One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 9: Straw Hats and Lost Girl

__________ POV Narration__________

If one was to describe the situation for the Straw hats in one word, that would be 'Joyful'.

Finally managing to reach the sea of clouds by riding the Knock Up Stream made them all excited. Although some were still a bit shaken by the experience...

Luffy himself had stars in his eyes as he saw the 'sea' his ship was riding on. Zoro, one of the more observant of the group, did notice that he was weakened to some extent.

But he decided to keep his mouth shut, for now, hoping it was nothing more than the change in the environment that was affecting him.

And he was completely right, having just reached a higher altitude than they were used to, the air was simply thinner up there, and their bodies simply needed some time to get used to it.

Thankfully no one attacked them, but they also didn't have any 'Extol' to pay for entry to the islands, as they didn't even have any idea what Extol was...

It was supposedly a fee of 1 billion extols per person to gain access to the sky island at the booth. A fee that had Nami pulling her hair out, and she didn't even know what Extol was in the first place...

Now, after passing the booth without paying (which they were allowed to do as no one stopped them) the Straw Hats were officially branded as criminals.

Well, they were already pirates... So what's the difference anyway?

They reached the shores of 'Angel Island' the very first island of Skypea, also the one that held one of the main cities, surrounded by the Angel beach.

It was important to note, that most of the sky islands were not made out of actual land, they were simply made out of 'Island clouds'.

The only island that was made of actual 'land' was Upper Yard, which still held the ancient city of gold... What remained of it anyway.

While the straw hats were getting to know the local population a bit better... Someone decided to make a trip into the forests of the upper yard.

During Enel's reign, the entirety of Upper Yard was completely restricted to all civilians. It was considered holy ground and it was said that stepping on it warranted a death punishment.

Now Upper Yard was back to being populated by the Shandians like it originally was many years ago.

Some parts of the forest were still relatively dangerous due to fauna, so children weren't exactly encouraged to go out alone.

But one child was a bit different. Wearing her usual fur dress and cap with a pair of sandals, as well as having a satchel strapped to her shoulder, she decided to venture out into the forest... It was none other than Aisa.

Aisa was used to these forests for quite some time, she had been going onto Upper Yard even during Enel's rule as 'God of Skypea'.

Aisa was mainly doing that to collect earth, which people called 'vearth' on the sky islands. It was considered extremely valuable on Skypea.

She already knew how to avoid forest animals, she knew which spots were more scenic, so she simply decided to take a stroll, although she did stray a bit further away than she had first intended.

Well, maybe it was better to say that she was completely lost. She was simply stuck following a river, as she had lost her way after being chased by some animals.

Now, she wasn't exactly the type to admit that she was lost... But none of the sights she was seeing was even close to familiar for her.

She was thankful she had remembered to bring her burn blade with her... Which was technically just a burn dial on a stick. It at least provided her with some peace of mind, although she barely knew what to do with it.

Eventually, she saw it in front of her... A wooden cabin, near the river, in the middle of nowhere. A cheerful smile spread on her face as she hoped she had finally found someone to guide her back to her tribe.

The cabin itself wasn't anything special, it didn't even have any windows. It was rather large, even the door was extremely tall for her. It was to the point where she couldn't even reach the door handle.

So she was stuck with simply banging on the door with her small fist.

"Heyy! Please help me!" Now, she didn't like asking for help from strangers. But she knew that the only people on the island were the Shandians, so she wasn't all that worried about meeting a suspicious stranger...

The door opened with a small creak. A large figure was looking down at her with a surprised face.

Enel knew that someone was approaching his cabin, he could tell because his Observation Haki was active at all times. But he had somehow lost track of her at some point, and now she was at his door.

So being a bit surprised was normal.

Aisa was a bit scared of the tall stranger that greeted her at the door... At least that was until he crouched down and gave her a kind smile...

"Apologies, you've somewhat startled me... I wasn't exactly expecting visitors. What's wrong little girl? Are you ok?"

Enel's smile was one of the kindest the little girl had ever seen, he was also dressed really nicely, wearing his deep blue suit as well as a tie. Even the wooden drums that stuck to his back appeared more stylish than they should have.

"Y-yes I'm fine! I'm a bit tired and I got lost... Do you know the way back to the Shandia tribe?"Aisa said with a scared tone, the stranger in front of her didn't look scary anymore, but he was still a bit intimidating.

Even when crouched down and trying to be on eye level with her, he was still about twice her height.

"Of course I can, I was in the middle of something, please, come inside." Enel stood back up and started walking inside his cabin, the little girl followed warily. She felt that the person in front of her was familiar, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it...

__________ POV Enel__________

How the hell did this girl get lost?

It didn't click instantly, but she is a character that appeared during the Skypea arc, more specifically, the little girl that had a very great talent for 'mantra'.

I remember her being able to predict where Enel would land and attack the straw hats... So she should technically be able to subconsciously use Mantra to the point where getting lost shouldn't be possible...

Welp, I don't know the limits of her Observation Haki anyway, I won't bother to look into it too deeply, she's still a small child after all.

The little girl followed me inside the cabin, she struggled to sit down on one of the chairs, the table was a bit too tall for her though... She was barely able to reach it while standing up straight on the chair...

I did make everything in this house to fit someone my size, I feel a bit bad since I didn't really design this house with visitors in mind...

With a sigh, I tapped my staff and made a smaller golden chair and table out of it.

"Sorry about that. This might be a bit better for you." Her eyes widened as she looked at the golden table and chair.

I don't know how she doesn't recognize me... I remember her mantra allowing her to read a person's emotion, and I basically have another soul now, so I'm guessing she doesn't think that I am Enel due to our different 'souls'?

Either that or she simply never got to run into the old Enel before I took over and has no idea either way...

It didn't take me long to squeeze some fruits and make her some juice. She took it with a smile on her face.

Now, I wanted to completely avoid the tribesmen these days... But I don't think it would be nice of me to just point her in the general direction of her tribe and tell her to fuck off.

"Thanks, mister! My name is Aisa by the way..." Aisa said when she received her juice cup. The cup was also made out of gold, as I didn't have any other cutlery to fit her size.

"Oh, my name is Enel. I started living in these woods a few mon-" My words were interrupted by her spitting her juice all over my golden table (staff).

"G-God Enel!?!" Oh... I may have had a short brain fart there.

"Well, former God essentially. I did end up giving Gan Fall his position back." I said as I took a seat on one of my 'regular-sized' chairs.

"W-what? Why are you still here?!" She asked as she quickly took out a stick with a strange shell on it... I think this is a burn blade? Wyper did tell me about the different weapons that were made using dials.

"I live here? I mean, I've been living here after asking Gan Fall for permission." I said while waving my arm around a bit.

I can basically see her trembling like a tree branch in the wind... I guess Enel was still considered invincible on this island, invincible and a tyrant.

This is annoying, having to deal with the shit that idiot did. The little girl took a few deep breaths, then she looked at me straight in the eye. I tried to give her the best reassuring smile I could, then she suddenly calmed down?

"I-I see... So I guess some of the rumours were true after all." She said as she put her burn blade back into her satchel.

"Rumors? Sorry, I am not sure about those, I haven't been focusing much on what is happening within the rest of the Sky islands..." I said while scratching my head for a bit.

"Some people started saying that you started feeling bad for your actions, and decided to start righting your wrongs. Most people just thought that was a joke... I guess not though..." Aisa said while looking at the small table in front of her, as well as the spilt juice.

"The Enel my people told me about would've never helped me like this... He also wouldn't have that much kindness within him." Damn, so this kid is still a psychic.

"Rumors aren't entirely true anyway. Do you want another cup of juice? I'll take you back home right after." I asked while grabbing a piece of cloth and wiping the small golden table.

I could see the girl getting a bit red in embarrassment as she nodded her head and apologized in a quiet voice. Which made me chuckle a bit.

Not all young brats are rude apparently. She is surprisingly well brought up even though she is technically part of a tribal society.

But I guess it's my fault for trying to judge her based on that alone... Wyper has always been nice to me after all.

I should probably take her back to her tribe soon, I'm sure they're looking for her already...


Double upload today :))

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