One Piece: Heaven's Rebellion

Chapter 93 Rain

Chapter 93 Rain
The Pineapple docked at Rapeseed Flower Port, and Li Wenjin left Duman to guard the ship, and the others followed him to the town at the port to go shopping and have fun.

The Pineapple sailed at sea for ten days, and everyone felt a little bored. Now that they landed in the town, they would naturally go to the town at the port for a stroll.

The six people who entered the port town did not act together. Nami, Hailisi, and Kimbis went shopping for real. Li Wenjin, Black Cat, and Ram went to the nearest tavern to inquire about news about Alabasta. .

The small town of Rapeseed Flowers is not big, and there are only two taverns. Li Wenjin and the others found the tavern with the largest number of families, and went inside to find a place to sit and rest.

Li Wenjin, the big BOSS, would naturally not do such things as inquiring about news in person. He just sat in the tavern and listened to the conversations of the guests around him. Hei Mao and Ram went to find the guests in the tavern for news.

When Li Wenjin and the others were inquiring about news about Alabasta, Crocodile of the Rainland Casino had already received news that the bounty hunter Li Wenjin had arrived in Alabasta, which made Crocodile deep in thought:
Now his Alabasta subversion plan is still in the middle stage and is recruiting a large number of people. If Li Wenjin can join his plan, the chance of success of his plan can be increased several times.

And the most important thing is that Li Wenjin also has connections in the Navy Headquarters, so he can inquire about the news of the Navy at any time, which makes Crocodile very excited.

What Crocodile is thinking about now is how to get Li Wenjin to join their camp, and prevent Li Wenjin from discovering his final secret plan. This matter requires him to think carefully.

In fact, what Crocodile was worried about was not that Li Wenjin would not join the Baroque Work Club, but that Li Wenjin would find out that he was looking for Pluto.

(Crocodile will be sure that Li Wenjin will join the Baroque Work Club. Those who know that Li Wenjin is greedy for money, as long as he is willing to pay, he believes that Li Wenjin will definitely not reject him.

It's a pity that he didn't know that Li Wenjin came here specifically to deal with him, and it was impossible to reach a deal with him. Crocodile's win-win plan had died before it even started. )
Crocodile considered for a long time, but in the end he still hadn't decided whether to let Li Wenjin join the Baroque Work Club, and he planned to wait for a while, but now he just needed to send someone to watch Li Wenjin.

In Rapeseed Flower Town, Li Wenjin and the others who stayed in the tavern for two hours have only investigated some ordinary news, such as:

"Alabasta, it hasn't rained in a year"

"Princess of Alabasta, not seen for three months"

"Alabasta, rebels have begun to appear in some places"

"Crocodile, deal with a few more pirates..."

Waiting for general public news….

For Li Wenjin, who knows the plot, these news can probably guess some of the current situation in Alabasta:
Crocodile, now the ideal township plan for Alabasta has reached the middle stage, which is the time for dormancy and slow development.

And Princess Vivi of Alabasta discovered that something was wrong, so she sneaked into the Baroque Work Agency secretly and began to investigate the matter of the Baroque Work Agency. The time should have been infiltrated three months ago.

It's just that knowing these situations is of no use to Li Wenjin, because what he needs is information on where Robin is, not ordinary information, so he decided to go to Crocodile's lair in person to see Robin. In the rain or not.

The matter had been decided, and Li Wenjin was not interested in staying in the tavern, so he went directly to the Pineapple to rest, and when Nami and the others came back, he went straight to the rainy land.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Nami and the others happily bought a bunch of items and returned to the Pineapple. Li Wenjin immediately ordered the black cat to set the Pineapple towards the coast closest to the rainy land.

Li Wenjin looked at the map of Alabasta and found that it would take four hours to get to the nearest coast of the rainy land, so he went back to his room to rest, and went straight to the rainy land when he went ashore at night.

After sailing along the coastline for four hours, the Pineapple found a place where it could land. Li Wenjin gathered all six crew members and told them: "We are going to the rainy land of Alabasta, which is the land of Crocodile of Shichibuhai. This place, we just went to check the situation this time, if any of you don’t want to go, just stay here and rest, we will return here tomorrow, before dark.”

Nami yawned and stood up and said, "Then I won't go. I'm tired from shopping during the day, so I need to take a good rest at night."

Nami didn't want to go, so Jin Bisi and Hailisi said directly: "Captain, let's stay with Nami too."

In Li Wenjin's heart, he is secretly happy now. He didn't know that Yudi is a city of casinos, but he was afraid that Nami would be interested, so he wanted to follow him to have a look, so that Nami would definitely find out about his going to Robin. Now Nami was unwilling to go, and Li Wenjin felt relieved immediately, and could do as he wanted.

Li Wenjin pretended to be calm and said: "Then you three stay here, and I will go to the rainy land with Black Cat and the others."

After the arrangements were made, the four men on the Pineapple directly left the Pineapple and headed towards the rainy land.

On the Pineapple, Hailisi asked Nami curiously: "Nami, I heard that Yudi is a very prosperous city, why don't we go and have fun."

Nami shook her head helplessly and replied: "Wenjin doesn't want us to go there, why should we go there to join in the fun."

Halice was surprised: "How do you know that the captain doesn't want us to go, I didn't hear him say it."

Nami looked back at the direction Li Wenjin and the others had left, with sparkles in her eyes, she sighed and said, "The hearts of you two soldiers won't understand, men's thoughts!".

Nami is actually very clear that Li Wenjin must have come to find a woman when he came to Alabasta this time. Although Li Wenjin never said it clearly, Nami, who has been with Li Wenjin for more than a year, can still guess it. After all, Li Wenjin is very serious. will hide their emotions.

And Nami also knew that even if she tried to stop it, the final result would be useless, because Li Wenjin would be very stubborn about what she decided to do, and it would be useless for anyone to stop it.

In order not to spoil the relationship between her and Li Wenjin, Nami had no choice but to act as if she didn't know anything, and just played a little temper with Li Wenjin to vent her dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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