One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 24 The Devil Brought by the Devil Fruit

Chapter 24 The Devil Brought by the Devil Fruit

"Look, this is the story of the demon concubine. Is it inspiring? Is it good-looking?"

Slowly walking to the front of the stage, Rui Anna said slowly.

"It's just that apart from being scolded for hundreds of years and becoming a filthy mark in the world, how has Demamore ever accepted any kindness?"

She closed her eyes.

Stretch out your hands, countless bright bubbles floated around her, came to her side, touched her hands lightly, touched them lightly, and then floated away, like a cute child playing coquettishly with his parents.

"Every bubble here is an ugly past; every light is an angry soul."

The expression on her face gradually changed, "You hypocrites, who claim to be the guardians of the common people, are following the so-called truth with great interest, and you are righteous to protect the good and the weak, and you don't hesitate to carry out the so-called evil spirits against the evil spirits. Purification, has anyone really thought about why there are evil spirits here?"

The gloomy breath rolled and climbed to the edge of her body, and her voice continued, "Groot died, and the Farnes applauded loudly; Demamore died, and the Farnes clapped their hands in praise. How much humiliation, unwillingness , Death, is it happening continuously with the silence or even the support of the so-called innocent civilians? How many real innocent people have died, and it has become the talk of the so-called innocent civilians, and an episode after dinner.”

The breath became stronger and stronger, like a licking fire, like a boiling sea wave, "In this world, there has never been any justice, no axiom, and no one is truly innocent. Other people's stories are always only to please the audience. Evolution, no one will care about what they have really experienced."

Just like the night driving away the light, the endless aura of darkness diffuses from Rui Anna's body, envelops the mourning hall, and penetrates through the stone walls and strata, spreading upwards and outwards like her previous song, like a song of thought. On the earth, in front of all, in broad daylight, sing the dark song to the world.

At this moment, opposite Rhianna, beside the crowd, Levin wept and uttered a heart-rending cry.

"So what about you! Riana! What have you been through?!"

Everyone, even a bachelor who has never been in love, can hear the love that tears the soul from Levin's heart-wrenching cry.

Uriel looked sad.Only he knew what Riana meant to Levin, a down-and-out slum street dog struggling to survive in the muck of Rambler Street.

She is his ideal, his unrequited love that can be satisfied even in his dreams by looking at her from a distance, and the only one who can bring light to life in the first half of his dark life, the sun.

Now, the sun goes out.

The black flame is rising and becoming more and more vigorous; the black wave is boiling and becoming more and more intense.A dark atmosphere filled the air, covering the huge stage, the magnificent theater, and the vast underground world.

The only thing that shines is the radiant, bubbly soul, and Riana illuminated by the light of the soul.

She gave Levin a last look, without emotion, without fluctuation, only the purest beauty.

Then, the beauty is gone.

The beautiful and incomparable face gradually elongated, became sharp, and became vicious; the faintly frowning brows slowly stood upright, like two straight spikes; in the beautiful eyes full of dreams, scarlet blood lighted up, and the pupils It became long and narrow, like a greedy monster that preyed on people.

In front of Uriel and the others, darkness is covering everything.

Rui Anna's figure was also covered, sinking into the boundless darkness.

"The world is always full of tragedies, tragedies created by people. I don't like tragedies very much, so I want to end them. Human beings are a ballad that is always manic, contradictory, absurd, and full of sadness. All unwillingness, all resentment, All the laughter and tears, let me, at this moment, at this moment, write the final terminator."

The voice is so peaceful, so natural, like pushing open the door to say good morning to the rest of the world.

"Ballad of Eternity, Music of Soul Pilgrimage".The devil fruit ability is activated here.

At this time, the city of Fran, which was still prosperous and lively, and seemed to be so prosperous and lively forever, suddenly rang out the mysterious singing that filled the sky and the earth, and resounded through everyone's soul.

Between the sky and the earth, countless bubbles are born, rising from the ground to the sky, like a torrential rain that started from the ground and fell to the sky.

The bubbles are glowing, looking for the source of the singing, just like a child yearning for its mother, throwing itself into the darkness where the singing is.

Uriel and the others stood in the empty mourning hall, watching the countless soul bubbles, with shimmering light, passing through the soil, passing through the dome, penetrating into the 16th floor of the mourning hall, and continuously plunged into the darkness where Riana was. .

In the twilight of the soul, they saw Riana's body growing huge, and bigger and bigger.

Every time a soul joins, her body grows a little bit, just like a mythical giant growing in the darkness of chaos.

The giant grew up to the same height as the dome, but she was still not satisfied. Her huge arms stretched out into the ancient earth that supported the flange for thousands of years, from the bottom of the mourning hall, through the stratum, and directly to the ground.

In the city of Faran, everyone looked at the sky in horror, watching countless shimmering bubbles rising from the ground and falling into a certain place in the palace.

Then from the ground at that place, a soaring dark aura suddenly emerged, like a volcanic eruption, like a tsunami rising to the sky.After the black air, he stretched out his huge black hands from the ground, grabbed the ground with both hands, and tore it hard.

The entire mourning hall was brightened.It is as if a giant tore apart the chaos with one hand and created the heaven and the earth.

Riana uses her devil fruit powers to summon the souls of all the dead Farrans.

Countless souls from ancient times to the present have been summoned by her singing and merged into her body. Her figure continued to expand, from the bottom of the mourning hall to the ground, but it did not stop and continued to grow taller than the houses. Higher than buildings, higher than cliffs, higher than the peaks of cliffs, the tallest church in Frank City.

In the royal capital of the Holy Kingdom of France, an indomitable dark monster grew out of the ground.

Everyone panicked and didn't know how to react, so they could only be afraid, using their houses as a shelter for self-deception, curled up under the roof, huddled together, and shivered.

The natural disasters and people still have the courage to fight and fight, but this is a monster stronger than the natural disasters. Apart from praying and waiting for death, the Farnese have nowhere to escape.

The monster finally stopped expanding, and boundless black air hung down from her head, wrapping around her body layer by layer, like a long black dress with an inflated hem, but there were many broken pieces on the long skirt, like rags, floating in the sky.

This is a monster that mortals can't touch and can't match, and it is an enemy that Uriel and others have never even imagined in their most ferocious expectations.

Riana, who was like a huge mountain, opened her huge black mouth and took a deep breath.

The mysterious ballad sounded again.

 In the tens of millions of years of the sea calendar, among the tens of millions of "One Piece", neither the previous nor the next, just happened to catch up.Then there is nothing to do, just click and take a look.The second watch is delivered, and Lao Liang asks for a recommendation for collection.


(End of this chapter)

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