One Piece: I’m Mihawk’s Son

The Four Billion Devil.

World Economy Newspaper Headquarters.

It was a massive balloon flying across the vast sea, all of those working to deliver the best quality news to the world stopped all of a sudden when the president's macabre laugh resonated all over the ship. 




Behind him, in his office, there was one of the dozens of den den mushis he possessed, in it a very prominent contact of his was speaking. The Empress of the Underworld, Queen of the pleasure district. 

Stussy's lips remained tight after she just disclosed the 'truth' of what had transpired in Skypea.

'Dark Mantle Veyron, the new Devil Child who threatens the world's stability... after mercilessly slaughtering three of the most prominent members of the secret agency CP0, he went on to take the legendary marine Tsuru, her apprentice Rear Admiral Momousagi and another member of the CP0, Stussy.

To sate his devilish hormones he took advantage of his hostages who were physically and verbally abused for countless nights; worthy of his infamous mental disorder. As if his wicked deeds weren't evil enough to enter the demon's eyes, he still tried to extort Admiral Zephyr into handing over his prosthetic arm in exchange for the hostages just for sheer amusement.

As a last show of strength and power that could only be displayed by a demon-level genius, he went on to fight his mother to the death -and presumably defeat her- after she disowned him for his wickedness and a regretful bad upbringing, the newly named warlord Dracule Mihawk. A battle that spectators and onlookers went to describe as world-ending with green skies and a blood red sea... their current status is unknown as the whole world prays that this threat to stability will be erased once and for all'.

"Is that okay, my Queen?~".

"You couldn't have written it any better~ Find your payment attached in the next envelope, Morgans. Kacha~".

'Master, look and behold how useful can I be to you~'. 

Stussy, now in Marineford felt a presence behind her, it was Gion who was tapping her finger on her elbow. Both ladies looked at each other for a while, the blonde realised her secret was out. 

"I like it... do me a favour and destroy that brat's reputation a bit more!~".


'Let's see who has a fat ass now, Veyron!'.



Archipelago Sabaody, Shakky's Bar. 

The ex-empress' hands shivered as she read the newspapers, and the cigarette fell from her mouth; as for Rayleigh, a trail of mucus was already descending down his nose as he kept reading word by word the titular of the newspapers attached together with a bounty that threatened to put their eyes out of their sockets. 

The Devil's Child, Dracule Veyron.

Wanted Dead. Bellies.


'Slaughtering three members of the CP0?!' (Shakky).

'Verbally and physically abusing hostages!?' (Rayleigh).

'Extort an Admiral out of his prosthetic arm for amusement?!' (Shakky).

'Fight his mother to the dead and defeat her!?' (Rayleigh). 

The couple looked at each other before throwing the newspaper into the bin as if it was the most outrageous thing they had ever heard. 

"There is no way right?~".

"Yes, the brat's naughty but not that naughty" Rayleigh rubbed his nose, he had no hope the boy could ever become a functional member of society but this article and bounty were just outrageous, surely the world government was at their last straw and they needed to defame his reputation no matter what. 


Little did they know... everything written in that article was an overly exaggerated but still unadulterated truth.

Rear Admiral Momousagi Gion would later testify she was the one to suffer the verbal and physical assault from the boy during her time as a hostage, leaving her deeply scarred and unable to deal with men in the future. 



The Country of Wano, Onigashima. 



"This is a child of the devil indeed, to duel the strongest swordswoman Dracule Mihawk, his own mother to the death, I WANT TO MEET THIS BOY! OI!".

"We have yet to see who is more evil, boss!".

In the middle of a massive banquet where human skulls were being used to serve booze. A shackled individual with a mask and long sky-blue hair took the wanted poster of the boy in the picture. 

'Dracule Veyron...'

That was until a hand popped up from above to take the poster away from her hands, it was a blonde gigantess with two horns. 

"Give it back!".

The blonde beauty giggled and licked her lips looking at the image of the boy, 'Such a bad boy and so young, he's getting me horny~ I wonder if he will ever come around here, I could eat him W-H-O-L-E~'.



Tottoland Archipelago, Whole Cake Island.


"This can't be real... that Dracule Mihawk got defeated by her own son..."

"So now we have a devil child and a demon child, huh?".

"Mamama... it doesn't matter, we will get our hands on both children one way or another~ my little girls, who of you want to marry this boy!?".

"Me!" Said a little girl with crimson hair and two horns. 

"Me! I want him!" Yelled another beautiful girl with long sky-blue hair and a long neck, both of them were looking at the poster longingly, nobody that age ever had such a massive bounty, and the boy's bounty was even greater than their mom's!

"I want to eat him!~" A last girl with a broken nose and purple hair rubbed her face against the poster. 

"What about you, Smoothie?".

"I don't mind... he looks like he can keep up" The silver-haired tall young girl didn't spare more than a few glances at the poster. 

The massive woman snickered wickedly, "If that's the case we may have to end up giving our little Hawkeye an invitation to the next tea party, if she survives against her son that is~".

On the other side of the room, there was a young man looking at the wanted poster of the devil's child, he saw how all of his sisters were very eager to meet him and marry him, 'Dracule Veyron... it will be me who ends you'.



The East Blue, Foosha Island.

"They have to be out of their mind, there is no way he did all these things".

"Is that really the same boy we saw back then? he has grown up!".

The red head pirates' jaws dropped to the ground and below, they just couldn't believe it. It was one thing people were not acquainted with the main individual the article was directed towards, but they had seen the boy in Rusukaina a few years ago... he looked so vulnerable and small, except for his Conqueror Haki, Armament Haki and downright ridiculous magic. He still didn't look like a boy who could do anything to this world that'd make his head worth three billion bellies. 

When they saw his poster they felt nostalgia, he had grown up into what appeared to be a young man. Shanks looked at Luffy who was jumping trying to get the newspaper away from him, they were supposed to be about the same age but Veyron looked a lot more developed than this brat that knew nothing more than to eat and eat. 

"Shanks? Who is this?".

"This boy... if you really want to become the pirate king, I think this boy is your main rival, Luffy!".

"Really? Let me see him".

Luffy looked at Veyron's picture for the first time. The boy was standing dominantly in the picture with his smile showing a lot of confidence... it wasn't shown in the panel but at that time he was viciously stepping on the rear admiral's butt. 

At the same time, another girl snuggled together with Luffy to see the picture, it was Uta... thought she just looked at him once or twice before moving away in disregard. 

"He doesn't look like much, I don't believe he defeated Auntie".

"Trust me that damn brat is strong!" Shanks tried to convince his daughter, that he hadn't yet made a decision on what he'd do with the devil fruit, but one thing he decided was that he wanted his child to be at least a rival to Mihawk's child. That was Uta, although the girl didn't seem to have any interest in fighting, she preferred to sing. 

Shanks looked at his hand, recalling the fierce biting he had received from the boy back then, never could he have imagined that in just a few years and with him still not being a full-blown adult, he'd reach this altitude... considering himself Veyron's rival, was like an insult to both their intellects.

Veyron wasn't yet ready to be made into one of the four emperors but he already had the bounty of one. All he could do was glare at the poster and think about what the future would dictate for him. 

'I imagine that man has already approached them with more than a bit of interest. The world government would never let him go'.


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