One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 114 The Fortress Project, the nail into the new world!

At the door of the cabin, General Warring States patted Ji Guoyuan on the shoulder and said that he was waiting for the arrangement of the meeting. When he mentioned that Ji Guoyuan could be promoted to brigadier general, the smile on Garp’s face couldn’t stop. .

The 14-year-old brigadier general of the Navy headquarters, such a promotion speed is unprecedented in the navy. At this time, Kuzan, who is standing with Ji Guoyuan, is already a young navy who can be regarded as rising rapidly.

He has strength and meritorious deeds. He studied under Zefa, worked as an adjutant under Karp, and is now a subordinate of the general of the Warring States Period.

With the accumulation of layers of relationships, it was already two years ago when Kuzan was promoted to brigadier general. He is also in his twenties.

But now Ji Guoyuanyi is even a minor, at this age he will be promoted to brigadier general, and the entire navy can't find a second one.

Karp was happy because Ji Guoyuan was the young man he dug out, no, he was a young man. The better Ji Guo Yuan Yi's development is, the more he can prove Karp's teaching quality and his vision of finding talents.

In middle age, Karp has already been considered "successful" in his career. Although he is currently a vice admiral, and there are two ranks above him, general and marshal, his reputation in the navy is unparalleled , even Marshal Steel Gu Kong can't compare to him.

In terms of career, what else does Karp pursue? Apart from maintaining peace on the sea in front of him, Garp doesn't want to make more progress in his position.

For him, a middle-aged man who is "successful in his career", cultivating a young navy that can carry his will is more important than anything else.

Originally, he had pinned this "expectation" on the dragon.

But when the child grows up, he can't help his father!

As Long has seen more and more "darkness" in the navy, the distance between him and the navy has gradually drifted away.

Nizi couldn't carry Garp's will, so he put this expectation on Ji Guoyuanyi.

Although it is said that Ji Guoyuanyi and him are neither related nor related, but a man entrusts his dream, so where does he need to be related?

Ji Guoyuanyi's talent gave Karp the hope of changing the navy!

Although strictly speaking, Ji Guoyuan is Zefa's disciple, but so what? Is there any difference between Zefa's disciples and his disciples? No!

"Brigadier general~"

"It's really amazing, Yuanyi. In this way, you are actually at the same level as me?"

"I didn't obey orders already, but now it's broken, I'm an adjutant..."

Kuzan said enviously, the last sentence Kuzan didn't say out of his mouth, just murmured in his heart.

Seeing the envy on Kuzan's face, both Zhan Guo and Garp showed bright smiles on their faces. Garp walked up to Kuzan's side, patting Kuzan's back with his big palm, laughed:

"Kuzan, don't envy Yuanyi."

"You, like him, have been promoted!"

"Repelling the golden lion, cutting off the golden lion's arm, and getting the famous sword Muku, this is the result of the joint efforts of the two of you!"

"Our navy, how could these guys ignore your achievements?"

"You're going to be promoted to major general, Kuzan."

Hearing Karp's words, Kuzan also scratched his head with a smile, without showing any surprise. He has been a brigadier general for some time, and he has accumulated some achievements, but most of the pirates he cleaned up were "little" pirates with less than 200 million.

With the achievement of repelling the golden lion this time, the promotion to major general was a certainty.

Kuzan originally fantasized about becoming a lieutenant general, but it seems he was overthinking it.

But even so, Kuzan is very satisfied, at least, he is still pressing Ji Guoyuan one by one.

As a brigadier general, he still has to look at the face of his major general, although Ji Guoyuan has always shown his face...

"It's quite lucky, Yuanyi, it looks like you still have to be my adjutant."

Hearing this, Kuzan winked at Ji Guoyuan. In front of Warring States and Karp, Kuzan did not pretend to be deep, showing the character that young people should have.

When Ji Guoyuan saw this, he shook his head with a smile, and did not refute Kuzan's words, but said with a little emotion: "It's actually quite hard for me to be your adjutant."

"Bastard, Yuanyi, you've worked so hard!"

Kuzan put his arm around Ji Guoyuanyi's shoulder and yelled, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Zhan Guo and Garp also looked at each other and smiled when they saw Kuzan and Yuan Yi bickering.

Looking at the two people in front of them, Karp and Sengoku couldn't help but think of their own appearance when they were young. At that time, the two of them, together with Kazuru and Zefa, were the four most closely related. The relationship between the few people is as good as that of Ji Guoyuanyi and Kuzan today.

As more and more generals gathered on the deck, Zhan Guo, Karp and others did not stay on the deck too long, and took Ji Guoyuanyi and Kuzan into the cabin and went to the meeting room among.

The configuration of this warship is not as simple as Kuzan's car. On this ship, let alone a meeting room, there is even a gym for sailors to exercise.

There are seven or eight rows of chairs neatly arranged in the meeting room, which can easily accommodate nearly two hundred people to hold meetings at the same time.

After entering the meeting room, Karp went to the first row, Zhan Guo went directly to the podium, and Kuzan and Ji Guoyuan found a random seat in the last row and sat down.

After all the generals who arrived at Shuixian Xing Island had assembled, Zhan Guo cleared his throat with a microphone in his hands, and announced:

"Before the official start of the mountain meeting against the Roger Pirates!"

"We're going to have a special honor ceremony first."

"Everyone knows that not long ago, a major event that caught the world's attention happened on this sea!"

"The great pirate, Shiji the Golden Lion, was repelled by Kuzan, the brigadier general at the time, and Ji Guoyuan, the colonel at the time!"

"In addition, he successfully cut off one of the opponent's arms. Over the years, this is the first time our navy has successfully threatened a big pirate of this level!"

"Brigadier General Kuzan and Colonel Ji Guoyuan have made amazing contributions!"

"Therefore, after consideration by myself, Admiral Steel Gu Kong and others, it was decided to grant Kuzan the rank of major general."

"Confer the rank of brigadier general to Ji Guoyuan."

"Now, please invite our heroes to come on stage."

The words of the Warring States Period were transmitted through the microphone phone bug. The admirals who heard the news looked sideways at Kuzan and Ji Guoyuan who stood up and walked to the podium.

For a moment, there was thunderous applause, and some generals who were familiar with each other looked at Ji Guoyuanyi and Kuzan and whispered to each other:

"Jiguoyuanyi, is that person Jiguoyuanyi? This is the first time I've seen him, so young!"

"Brigadier General Kuzan, is that the natural-type ability user who ate the frozen fruit? It's really amazing, and he was able to repel the golden lion."

"It's really difficult to be promoted to the rank of generals in this department. Such a feat actually only allowed these two people to be promoted to a higher rank."

Watched by many admirals from all over the world, Sengoku replaced the shoulder tassels for Kuzan and Ji Guoyuan. Ji Guoyuanyi's pure yellow shoulder tassels were also replaced by general-level shoulder tassels with red bottom basket tail and golden whiskers.

Amid the applause, this simple awarding ceremony also came to an end, as Ji Guoyuanyi and Kuzan walked off the podium and returned to their seats.

The meeting also officially entered the topic.

"Now, let's start the battle meeting."

"For the Roger Pirates!"

"Major General Kuzan and Lieutenant General Ji Guoyuan, who were the first to arrive at Shuixian Xing Island, successfully captured the crew of the Roger Pirates!"

Sengoku said, using the projection phone bug to project the photos of Shanks and Bucky directly on the white wall.

And his words immediately caused an uproar in the conference room.

"Based on this situation, I intend to change the combat strategy."

"I named this plan the Fortress Project!"

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