One Piece: Ulquiorra Template

Chapter 44: Getting the Rumble-Rumble Fruit!

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"Holy, let's go!" Tashigi called out to the large white dog, leaping onto its head and scrambling towards the top of the giant beanstalk with surprising agility.

She moved with the nimbleness of a monkey, using the beanstalk's surface for leverage. Desperation breeds ingenuity, and in this case, it resulted in a dog climbing a tree.

"Pierre, follow them!" Gan Fall commanded.

Screech! The spotted bird let out a cry, but something felt off. Then, before the astonished eyes of Wyper and Tashigi, Pierre began to transform. His body shifted, his features changing, morphing from a bizarre bird into an equally bizarre horse-like creature. The spotted bird had become a… spotted pegasus.

"So ugly…" The thought echoed simultaneously in both their minds. Pierre, in his evolved pegasus form, retained his pink skin, black spots, and jet-black wings. Gone was the image of a majestic white steed with flowing mane and graceful wings. What had they witnessed?

Had he consumed the wrong fruit? No, the right fruit, but with the wrong results.

As a young woman with a fondness for cute creatures, she had certain expectations. Even a goose or a pigeon, if fed this Horse-Horse Fruit, could have transformed into a magnificent pegasus. This, however, was a travesty. First, the Skypieans with their tiny wings, and now this monstrosity of a horse.

Skypiea was proving to be a disappointment. She hoped the merfolk of Fishman Island would redeem her faith in aesthetic beauty.

However, there was no denying the creature's speed.

Wyper stayed behind. Someone had to keep watch over the defeated priests. The giant python, Nola, was no slouch in terms of speed, rivaling both the dog and the newly transformed pegasus. This massive serpent had been a mere hatchling 400 years ago, back when Calgara and Montblanc Noland had roamed these lands.

It had arrived on Jaya via a Knock Up Stream and had since been tamed, becoming a guardian deity of sorts for the Shandia. That Marine Vice Admiral...

He had overthrown Enel and liberated Skypiea. Their savior. Wyper prayed that nothing had befallen him.

The sheer power of Ian's attack suggested Enel had been forced to unleash his full power. At the very least, a fierce battle must have ensued, resulting in mutual injuries. With his subordinates and the former God Gan Fall by his side, victory should have been attainable.

"Damn it! I wanted to fight Enel myself!"

Wyper clenched his fist, recalling his recent battle with Gedatsu. He had used his Reject Dial once, firing a powerful blast, but using it again would likely cripple his arm. Moreover, someone had to remain vigilant. He was a warrior, known as the "Berserker," and understood the dangers of complacency on the battlefield.

He suppressed the urge to join the fight, to avenge his fallen comrades and slay the remaining priests.

Doing so would make them no better than Enel. The Shandia were warriors, not bloodthirsty killers.

"Your time will come. Prepare to face the wrath of Skypiea!" Wyper thought to himself, his words directed at the remaining priests.

"Isn't that Wyper, the Berserker of the Shandia? Where are the priests? How were they defeated?"

"Did you do this? When did you become so powerful? What happened?"

Time passed, and more Skypieans and Shandia arrived, their eyes filled with confusion and disbelief as they questioned Wyper.

They couldn't fathom how the Berserker, formidable as he was, could have achieved such a feat. Defeating a single priest and ringing the Golden Belfry was one thing, but severing the giant beanstalk and defeating three priests seemed impossible.

"It wasn't me. If you’re curious, just watch… Something interesting is about to happen.”

He stared intently at the sky, as if anticipating the descent of something momentous.

On God's Island, 17,000 meters above the White Sea, Enel lay in a circular crater, his body wracked with pain, his mind hazy and drifting towards unconsciousness.

He had anticipated injuries. The impact dials found on Skypiea were capable of inflicting damage through explosions, gravity manipulation, and cutting force. However, as a Logia-type user, he was immune to most physical attacks. The severity of his current state was unexpected.

And then there was the mental fog, the disorientation. What had caused this? Just as he was about to succumb to exhaustion and sleep, believing the demon had been vanquished and that he was safe…

“My, my, what a sorry state you're in…" A calm, emotionless voice echoed through the air. Enel instinctively searched for the source, his gaze landing on a figure emerging from a tear in space.

A jagged, black rift, several meters long, appeared before him, held open by clawed hands. Ian stepped out, his white attire pristine, black bat-like wings unfurling behind him, a menacing white skull helmet with horns framing his face. He strode towards the fallen Enel.

Shusui, the O Wazamono grade katana, had been stored within his Garganta, his personal pocket dimension. Perhaps he would entrust it to someone worthy in the future, or perhaps it would remain sealed away. After all, his collection of renowned blades was growing.

Tashigi herself possessed several, but Shusui, with its sheer weight and brute force, wasn’t suited for her delicate frame. Enel’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Demon! How are you unscathed?”

“Did you use that strange spatial ability to escape my attack? This isn’t fair! You cheated!” Enel raged, his voice laced with frustration and a hint of fear. “And what did you do to me? My mind is in turmoil!”

“It seems my theory was correct.” Ian mused. Logia-type Devil Fruit users were immune to attacks of their own element and most physical attacks, while other elemental attacks were significantly weakened. Otherwise, Ace wouldn't have been captured, and the clash between Aokiji and Akainu for the position of Fleet Admiral wouldn’t have resulted in such devastating injuries.

Armament Haki was known to be effective against Logia users, but it seemed that his spiritual pressure, a manifestation of his soul’s power, could directly affect their souls. That explained why Moria had suffered both physical and mental trauma during their encounter.

Descorrer, his Garganta technique, was indeed the ultimate defensive maneuver. However, the pocket dimension it created was tethered to his current location. Spatial manipulation abilities like Blueno’s Door-Door Fruit could potentially disrupt it.

Similarly, attacks powerful enough to warp or shatter space could also bypass his defenses. He had been fortunate that Enel’s attack and his own counter had momentarily merged, creating a brief window for him to activate Descorrer. Against another opponent, the outcome might have been different.

Perhaps it was time to develop the Hollow's Negación technique, a barrier similar to the Fairy Sphere or Bartolomeo’s Barrier-Barrier Fruit, capable of withstanding any attack as long as its user remained alive. A form of absolute defense, the Hollow’s ultimate life-saving technique.

“I’m afraid I can’t divulge my secrets. I lack the compassion to grant my enemies a peaceful death. That’s what makes me a demon, isn’t it?” His green eyes narrowed as he observed the unconscious Enel. He had underestimated the power of the Rumble-Rumble Fruit. Any other Logia user would have been rendered comatose by such a devastating attack. Enel, however, had only suffered physical and mental trauma. The Rumble-Rumble Fruit, as expected of the strongest Logia, possessed unparalleled power and unique properties.

“I can’t believe… I couldn’t even scratch you…” Enel’s mind, already weakened, shattered under the weight of this realization, plunging him into complete unconsciousness.

“Your journey has just begun.” Ian declared, a cold determination in his voice. A quick death was too merciful for Enel, a fate undeserved by the countless souls he had tormented.

He would not reveal the true reason for his defeat, nor would he allow him to continue his reign of terror. He would strip him of his power, inflicting upon him the pain he had inflicted upon others.

“Good for good, evil for evil.” When villains sought justification for their actions, only overwhelming force could deliver true justice. Laws?

A laughable concept. They rarely protected the weak and powerless.

Enel had unleashed his wrath upon countless individuals, and now it was their turn to repay the favor. He had simply never encountered a true demon before. If God wouldn’t act, then he, Ian, would rise from hell to deliver retribution.

“Not entirely useless. At least it destroyed my clothes.” As he advanced, his black wings folded, his Marine Vice Admiral coat and his signature white-and-black attire reforming around him.

His Zanpakuto, a white-hilted katana with a simple design, materialized from spiritual energy, sheathed and strapped to his black sash.

Finally, at 40% fusion, he could fully utilize his first Resurrección, manifesting his Arrancar attire and Zanpakuto from reishi, the spiritual particles that formed the basis of all spiritual beings. He had finally inherited a portion of Ulquiorra Cifer’s power.

However, it was merely the power of Adjuchas. True mastery would require a fusion rate of around 70%, while 60% would grant him the strength of a high-level Adjuchas, comparable to the lower-ranked Espada. That level of power would surpass legendary pirates, rivaling Admirals and Yonko.

He could even channel his reiatsu into his Zanpakuto, imbuing it with explosive force, similar to Gin Ichimaru’s Shinsō. Or perhaps he could acquire the Flame-Flame Fruit or the Ice-Ice Fruit and develop techniques akin to Ryūjin Jakka and Hyōrinmaru.

Logia abilities could be combined with his Resurrección to create devastating attacks, while the Clear-Clear Fruit could enhance his stealth, and the Kilo-Kilo Fruit could be used to manipulate gravity, similar to Fujitora’s abilities.

However, his current priority was to acquire the formidable Rumble-Rumble Fruit. He stood before Enel, his black claws reaching towards the unconscious God’s head, feeling the smooth surface of his white bandana.

“Come forth, Rumble-Rumble Fruit, the strongest Logia!” He channeled his reiatsu into his hand, pulling forth a devilish figure formed entirely from crackling electricity.

It surged with power, emitting intense heat, explosive force, razor-sharp edges, and a crushing weight. A formidable and defiant entity.

The electrical devil couldn’t even penetrate his Hierro. He unleashed his Soul Absorption, his power surging.

Within his inner world, a massive branch sprouted from his Devil Fruit tree, adorned with a fruit crackling with electricity, a symbol of the Rumble-Rumble Fruit’s immense power.

He had captured it.

“Vice Admiral Ian, are you alright? I was so worried!” Holy, the large white dog, carrying Tashigi on its back, landed beside Gan Fall, who rode the spotted pegasus. The young woman rushed towards Ian, her face etched with concern, which quickly transformed into relief. She had been right to trust him.

Ian felt her embrace, her slender body pressed against his, her heart pounding against his chest. She was indeed one of the most beautiful women in the Marines, her figure slender and toned, her abdomen flat and firm.

He imagined she possessed well-defined abs, like a male Marine. He still preferred her with long hair. Perhaps one day…

“I’m fine.” He removed her glasses and gently wiped away her tears. She was even more beautiful without them.

“Vice Admiral Ian… Those comforting words sound strange coming from you in that form.” Tashigi giggled. Like Aokiji, he possessed a heart of gold, despite his cold, demonic appearance.

“You’ll see my true form someday.” This time, Ian didn’t blush.

Ulquiorra’s influence had subtly enhanced his appearance in this world. He maintained his fused state primarily for its practical benefits.

Enhanced senses, regeneration, Hierro, and Soul Absorption. He could detect danger, heal from injuries, withstand attacks, and devour souls at a moment’s notice.

“Thank you, for ending Skypiea’s nightmare.” Tashigi, realizing her earlier display of emotion, blushed and averted her gaze. But a spark of anticipation flickered within her. She yearned to see his true face, the face of the man she admired.

Gan Fall removed his helmet and bowed deeply towards Ian, expressing his gratitude.

“We both achieved our goals. Rest assured, Enel’s power is gone. He’s no longer a god. You can do whatever you wish with him. His reign is over.”

Ian had examined Enel’s condition and was surprised by his weakened state. He was now no stronger than an ordinary human, weaker even than Tashigi. Like Kizaru, he had relied too heavily on his Devil Fruit, neglecting to develop his physical abilities.

His Raigo technique, without the Ark Maxim to amplify its power, was a pale imitation of its former glory, far inferior to the attacks of Aokiji, Akainu, and even Kizaru, the three Logia-type Admirals. However, considering Skypiea’s isolation for over 400 years…

Developing Observation Haki was a testament to his talent. Had he ventured into the Grand Line, he could have become a formidable Yonko. But fate had dealt him a cruel hand.

He had encountered Luffy, his natural counter, mirroring Ulquiorra’s ill-fated encounter with Ichigo Kurosaki in the world of Bleach. They had both fallen victim to protagonist powers: one through elemental weakness, the other through an overwhelming abundance of plot armor and external assistance.

Now, Enel had been defeated by a demon. Ian, too, possessed the protagonist’s advantage: the power of a transmigrator and a system.

“I’ll leave the rest to you. I’ll be exploring Skypiea for a few days. Don’t disturb me.”

Ian declared, much to Tashigi’s delight. She had assumed he would depart once their mission was complete. It was clear he was considering her feelings. She didn’t question his methods, nor how he had defeated Enel and caused such widespread destruction.

She trusted that he would tell her in due time. Everyone had their secrets. Gan Fall was overjoyed.

He had feared that Enel might regain his power once Ian departed. It seemed Ian had anticipated that possibility. He approached the unconscious God, grabbed him by the neck, and hoisted him onto Pierre’s back, dragging the once-mighty ruler towards the 7,000-meter-high Upper Yard. As they neared their destination, Gan Fall hurled Enel to the ground. He felt no sympathy for the fallen God, the true demon who had terrorized Skypiea.

“That’s… God Enel? Damn it!”

The three priests cried out in dismay. Their leader had been defeated. Their fate would be grim.

“People of Skypiea! The false god, Enel, has been vanquished! His Divine Soldiers and priests have fallen! Peace has returned to our land!”

Gan Fall, soaring through the sky on his spotted pegasus, addressed the gathered Skypieans and Shandia below.

Their cheers erupted, a thunderous roar that rivaled the sound of the Golden Belfry. For the first time in years, they were united. Enel’s reign of terror had ended.

They had lived in paradise, their hearts trapped in hell…


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Word Count [2540]


To Be Continued..


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