One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 11: Misunderstanding and Thwarted Plans

__________ POV Narration__________

After noticing Zoro's absence, the group continued forward without stopping.

Somewhere deeper inside the forest, the green-haired swordsman was lamenting how everyone got lost...

The group got near the door, and that's when it opened. Out of it came Enel, he opened the door with a smile, and on one of his shoulders stood Aisa, who was still sipping on some juice, using Enel's head as a table...

She spit out her drink again when seeing so many people gathered outside the door.

"Aisa! So this is where you were?!" Rika's eyes widened a bit as she then took a better look at the person carrying her...

"Enel! You scum!" She and the rest of the Shandian Warriors quickly took a step back and took out their weapons.

"What?" Enel just asked as he picked with his pinkie. Aisa on his other shoulder simply winced.

The little girl was afraid that something like this could happen after learning that Enel was the one that was helping her.

"W-wait, Rika-" The little girl quickly tried to calm down her aunt, but it, unfortunately, didn't do much.

"I figured you wouldn't just go away like that... But to think you'd kidnap a child of all things." Rika's fists shook with anger as Enel's eyes rolled to the back of his head in exasperation.

Luffy and Sanji looked back and forth between the tribal warriors and Enel with confused looks on their faces.

"This doesn't seem quite right..." Said Sanji as he realized that the little girl looked anything but scared of the tall man all of the warriors were pointing their spears at.

"Yeah... Let's see how things play out though!~" Luffy said with a wide grin, scratching the back of his head and moving the straw hat to his back.

"I've been living here the entire time lady. Don't know what you're on about. If I wanted to do something to you people I wouldn't have to bother with this shit." Enel said with some frustration in his tone.

The tribal warriors weren't keen on listening to him though. Aisa shrieked as she saw the warriors lunging towards Enel with anger in their eyes.

"Please don't hurt them!" She shouted, tapping Enel on the head a few times.

Enel just released a sigh as he watched around six spears go through his body without any resistance.

"Seriously? We're doing this right now? There's a kid here." Enel said as he didn't even bother retaliating, he knew that the tribe warriors weren't any threat.

Rika's eyes widened a bit as she quickly called all of her men back.

"Let's calm down for a bit. I'll call Wyper, he'll be able to clear things up a bit..." Enel said as he placed Aisa in front of the Tribal warriors. He then went inside and came out with a transponder snail.

"Wyper? He knows about this?!" One of the warriors asked with gritted teeth. All of them were still rather hostile towards Enel.

But his actions managed to put them on the spot a bit, leading to them not really knowing how to react.

"Gan Fall allowed me to stay on the island, I chose this spot since I figured you guys aren't likely to pass by... Seems I was a bit wrong about that. And Wyper comes by from time to time for some sparring..." Enel dialled Wyper's Den Den Mushi and waited with a blank face...

While this was happening, the Straw Hats were still watching the whole thing. Luffy and Sanji tensed up a bit when seeing the Shandian warriors stab Enel, but they calmed down as they realized something...

'So he's a logia, huh?'

All of the Straw Hats had that thought, even the ones on the ship that were looking from a distance... Robin's eyes widened even more as she saw something strange when those spears went through Enel...

She saw a spark of electricity, right after the Shandian warriors took out their spears and retreated.

That alone made her realize that she was most likely looking at a user of an 'invincible' fruit. The Goro Goro no Mi (Rumble Rumble Fruit).

She gulped at first, but then she realized that the man was extremely calm despite the circumstances, which made her relax a bit as well. At the very least they weren't going to have to fight him.

In the end, Wyper ended up talking to the Shandia Warriors over the phone, and they were told to simply fall back to the city of gold and not bother Enel.

"What do you mean 'leave him alone'?! Wyper, have you forgotten what he has done to us?" Rika was enraged at this outcome, the other warriors were also not pleased, but they weren't going to question Wyper.

"Rika, if he was still the same as before all of you would've died by now. So, calm the fuck down and get back here!" Wyper was quick to put her in her place though... It even made Enel feel slightly uncomfortable.

Aisa at the side simply sweated as she felt guilty for the whole thing even happening...

The call was quickly ended with Rika still swearing under her breath. But she no longer made any move to attack Enel, the warriors had also sheathed their weapons.

"You guys should head back for now... I'm sure Gan Fall will clear everything up, we all knew things couldn't stay hidden forever anyway." Enel walked up to the warriors and smiled a bit.

The Shandians didn't really look at him kindly. Rika simply took Aisa, and all of them turned around to leave. Forgetting about the 'intruders' on the island in the process.

The Straw Hats also didn't bother reminding the Shandians of their presence, as they also didn't want any trouble with the locals.

At this point, three more people came out of the ship, Robin, Nami and Usopp. Leaving only Chopper to guard it, just in case.

"Soo... What's with you guys anyway?" Enel looked at the Straw Hats with a smile, stretching his back a bit as he thought of his next steps.

__________ POV Enel__________

Goddammit. I was planning to meet the straw hats a bit later than this...

The whole mess with the Shandia tribe is certainly not a good image, but I guess that barely matters at this point.

"Hey! I'm Monkey D. Luffy! I'm gonna be the pirate king!" Luffy introduced himself accordingly.

The rest of the straw hats present also started doing the same, although not as enthusiastically.

"I'm Nami... The navigator, I guess." The orange-haired girl spoke with an odd frown.

"I-I'm Usopp, a great warrior a-and the vice-captain..." Damn, I guess long-nose is still boasting about roles he doesn't have... I guess these people aren't any different from the way they were depicted in the show.

"I'm Sanji! The cook. You better keep your eyes to yourself! I don't want you looking at any of the fine ladies w-" Nami ended up punching him in the head as I just kept staring blankly at the blonde Simp.

"Nico Robin... A pleasure to meet you..." Her guard seems to be up, but I guess that's obviously going to be the case since she doesn't know me at all.

Much like in the series, she should've been able to tell what my fruit is from that small exchange. So she only thinks that I am some weirdo with a lot of power.

"Well, I'm glad to make your acquaintance. My name is Enel, how about you all come inside for now?" I said as I turned around and walked back into the home.

It's kinda rude to keep visitors at the door, so inviting them in is only the polite thing to do... Although I really didn't design this home with visitors in mind...

The pirate crew followed me in, each with their own reactions to the meagre surroundings of my humble abode.

Luffy just whistled. "Damn this place is huge... Even the table is really tall!" He and Usopp both looked around the house with a bit of curiosity.

Nami's eyes were instantly drawn towards my golden staff that stood in the corner of my cabin, I can clearly see her expression changing from bored to excited... Gold diggers, eh?

Sanji looked at my 'kitchen' which is really just a medieval-style firepit with a grill over it and some pots and pans.

"Sorry for the mess... I really wasn't expecting visitors anytime ever..." I said while scratching the back of my head.

"Is that staff made purely out of gold?!" Nami finally asked as she quickly came up in front of me... I didn't know she was this fast, damn.

"Yes, gold is a highly conductive metal, so I can easily shape it using my devil fruit powers," I said, doing my best to try and keep my tone even.

Most of the people in the room just looked at me like they had no clue what I was even talking about. Only Robin seemed to understand what I was speaking about.

"Enel... What are these on the table?" Robin asked, her tone was rather strange... Wait! I forgot all of the notebooks open on my desk...

I didn't bother cleaning up since Aisa appeared on my doorstep... Fuck sake, this isn't how this was supposed to go at all...


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