One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 27: Plotting and Beast Pirates

__________ POV Narration__________

As Enel ignored his initial mission and took to cleaning up the seas, another storm was brewing.

Doflamingo had been paying close attention to all news regarding Enel, as he had plans to take his revenge at some point.

He wasn't discouraged by hearing that Enel fought Garp, he knew that the Marine Hero was definitely holding back.

He was pondering on how exactly to take him down, but he couldn't quite do it himself, nor could he send his people to do it.

If he or his people openly killed a high-ranking marine then his status as a Warlord was going to get revoked without any doubt.

He didn't really care much for that status, but it did provide him with quite a bit of protection with his business in Dressorssa.

At least it guaranteed that no government agency would get involved in his business. As long as he remained secretive enough with his dealings and crimes, he could get away with anything.

As Doflamingo stood there, pondering how to deal with Enel, one of his associates seemed to get an idea.

"Why not just contact someone from the Beast Pirates?" An extremely high-pitched voice came out of a mountain of a man. Pica was the one to propose such a thing, as one of the top three officers of the Donquixote Pirates he had enough knowledge on who they could call upon.

Doflamingo pondered that suggestion for a moment, their dealings with the Beast Pirates were all going well until now, so they would definitely agree if it was just hunting down a random Rear Admiral.

The Beast Pirate's captain was Kaido after all, that man didn't fear any marine or government. But Kaido wasn't the only notable figure in the crew, they were all a strong and extremely dangerous group of pirates, especially the top brass.

"That might actually work! I received word that Enel is out hunting some nameless pirates, a rowdy bunch that seem to make a lot of trouble wherever they go, so we also know his general location on the seas." Doflamingo became more and more excited the more he thought about it.

"Dealing with him won't be easy though... We might have to pay extra to call a higher rank from the Beast Pirates in order to kill him." Pica said as he scratched his chin a bit.

Pica had no way of knowing what Enel's strength was, but he could easily surmise the level he had reached, both from rumours and from Doflamingo's tellings of his meeting with the marine.

They knew that he was somewhere at the level of a vice admiral, extremely specialized in speed, from the way he had taken Doflamingo by surprise.

"I think I have the perfect candidate..." Doflamingo said eerily as a devious smile spread on his lips.

--------- TIME SKIP 3 WEEKS---------

The seas were calm for the Jackal Pirates, they had just entered the New World, happily looking forwards to their future as pirates in the most dangerous sea in the world.

Their captain had managed to rack up a bounty of 90 million in the first half of the Grand Line, and his two 'Heads' each had around 80 million on their heads.

The three of them all had Zoan Devil fruits, and all of them were dog models. Nothing special in the grand scheme of things, but it still put them above most other people, at least in physical strength and endurance.

They all had big dreams, they wanted to join the Beast Pirates and rise in the rankings there. It was their goal in the New World, as not associating with a greater power made things exceedingly difficult in some parts of the New World.

"Captain! When are we heading for Kaido's territory? I can barely wait to join up with such a legendary figure!" On of the crewmates spoke in excitement.

The captain just smiled. "We're going there soon! Keep sailing you scum!"

The captain had absolutely no intention of keeping his crew with him, he knew that they were all just weaklings, they didn't even have any Zoan devil fruits.

Only the three of them were going to join the Beast Pirates, they were going to forge forward and reach the top...

At least that was what they were dreaming about.

Out of nowhere, a large storm started brewing.

"Fuck sake! The Grand Line is merciless as always!" One of the captain's 'Heads' spoke up, looking up at the sky with a frustrated gaze.

"Shut up and get to work! We need to get out of this storm, and qui-" The captain's words were silenced by something...

A large lightning beam descended from the clouds, completely swallowing up half of his ship, including the people on it.

The second the beam ended, the captain's eyes widened as he saw that half of his ship was completely missing.




The seawater around them was now building, having been heated up to an extreme by that lightning beam. The people that had fallen into the water were struggling and dying rapidly.

The half of the ship that remained quickly started sinking, the only people that were still managing to hold on to the ship were the devil fruit users.

They also didn't bother to save anyone of their crew.

A large whirlpool quickly formed in the place where the lightning beam had fallen, making the scenery look almost apocalyptic.


The devil fruit users quickly used their power to rush to the top of the ship, trying their best to avoid the water.

"Wow... I didn't expect you guys to struggle so much!" A voice was heard from the skies.

Looking up, the captain saw a figure flying on a golden ship, looking down at them while laying in what looked like a golden beach chair.

The captain also noticed a large sack behind the strange man.

"Please help us! We'll repay you!" The captain was quick to start begging for help, knowing that their chances of survival were extremely small.

That was when he noticed Enel's coat...

"A marine..." That was when his hopes died.

Enel then lifted his finger and pointed it down at the pirates.

A small tendril of gold appeared from the ship and swiped towards the pirates.

It released a large flying slash that managed to cut the captain in two. The half of the ship they were standing on was also split in two, right down the middle.

More golden tendrils expanded from the ship, killing the other two pirates in a similar fashion, then reaching down to grab their corpses.

Enel then got up and collected their heads, placing them all in the sack that was behind him (half a head in the captain's case).

__________ POV Enel __________

It's been a while since I've used my devil fruit like this. I really felt like letting off some steam.

I doubt some nameless newbie pirates would've given me much fighting experience anyway. They didn't even seem like they knew haki.

I've already hunted a lot of pirates. I've not really bothered taking them alive, but that's because I have nowhere to store prisoners.

I did take all of their heads as proof of their bounties. At this point, I'm pretty sure I racked up at least 8-9 billion in bounties from a lot of different pirate groups.

I've actually run out of all of the bounty posters I collected from the Marine Base. So I might have to go back a bit earlier than expected.

I've at least managed to gain some mastery over Rankyaku. Turns out it's one of the simpler techniques if your body is strong enough to handle it.

I was able to combine it with metal manipulation without much issue. When I manipulate metal, it basically becomes a part of me as I run electricity through it, it's only temporary though.

Regardless, I should probably start heading back to base... I doubt Akainu participated in this contest, so he should probably be back to a base already.

I don't want Sengoku to start worrying or something, so I'll just head there right now, shouldn't take longer than a few days with the speed of my ship.

Well... I wanted to escape.

But I feel a rather strange ship approaching me. I can sense it from the distance... The beast pirates are here.

More specifically, a large ship with a giant mammoth head as a figurehead for the ship. I remember this specific ship, one of the Beast Pirate's ships, the Mammoth.

Were the nobodies I killed supposed to meet up with them? Why are they in this part of the sea anyway?

More specifically, why is Jack the Drought, one of Kaido's three closest confidants, here?


Hope you liked the chapter!

Big boi pirate incoming, btw.

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