One Piece: Ulquiorra Template

Chapter 40: The Wrath of the Thunder God

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"How conceited!" Ohm and Shura exclaimed in unison.

While the pressure didn't physically harm them, their animal companions, the giant white dog and the bird, trembled as if sensing something terrifying.

Ian's piercing green eyes, accentuated by the Hollow mask, focused on the massive white dog. "You. Come here."

"What?" The two priests were taken aback.

Was he addressing them? Unfamiliar with Conqueror's Haki, they assumed Ian was using a Dial to project this overwhelming aura.

They were about to retort angrily – Who does he think he is, ordering us around? Does he expect us to obey?

Then, to their astonishment, the dog stood on its hind legs, knocking Ohm to the ground.

It bounded over to Tashigi, nudging her with its head and wagging its tail, its tongue lolling out in a display of canine affection.

"Good boy…" Tashigi, a sucker for cute creatures, showered the dog with pets and gentle strokes.

"You bastard! What have you done to Holy?!"

Enraged, Ohm lunged at Tashigi, his iron whiplashing out towards her. She reacted instantly, drawing her Shigure blade to block the attack.

Holy, the white dog, could be commanded by others, but only temporarily. Once it regained its senses, its loyalty would return to Ohm. However, Ian had managed to tame it right before his eyes. The reason was unclear, but Ohm couldn't tolerate such disrespect. To add insult to injury, a small woman had dared to block his attack.

His fury was palpable. Though Tashigi's swordsmanship wasn't yet on par with Zoro's, her training with Ian over the past two weeks had yielded some results. Her Observation Haki was still rudimentary, incapable of predicting attacks in advance.

However, she could now sense the subtle shifts in energy as an opponent prepared to strike. Moreover, Ohm's iron cloud sword relied on stealth and range for its effectiveness. Otherwise, Zoro wouldn't have been able to exploit its weakness and deliver a decisive 1080 Pound Phoenix.

"So your name is Holy? That's a wonderful name." Tashigi said softly, petting the large dog.

She then turned to Ohm, her normally gentle eyes hardening with a cold glint. "You're truly despicable. Just because your pet was tamed by someone else, you want to destroy it."

That attack, fueled by rage, hadn't been solely directed at her. It was meant for Holy as well.

Ohm nonchalantly slung his white sword over his shoulder. "I don't need your approval. Eliminating a traitorous companion is perfectly normal in this world. Showing mercy would be a weakness."

"Don't be naive, foolish woman!"

His frustration was evident, but it wasn't heartbreak he felt. It was annoyance.

He had raised Holy for so long, only for it to turn out to be a fickle beast, easily swayed by another. If he couldn't keep it, then he would destroy it, preventing it from becoming a tool for his enemies.

"you coward! I challenge you to a duel!"

Tashigi unsheathed her Shigure, gripping the hilt and scabbard with both hands and pulling them apart with a sharp snap. The sleek, polished blade gleamed in the sunlight. A fierce determination radiated from her.

Her fitted Marine uniform accentuated her curves, adding a touch of alluring danger to her already formidable presence.

Ohm's face twitched. Not only had they stolen his beloved pet, but they had the audacity to act righteous about it. Sure, they had used their strength, but this blatant display of arrogance was infuriating.

Woof! Holy, the large white dog, stood protectively behind Tashigi, letting out a soft growl.

Ian felt the urge to facepalm. The cute woman and the dog were a perfect match, both possessing a certain endearing naiveté. While Ohm wasn't a good person, they were essentially stealing his pet. Fortunately, Skypiea had been isolated from the Blue Sea for so long that its inhabitants were unaware of the Marines' authority.

With his fusion rate now close at 40%, his ability to create Garganta, interdimensional portals, had significantly improved. While these gateways led to a void devoid of air, time, and other elements, oxygen tanks existed in the world of One Piece.

Bringing Holy down to the Blue Sea wasn't impossible. The image of a cute swordswoman riding a giant white dog through Marine Headquarters was amusing, to say the least…

Holy possessed incredible strength, and was a natural swimmer, making it an ideal candidate for both combat and marine rescue operations. Recruiting it into the Marines would be a valuable asset.

"Haha, Ohm! You're pathetic! You raised this mutt for so long, only for it to be stolen so easily. Go ahead and play with the little girl. The other one is mine!"

Shura turned his attention to Ian, recognizing him as the leader. While his companion entertained herself with the dog, he would test the strength of its master. He mounted his Fuza, a large South Bird, its legs regaining their strength now that the oppressive spiritual pressure had subsided.

"Flame Spear!" He declared, launching himself towards Ian, his spear thrusting forward with deadly intent.

Screech! A sharp bird cry pierced the air.

A figure clad in armor, wielding a spear, materialized in the sky, intercepting Shura's attack with a powerful thrust of his own.

"Finally! A chance to deal with you, you accursed people!" Gan Fall's voice boomed across the battlefield.

Ian had noticed him lurking in the shadows, observing the situation. While his intentions were unclear, it was evident that he was targeting Enel.

So this was his choice. Gan Fall, the former God of Skypiea, the one who had lost the throne.

Gan Fall was a benevolent ruler, beloved by his people. He had once lived in harmony with the Skypieans, but their peaceful existence had been shattered by the arrival of Enel.

Enel and his priests had seized control of Skypiea, imposing their tyrannical rule upon the island. Gan Fall and the Skypieans had been powerless to resist. Enel, with his Rumble-Rumble Fruit, was invincible. Those who defied him faced divine judgment. Yet, Gan Fall had never abandoned his people, continuing to protect them in secret, a true Leader.

In the cover stories, it was only after Enel's defeat at the hands of Luffy, whose rubber body was immune to lightning, and his subsequent journey to the moon that Gan Fall had reclaimed his rightful position as God.

"I don't know your purpose, Sir, but allow me to join this fight against Enel. Even if you wish to become God yourself, I will willingly submit, as long as you promise to care for my people."

Gan Fall had known Gol D. Roger, the Pirate King. He was aware of the world beyond Skypiea, the power dynamics and the role of the Marines. Their attire identified them as Marines, upholders of justice, individuals worthy of trust.

"No, I refuse." Ian replied with a faint smile.

His normally stoic face, now framed by the Hollow mask, held an air of indifference. Gan Fall interpreted his words as a rejection of his offer, his face falling in disappointment.

Even the Pirate King, a noble adventurer, had been hunted by the Marines. Could they truly be trusted?

"I have no interest in becoming God. That position is yours. I'm simply here to confront Enel and eliminate him."

"Then I am grateful… I have heard tales of the Marines and their justice. It seems those rumors were true." Gan Fall bowed his head in gratitude.

Had anyone else uttered those words in such a casual tone, he wouldn't have believed them so readily. But coming from a Marine, a representative of the Blue Sea's guardians of peace, spoken with such gravity and sincerity, it held a certain weight. As the former God of Skypiea, he possessed a keen sense of judgment. He understood the consequences of failure.

If they were defeated, there would be no chance for rebellion. He had been powerless against Enel before. Now, with these outsiders offering their assistance, he had to contribute, to fight for his people's freedom.

"Justice? That's a burden I don't understand. I… am a demon from hell."

Hiss As Ian glanced towards the massive beanstalk, his black wings unfurling behind him as he prepared to ascend to the palace high above, a sound like a serpent slithering across the ground reached their ears. And indeed, it was the serpent.

The giant python that had been swept up to Skypiea along with Jaya 400 years ago, a living testament to the friendship between Noland and Calgara.

It was the grandson of Kashi, the former Serpent God of Skypiea. Back then, it had been a hatchling. Now, it was a colossal beast.

Even Sea Kings were a mystery, their lifespans and origins shrouded in enigma. Perhaps, in ancient times, they had ruled the world, led by the ancestor of Princess Shirahoshi, the current Poseidon….

Whether humans had triumphed over them with the ancient weapons, Pluton and Uranus, remained unknown.

"Holy, stop it!" Ian commanded, as the python lunged towards him, its massive jaws agape.

Woof! Holy barked, rising to its hind legs in a humanoid stance, its massive, rock-like fists clenched. Tashigi watched in astonishment.

It caught the python's jaws between its fists, then slammed them shut with a powerful blow to the head.

The python reeled, dazed and disoriented, reminiscent of Whitebeard's clash with Kaido in his dragon form. With Tashigi's encouragement, Holy seemed to have unlocked a newfound ferocity.

"Good boy! You're amazing!" Tashigi cheered, impressed by the dog's strength.

"I can't fall behind either!" She declared, turning her attention back to Ohm, her gaze filled with determination, fueling his frustration. Holy had been his companion, his loyal mount.

"A God? Enel didn't come for you, yet you choose to deliver yourself to him? Wouldn't a peaceful retirement be more fitting?" Shura and Gan Fall clashed, their spears meeting in a flurry of sparks, their voices echoing across the battlefield.

Their respective mounts, the South Bird and the Sky Pigeon, both rare species of Skypiean birds, engaged in an aerial battle, a display of avian agility and power. It seemed everyone had found their opponent. This confrontation wouldn't end quickly.

"Unleash, Murciélago!"

Ian's horned helmet transformed, extending to fully encompass his head. Massive black wings erupted from his back, carrying him skyward, towards the palace that soared high above, hidden among the clouds.

A wave of frigid, oppressive energy radiated from him, far more chilling than his previous display of Conqueror's Haki. It felt like a legion of vengeful spirits, a cold that pierced the very soul.

A demon from the depths, challenging the God who rules the heaven. An epic confrontation was about to unfold. Gan Fall, sensing the immensity of Ian's power, felt a surge of excitement.

When a God abandoned justice, embracing tyranny and oppression, then a demon, his sworn enemy, would rise to challenge him, to cleanse the world of his corruption.

Not for any noble cause, but for a simple, primal reason: He was a nuisance.

He would be dragged down, cast into the depths… of hell.


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Word Count [1920]


To Be Continued..


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