One Piece Titan Awakening

Chapter 31 Luo Song's armed color

Chapter 31 Luo Song's armed color
"As expected of a colonel of the Navy Headquarters!"

After several fights, Luo Song secretly whispered about Colonel Dick's strength.

The faint pain in his body told him that this silly instructor was not as simple as he thought.

However, this kind of battle is interesting.

"very good!"

The corner of Luo Song's mouth curled into a war-thirsty smile.

"I'm going to do my best!"

Colonel Dick, who stood opposite him, seemed to be in a calm posture on the surface.

But inside, he was in a panic.

He only found out after he fought Luo Song.

Fuck!What a pervert this guy is!Such perverted power!

Why did I do this to death!

There were more and more people watching, and everyone looked at Colonel Dick with a look that you must win.

As for Dick's feeling at this time, besides the pain, there is also a lot of strength.

It's over, do I want to embarrass myself in front of so many people, my majestic devil instructor?

Dick was so flustered, especially when he saw the perverted look of Luo Song on the opposite side who was getting more and more excited.

Do you want to use that?
Dick hesitated.

Finally, he made up his mind.

Face is the most important thing!

"Armed Color!"

With a low growl, Colonel Dick's whole body was instantly covered by black iron-like armed domineering.

A powerful force surged, and Dick laughed wildly: "Come and fight!"

Seeing this, the other instructors and students onlookers were all shocked and speechless.

A few seconds later, a student asked his instructor in a weak voice.

"Instructor, didn't you say that armed domineering is difficult to practice? Could it be that Instructor Dick is actually a hidden strongman in our naval academy?"

"Strong, be it."

The instructor who answered him looked at Dick enviously, and slowly explained to his students.

"Armed-color arrogance is the same as knowledge-color. It is a kind of arrogance that can be acquired through cultivation. After use, it can greatly improve the user's defense and attack power."

"The most important thing is that it is the most effective means for non-devil fruit ability users to fight against devil fruit ability users."

"As such, it's a powerful force that every navy that doesn't have a devil fruit capability aspires to master."

"What happened to Instructor Dick?"

The student asked puzzledly.

"Could it be that his strength is already very strong?"

"No, Dick is a special case."

The instructor shook his head.

"Different people have different uses of armed domineering, and the strength and coverage of domineering are also different. Generally speaking, the two cannot be fully balanced."

"But Colonel Dick, at a certain price, can bring both of them to a higher level."

"so smart!"

The students exclaimed.

"What's the price?"

A female student asked curiously.

"I don't know either," the instructor said with longing. "This is his secret. I only know that every time he uses his weapon, the battle will be resolved within three minutes."


"So strong!"


While the students and the instructors were discussing, on the other side of the battlefield, the battle between Colonel Dick and Luo Song became more and more intense.

The Colonel, on the other hand, clearly had the upper hand.

"Haha, admit defeat, kid, you can't defeat me without weapons!"

Colonel Dick smiled smugly, but the attack on Luo Song was more vigorous than each move.

It seems that I want to make up for all the losses I suffered before.

Luo Song's complexion was solemn, and his bare skin was golden and iron, obviously he had already used the kung fu of horizontal training.

It's a pity that even so, it only made him more resistant. Facing Colonel Dick's increasing attack power, Luo Song had no power to fight back.

"Armed color?"

Luo Song lowered his eyebrows and said softly.

The so-called armed color in the world of One Piece is actually an ability obtained by developing the body to a certain extent.

And these, with Luo Song's state of martial arts, can actually be done a long time ago.

So what's the difference?

Luo Song's mind is completely immersed in his body. With his strong control over the physical body, he perceives the changes in Dick's body at this time during the collisions with Dick.

"His like this...'s like this...

Muscle, and blood flow, are like this. "

Unknowingly, patches of black skin covered with armed colors began to appear on Luo Song's body surface.

Appears, disappears, reappears.

The frequency is getting faster and faster, and the duration is getting longer and longer.

"Damn, what's the situation with this kid?"

Colonel Dick naturally saw and felt the series of changes in Luo Song.

For some reason, when his fist hit Luo Song, he sometimes felt like he couldn't hit Luo Song.

And the strength of Luo Song's punches on him was unexpectedly several times, which made him feel pain even when his whole body was armed.

Dick was puzzled.

Until, he finally saw the armed color on Luo Song's face that appeared and then disappeared on his fist.

"What! Armed color! How could you!"

In Dick's horrified eyes, he saw that the armed color on Luo Song's body was unstable from the beginning, and then became more and more stable, until finally, like him, the armed color covered his whole body, and even began to move towards a kind of Special green-gold transformation.

And Luo Song, from being at a disadvantage at the beginning, gradually gained the upper hand.

Cold sweat rolled down Dick's head.

Could it be?To overturn.

Finally, when Luo Song's whole body's armed color was completely frozen in blue-gold, Luo Song's whole body was shocked, and he raised his head with a happy expression on his face.

"My armed color domineering, it's done!"

"don't want……"

The colonel exclaimed, but was stopped by Luo Song's continuous blows.

"Bah, let you bully me, young master, and let you take revenge on me."

"The black tiger is heartbroken!
Monkey stealing peaches!

Mice Steal Cheese!
Tornado destroys parking lot!


Crows fly! "

Continuous flirting, one move with extraordinary momentum.

(Luo Song: "No, I said it's a big move, it's a big move.")
Luo Song, who was finally elated, had a hearty beating for a while.

Colonel Dick was helpless for a moment.

"This...what's the situation?"

It was the same student who asked the question at the beginning.

It's just that the instructor, who was able to respond to him before, opened his mouth wide in shock.

"This... this, he was able to master the armed color in the battle, and it is such an armed color that covers the whole body at once! This student is too scary!"

"Another steel frame—empty?"

The instructor muttered to himself, his eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

Looking around, all the naval instructors and students who understood what the scene in front of them meant all had the same shocked expressions.

At this moment, Dick, who was finally relieved, was anxious and said to himself.

"Not good, the time is coming, we have to end the battle quickly."

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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