One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 156 The capital of seven waters, traces of ancient weapons! (two in one)

The Capital of Seven Waters, also known as Shipbuilding Island, is a very famous island on the great route.

If there is any place in this world that has the strongest shipbuilding technology besides the navy, then there is only one answer to this question, and that is the capital of seven waters.

The One Piece Roger who conquered the sea, his car Oro Jackson was designed and built by the shipbuilder of Seven Waters.

I heard that the keel of Roger's Oro Jackson was made of the most precious material in the world, the branches of the Adam tree.

His sailing ship was repeatedly able to escape from the hands of the Navy's warships, and the Oro Jackson was indispensable.

As for Garp and his party who left the Navy Headquarters, the goal of this trip is this shipbuilding island located in the center of the great route!

"Tom is a murloc, a horned murloc."

"Roger's boat was designed and built with his help."

"With Roger becoming One Piece, Tom's reputation has also risen, and he is known as the world's number one shipbuilder."

"Although there is no competition of shipbuilding skills in this sea, his name is definitely not in vain."

"Yuanyi, if you want to gallop in the new world, having him help design the ship will definitely be like a tiger with wings added!"

On the blue sea, the speed of the dog-head warship gradually slowed down, and a huge island appeared in front of the warship.

This island is very strange. In the center of the island, there is a water drop that soars to the sky, and the water is continuously spraying towards the sky. When the sea water fell, it was diverted by the large canal and dam built on the island into seven torrents, which flowed back into the sea from different directions.

In the torrent and the gap in the center of the torrent, there are countless houses. From a distance, the whole island looks like a crown with seven blue tassels.

"It's from the capital of seven waters."

"Is this name because the soaring ocean current was diverted into seven rivers by the dam?"

"It's such an exquisite design, and it's obviously not in the New World. The currents around this capital of seven waters are really strange!"

On the deck of the dog-headed warship, Ji Guoyuan was wearing a loose red exercise uniform, a white navy justice cloak, and three long knives pinned to his waist. Looking at the island in the distance, he said with a smile.

As the sea breeze blew, the cloak fluttered slightly with the wind, and Yuan Yi's long red hair also fluttered wantonly with the wind.

"Well, there is a relationship."

"And the shipwrights have also made good use of the seven torrents. Look at the location of the embankment at the water outlet. Is it marked with a serial number?"

"That is the serial number of the shipyard."

"On this island, there are seven large shipyards. The built ships will be pushed directly into the river, follow the river, and fall into the sea."

"The weird ocean currents around the capital of seven waters are actually caused by the seven rivers flowing back into the sea."

"As long as the boat has enough power, you can completely ignore this current."

Garp said, beckoning towards the watchtower behind him. After seeing Garp's signal, the naval officers and soldiers on the watchtower also quickly sent orders to the cab. The dog-headed warship that had just slowed down just now Start to accelerate towards the island.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan felt that the power of this warship should have been driven to the maximum at this time, and as the dog-headed warship got closer and closer to the island, the speed of the dog-headed warship also became faster and faster.

After breaking through the currents around the capital of seven waters, the speed of the warship began to slow down, and then it stopped firmly at the port of the No. 3 dock.

"Vice Admiral Karp, the most advanced power of our navy today should be a steamship, right?"

"And this technology is only mastered by Dr. Vegapunk and his team."

"But the number one shipbuilder in the world you speak of can only build sailboats, right?"

"Is it possible that I only ask him to build the hull of the warship, and let the Vegapunk team install the most modern power system for me?"

"I don't think. The headquarters won't even agree to this?"

The warship docked on the shore, Ji Guoyuanyi, Yixiao and others got off the warship under Garp's leadership and walked towards the island.

Different from the New World, the residents of Seven Waters City are no strangers to the navy. When they saw Yuanyi and his team of navy, they just took a few more curious glances before busying themselves with their own affairs. Not too surprised.

On the way, Yuanyi also expressed his thoughts. To be honest, if there is advanced technology, he really wants to use it.

This kind of mentality is like boys buying a car. If they have money, they must pursue the most advanced and best equipped car!

"What you said can't be done, the structure is different."

"Of course, don't underestimate Tom, the number one shipbuilder in the world, it's not just talking."

"His technology is not limited to building sailboats!"

"Don't worry, you will be satisfied with his design."

Garp patted Yuanyi on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Then it seemed that he suddenly thought of something, stopped a passerby passing by, and asked the other person where the shipbuilder Tom was.

After a long time, Garp didn't even know where the other party was now!

Tom has long been famous in the capital of seven waters, and they knew Tom's residence just by asking casually.

When Garp, Ji Guoyuan and others found Tom, he was working with other craftsmen on the island's No. 1 dock to build something.

Just looking at that appearance, Ji Guoyuan seems to be a locomotive?

In the dock. Building a locomotive?

"Hey! Tom, the navy is looking for you!"

It was a middle-aged man who led Garp, Yuanyi and the others to find Tom. He seemed to be the person in charge of the dock here, and he knew Tom well. After they walked into the dock with Yuanyi, they shouted at a fat and strong man on the scaffolding.

"Huh? The navy is looking for me?"

"I have no contact with the navy!"

Tom, who was working, stopped what he was doing when he heard the shouts from his partner, and turned around to see Garp and his party. The moment he saw Garp, Tom couldn't help shrinking his pupils slightly, and his expression became a little dignified.

Naval hero, Vice Admiral Garp!

The moment he saw Garp, Tom recognized the man in front of him, and his heart sank. He didn't think it would be a good thing for a vice admiral to come to him with great fanfare!

"The navy is finally planning to pursue that matter."

"It came later than I expected."

Tom stopped his work, climbed down from the scaffolding, and slowly walked up to Garp and Ji Guoyuan and the others. He actually raised his hands towards Garp, looking like he was ready to catch him.

"Tom, I've heard of you for a long time."

"Uh, what are you doing?"

Karp saw the other party coming, and greeted Tom with a smile, but after the other party came to him, he actually raised his hand. Seeing this scene, Garp scratched his hair in doubt, and looked at Tom with a puzzled expression.

"Aren't you here to catch me?!"

"Stop acting, Navy!"

"I know what I've done and it's an absolute honor to be able to do something for a man like that!"

"It has nothing to do with other people, don't disturb them, I will go with you!"

Tom raised his head slightly, and said proudly. And what he said made Cyrus and Yixiao feel puzzled.

After Garp heard this, he was obviously taken aback, and then he couldn't help laughing, and explained while waving his hands:

"no no!"

"We are not looking for you for such trivial matters."

"Tom, our navy hopes to ask you to help us build a battleship."

"The budget is 300 million Baileys."

"Specific requirements, let this kid tell you!"

After Garp explained briefly, he patted the back of Jiguo Yuanyi beside him, and Yuanyi also took a step forward under Garp's gesture, walked up to Tom, stretched out his hand and held Tom's right hand , said with a smile:

"Hello, Mr. Tom."

"I am Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Ji Guoyuan."

"I am the one who asked you to build the ship."

"I'm about to enter the new world, and I need a ship that can help me cross the sea. I hope to get your help!"

Hearing Ji Guoyuanyi's words, Tom, who was planning to "sacrifice generously", suddenly became embarrassed.

"Shipbuilding. Tell me earlier!!"

"This matter, no problem! Helping the navy is the duty of our citizens! Hehehehe."

Tom laughed awkwardly, and then seemed to think of something suddenly, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes, and looked at Ji Guoyuanyi.

"Such a young lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters? When did such a character appear in the Navy?"

"The name Ji Guo Yuan Yi sounds familiar"


"The navy that killed the golden lion Shiji?! So young!"

While looking at Yuanyi, Tom's thoughts were racing. Suddenly, Tom remembered the relevant information about the young navy in front of him, and the vigilance in his eyes became more intense.

"Such a young vice admiral will come to me for a battleship?!"

"The shipwrights in the Navy Headquarters are very skilled, and the purpose of these navies may not be so simple!"

Tom looked at Ji Guoyuanyi and Garp, feeling very wary.

Tom himself knew very well that his body was not just as simple as a shipbuilding skill, he also held an important thing in his hand, so important that anyone who knew it would be jealous!

That is the ancient weapon - the blueprint of Pluto!

Two lieutenant generals who inexplicably appeared in the capital of seven waters, one is the hero Karp, and the other is the naval supernova who killed the golden lion Shiji.

Tom couldn't help but doubt the purpose of the navy. Is it really as simple as asking him to build a ship?

Thinking of this, Tom began to test:

"Lieutenant General Ji Guo, I don't know, what kind of requirements do you have for the warship you want?"

When Ji Guoyuan heard that the other party seemed to agree to help build the warship, a smile appeared on his face, touched his chin, and looked forward:

"My request is actually very simple!"

"The power must be strong! The best thing is to be able to get rid of the restrictions of the sailboat, and the battery life must be strong. After all, in the new world, the distance between islands is quite large."

"If possible, I hope that the warship can be equipped with the most advanced and powerful weapons. The laser cannon is very good. It is best to destroy an island with one shot."

"Oh, by the way, I plan to use the warship as a mobile fortress at sea. In the future, the days of going to sea will definitely account for the majority. I am afraid that sailors will spend much more time resting on the warship than on land. "

"The facilities must be complete, the area must be large enough, and the armor must be hard enough. It is best to be equipped with a mobile dock and carry a sufficient number of speedboats. In this way, tactics and tactics can be enriched when chasing pirates."


Ji Guoyuan raised his head slightly, and said the function he wanted with a thoughtful look, completely unaware that Tom's face in front of him was getting darker and darker.

Tom's face was dark not because Ji Guoyuan's demands were too whimsical, but because in Tom's mind, there was only one thing that could satisfy Ji Guoyuan's demands.

That is the ancient weapon - Pluto!

According to legend, a huge battleship that can destroy an island with just one blow! !

The more Ji Guoyuan said, the darker Tom's face became. He was convinced that the purpose of this group of navy coming to him was not simply to ask him to build warships!

"Sure enough. These guys are here for the blueprint of Hades!" Tom thought to himself, but a smile appeared on his face, interrupting Yuanyi's "fantasy", and said: "I'm sorry! Lieutenant General Jiguo, what you said ,I can not do it."

"I've let you down."

After Tom refused, his heart was already hanging. He knew that the navy in front of him, when he heard his refusal, was afraid that he would be forced to meet him!

"Hey, hey, Yuanyi, I asked you to make a request, not to make a wish!"

"Say something realistic!"

"What you said, even if he can really do it, the cost of 300 million Baileys is not enough!"

"Right, Tom?"

Seeing Yuanyi's appearance, Garp shook his head helplessly, trying to smooth things over.


"Ah? No, no, I can't do it, I can't do it."

Tom heard Karp's words, and subconsciously nodded in response, but the next second, he felt that there was something in Garp's words, and quickly denied it.

What is "even if he can really do it?", can't do it. Really can't do it!

"?" Tom's strange response made Garp feel strange, but he didn't think too much, patted Yuanyi's back, and urged: "Say something realistic!"

"Uh..." Yuanyi also closed his mouth after listening to Garp's words. After thinking for a while, he smiled at Tom and said:

"Forget it, professional things should be left to professional people."

"Anyway, my idea is this idea. As for how far it can be achieved, it depends on Mr. Tom."

"Mr. Tom, if you help design and build such a warship, how long will it take?"

Yuanyi also asked Tom's opinion sensibly. After all, he is a professional. No matter how many tricks he has in his mind, it is meaningless if the other party can't make it.

"emmmmm" Seeing that Ji Guoyuanyi and Karp didn't seem to intend to tear their faces apart, Tom pondered, thinking about how to respond to this question.

"Three months, from design to construction!"

"Give me three months, and it will be done!"

After thinking about it, Tom still gave a safer time. After hearing this, Garp frowned slightly, and Yuanyi also looked at Tom in surprise.

"It's too slow! Can you go faster?" Garp said in a deep voice, and Yuan Yi couldn't help but look sideways at these words.

"Three months is too late?" Ji Guoyuan asked subconsciously, but as soon as he said this, he realized his mistake.

How does the shipbuilding speed of One Piece world compare with the present world?

"Well, the time is a bit long, but because it is a ship that is going to sail in the new world, it needs to be more detailed from design to manufacture."

"Moreover, some materials also need to be purchased. After all, there is still a difference between a warship and an ordinary warship."

Tom smiled, seeing that Jiguo Yuanyi and Garp had no intention of tearing their faces apart, so he simply cooperated with Yuanyi and Garp's "performance".

"Yuanyi, what do you think?"

Garp didn't make up his own mind, but looked at Yuanyi beside him. At the same time, Cyrus and Yixiao also looked at Jiguo Yuanyi, waiting for Yuanyi to make up his mind.

"Three months is three months."

"I'll just wait on this island. When the ship is built, I'll drive directly into the new world."

"Lieutenant General Garp, I have to trouble you to help me transfer a group of navies, and then enter the new world with me."

"As for the navies I brought from the G-ICE branch, I have to trouble you to send them to Kuzan. I'm afraid he will be very distressed if he doesn't have a ship."

"In three months, I won't go to the new world. It's too time-consuming to run back and forth."

"During this time, Yixiao and I will live on the island."

When Yuanyi talked about his decision, Garp nodded slightly when he heard the words. When the two were talking, Tom's heart was pounding, and at the same time he whispered in his heart:

"The navy is staying on the island!?"

"Stay for three months?!"

"Sure enough, it's for the drawing of Pluto!!!"

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