang out with a wanted criminal like you!"

"I disagree!"

Seeing Garp's huge reaction, Ji Guoyuan was not surprised at all. After Roger's death, Garp actually took a back seat. After Ryu and Tsukikuni left the navy one after another, Garp's mentality actually collapsed.

Over the years, he has focused his attention on Ace and Luffy. Once he has time off during the holidays, he will return to the East China Sea. He has high hopes for these children, hoping that these children can inherit his mantle. .

Garp is not optimistic about Long's revolutionary army and the new navy following Guoyuanyi. From the very beginning, he was not optimistic!

He didn't want kids like Ace and Sabo to continue jumping into the "fire pit" of Stepkuni Enichi.

"After returning to Dressrosa, I will let Koushiro train the two of them personally to lay a solid foundation."

"When they get older, I will personally teach them how to fight."

"I was able to develop them into really good Marines."

"If I let Lieutenant General Garp train you, I'm afraid these two children will take detours."

Ji Guoyuan said with a smile.


"You bastards choose the path!"

"What does it have to do with me?!"

"These two guys have been taking detours since the very beginning!!!"

Garp was stepped on by Ji Guoyuan and said angrily.

"But it can become stronger, can't it?"

Jiguo Enichi had no intention of denying it. After all, no matter how beautiful he said it, he and his new navy were "criminals" in the eyes of most people in the world. There is no way to argue with this no matter what.

While Enichi Tsukuni and Garp were arguing about the stay of their two children, Ace looked at Sabo and then looked up at Enichi Tsukuni and said loudly:

"Mr. Jiguo!"

"I don't want to go back to Dressrosa."

"I want to stay here!"

Ace made a noise, and both Enichi Tsukuni and Garp turned to look at Ace. After hearing Ace's words for the first time, Jiguo Enichi was still a little surprised. He looked at Ace quietly and waited for the next step.

“I want to see a different world with my own eyes!”

"In Dressrosa, my mother protected me so well that I couldn't become stronger!"

"Even the naval school you founded!"

"You will definitely not train us like the old man. If that's the case, when will we be able to be independent?"

People in this world are generally precocious. Ace is very smart, and he is Lujiu's son. When he was a child, he would often go to the naval academy with his mother.

He felt that the training at the Naval Academy was too "dogmatic" and he didn't like it. There was no reason why, it was just that his heart told him not to live like that.

The training method of the Naval Academy cannot be said to be the most suitable for Ace and Sabo, but it can only be said to be suitable for the vast majority of ordinary people. The way of cultivating geniuses naturally requires some changes.

Enichi Tsukuni wanted Koshiro to train Ace and Sabo himself, but now it seems that Ace did not fully understand Enichi Tsukuni's words. He didn't know that having Koshiro train him personally was completely different from going to the naval school. of.

It's just that Jiguo Enichi didn't mean to explain. From Ace's expression, Jiguo Enichi also saw something else.

Ace didn't want to leave Sabo behind.

For Sabo, the Kingdom of Goa is his hometown. Living in Mount Colpo, Sabo survives by relying on his own abilities. But after going to Dressrosa, Saab became "depending on others".

Different living environments have different mentality.

Although Ace was young, he was very thoughtful. He saw the reluctance in Sabo's eyes and rejected Enichi Tsukuni outright.

"I see."

Lowering his eyebrows slightly, Ji Guoyuan thought to himself, smiled and shook his head.

"In that case, I won't force you."

"Where's Sabo? Do you want to come with me? I will train you into a powerful 'new' navy."

Although he already had the answer in his heart, Enichi Tsukuni still deliberately asked more questions. He didn't want Sabo to feel that he was being treated differently, and he didn't want him to feel that he was Ace's addition.

"Thank you Mr. Enichi Tsukuni!"

"I want to stay with Ace. In the future, the two of us will go to sea together!"

Sabo spoke with a "Naruto" accent and smiled cheerfully at Enichi Tsukuni.


"All right."

Ji Guoyuan nodded slightly and approved the two children's decision. When Garp saw that Sabo and Ace clearly rejected Enichi Tsukuni, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and smiled on his face.

But before he could be happy for long, he saw Ji Guoyuan put his hand into his loose pocket and took out a cloth bag.

Then under Garp's shocked gaze, Jiguoyuan took out two Devil Fruits from the bag.

"This thing is called a devil fruit."

"This is specially prepared for you two."

"When you grow up and want to go to sea, just pick one of them and eat it!"

"This is the coming-of-age ceremony I prepared for you in advance!"

When Jiguoyuan spoke, Garp stared at the two Devil Fruits in Jiguoyuan's hand, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Natural-type Burning Fruit and Thunder Fruit!!!"

After a long time, Garp exhaled a breath of turbid air, looked at Enichi Jiguo, and thought to himself:

"It's really a big deal! Does this kid think so highly of these two children?"

Jiguo Enichi doesn't have that many arms to hold down the new era, but he has something else.

The development of the new navy is not enough to rely on "now" alone, but also requires "future".

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