One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 393 The myth that comes to the world! (2-in-1)

"Is that music score just now?!"

"A musical score with its own consciousness?!"

In the slightly dark underground library, Ji Guoyuan turned his head and stared in the direction where the pages flew away, with a slightly solemn expression on his face.

There are many strange things in this world, and after all, "dead things" with their own consciousness are still rare. With no intention of staying in the underground library any longer, Ji Guoyuan stood up in a hurry and prepared to rush in the direction where the pages flew away.

He had already recalled something in his mind at this moment. The page that flew out of the dark room was probably the culprit that destroyed the country of music!


Uta, who had just come down from the stage, was sitting alone on the bench, feeling very good. Although this experience of performing in front of so many audiences was only once, it already made Uta, who loves the stage, deeply fall in love with that feeling.

And after coming off the stage, Uta could feel that the attitude of the people around her towards her had changed dramatically.

If before that, others' love for her was due to her cute appearance and her innocent character. So after the performance, people loved her more for her beautiful singing voice and outstanding talent.

Children all like to hear praise from others. At this time, Uta also felt a little elated after being praised by others.

Uta sat on the bench, shaking her legs slightly, holding a glass of juice in both hands, sipping happily. Her eyes fell on Shanks and Gordon who were chatting on the balcony.

The two of them were chatting about how to train Uta in the future.

Although Shanks brought a lot of trouble to Gordon, Gordon himself is the kind of person who is obsessed with art. After seeing Utta's outstanding talent with his own eyes, he left those troubles behind. , and now there is only one thought left in his mind, which is to train Uta to become a world-class singer.

In order to achieve this goal, Gordon hopes that Uta can stay here and receive music education from an early age.

But from Shanks' point of view, he was unwilling to let the young Uta leave his side. He was really worried that such a young child could not take care of himself.

It's not that he is worried about Gordon's character. No matter who he is, Shanks won't be worried about him.

"Shanks, Uta's talent is really, really strong."

"The path of music is a little different from other paths. The education you received as a child can largely determine the upper limit of this person."

"And more importantly, Uta wanted to be a singer."

"You know, everyone goes through a period of voice change. If she doesn't adjust properly, her voice will be buried."

"I beg you, please keep Uta here. If you are really worried, you can come and visit her from time to time."

When Gordon was talking to Shanks, his eyes also glanced at Uta in the room, and then turned his head to look at Shanks, with a strong look of expectation in his eyes.


"Gordon, let me think about it carefully, okay?!"

"My original intention of coming here is actually to increase Uta's knowledge and satisfy her interests."

"Even if Uta is really talented and she still wants to be an excellent singer in the future, I plan to let her study seriously when she grows up."

"You said that suddenly. I was not mentally prepared."

"I'll ask Uta for his opinion later."

"I want to let Uta decide how he wants to go in the future!"

Shanks had a slightly distressed look on his face, and he planned to return the decision-making power to Uta himself.

Hearing what Shanks said, Gordon nodded happily, then raised his glass with a smile and gestured towards Shanks. Seeing Gordon's happy look, Shanks also had a bright smile on his face.

No matter what Uta's decision is, Shanks is still very happy that Uta has musical talent. Children have the talent to chase their dreams. Is there anything more joyful than this?

This world is very cruel.

Chasing your dreams is very luxurious.

It is not enough to have a firm will, the determination and perseverance to work hard for your dreams.

Talent is quite important.

"No matter what, thank you, Gordon!"

Shanks raised the wine glass in his hand and clinked it with Gordon.

While the two were chatting, a few yellowed pages appeared silently in Uta's hand. At this time, Uta was looking boredly at Shanks and Gordon outside the room. Just as he was about to stand up and find a place to put down the empty cup in his hand, he suddenly noticed the ancient book pages appearing next to him.

"what is this?"

"Music score?!"

Uta saw the music score appearing in his hand, his face full of curiosity.

He put down the drink cup casually, took a few pages of paper in his hand, and examined them carefully. Uta had learned some music theory knowledge. Although her knowledge was superficial, she was already able to read music. When she was bored, she looked at the special music score in her hand and became interested, so she started humming casually.

A clear singing voice came from Uta's mouth, and an indescribable aura of terror enveloped the entire banquet hall as the singing voice came out.


There was a low cry in the air.

Shanks, who was chatting with Gordon, seemed to feel something. He stopped drinking and looked into the banquet hall with a face full of astonishment. His eyes swept over Uta's body, and he was suddenly aware of the people around him. The environment has already undergone tremendous changes.

The scenery of the room they were in had changed drastically.

This is a gorgeous colorful world. Under Shanks' feet, the colorful halo is flowing, and it is unclear whether it is the ground or the sky. Looking up, everyone in the banquet hall appears in this colorful world.

This world is vast as far as the eye can see. The sky and the ground are all filled with the same colored light, making people's sense of "space" and "distance" unreal.

"What's wrong? What is this place?"

"What happened? Aren't we having a party?"

"What exactly is going on?!"

The people in the red-haired pirate group and the guests at the banquet were looking around blankly, not knowing what was going on.

Shanks was also observing the world quickly, and suddenly found that Uta's figure had disappeared from his sight.

"Obviously. It was right in front of me just now!"

"Everyone in the banquet hall is here, why is Uta the only one not?!"

"Is it Uta's fruit ability?"

There was some confusion on Shanks' face, but just as people looked at the space they were in, a terrifying sense of oppression suddenly fell on everyone.

This is a terrifying pressure that is different from the overlord's domineering aura, which makes people feel fearful. People have no time to find the source of this terrifying and oppressive feeling.

A space vortex suddenly appeared in the distant void.

Behind the vortex is endless, deep darkness.

Moreover, in just a few breaths, the spatial vortex continued to expand. At the same time, a melody echoed inexplicably in this space.

The space vortex soon grew to a diameter of nearly a hundred meters. At the same time, the pressure exerted on everyone was increasing, and there was also a terrifying aura coming out of the space vortex.

"Boss, something seems to be coming out!"

"What on earth is going on?"

Everyone in the red-haired pirate group gathered behind Shanks at this moment. Jesus Bu seemed to feel something and said to Shanks solemnly.

The other crew members were also staring at the space vortex in the distance with serious expressions on their faces.

When Gordon heard this melody in the space, he seemed to have thought of something, and slumped down on the ground, muttering in his mouth:

"how so?!"

"Why is this happening?"

"It's over. Everything is over."

Shanks saw the decadent look on Gordon's face, grabbed Gordon's arm, and growled: "Cheer up, what's the end?"

"This should be some kind of devil fruit ability, we can get out!"

Just as Shanks was speaking, a giant shadow walked out of the space vortex in the distance.

It was a huge humanoid figure with no lower body, big yellow hair and a short beard.

His face is white, with a long nose, a mouth full of fangs, and he is always grinning.

His right eye is a black hole, and his left eye is a glowing red X. Wearing a top hat and a black cloak on his head, there are flaming skulls floating around his neck like a necklace.

It doesn't look like a human creature at all.

But the moment this creature appeared, everyone could clearly feel the terrifying oppression emanating from that creature.

When some ordinary people saw such a monster walking out of the space vortex, they were already fighting with each other and collapsed on the ground.

"Strange. Monster!!"

"It's a monster!!!"

The crowd fled in all directions, and their horrified cries echoed in the colorful space. It was the first time for Shanks and his crew to see such a creature, and everyone's expressions changed, showing surprise.

"What is it?" Beckman was holding a cigarette, his mouth slightly open, and he was a little embarrassed.

Shanks looked at the strange creature that suddenly appeared without saying a word, his eyes full of worry. At this time, he was not worried about his own situation, but instead worried about Uta's safety.

This happened very suddenly and strangely. Just a moment ago, Shanks had already used his excellent memory to examine the people present.

According to his judgment, everyone in the banquet hall should have been dragged into this space.

But the strange thing is that Uta's figure does not appear here.

This unusual phenomenon actually made Shanks extremely worried.


"This is the Demon King of Song - Totemjika!!!"

Beside Shanks, Gordon looked at the huge creature coming out of the space vortex, his body trembling slightly as he recognized the other person.


The door of the banquet hall was pushed open violently, and Jiguo Yuanyi's figure walked into the banquet hall from the dim corridor. He frowned as he looked at the scene in the banquet hall.

In the huge banquet hall, wine and food were scattered all over the floor.

All the guests at the banquet fell asleep. Enichi Tsukuni's eyes swept over these people, and he soon found some members of the red-haired pirate group among the unconscious people.

"Not just ordinary people, but even Beckman and the others."

Ji Guoyuan walked into the banquet hall, looked at everyone carefully, and his heart sank slightly. He noticed where the balcony was. Both Shanks and Gordon were leaning on the guardrail, sitting on the ground and falling asleep deeply.

Ji Guoyuan looked around the entire banquet hall, and his eyes quickly fell on Uta sitting on a bench somewhere in the hall.

At this time, Uta was sitting upright on a stool, holding a yellowed ancient book of music in his hands, his eyes blurred and unfocused.

Although Uta did not fall asleep like others, she was not awake at all at this time.

Uta's face was blank, and his lips opened and closed rhythmically, but no sound came from Uta's mouth.

Ji Guoyuan did not touch the unconscious people on the ground, but walked in front of Uta, slowly squatted down, and looked at Uta at this time.

"Is it the power of the Uta Devil Fruit?"

"With Shanks's domineering power, he wouldn't be affected by Uta's ability if he wanted to."


Ji Guoyuan thought to himself, his eyes also fell on the yellowed ancient music score in Uta's hand. He stretched out his hand to grab it, but was unable to pull the music score away from Uta's hand.

Without hesitation, a golden flame suddenly appeared at Ji Guoyuan's fingertips. The flame immediately ignited the music score. A large hole was soon burned out by the golden flame in the center of the music score.

But the strange thing is that there is obviously a huge gap in the music score, but Uta has not recovered from the half-dream state. His eyes are still empty, his face is blank, and he is chanting something silently.

Others in the banquet hall showed no signs of waking up.

"Did I make a mistake in my judgment?"

"Destroying the score can't help these people wake up?"

The golden flame quickly disappeared after burning the central part of the score. Ji Guoyuan murmured, stood up slightly, and looked down at Uta.

The next second, overlord-colored domineering energy emanated from Jiguo Enichi's body and was exerted on Uta's body.

However, Uta didn't seem to "feel" Jiguo Yuanyi's domineering look. He still looked like that and was not moved at all.

Seeing this scene, Jiguo Yuanyi finally realized that things seemed not as simple as he thought.

His face changed slightly, and Jiguo Yuanyi also reached out and pressed it on the long knife at his waist. After thinking for a long time, Jiguo Yuanyi finally moved his hand away from the handle of the knife.

The Demon King of Song - Totemjika.

Legend has it that this is a monster summoned from another time and space by human beings singing. Totemujika can appear in the "Dream of Song". When Totemujika's power develops to a certain level, Totemujika's ability can affect the display.

The musical score of Summoning the Demon King of Song is divided into three movements.

Each movement represents a different stage of Tuotemujika, and Tuotemujika at different stages has different abilities and forms.

The first movement can be regarded as a summons, and Totemjika can appear in the "Dream of Song".

When the second movement progresses, Totemjika's power can penetrate from the dream and appear in reality, bringing devastating disasters to reality.

By the end of the third movement, Tuotemujika's power will completely reach its peak. At the same time, Tuotemujika will also completely lose its restraints, becoming immortal and immortal.

Shanks listened to Gordon's story quietly, his expression became quite ugly.

Because from his perspective, Tuotemujika's body was changing rapidly, and Shanks knew that the other party was transforming towards the "second stage".

The power escaping from Tuotemujika's body became stronger and stronger, and his aura became more and more terrifying.

"Boom boom boom!!!!"

A loud roar suddenly came from Tuotemujika's body. Not long after, Jesus Bu's figure quickly fell from the air and returned to Shanks' side:

"Boss, our attacks are useless!"

Not long after Jesus returned to Shanks, other crew members also rushed over, bringing bad news.

Just now, everyone in the red-haired pirate group tried to kill Totemugika to prevent him from continuing to change, but so far, it seems that it has no effect.


"Totemujika can only be defeated in the second stage."

"His essence is a powerful demon that exists in both reality and dreams."

"Legend, you must defeat him in reality and dreams at the same time to succeed."

"We are all trapped in a dream, and we can't escape."

"It's dead, and not just us, the world will be destroyed!"

Gordon held his head and said with pain on his face. His words also silenced everyone in the red-haired pirate group.

"Destroyed from dreams and reality at the same time?!"

Shanks murmured, his eyes shining brightly. And at this moment, a powerful overlord-colored domineering energy burst out from a certain void in the dream space.

Feeling the powerful domineering force, Shanks raised the corners of his mouth slightly, suddenly relieved, and then smiled:

"Will the world end?!"

"Not necessarily, we still have a chance, don't we?!"

real world.

The dome of the banquet hall was lifted off by an unknown force, and stars shone in the night sky.

Ji Guoyuan stood beside Uta, raising his head and looking up at the night sky.

Under the night sky, there was a space vortex, slowly revealing its shape. A huge and sharp claw stretched out from the space vortex and grabbed the edge of the vortex.

The aura of terror instantly enveloped the entire island.

"The Demon King of Song...?"

"The myth actually came into the world, and this outrageous thing actually happened in front of me."

"Are you lucky or unlucky?"

While muttering to himself, Ji Guoyuan slowly drew out his long knife.

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