One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 2 The Traveler

Chapter 2 The Traveler

While Levin was rambling about revealing his family background to Tina, Uriel looked at their figures in the distance, looked up at the sky, turned around and took out a fishing rod and bucket from the church, closed the door of the church, and walked into the sunset , go to the port of Flandre.

In fact, his heart was not at peace, not because of Melissa's mother-san's teasing, which would only make his lower body unsettled, but because of seeing Tina.

He traveled to the world of One Piece a year ago, on the night the church caught fire.Levin and other people on Zamao Street thought that Uriel survived the catastrophe, but only he himself knew that the truth was that a person from Earth was resurrected.

Today, when I suddenly saw Tina, a famous plot character, I suddenly felt a huge sense of reality.

This is a real trip to One Piece, this is a trip to the real One Piece.

It is not a simple line drawn by the brush in anime, but a living, flesh-and-blood person, and a huge and real world that goes far beyond the scope of Oda's story.

Just like the holy flange, this country does not exist in Oda’s comics, but in the real world of One Piece, it not only exists, but also integrates politics and religion, and has developed commerce. It is an important country in Beihai. It is said that it is a pearl of the North Sea.

The setting sun is slanting, and this pearl is reflecting the golden-red light of the setting sun at this moment. The light is reflected from the dome of the church, from the outer walls of blue and white residential buildings, and from the boats moored at the pier into the evening twilight, as if Put on a golden and red evening dress for the city, and be ready for the grand banquet at any time.

However, there is no place for Zamao Street in the banquet, nor is there a place for Uriel, a down-and-out priest, who has to rely on his own fishing rod for dinner.

There are four ports in Frank City, two of which have naval bases.The difference is that one is the French Royal Naval Base, and the other is the World Government Naval Base to which Tina belongs.

Uriel carried the fishing rod on his shoulder and walked towards the port where the world government's naval base was located.The fishing line is wrapped around the fishing rod, and a small section hangs down from time to time, as if eager to try, and can't wait to catch the grouper salmon, which is unique to the waters near the port, from the sea.

This kind of fish is delicious and nutritious, especially for improving eyesight and consolidating essence. It is a famous item on the table of the holy flange.

Uriel walked through the long lanes of Zamao Street, waving hello to those sights hidden in the darkness from time to time.

Since Uriel crossed over, most of the magical spells obtained by using the system lottery have healed the diseases and injuries of the people in Zamao Street, but they have more or less formed good relationships and saved many people's lives.

Most of the thieves on Zamao Street have received his life-saving grace, so those unkind eyes often turn into good intentions on Uriel, and the worst is to eliminate the malice.

Walking out of Zamao Street, after two blocks, Uriel walked up a ramp.On the outside of the ramp is the sea and the port, and the flag of the naval base can be seen far away, flying high.

Uriel stopped, and sure enough, he saw a half-destroyed warship in the dock of the naval base.

The masts and sails were missing, as if they had been forcibly pulled out of the ship. The deck was full of potholes. deck.

The hull was full of cracks and big holes. Uriel felt that it was a miracle that Tina and the others did not sink directly into the sea, but were able to persist in sailing into the naval base.Comparable to the halos of the various protagonists of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Walking onto the pier, Uriel found a secluded place, put down the bucket, loaded the bait, and swung the pole vigorously, causing the fishing line to fall far into the sea.

Looking at the quiet floating on the water, Uriel yawned, feeling bored, his thoughts flickered, and he checked the attributes of the strongest religious system in the spiritual world.

Name: Uriel.

Rank: Apprentice God Level 10.

Mana pool capacity: 6/500.

Faith points: 2200.

Oh hoo, a bumper harvest.Uriel praised himself in his heart.

The meeting between Tina and her subordinates in Faran and Uriel today is a good thing for both parties.

It was a blessing among misfortunes that none of the sailors recovered quickly without dying. Uriel’s Faith Points, which had always been very poor, surged by 2000 points at a time, which was also a bumper harvest.


The strongest religious system is the basis for Uriel to continue to grow stronger and survive in this chaotic world of One Piece.

If the strongest religious system is regarded as the engine for Uriel to become stronger, then belief points are the most important fuel for the system.

During the apprenticeship stage, the strongest god system provided Uriel with only two types of cheats. One was a monthly lottery draw, and the other was an upgrade system that could continuously improve his rank.

Both cost Faith Points.

As a trainee god, Uriel can conduct a trainee-level lottery draw once a month, and get random magic spells or miracle props from the strongest god system. Natural magic spells and miracle props are also at the primary level.But each lottery is not free, you need to invest a certain amount of faith points, the more you invest, the better the reward.A maximum of [-] Faith Points can be invested in the apprentice lottery.

Faith points are also required to increase the rank. Every time a trainee god is promoted to a rank, 10000 faith points are required.After the upgrade, Uriel's physical strength, strength, speed, defense, and physical strength will all be improved, and the capacity of the divine power pool will also be increased accordingly.


It can be seen that Levin's comment on Uriel is correct, he is still a money fan, the reason why he no longer values ​​Berri is because Berri is no longer the wealth that makes him obsessed, but faith points are.

He will generously distribute Berry to the impoverished poor. On the one hand, he still maintains the sympathy he brought from the peaceful Chinese country; More Faith Points.

If you do good deeds, you will be thanked, and if you are thanked, you will gain faith points, and with faith points, you will become stronger. In this way, a simple equation appears, good people = strong.

Uriel likes this kind of routine very much.What Andy Lau pleaded to Tony Leung on the rooftop was "I want to be a good person".

The night wind blows gently, floating on the water is still so comfortable, drifting with the current, sometimes in the east, sometimes in the west, leisurely.

Uriel feels that his current life is like this buoy, going with the waves, curing diseases, and saving people.Ever since she had the magic of beauty, she was able to take advantage of younger sisters and older sisters and flirt. Although the promotion of rank was not fast, stability was better.So far, what is there to ask for? Farming and so on, isn't it the favorite routine of traversers.

The hand sank, floated and dived, and a big fish took the bait.

Uriel hurriedly collected the pole, fat and fresh, such a big grouper maha, the dinner was delicious!
 Update sent.Welcome to collect and vote.

(End of this chapter)

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