One Piece World Reviewer

Chapter 475 The Straw Hats Are in Action

Chapter 475 The Straw Hats Are in Action
"Crow, contact Mr. Tanaka! I want to know the location of a person who is capable of molten fruit. As long as he tells me, I will bring Tezolo out of the submarine prison! By the way, check the location of Ace."

"Roger that!"

After a while, the three figures that Jiang Bo used to teleport over looked at the form in front of him in surprise.

After Ace learned about it, he took the initiative to join the rescue series. The Whitebeard sea area is now shrinking severely, and their site is really not in danger of a submarine volcanic eruption.And even if there is a volcanic crisis there, Marco can solve it.

Bilu, who has the ability to melt fruit, and Achino, who has the ability to burn hot fruit, were a little reluctant, but after recognizing the faces of Queen Mary and Jiang Bo, they all jumped into the magma obediently like frightened rabbits to help.

Soon, the crisis that Huoshaoshan saw as unsolvable was easily resolved by Jiang Bo.

Due to their different identities, the navy is unable to mobilize these masters at sea after all, just like Dons Fogg, the foggy fruit capable person who tore up the navy's fax before.

But these are extremely simple to Jiang Bo, from the Four Emperor Ace, the underground queen Mary, down to the patriarch of a small family like Don Aquino, who can not give him face?

"Phew! It's about to erupt completely!" Huoshaoshan heaved a sigh of relief, his mission was finally completed!

"Now just wait for his second outbreak to end! Then we will clear the air and go to the next location!" Jiang Bo also nodded.

This is the travel world designated by the group personally. Because of his participation, Luffy did not defeat Zefa, and it is impossible for the volcano to destroy the new world.

And out of humanitarianism, Jiang Bo couldn't just sit back and watch the tragic deaths of countless civilians.

"Jiang Bo, it's better to take the initiative to wait than to wait. I think if we detonate the second eruption of this volcano in advance! The power will be better, and we can also finish the task of cleaning up this sea area earlier!"

Mary suggested.

"Okay! But how does this volcano cause an eruption!"

"Bilu! Go and try!"

It rained lightly, and it rained for three days and three nights in the new world.

After initially clearing the sky of volcanic ash, Jiang Bo rained again in the New World for a few days, and the light rain spread over a wide area!The volcanic ash in the windless zone has been resolved a lot.

In this world-ending disaster, countless people lost their homes and became displaced.Many people's relatives were deprived of their lives by volcanic fog or earthquakes, tsunamis, and magma in this disaster.

Those who lost their homes were gathered by the Shichibukai, the Navy or the Revolutionary Army, and took them to live in new places.

In this disaster, the navy, Qiwuhai and others stood up resolutely.

All those who participated in this battle against natural disasters became heroes after being reported by the ONE PIECE news network.

Admiral Chigou, Huoshaoshan, Momotu, and the rebel Aokiji all became naval heroes. They saved not just one or two people, but people from the entire new world.

The prestige that the navy has lost in recent times has once again risen.

And Shichibukai has also become a hero, Hawkeye desperately slashed the mountain to stop the magma from flowing, Hancock desperately killed the Neptune to block the crater, Crocodile... and other deeds have also become topics that people talk about.

From this moment, many people don't regard them as pirates, but as patron saints of the sea.

Of course, praise and criticism are always relative. In this incident, the world government and the Tianlong people who did nothing from the beginning to the end were scolded by the whole world!

That's right, people at sea have gradually separated the world government from the navy. No matter what the navy wins or loses in the battle with the pirates, they are protecting the world. But what is the world government doing?
If it weren't for the war on top, civilians all over the world would not know the existence of the Five Old Stars!
The navy is fighting desperately with the pirates, who is it protecting?
Just protect this group of people who obviously have absolute strength to crush pirates, but who are so superior that they don't take human lives as their own?
The people in the sea searched through the history books for decades, but they couldn't find any records of the group of five old stars making moves.

That is a bunch of rubbish who only know how to enjoy rights but don't know how to protect civilians.

Zefa has also become a sinner through the ages, but this is the result he knew before his death!

In fact, the world view of One Piece World is a bit distorted, not to mention that One Piece World is to change the sea.

But when looting slowly penetrated into the hearts of the people, countless people only knew how to rob other people's property to survive.

When the aloof world government ignores the life and death of civilians.

When Tianlong people wantonly trample on other people's lives and dignity,
When the people are completely blinded by the truth and dare not resist,
The world is sick.

Creating a hero is a plan that Jiang Bo has long thought of, but the plan has not changed quickly. At first, Jiang Bo's idea was to make a certain general of the navy and Luffy of the pirates into a hero. Change the values ​​of the world.

I just didn't expect that in the end, I and Qi Wuhai became heroes.

But since he got it, Jiang Bo didn't care about the title.

In the past 20 years, he has done civilians, pirates, Qiwuhai, prisoners, kings, uncrowned kings of the sea, and now he is a hero it's not a big deal!
Although the world government was furious, it also knew that now was not the best time to take action against those nasty pirates, so they could only smash their teeth and swallow them.

The Five Old Stars released a lot of "evidence", which shows that the command of this incident is the world government, and many of the navy's credits have been shamelessly taken by them.

The Navy dare not speak out, their credit is being plundered at will!
Fortunately, people in the world are not fools, and they don't believe in the world government's recovery after a past disaster.

Jiang Bo also kindly helped the world government by publishing the evidence that Lu Qi secretly collected by the world government officials for taking credit for the navy.

The world was in an uproar, cursing the shamelessness of the world government.

From the beginning to the end, the navy is laying out, desperately, what does it have to do with the officials of the world government?
Didn't that group of officials provoke this incident!If they hadn't forced Zefa away, how could such a thing have happened.

Jiang Bo also knew that during this period of time, the world government did not dare to take action against them, and frequently appeared in front of the public.

His time in this world is running out!All of this is for the final battlefield he is preparing for, and he wants to concentrate everything on the first battle.

Jiang Bo is acting here, and Lu Fei and others are also acting.

Half a month ago, the golden lion captured their navigator, this hatred is irreconcilable.

If it wasn't for Nami's cleverness to escape secretly, they would regret it for the rest of their lives.

A few days ago, their revenge plan was about to start, but Nami left temporarily because of the navy's call. Now that Nami is back, the Straw Hats' revenge has officially begun!
No one can shoot at our partners, not even the Four Emperor Golden Lions.

(End of this chapter)

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