One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 249: Drums, Earthbound Dragon and Battle

__________ POV Narration __________ 

"There is no place for you in my skies little wyrm~" 

Enel's voice sounded like two people speaking at once, and they repeated within Kaido's ears endlessly as his eyes widened.

He growled heavily, his fangs were revealed as he clenched his gigantic jaw in anger.

But even with that anger, he couldn't quite dispel the unease and fear building up inside him.

"Huh, and here I thought you'd be too scared to show yourself!" Kaido scowled, his gigantic eyes narrowing as they studied the Sky King's figure, especially the drums on his back.

"Scared? Why would I ever be scared of you? You're nothing more than a mongrel masquerading as a prideful mythical species. 

Pretending you are above others whilst using a borrowed power." 

Enel's voice sounded almost mocking. His statement also felt a bit hypocritical since he and Kaido were very similar.

Both were using a power borrowed from deceased historical beings.

Even if Enel was not as influenced in his thoughts as Kaido was, it was still a similar situation, where he had inherited Raijin's powers. 

But there was one very specific difference between the two of them. Namely, Enel didn't use his powers to take advantage of others and oppress those weaker than him.

He also didn't look down on those weaker than him, knowing that his power was, at the end of the day, borrowed. 

His strength without a devil fruit was still quite significant thanks to Garp's training, but it was not exactly the type of god-like power his fruit granted him. 

Kaido had also once believed that he could reach the top of the world with his haki alone, but it became clear to him after losing so many times in recent memory that even after all of his effort he was still nowhere close to the top.

Hell, he came to the ghastly realization that without his Devil Fruit aiding him he wasn't all that special. 

But after his awakening, he realized that it didn't matter if it was his devil fruit that made him special, he had taken that power and made it his own.

Or so he believed, hearing Enel call it a borrowed power to his face made him angrier than he would've been normally when hearing such a taunt.

What made him even more angry was the fact that he couldn't shake off that feeling of fear either. A cocktail of emotions brewed inside of Kaido while he looked up at Enel's figure.

"Don't think you can intimidate me if you look fancy now! I'll crush you just like in our last clash!" 

The King of Beasts opened his mouth in that instant his throat expanded as flames started slightly escaping his mouth, it was clear to anyone that he was preparing a big attack.

Enel however seemed completely unperturbed.

Without any panic or fear, he clapped both of his hands together, before separating them and grabbing at air.

The clouds around him whirled and lightning filled the atmosphere as two distinct blue glowing drumsticks. 

The Sky King let his instincts take over at that moment, allowing the drums on his back to circle in front of him.

"Devastating Breath!" Kaido wasn't about to let him just do whatever he wanted. But his breath was not fast enough to reach the other emperor in time...

Almost as if it was muscle memory, the God of Thunder brought down one of his arms, striking the stick he held into one of the drums.

In that moment, the entire world stood still. Thunder danced all around Enel. the clouds beat stronger to match the beat of the drum.

Kaido's breath seemed insignificant in front of the vortex of enraged clouds that formed in front of him. 

In an instant, the entire sky was swallowed up, a large shadow was cast over the entire world, a figure of a man hammering on a floating disk of drums. 

The awakened dragon's lightning breath couldn't get past the energized clouds this time around, and Kaido himself felt as if he was being pressed down into the dirt with each and every beat of the drum.

An absurd pressure mounted on his draconic back, as he was completely forced out of the skies, his gigantic body twisted underneath them as he got pressed down further and further with each beat of those drums. 

With each drum, it felt as if a bolt of invisible lighting was striking down on his entire body. It was something that the awakened dragon couldn't even block. Not even his advanced observation haki could help him in any way.

Wave after wave struck at the dragon's body, knocking the wind out of him and completely crashing him into the ground. 

Shiki scrambled to get everyone away from Onigashima, as Kaido's massive body came crashing down. 

Kaido's body was coiled, and even then he was large enough to cover the entirety of Onigashima and the areas around it. 

The entirety of Wano trembled when he made contact with the earth. 

Kaido felt his brain was rattled more and more with each strike until he was well and truly knocked out.

He was immediately forced back into his human form, his massive body shrinking and disappearing, leaving only a massive crater in its place. 

"There you go, much better!" A voice echoed through the skies as the drumming continued, the clouds gave everyone a strange but menacing feeling. 

Kaido woke up quickly enough, he rubbed the top of his head and looked at the skies with a concerned gaze.

'Shit, safe to say flying in the skies is impossible now... Still, what the hell was that?' 

It seemed that his instincts were right in telling him to fear Enel... But then, why was he alive? 

Why hadn't the Sky King just finished him off? 

Was he unable to? Or did he maybe think that Kaido could still be useful in some way?

Those questions wreaked havoc inside the dragon's mind, all until he was forced to raise his metallic club to block a gigantic flying slash.

Sparks flew as the King of Beasts batted the slash to the side, allowing it to pass by him and cut the wall of the crater his body had formed. 

"Tsk! And here I hoped I'd get to finish him with that..." A frustrated voice came from in front of him, it was none other than Francisco, a man that he had already surpassed. 

The Dragon scoffed as he looked up, his eyes narrowing as he noticed that his crater had been surrounded by the group of ants that were struggling to harm him earlier. 

He growled. realising that he couldn't take on his gigantic form due to the clouds that thundered above his head.

'Tsk, my hybrid form would be enough for these ants!' Kaido's body immediately expanded, his mouth growing a set of sharp fangs and his skin growing a layer of azure scales above it.

He growled under the moonlight as he grabbed onto his metallic club, which was much smaller in his gigantic hand now.

He seemed to be more than able to wield it with one arm, making it look more like a small hammer than the gigantic mace it was. 

His tail was also adorned with spikes, giving him a rather dangerous and quite powerful weapon to use against the ants that surrounded him. 

"Let's not get too hasty, he still seems pretty strong, even if Captain did a number on him." Shiki scowled as he held onto his two blades, the cigar in his mouth seemed to have almost burnt out. 

"Heh, it was nice seeing him get crushed into the ground like a worm!" Garp chuckled a bit as he clenched his fists.

"He certainly looks more manageable now..." Zephyr commented with a spiteful tone as he tried to move his mostly melted mechanical arm. 

"You pesky ants... You barely scratched my body yet you have the guts to show up in front of me so brazenly?" Kaido decided to no longer try and ponder Enel's motives, instead, he decided to focus on the ants around him.

His mouth was adorned with an arrogant smirk. It seemed that his pride hadn't taken that big of a hit even after he was struck down by the Sky King. 

Kid and Killer both looked at Kaido with a vengeful glare, the latter seemed to gain an uncontrollable fit of laughter. 

"I know Killer... Don't worry, we'll wipe that smirk off his face." Kid chuckled a bit into his own arm as he started gathering any nearby metallic object that had been stuck in the debris, he was aiming to reform his Punk Rotten/Magnetic Demon. 

Law also smiled coldly as he expanded a room large enough to cover their surroundings fully.

'Now I can also fight effectively...' 

Kaido's size had been a bit of a bother for him the entire time. Most of his moves were rendered useless as covering Kaido whilst in Dragon Form was simply impossible. 

Luffy and Zoro both narrowed their eyes.

The Straw Hat captain seemed a bit tired, and was already out of Gear 4, likely recuperating. His arm was somehow already showing signs of healing, although it was likely going to remain scarred. 

The first one to act wasn't anyone in the worst generation however, none of the supernovas took center stage.

It seemed that the most eager participant was none other than Luffy's grandfather, Garp. 

The former Marine Hero jumped above the large King of Beasts, his fist immediately covered in a thick layer of armament, exuding a dangerous aura.

"Galaxy Impact!" The old timer immediately punched down in Kaido's general direction. 

The punch created a large shockwave bubble, it pushed all of the younger pirates back. 

Francisco observed the King of Beasts for a second, before scowling and sending a flying slash towards him. 

"He's not reacting! Attack all at once!" 

It was indeed the case. Kaido had tanked Garp's fabled Galaxy Impact without even budging an inch. 

This prompted all of the old timers present to start using some attacks of their own, mainly flying slashes to keep a distance from Kaido.

 Zephyr used Rankyaku relentlessly in combination with his haki. Shiki sent flying slashes from all four of his blades, and Francisco continued keeping a steady barrage on Kaido.

All of their attacks rose a lot of dust, and Garp hopped in the air above while trying to get a better visual on Kaido.

Just as he was about to call out the King of Beast's uncertain position, he felt a large fist hit the side of his head.

His eyes widened as he saw the King of Beast up close, unscathed and still smirking arrogantly.

All dust was blown away as Garp was sent flying, crashlanding into one of the walls of the crater and creating an earthquake in the surrounding area. 

Or so it looked, thankfully Law managed to stop him from crashing into the stone by exchanging him with a rock at the last second.

Garp was now kneeling with one knee on the ground, a side of his head was bleeding and it seemed that his vision was also blurred.

"Shit..." The old timer could only mouth that off as he shakily stood up, blood still dripping from his wound.

"Gramps!" Luffy once again shouted out as his grandfather got hit, his eyes burning with an unusual anger.

"Shit it twerp! If you have the energy to be concerned use it to fight!" Garp immediately berated his grandson with an irritated look on his face.

Luffy simply gritted his teeth and nodded. He then immediately bit into his thumb and started inflating his muscles. 

"Gear 4th! Snakeman!" Smoke covered Luffy's entire body as it revealed his Snakeman form once more.

He had barely rested enough, but it seemed it was time for him to reenter the fight. 

 "Was that all you had? A bunch of half-baked attacks?" Kaido's voice sounded bored, now that the dust was cleared everyone could see it.

There were only a few scratches on the Dragon's body, but nothing significant enough to even be called a slight cut.

"I guess this isn't going to be that easy..." Shiki scowled before clenching his hand.

The earth underneath Kaido immediately rose, causing the King of Beasts to lose his balance. 

In that instant, Francsico already jumped up behind him, his blade covered in a thick aura and preparing to cut into the Dragon's back.

A rock arm rose out of the ground and grabbed a hold of Kaido's legs just as he was about to turn around and block. 

And Francisco was just about to slash down, before an azure blur blocked his strike and sent him flying off.

"Shit, that tail is fast!" Zephyr commented as he sent another Rankyaku towards Kaido, which was duly ignored.

Law decided to also make his move at that moment, rising a few stones out of the ground and turning them into spikes. "Takt!" He shouted as he brought down those spikes on top of Kaido's back.

They broke against the Dragon's thick scales without any fuss, but the Death Surgeon wasn't done.

He immediately switched places with one of the stones that were falling behind the dragon, 

"Gamma Knife!" In an instant, Law plunged his blade, which now glowed a bright yellow, into the Dragon's back.

This was the first attack to have prompted a reaction out of the Dragon. It completely ignored all defences and went straight for the insides, causing him to spit out some blood. 

His tail immediately acted, moving upwards in a blur and aiming to skewer Law. But the Supernova was just as fast, teleporting away just as the spiked tail ripped into his shirt. 

In that moment, Kaido seemed to become angry once more. He immediately punched the ground, creating a shockwave strong enough to send everyone flying away.

"I'm tired of you ants!" 

It seemed that the King of Beasts was finally going into the offensive...


Hope you liked the chapter!

I'll be honest, I am struggling with a severe lack of inspiration for this story :))

I obviously know what I want to happen since we are nearing the end, but I am having trouble putting it all on paper. I've been spending hours in the last few days just writing and deleting paragraphs.

I didn't want to spend another day without uploading tho, so yea

Story Shoutout : Hell Difficulty Tutorial

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