One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 376 The turbulent world and the craze of archeology! (2-in-1)

Marine Headquarters, Marlene Ford.

In the large conference hall, everyone from the Navy Headquarters Marshal Seng Guo to the lower-level warrant officer-level lieutenants gathered in this conference hall on this day.

The last time the officers of the Navy Headquarters gathered together like this was when they rewarded Roger for his successful public execution.

After so many years, the naval officer meeting was held again.

The main culprit that forced the Navy Headquarters to make such a big fuss was that newspaper scattered all over the world.


The lights in the conference hall dimmed. On the rostrum at the front, Brannew, then a rear admiral, walked to the side of the light curtain and pressed the remote control in his hand.

On the giant light screen on the podium, a newspaper was suddenly projected.

The headline of this side of the newspaper is called - "BIG MOM is defeated, the path to becoming the Pirate King is revealed!"

Below the huge title is a photo of the archipelago.

The photos were taken not too far away from the islands. From the photos, you can see that the surfaces of these islands are covered with gravel, rubble, and some ashes left after the plants were stained.

The archipelago in the photo is a dead place without a trace of life.

"This is Big Mom's territory, the Cake Island among all nations."

"According to the news, former Navy Admiral Sui Kuni Enichi invaded Cake Island. His purpose was to obtain the historical text in the hands of Big Mom."

As Brannew spoke, he tapped the remote control in his hand. On the screen, the photos of the islands that had been published in newspapers were enlarged. At the same time, a new photo appeared in the lower right corner of the screen.

That photo is what Cake Island looked like before it was destroyed. It was taken from the distant sea. Although the details of the island are not very clear, the Cake Island in the photo is "magnificent" and "dreamy". The cake towers on the island are brightly colored, and the island has dense vegetation, creating a vibrant scene.

And more importantly, the original Cake Island only had one island.

As soon as the comparison of the two photos came out, there were bursts of exclamations and gasps in the hall. Sitting in the front row seat, Garp could not help but twitch the corner of his mouth as he watched this scene. Although he was shocked, he could not help but whisper:

"It doesn't look like that kid's handiwork!"

"That guy is a swordsman! Even if he can really defeat Big Mom, he won't create a battlefield like this."

Garp is a veteran with rich experience. He will not make hasty judgments based on inexplicable information.

Beside him, Lieutenant General He was carefully examining the Cake Island battlefield on the light screen with his hands behind his back. When he heard Garp say this, he also shook his head slightly:

"It's true that he is a swordsman, but he is not just a swordsman now."

"He is also a Devil Fruit user, and judging from our intelligence, he is also a phantom beast."

"The specific ability, but he has already shown part of it when he was on the sixth floor of Impel Down City, but that is not the full picture of his Devil Fruit ability."

"He may have created such a battlefield."

Hearing Hena's rebuttal, Garp's eyes flashed and he said nothing more.

On the rostrum, Brannew was systematically sharing the intelligence from the newspaper. While explaining the contents of the newspaper, he combined it with some of the intelligence currently obtained by their navy.

The navy does not have no influence at all in the new world. For big pirate groups like Big Mom, they have always been closely monitored by someone.

When Brannew was delivering his speech, he also released some images of Cake Island taken by the navy.

There is the terrifying scene of thunder falling on the cake island, and there is the scene of Big Mom using Prometheus to throw "fire from the sky" towards the island.

Although the places where these photos were taken are relatively far away from Cake Island, these photos can illustrate one thing, that is, there were really fierce battles between strong men on Cake Island.

"These photos were all taken that night."

"The photo in the newspaper should have been taken the next morning."

"What can be confirmed is that there were indeed fierce battles between strong men on Big Mom's territory."

"The newspaper revealed that the person who invaded Cake Island was Enichi Jiguo. This should be correct."

Brannew said, pressing the remote control in his hand, and then the screen flashed in the light screen, leaving only a new photo.

The background of this photo is a night sky. Under the night sky, there is a phoenix bird surrounded by golden flames, hovering in the air with its wings spread.

"This was taken from the sky above Cake Island. Although the picture is not very clear, it can be confirmed that this is Enichi Tsukuni's Devil Fruit ability."

"Animal type, the bird fruit of the fantasy beast type."

The Navy's investigation of Tsukuni Enichi's Devil Fruit abilities was incomplete, and Brannew did not expand on this aspect in depth when he introduced it.

I say so much just to convey the same thing to the navy in this headquarters.

That was the first report published in the newspaper, and nine times out of ten it was true.

"The intelligence currently obtained from our navy is enough to verify the authenticity of this report."

"That is to say, Enichi Tsukuni really invaded all nations, defeated the Big Mom Pirates, and got something!"

Brannew said, pressing the remote control in his hand, and the picture on the light screen changed, turning into a red stone tablet. In front of the stone tablet, there were two figures standing.

It is Katakuri and Clark from the Big Mom Pirates.

"This is the historical text published in the newspaper."

"This is the purpose of Jiguo Yuanyi's invasion of all nations."

"Legend has it that the pirate named Roger collected four of these red stone tablets and after deciphering the words on them, he knew the route to Lafdru."

“Although I don’t know how the media got this photo, what can be confirmed now is that with the newspapers being distributed across the sea, this thing has become known to everyone!”

After Brannew finished speaking, the discussion of the navy rang out in the conference hall.

"In other words, this stone monument is the road sign leading to Ravdru?!"

“Is ONE PIECE real?!”

"What is Tsukuni Enichi's goal? Does he want to go to Rafdru? To become the Pirate King?"

There were many young marines attending the meeting. They had always thought that things like the historical text of road signs and Rafdru were legends. After all, for so many years, no one had successfully reached Rafdru after Roger.

Moreover, after Roger became the Pirate King, he did not seem to "dominate the sea" or show wealth beyond the imagination of the world.

In the eyes of everyone, something like ONE PIECE is simply a legend, and its authenticity needs to be verified.


The buzzing discussion made Warring States frown slightly in the seat, grabbed the microphone in front of him, and shouted loudly.

The conference hall suddenly became quiet, and the floating hearts were slightly stabilized by the majesty of the Warring States Period.

Sengoku saw that the officers of the navy headquarters had such an attitude after learning the news. He could already foresee how crazy the ordinary people and greedy pirates would become after learning the news.

With a sad look on his face, Warring States spoke in a serious tone:

"ONE PIECE, of course does not exist!"

"But there is no shortage of people with illusions in this world."

"Did the pirates go to sea to pursue ONE PIECE?"

"That's just a slogan, synonymous with wealth, power, and women!"

"Pirates go to sea just to take shortcuts and get these things!"

"Whether ONE PIECE is real or not, it doesn't matter to the pirates at all!"

Seng Guo's words silenced the venue. The officers carefully considered Seng Guo's words and their eyes regained clarity.

Feeling that the atmosphere had calmed down, Warring States continued:

"This kind of thing is nothing more than a historical artifact with a 'story' attached to it."

"But there are many careerists in this world who hope to disrupt the stability of the world!"

"Jikuni Enichi is definitely not the kind of naive guy who would believe in the existence of ONE PIECE."

"Don't forget, he caught Roger with his own hands when he arrived at Laffdru!"

"Ji Guoyuan has gone down a wrong path, and his purpose is just to disrupt the world!"

"He knows very well that the bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish, and fishermen like him who can fish in strong winds and waves are also more precious."

"It is foreseeable that the world will become more turbulent because of these newspapers."

"What our navy has to do is to do our job well in this turbulent world, protect ordinary people, fight against pirates, and don't let civilians be harmed by pirates!"

Warring States' tone was passionate, and his expression was determined when he said these words.

The tone of the meeting has actually been set before the meeting. Small meetings are held for big things. How could the Warring States period use the form of a meeting to establish the direction of the navy's future actions for such a big thing?

There was only one purpose for convening this meeting. At the moment when the newspaper was spreading, he needed to stabilize the morale of the army.

Is something like ONE PIECE really only attractive to ordinary people and pirates? !

The navy has a systematic intelligence system. The officers of the headquarters and above are able to lead their own teams to sea as long as they enter the great sea route.

There are ships, intelligence, and people.

If they want to pursue ONE PIECE, these navies have more prerequisites than ordinary people and ordinary pirates.

Internal power corruption and corruption were not unheard of in the Warring States Period, and not all the navy were saints. There was no guarantee what they would do in the face of huge temptations.

The purpose of the Warring States Period was to use this conference to dispel the unrealistic ideas of the navy.

He didn't know how useful it would be, but if he didn't do it, the problem would become huge.

The righteous and awe-inspiring words of the Warring States Period were extremely inflammatory. After hearing these words, some young people only felt that their sense of justice was ignited in their chests, and their blood boiled for a while.

"Marshal, can't we completely block this news?"

"Our navy can understand such a conspiracy, but ordinary people and pirates may not be able to tell the truth from the false."

"As you said, if this news spreads, the world will be in turmoil!"

"Why can't we solve these at the source!"

A young officer asked loudly, and his words also attracted the echo of some people.

In the front row of the venue, Gion, who was sitting behind Lieutenant General Tsuru, turned back and glanced in the direction of the sound, shook his head and said to himself:

"It can't be done at all!"

After hearing the questions from his subordinates, Warring States also said loudly:

"Our navy has no way to stop the spread of the news!"

"But that doesn't mean there's nothing we can do."

"While using our propaganda media to refute rumors, we also need to arrest the rumor makers as soon as possible!"

"Brannew, issue a wanted warrant for Morgans with a bounty of 300 million Baileys!"

"Of course, if you just do these, it's not enough!"

"To completely resolve this matter, we have one more thing to do!"

"Crunt against the Big Mom Pirates and seize that red stone tablet!"

"This is a war between our navy and the pirates!"

After Warring States finished speaking, there was a sudden buzz of discussion in the venue. The Big Mom Pirates have stood in the sea for many years. The younger generation of the Navy has grown up hearing the reputation of the Big Mom Pirates. When they heard that the Navy was planning to attack that big pirate group, they felt a little uneasy for a while.

But this uneasiness was quickly overwhelmed by the huge benefits.

Among those who volunteer to become the navy, or even those who can become officers of the headquarters, how many are afraid of war? War is a meat grinder, but it is also the driving force for soldiers. After winning this battle, rights, reputation, money, etc. will all come into their hands!




Several loud cheers rang out from the crowd in succession, and after a few shouts, all the generals in the audience cheered in unison.

Warring States looked at the officers with high morale, and finally a smile appeared on his face.


"That boy Yuanyi really made a big fuss!"

Zefa listened to the loud shouts in the venue, folded his hands on his chest, closed his eyes, and sighed secretly in his heart.

Garp smiled and had no objection to Sengoku's decision. It is only natural for the navy to attack pirates. Even if the opponent is the Big Mom Pirates, so what?

The three navy generals in front of their seats also had their own considerations at this moment.

Kizaru had an indifferent attitude; Aoji looked a little dull, with a hint of worry between his brows, and was not optimistic about the prospects of this war; and Akainu, with a cold face, seemed to be worried about the Warring States Period. Akainu was somewhat dissatisfied with the decision. In Akainu's view, Sengoku's actions were still flawed. He should order the people not to spread such rumors, and those who spread them would have to be arrested.

Akainu disliked Sengoku's radical behavior, which was not radical enough.

In this meeting of officers at the Navy Headquarters, Wulaoxing also used some means to watch the entire "performance" of the Warring States Period. It is impossible for them not to take advantage of such a large opportunity as the Navy Headquarters.

The approach of the Warring States Period was done without getting angry with them in advance.

So when Sartan heard that Sengoku actually planned to start a war with the Big Mom Pirates, his expression immediately changed: "Asshole!"

"How dare he?! How dare he bypass us and make such a decision?!"

"Does he know what kind of impact a war with the Big Mom Pirates will have?"

"Even if it wins, the navy will suffer heavy losses and its control over the world will inevitably decrease."

"And what if we lose"

Saint Satan simply could not imagine the consequences of losing.

Different from the anger shown by Sartan, after thinking for a while, Saint Markas Maz nodded slightly and said with approval: "Although there are some problems with the approach of the Warring States Period, in terms of grand strategy, there are no questionable."

"We can't be led by others. Now that we know the location of the text of the road sign, we need to 'get it back'!"

"Considering this aspect, I support the approach of the Warring States Period."

"Defeating the Big Mom Pirates, on the one hand, you can demonstrate your power and shock ordinary people, and on the other hand, you can also recover the historical text."

Although the Five Old Stars have a common title, they are five people and five heads after all, and it is inevitable that they will have disagreements.

Saint Markas Maz's words silenced Saint Satan. After a long time, he spoke leisurely:

"Now that you've decided to do it, you have to try your best!"

"There must be no mistakes!"

"Gather the Shichibukai to join in the crusade!"

"By the way, Saint Markas Maz, could you please go with the navy?"

Satan's eyes flashed with light, he tilted his head slightly, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately raised Markas Maz to his feet.

Don’t you support and agree? Then give your support!


A gentle smile appeared on Saint Markas Maz's old face and he responded casually.

The Navy Headquarters began to gather together. At the same time, all the giant ships with a displacement of more than 7,000 tons located in the four seas were mobilized back to the Navy Headquarters.

Don’t underestimate the thousand-ton giant ships in this world. Most ships in the One Piece world are made of wood and iron. The proportion of wood can even reach 70%-85%, and the displacement can reach 7,000 tons. That’s real. Huge ship!

At the same time, the Navy is also recruiting shipwrights to conduct overhauls on all its warships.

The Navy Headquarters has taken frequent actions, but the people do not feel deeply about this.

All they knew was that the world was in chaos again.

Since that newspaper was spread around the world, countless people have abandoned their wives and children and gone to sea. There are also countless more shipwrecks and human bones on the Upside Down Mountain leading to the Great Line.

Of course, there are many, many fools without brains, but there are also many people with brains.

If you want to go to Ravdru, you have to decipher the words on the stone tablet. Many people focused their attention on this and began to try their best to decipher these words.

If they want to decipher the words on historical artifacts, pirates will inevitably need to study this aspect of history.

And "O'Hara", which had long been erased by the Navy and the World Government, was remembered again by people. The road sign known as the "Historical Text" is naturally related to the "Archaeological Holy Land"!

Some smart people also secretly speculated that the destruction of O'Hara that year might be related to these words.

The more the World Government wants to hide things, the more people have a desire to explore, especially the pirates who care about treasures. They feel that they have found the answer buried by the World Government!

That published road sign also set off a trend of "archaeology".

For a time, the already chaotic West Sea became even more chaotic.

Naturally, Long and his revolutionary army were able to feel the change in the world situation immediately. He realized that the navy was hampered by something, and took this opportunity to vigorously develop the power of the revolutionary army. For a time, the revolutionary army Flames ignited everywhere.

Although it was just a spark, Long was full of expectations.

In such an environment, Jiguo Yuanyi quietly returned to Thunder God Island.

The wind and waves have risen, and now it depends on how the world government will steer the ship. If the direction is not right, the ship will capsize!

Jiguo Yuanyi didn't know what was buried in that blank hundred years, but Yuanyi knew that it was a taboo of the world government.

With ONE PIECE as bait, there will be many times more people studying history than before.

There are so many talents in the world, and it's hard to say which genius will be able to find some clues from the limited information.

What Ji Kuni Enichi has to do now is to quietly watch the World Government, develop his own power, and deal a fatal blow the moment the opponent reveals its flaws.

Thunder God Island, in the office of Jiguo Enichi.

The phone on the desk made a soft beep.

What came was not a phone call, but a fax document. In just a few words, it told Ji Guoyuan a big news.

"It's just as I expected!"

"As expected, we are going to take action against the Big Mom Pirates."

"But is Wan Guo really easy to deal with?"

Ji Guoyuan glanced at the fax document in his hand, whispered, and suddenly a golden flame ignited in his hand, immediately turning the fax into ashes.

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