One Piece : Safety second

Chapter 31: Respectable pirates deserve better

The guards that brought Tyke, Yuuki, and Della left the dungeon after pushing them into the cell. Tom looked at Tyke and asked,

"Where is this place?"

"It's a dungeon underneath the castle."

"What castle?"

"The one you attacked."

"This really is a castle?"


As Tyke deadpanned at Tom's surprised expression, Yuuki and Della found Jerry sprawled out with his ass sticking up in a corner of the cell.

"What happened, Jerry?!"

"Why is your ass so swollen?!"

Looking at Yuuki and Della making a fuss, Tom said,

"Leave him alone. He'll be fine in a while."

Taking a look outside the cell, Tom turned to Tyke and asked,

"Where's that guy?"

"What guy?"

"The guy that I just fought. Hansen, I think."

"I'm pretty sure he left the island. I overheard a report."

"Huh? They put me in here and let him go? Is this discrimination? Just because I'm a pirate?"

Deadpanning at the unreasonable conclusion his captain was getting to, Tyke glanced to the side and saw that Jerry had gotten up and was eating a chocolate.

'Where did he get that from?'

Unfortunately he would not get an answer for that, as his captain had kicked away the cell door and walked out. 

"Hmph, they'll pay for locking me up. Did you see any room where they might keep their treasure?"

"No." (Tyke)

"Not really." (Yuuki)

"Can you unlock my cuffs first?" (Della)

"Uh-huh." (Jerry)

Tom looked at Jerry as the latter unwrapped another chocolate and asked,

"You saw where they keep their treasure?"


"Great. Take me there."

"Don't wanna."


Tom looked at the defiant expression that Jerry was wearing and frowned. Just as Tom was about to say something, Jerry snorted and turned away.

Tyke looked at the pouting Jerry and turned to Tom.

"What did you do?"

"What do you mean what did I do?"

"Why's he sulking then?"

"Why would I know?"


Tyke doubted what Tom was saying, but he couldn't really say anything as the latter kept denying everything. Walking towards Jerry, Tom told Tyke,

"It'll be fine."

When he got close enough, Tom bent down and whispered something to Jerry, something that made the latter widen his eyes. Jerry immediately got up and said,

"Let's go! I'll take you there!"

Tom looked at Tyke with a wide grin and said,

"See, nothing's wrong. Nyahaha."

As Tyke narrowed his eyes at Tom, the latter walked out pretending he didn't see anything. Letting out a sigh, Tyke followed behind them with Yuuki and Della joining him. As everyone moved along, Della asked,

"Uh, can you try and release my shackles first?"


Unfortunately, her words seemed to fall on deaf ears, as the Whisker pirates walked along. Glaring at their backs for a moment, Della quickly followed them.


"Hmmm, this is delicious."

In the dining hall of his castle, Freddy was having lunch with a pleasant expression on his face. Just as he was about to take a sip from his wine cup, he felt some vibrations.

Thinking that it was just his imagination, he savored some wine and was about to get back to eating when the door to the dinner hall burst open and a subordinate came running to him. Recognizing him as the one who barged in during his meeting with Hansen, Freddy asked,

"It's you again?"


"What is it?"

"Um... some prisoners have escaped."

For a moment, Freddy's mind went blank as he dropped the cutlery in his hands and looked wide-eyed at his subordinate. Regaining his composure, he asked,

"Which ones?"

"The pirates we caught earlier in the day."

"...Those guys?"


Slamming the table and getting up, Freddy ordered,

"Where are they right now?!"

"They were last sighted going towards the treasury, Your Majesty!"

"Get every soldier and block off the exits!"

"Understood, Your Majesty!"

Leaving his food unfinished, Freddy stormed out of the dining room.


Meanwhile, Yuuki and Tyke were watching Tom smell a door while Jerry tried to unlock the shackles on Della. Tilting his head with an incredulous expression, Yuuki asked,

"What do you think he's doing?"


Getting no answer, Yuuki looked to the side and saw Tyke's eyes were vacant as he looked ahead. Feeling weird about something, Yuuki waved his arm in front of Tyke's eyes.

'This guy! Is he sleeping? Or ignoring reality?'

"Finally, I'm free! Thank you, Jerry-chan."

"Ahem, it's just a simple thing."

As Yuuki snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Della and Jerry, there was a huge sound of something smashing. When he looked towards where the noise came from, he saw Tom had busted through the door with a kick.

Unfortunately, his leg seemed to have gotten stuck in the door. Hanging upside down, Tom stared at his crewmates. Unable to handle the stare for long, Yuuki asked,

"You want me to pull you out?"

"What do you think?"

"...You can ask nicely, you know."

Letting out a sigh, Yuuki walked over to Tom and grabbed his arms. Letting out a heavy grunt, Yuuki tried to pull Tom out. It only took a few moments for Yuuki to give up as he patted his aching back and slapped Tyke's arm.

Rousing out of his dreamland, Tyke blinked his eyes and looked around him. Feeling someone glaring at him, Tyke looked at Tom hanging upside down from the door and walked over. As he grabbed Tom's arms, Tom asked,

"You, what were you doing there?"

"I was standing."

"Huh, do you think I'm an idiot?"


With a quick yank, Tyke pulled Tom out. Throwing a sharp look at his navigator, which was avoided, Tom peeked through the hole he made in the door and grinned. Growing his tail out, Tom sent it through the hole and opened the door from the inside.

As everyone looked at the riches in front of them, Tom ordered,

"Take everything! Nyahaha!"


With big sacks over their shoulders, the Whisker pirates and Della exited the castle only to be met with a large number of soldiers led by presumably their commander waiting for them. Tom looked at them and clicked his tongue.

"Tsk tsk, just this many? It's not even gonna be enough as a warmup for me."

"Let's hope you don't lose again, Tom-san!"

Tom snapped his head towards Jerry, who tried to hide behind Tyke's legs. As Tom took out a hammer to swing at him, the commander said,

"You have a lot of guts to brazenly try to exit from the main gates."

"I'm a respectable pirate. Why would I use any other exit?"

The commander's eyes twitched when he heard that. Deciding not to waste any more time, he shouted,

"Take them down! It doesn't matter if they die!"

As soon as the order was given, the soldiers rushed towards the Whisker pirates. Taking a step forward, Della said,

"Leave this to me!"

Tom, who had finished whacking Jerry on his head, looked at Della to see what she was about to do. But Tyke, who had an idea of what she would end up doing, grabbed her shoulder and said,


"Huh? Last time was just--"



Seeing the serious expression on Tyke when he said that, Della felt offended and started pouting. Tilting his head, Tom asked,

"What's going on?"

Rubbing the bump on his head, Jerry said,

"She was about to pee and set it on fire!"


"No, I wasn't! Didn't I tell you not to speak about a lady that way!?"

As Jerry hid from Della behind Tom's legs, Yuuki shrieked,

"Do you guys not see the people coming at us!?"

Looking at Yuuki, Tom shook his head and clicked his tongue.

"I should've dropped you on the reverse mountain, coward."

"What?! That's harsh!"

Their conversation came to a halt as a person was sent flying past them. Looking at the soldier who had fallen unconscious, Tom looked back and saw Tyke had already started fighting.

Tilting his body to the side, Tyke grabbed the spear that was thrust towards him and swung the sack he carried at the person that thrust it. Putting his sack back on his shoulder, Tyke felt it was light for some reason and looked at it and saw the gold coins in it leaking through a hole.

"I see, the helmet made a hole in it."

"You bastard! You're losing me money!"

Tyke looked below him and saw Tom sweeping in the gold coins that were falling while shooting him a glare. Feeling once again that his captain was very money-minded, Tyke swung the sack at another soldier who was charging at him.

"Gaah! Stop it!"

While Tom was trying to save as much gold as possible, Jerry was jumping from one soldier to another and crushing their helmets with his batons.

"Nihihihi, it's like whack-a-mole."

Looking around, he saw Tom chasing after Tyke while collecting the coins the latter dropped, Della swinging her mace around with a pout, and Yuuki running around like a headless chicken.

Letting out an exaggerated sigh, Jerry decided he might as well help out his crewmate and jumped, landing on top of Yuuki's shoulders.


"It's just me!"

"O-oh! Haha, I knew."

"Then why did you shout?"


"Anyway, you're not as tall as Tyke-san, but it'll do."

Attaching his batons together, Jerry made a long staff and started swinging it around, preventing anyone from getting closer. This allowed Yuuki to relax and shoot at people from a single spot.

Soon, there wasn't anyone left standing other than Della and the Whisker pirates. Looking at the empty sack in his hand, Tyke frowned.

"What happened to the gold?"

"You bastard! Are you trying to act dumb or something!?"

Ignoring Tom's screams next to his ear, Tyke stared intently at the sack when he heard a large group of men marching towards them. Even Tom, who was on the verge of tearing his hair out, looked at them and asked,

"Do you know how long it takes for the log pose to reset here?"

"I don't know. But I think it's already pointing to the next island."

"Well, I don't think there's any point in sticking around here then. We're leaving!"

The Whisker pirates immediately started running to where they docked their ship. Noticing that Della was also following them, Tom asked,

"Why are you following us?"

"I can take you to where Hansen is."

"Alright then."

Watching his captain give her a thumbs up, Tyke said,

"I don't know if that's a good idea."

"I also know where Spike is."

"Then again, my ideas are never good."

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