One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 150 Smile, you are the man I am looking for!

Regarding the explanation given by Yixiao, Ji Guoyuan didn't have any doubts, although he said that it was because of his intuition that he believed that Yixiao was not the kind of person who killed innocent people indiscriminately.

But only Ji Guoyuan knew it himself, how could his intuition be? He opened his eyes.

But when Ji Guoyuan believed in Yixiao's words, others would not believe his words. Everyone has been killed by a smile, isn't that what a smile says, or what?

Cyrus didn't want to believe that a person like Yixiao, who was ruthless and ruthless, could be "good". But Cyrus seems to have forgotten that the "officer" he is following now is also this kind of person.

No one stipulates that kind people can't be cruel, right?

In this world, there are quite a few people like Zefa who are kind to everyone.

"Just based on your one-sided words, do you want us to believe you?"

"Follow us back to the navy first, and I will personally ask the nearby residents what happened!"

"If the truth is as you said, our navy will not hold you accountable!"

"Of course, each country has its own laws and regulations. If you commit murder in the Cuiluan Principality, how the laws here deal with you is a matter for the country's judiciary."

"But at least, don't think about leaving like this!"

Cyrus' attitude in dealing with the matter was quite firm, no matter whether what he said with a smile was true or false, it was impossible for Cyrus to just leave with a smile.

Because this is his justice!


The resolute words reached Yixiao's ears, and Yixiao, who was still very resistant to follow Yuanyi and the others back to the navy, fell silent for a while.

With a smile that blinds the eyes but not the heart, he can feel the firmness and determination in Cyrus' heart.

If the navy can act fairly, Yixiao doesn't mind being a guest on the navy's ship, but what he fears in his heart is that the navy will be influenced by the people of the Cuiluan Principality.

Yixiao is not a fool, from the exclamation of those residents, he knew that the people he killed probably had some origins, if they were really stupid and let the Principality of Cuiluan deal with them, don't think about it, it would definitely be a "death sentence" .

Although Yixiao is a kind and upright person, he is not a dead-headed person.

To let him die like this? How can it be!

But if it is the navy in front of me, maybe I can rest assured, but I am not sure, this is the first instinct of Xiaoxiao.

"All right."

"I'll go back with you."

"When it happened, there should be quite a few people who saw it. I don't mind delaying it for a while."

Yuan smiled at the first sight and seemed to be subdued, and also took a look and smiled in surprise. Thinking about it in another way, if Ji Guoyuan himself was in the current situation, he might not give in.

If you kill me, you will kill me, and I have done nothing wrong. If you want to investigate, you can investigate and restrict me? Don't even think about it.

This is what Xia Yiwu breaks the ban.

The act of smiling was beyond Yuan Yi's expectation, and at the same time, it also made Yuan Yi's affection for the other party greatly increased.

"Mr. Yixiao, you are really different."

"Are you really not considering joining our navy?"

"Our navy lacks talents like you."

Ji Guoyuan watched with admiration and smiled, and extended an invitation to the other party again. Before he could open his mouth with a smile, Cyrus on the side said helplessly:

"Yuanyi, my brigadier general!"

"He's a murderer! How can he join the navy before the matter is investigated?"

Yuan glanced at Cyrus, and said indifferently:

"Then just investigate the matter clearly."

"You do it, as soon as possible."

"Besides, you are also a murderer."

"There are too many compulsions and helplessness in this world. Things happen for a reason, and I don't mind."

"What I care about is whether those who join the navy have the 'justice' they recognize!"

Ji Guoyuan waved his hand and said casually. His words also made Cyrus hold his breath, and smiled self-deprecatingly. It's been some time since he was in the navy, and Cyrus himself almost forgot that he was a murderer.

It was Ji Guoyuanyi and Kuzan who brought him out of Dressrosa together.

As Ji Guoyuanyi said, there are too many compulsions and helplessness in this world, no matter what happens, it cannot be determined across the board.

"Okay, I'll ask the nearby residents."

Saying so, Cyrus ordered a few of his subordinates, and quickly left the street here, preparing to find witnesses to the incident.

And Ji Guoyuan also invited Yixiao to his warship and invited him to drink tea in the cabin.

While waiting for the results of Cyrus' investigation, Yuanyi also inquired about the origin of Yixiao, and by the way asked about the injury on Yixiao's face.

Yixiao was born in a small country in the new world. When he was a child, that country was attacked by pirates. The whole country was destroyed by pirates, and his family members were also killed in that attack.

And the wound on his face was caused by seeking revenge after Yixiao got older.

Those pirates were cleaned up by Yixiao afterwards, but on Yixiao's face, terrible scars were left, and at the same time, the light was lost.

After successful revenge, Xiao Xiao lost his life goals and began to wander around the world. When he encountered injustice, he would take the initiative to "help" with justice in his heart.

When he was short of money, he went to the casino to earn some travel expenses. Yixiao didn’t have any material pursuits. Even if he gambled, he just pursued the feeling of “gambling”. No matter how much he won, he only took his own travel expenses and principal.

But if you run into some "owners" who can't afford it, Yixiao doesn't mind taking away what he deserves, and by the way, he will send "dirty" to where they should go.

As for why Yixiao was somewhat resistant to joining the navy, it was also because of his experience. After wandering for so many years, Yixiao had seen all kinds of crimes, so he didn't have a good impression of the navy.

Although Yixiao knows that no matter what kind of organization there is "garbage", but because of preconceived ideas, Yixiao doesn't want to join the navy.

Especially entering the navy as a "little soldier", doesn't that mean that he has to follow the crowd? Yixiao doesn't naively think that he is a small soldier who can swim upstream in the "big current"!

Yixiao has been wandering for many years, and his strength has also accumulated to a terrifying level with the increase in battles. As for the Gravity Fruit of the superhuman family, Yixiao also ate it by chance, and it has been developed to perfection over the years.

Yixiao, who is only in his early thirties, has actually grown to the peak of his strength!

This blind young man really has the flavor of "Zatoichi".

I don't know why, when Yixiao is facing Ji Guoyuanyi, he can really open up his heart and chat, maybe it's because the two of them are essentially the same kind of people.

During the chat with Yixiao, Ji Guoyuan also knew why he did not accept his invitation to join the navy. What Yixiao was afraid of was that he would not be able to continue being himself!

Instead of joining the navy and following the crowd, wander the world and do what you want.

As for why Yixiao chose to join the navy in the future, it is actually easy to understand. Can the degree of freedom of a general be compared with that of a big soldier? Being an admiral may be somewhat restrictive, but you can also use the power of the admiral to do more things, right?

In the future, the navy will be able to abolish the Qiwuhai system, and the credit of the smile cannot be ignored.

"Smile, you are the man I'm looking for!"

"This time when I return to the navy, I will become a lieutenant general of the navy headquarters!"

"In terms of position, I can't give you too high, but you can rest assured that you can still carry out your own will if you work with me, Ji Guoyuan!"

"I am a lieutenant general, so there is absolutely no problem in doing this kind of thing!"

"Sa, smile, join our navy! With your ability, you can help more people in the navy!"

"Our navy needs people like you, and the world needs people like you!"

At the end of the chat, Ji Guoyuan once again extended an invitation to Yixiao, and what he said was also very "big", and he directly put Yixiao on the high stage.

As a lieutenant general, with repeated invitations, Yixiao felt full of sincerity from Ji Guoyuanyi, and his heart couldn't help but shake.

Just when Yixiao was about to agree to Ji Guoyuan's joining the navy, the door of the cabin was suddenly opened. Cyrus walked into the cabin with a gloomy face, took a deep look at Yixiao who was sitting at the table, and then turned to Ji Guoyuan. Guoyuan Yihui reported:

"Yuan... Brigadier General Jiguo, the investigation is clear."

"The eyewitnesses agree that he shot suddenly and killed Viscount Wembley and his men."

"Now, the army of Cuiluan Principality is hunting him down."

Cyrus' words directly silenced Yixiao. When Ji Guoyuan heard these words, he couldn't help raising his brows, looked at him with a smile, then looked at Cyrus, and then frowned.

Cyrus could not have deceived him.

But Yuanyi also firmly believes that Yixiao is a person. After all, he has opened his eyes. He still doesn't know what kind of person Yixiao is?

If this is the case, then there is only one truth

"Is the caliber the same?"

"It's really hard work to continue living in such a country, the people of the Cuiluan Principality."

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