One Piece: Heaven's Rebellion

Chapter 82 Trading

Chapter 82 Trading
The two sisters, Hailisi and Jinbisi, just picked out nine pieces of intermediate equipment, and Li Wenjin put away the remaining ten pieces of intermediate equipment, preparing to give them to the spring chamber of commerce.

After resting for half an hour, the merchant ship from the Spring Chamber of Commerce came to the port of Elme Town. Li Wenjin immediately asked Nami and the others to get up and contact the Chamber of Commerce immediately.

Five minutes later, Nami followed the staff of the Spring Chamber of Commerce to check the supplies of the pirate ship, leaving only the beautiful palace and the branch director of the Spring Chamber of Commerce, Carlos, talking with Li Wenjin on the Pineapple.

Li Wenjin took out ten pieces of intermediate equipment and put them on the table, and said to Carlos, "Mr. Carlos, here are ten items that are going to be sent to your boss, Audi Xiu En, please put them away." .

Carlos looked at the equipment that Li Wenjin took out, which were all little girl's clothes and some strange costumes. He immediately felt weird, thinking in his heart, does their young master have a habit of collecting transvestites, or Li Wenjin is a pervert, deliberately trying to punish their young master.

For this kind of person who doesn't know the attributes of the equipment, Li Wenjin can guess from the other's expression, so he directly picked up the Socia knife and handed it to Carlos: "Mr. Carlos, take this Try a knife."

Carlos felt a little relieved. Fortunately, Li Wenjin asked him to take a knife. If he was asked to take other women's items, he would be a little embarrassed to accept them. If he was seen, he would take women's and children's clothes. .

Carlos took it, and Li Wenjin handed over the knife. He suddenly felt a force gushing out of his body, making him, an ordinary old man, feel like he could hit ten at a time. This inexplicable feeling shocked him. Just stay there.

Li Wenjin did not wake up Carlos, but quietly waited for Carlos to wake up.

Carlos was in his 40s, and although he was shocked by the increase in strength, he quickly woke up and asked excitedly, "Mr. Wen Jin, can you tell me what's going on?"

Li Wenjin didn't hesitate, and directly told Carlos about the equipment's own attributes.

After listening to Li Wenjin's words, Carlos thought about it, and then he directly found a working man, and with the man's very aggrieved expression, he gave the man several pieces of female equipment with defensive attributes.

Carlos took Socia's knife and slashed at the boy's waist, frightening the already aggrieved boy into unconsciousness, and letting Carlos slash the knife.

Looking at the unconscious man on the ground, Carlos was also speechless, and asked Li Wenjin, "Mr. Wenjin, he has passed out now, if I cut him, will there be any problem?".

Li Wenjin had been watching what happened just now, so he wanted to laugh very much, but Carlos' expression was very serious, so Li Wenjin couldn't hold back his smile. Now that Carlos asked him a question, Li Wenjin finally couldn't hold back his smile: "Haha Hehe...Mr. Carlos, please do whatever you want, the guy will be fine."

Carlos ignored Li Wenjin's laughter. He only thought about the equipment attributes. After Li Wenjin said that nothing would happen, he slashed at the buddy on the ground with a knife, and then he realized that his knife even hit the buddy. His clothes were not torn.

Carlos froze for a moment, then swiped his sword three times in a row, but the man still had nothing to do, which made him a little excited, because if these equipment were sold, he would definitely make a lot of money, and even if he didn't sell them , It can also be reserved for the guards of the Spring Chamber of Commerce to increase the strength of the guards so that the guards can better protect the Spring Chamber of Commerce.

Carlos put away the knife and said to Li Wenjin with a serious face: "Mr. Wenjin, I will send the things back to the boss immediately."

"These things are a meeting gift for your boss. If we cooperate happily in the future, I will have stronger equipment and hand it over to your spring chamber of commerce for auction."

Carlos was overjoyed. If Li Wenjin had a large amount of equipment handed over to the Spring Chamber of Commerce, the Spring Chamber of Commerce would definitely be able to expand its business to the New World by relying on attribute equipment, greatly expanding the strength of the Spring Chamber of Commerce.

Carlos was excited, and put away the ten pieces of equipment himself, and said to Li Wenjin, "Mr. Wenjin, I'm going to deal with the pirate ship first. I'll send someone to give the equipment to the boss." .

"Go ahead".

In fact, Li Wenjin didn't want to. He was talking to Carlos. After all, the other party was just a small person, and he wouldn't have much intersection with him. What he wanted to do now was to ask the navy at the port about his bounty. will send over.

In Elme Town, the pirates in the entire town have been wiped out by Lieutenant General Longmeiqi, making the entire Elme Town look a bit empty, is there a trace of lively atmosphere.

Now the residents of the entire town are still imprisoned at home by the navy soldiers, and they cannot go out until the navy soldiers have searched all the pirates in the town.

Li Wenjin asked the soldiers, found a naval colonel directing the search, and asked the naval colonel about the bounty offered.

The colonel of the navy knew Li Wenjin, and he saw the battle between Li Wenjin and the pirates in the morning. In addition, Lieutenant General Long Meiqi did not dare to attack Li Wenjin. The colonel of the navy was very polite to Li Wenjin's questioning. He replied that the bounty will be delivered to Li Wenjin at four o'clock in the afternoon.

After receiving the definite news of the bounty, Li Wenjin returned to the Pineapple with satisfaction, and followed Nami and the others to deal with the matter of the pirate ship and pirate supplies.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, on the Pineapple, Li Wenjin had already received the bounty sent by the naval soldiers, and the transaction money from the Spring Chamber of Commerce. He had also received all of it.

Nami, Hailisi, and Jinbis returned to the cabin to rest tired after the deal with the Spring Chamber of Commerce was completed. Duman and Ram were already asleep on the deck because they were too tired from fighting. Now the whole pineapple No, people who are still awake, there are only two people, Hei Mao and Li Wenjin.

Standing on the bow of the Pineapple, Li Wenjin looked at the town of Elme, and said to the black cat, "Let's leave here now and go directly to the next island, Pengpeng Island."

"Master, we need it, are we in such a hurry?" The black cat was a little confused.

Li Wenjin looked at the town of Elme with sharp eyes and said: "This time we were designed by Long Meiqi, which led to our identity being exposed, and soon what we did will be spread out. Before the flight route, clean up the first route and the three islands behind, and our identities will be exposed by then, so it doesn’t matter.”

When the black cat heard Li Wenjin's words, he immediately understood the seriousness of the matter, so he went back directly to anchor and set sail, and set off with Li Wenjin for Pengpeng Island.

(As for Li Wenjin, the record pointer they used to go to Pengbeng Island was naturally taken to the pirate ship, and the magnetic record pointer was already stored.)
(End of this chapter)

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