One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 15: Jaya: The Island of Pirates

_________ POV Enel_________

Now, there is also an issue I need to address... How exactly do I join the marines anyway?

I know there's some sort of Boot Camp for recruits, but I don't want to go through that. I don't have a few years at my disposal to finish it.

I only have so much until the 'War of the Best'. By that time I need to learn everything that the marines can teach me.

I doubt they'd bring a recruit at Marineford as well.

So I need to make a big move. I need to do something that will grant me a spot as a marine, one that could also erase any suspicion that I need to start as a recruit.

Thankfully, right below Skypea, there lies a treasure trove. A place where I can run wild with no consequence, and there is also a marine base in somewhat close proximity.

Jaya is an island ruled by pirates, people that believe in the 'New age' of pirates. Misguided fools that only leave their home islands in search of treasure and women.

I've already managed to design a smaller flying ship that can use my Devil Fruit as a fuel source. It wasn't exactly hard to do since the engine in old Enel's big ship was rather ingenious.

It wasn't too difficult to create a miniature version that can carry a much easier load without any trouble.

Now, here's the kicker, I haven't actually built this manually. I simply compressed more gold into my staff, turning it into a stable 3-ton staff, when I need the ship, I can just rebuild it out of memory.

It was a bit difficult at first, I also made some mistakes, but right now I can consistently create my golden flying ship using my staff.

Another thing I need to do... Learn how not to stand out too much. I am about to do something that will definitely put me on the map for the Marines to recruit, but I don't want to rise through the ranks too fast.

I've decided to somewhat change my image a bit. I turned my golden bracers into rings, and I cut out the drum-like accessories on my back, leaving it empty.

Now, I just look like a blonde businessman with golden rings and long earlobes. I think I enjoy this look a bit better.

The drums fit my powers really well, but I don't want to use my powers much while in the marines, so they aren't needed much and would likely just cause confusion to others.

It's better to look as inconspicuous as possible, even if my actions are going to be anything but that...

Now that the preparations are done and I also have the eternal pose for Skypea... I am ready to set off.

_________ POV Narration _________

Enel touched his staff as he arranged the collar to his suit. In a second, part of the staff seemed to unravel and create what looked to be a small golden rowboat with two large fans at the back of it.

The rowboat only had one seat, and it looked as if tubes were connecting said seat with the two engines of the ship.

To the side of the ship formed two aeroplane wings, and underneath the rowboat appeared a set of small golden wheels.

Enel had given the ship more of a modern design, taking inspiration from the aerodynamic design of the aeroplanes of his old world.

The engines seemed to start as soon as Enel sat down, the fans at the back started spinning at breakneck speeds and propelling the boat forward.

With a bit of a running start, the boat soon took to flying. Enel looked at the sky islands from above for a second. The sun shone over the clouds as he made his way further away from the islands...

It was a beautiful sight, unlike anything he had ever seen in his life. Enel decided not to dwell for too long on it, only taking the moment in for a few seconds.

Then, he nosedived into the sea of clouds below him. With a smile and a blink of his eyes, just as he was about to hit the sea of clouds head-on, he raised his hand.


It was a sound so deafening that surely a lot of people on the Sky islands heard it as well... a powerful lightning strike parted the sea of clouds as Enel's ship travelled through it.

Enel could sense the sea of clouds reforming behind him as he passed through, with little effort, he was, for the first time in that new world, below the clouds.

It didn't take long for him to spot Jaya, it was a bit far away, but it was still a small dot in sight. Most people would get lost in the waters of the Grand Line, but Enel didn't plan on touching the water at all, and the storms ahead of him looked more like a joke than anything else to him.

Enel's journey to Jaya was uneventful, Enel didn't care about being hit by actual lightning, as he was made out of lightning anyway.

Enel's arrival at Jaya, however, was a bit less uneventful. The pirates on the island, thirsty for treasure, had managed to spot his ship in the distance.

They had managed to make out the fact that it was both flying and made out of gold. They didn't know how it was flying, but some of the smarter ones could tell that it was due to the spinning fans at the back of it.

They all quickly gathered at the shore of the island, not one of the pirates wanting to lose the opportunity to get their hands on all of that gold.

It was most likely going to be a bloodbath between them, but first, they needed to deal with the newcomer that was so brazenly displaying his wealth in a lawless zone...

Bellamy, the captain of the Bellamy Pirates that was recently defeated by Luffy was still in bandages, but he was also present, not wanting to lose the opportunity to get a bit wealthier.

Enel arrived above the shore of the island soon after everyone had already gathered there.

"So nice of you guys! To give me such a beautiful welcoming party!" Enel said as he slowly got out of his seat and extended his hand downwards.

The boat quickly deformed itself and turned into a staff. The people below now seemed even more excited.

"He's probably got some type of metal manipulation devil fruit! Prepare for combat!" The pirates below were quick to guess what type of powers Enel had.

They knew that their opponent was a devil fruit user, but they also had plenty of devil fruits on their side... Bellamy was also still considered one of the strongest on the island, he was also there, regardless of his injuries.

That part managed to raise the spirits of the rest of the pirates, they all grabbed at their weapons as Enel finally set foot on the island...

The first pirates to charge him were the ones up front. Cannon fodder that the captains had sent to judge the power of the brazen newcomer in front of them.

Enel sighed as he watched them rush towards him. His observation haki spread out and predicted their every move.

"I guess it wasn't a friendly welcome after all," Enel said in a sarcastic tone as his staff seemed to start deforming.

The first pirates that came up front were all pushed back, as Enel swung his staff. The staff deformed and expanded, making it look more like an elastic band than a piece of hard metal.

The pirates that were hit directly by it were all sent flying above the rest.

"... I guess he's not a pushover, huh?" Bellamy said with a grunt as he touched his bandaged torso.

"EVERYONE CHARGE! HE CAN'T DEAL WITH ALL OF US!" Bellamy's second in command Sarquiss shouted to the pirates that had gathered up.

All of them charged at Enel like a pack of rabid dogs, and Enel simply sighed.

'I didn't want to kill this many people... But these people are nothing but scum, undeserving of any mercy as they kill and take away from anyone nearby...'

At that point, Enel had made up his mind. He was no longer holding back.

"A massacre it is then!" Enel shouted with a grim smile on his face.

With a twirl of his hand, he pointed his staff forward. In a split second, the staff expanded forwards at explosive speeds, and the top of the staff quickly split open and turned into dozens of spikes.

The pirates that were rushing Enel quickly started being impaled by his golden staff.

Those that were impaled were then swung around like ragdolls and thrown into the others. The situation quickly turned to anarchy, as the pirates started cowering and trying to run away.

But Enel didn't let even a single one of them leave. Using his speed, he managed to arrive on the other side of the large group of pirates, they were no longer encircling him, now he was simply blocking their escape.

More and more pirates fell, their desperate strikes toward Enel did nothing, as golden tentacles either blocked the bullets or swords that came his way.

Bellamy looked on in horror as the number of pirates on the island dwindled by the second.

The island had mainly been occupied by pirates, now out of the thousand that had waited on the shore for the golden ship to land, only a few hundred were still standing.

And all of them were doing their best to run away wherever they could. To no avail, Enel was not allowing them to run, even the ones that tried to hide behind buildings got pierced by the golden tendrils.

Bellamy sweated heavily as he realised that Enel was easily able to see all of them, even through walls.

In a moment of desperation, he turned his legs into springs and jumped in action. He was somehow able to bypass the expanded staff with his speed after building enough momentum.

He was at Enel's side before he knew it.

Bellamy smiled a bit at his small accomplishment, then his pride turned into horror as he realized one thing... Enel's gaze was on him.

He quickly turned his arm into a spring, starting the motion to punch Enel with all of his strength. Then he noticed it... Enel was wearing golden rings on his fingers.

In an instant, he was stabbed through all of his limbs as Enel just raised his arm towards him.

Then, as Bellamy was reeling back from the pain, he was kicked in the head and sent flying back into the crowd of pirates.

'This should show them that getting close to me also won't work...' Enel had let Bellamy get close to him on purpose, he knew that the blonde pirate was the strongest pirate currently on the island, so he wanted to make an example out of him.

A few more minutes of bloodshed passed, as the last of the pirates fell to the ground and Enel's staff returned to its original shape.

"I still need some practice... That took way longer than it should've." Enel said to nobody in particular.

Sure, he could've finished everything instantly using his devil fruit, but how could he get stronger if he only relied on one aspect of his powers?

He needed to expand his arsenal, which was why he wanted to learn the six powers as well as armament haki.

With a sigh, he realised that he now had to call the marines to the island, they would need to come with an entire fleet to carry all of the surviving pirates to impel down and all of the corpses to the morgue, or wherever they wanted really.

Then he felt it... A figure in the distance, swiftly approaching the island.

Enel could easily see who it was.

A tanned, yellow-haired man wearing a white shirt, a frilly pink coat and a pair of sunglasses... A flamboyant and easily recognizable look, especially for a fan of One Piece.

"Donquixote Doflamingo... I forgot about him."


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