One Piece: Heaven's Rebellion

Chapter 73 Trading

Chapter 73 Trading
Jie'an's devil fruit is very strong, but his devil fruit development is not strong. Under Li Wenjin's powerful attack, he only supported ten sticks before being beaten unconscious by Li Wenjin.

Defeating Jie'an wasted 5 minutes of Li Wenjin's time, so he picked up Jie'an and flew back to Nami to see how the situation was going.

Back on the battlefield, most of the pirates had already fled, only some bounty criminals were entangled by Nami and the others, and they failed to escape in time.

Time is very urgent, several bounty hunters have already fled, Li Wenjin is not being polite to the pirates anymore, he uses the fastest speed to get rid of the pirates who are entangled with Nami and the others, and then orders the black cat and Duman to sail back to the port. To prevent the pirate ship from escaping, Nami, Hailisi, and Jinbisi are in charge of cleaning up the battlefield. Ram informs the Spring Chamber of Commerce to come to receive the wanted criminals, and Li Wenjin goes to hunt down the escaped wanted criminals.

It would take at least an hour for the wanted criminals to escape back to Gadimas City, and Li Wenjin had enough time to chase them down, so those wanted criminals were knocked out one by one by Li Wenjin in the end, and they were all dragged back to the battlefield.

An hour later, Li Wenjin was no longer chasing and killing them. Although several wanted criminals fled back to Gadimas City, Li Wenjin didn't care anymore.

Back near the battlefield, Li Wenjin gave the wanted criminals a stick again to prevent them from waking up suddenly. As for Jin Hu, the animal-type devil fruit ability user, he had been beaten to the brink of death, and he wanted to recover for at least a day.

Nami, Jin Bisi, Hailisi, they are excitedly calculating how much Bailey they can earn this time.

Jin Bisi and Hai Bisi, the reason they were excited was because Li Wenjin promised them to use [-]% of the bounty offered by the wanted criminals to buy food for them and ship them home, so when they calculated the harvest of [-] million Baileys this time, they were very excited. excited.

And thinking that there are supplies for the pirate ship, they can also get money, their faces are already full of joy, and they are just thanking Nami, which makes Li Wenjin very offended and speechless, because they want to thank, It should be him, Li Wenjin.

Sitting resting near the battlefield, Li Wenjin saw some surviving pirates sneaking away after waking up, which made Li Wenjin want to laugh.

Those guys didn't offer bounties, so Li Wenjin was lazy to chase them. Even if they stood up and ran away, Li Wenjin wouldn't chase them.

After waiting for another half an hour, Li Wenjin saw Lahm walking over with more than 30 people from the Spring Chamber of Commerce.

The branch director of the Spring Chamber of Commerce, Greif Garcia, came to the battlefield and directly arranged for his younger brother to receive the wanted criminals, while he himself walked up to Li Wenjin and said respectfully: "Mr. The destruction of the three strongest pirate groups on Dimas Island is truly admirable."

Li Wenjin smiled and said: "These are trivial things, you should be concerned about those wanted criminals, there are two guys with devil fruit abilities, you better be careful."

Garcia said: "Mr. Wen Jin should be talking about Jin Hu and Jie An. Mr. Wen Jin can rest assured that we have already prepared Hailoushi handcuffs, and they cannot escape."

Li Wenjin was very surprised: "Your Chamber of Commerce even has Hailoushi handcuffs, can you give me two."

Garcia thought about it and said, "Originally, we would not sell Hailoushi handcuffs, but Mr. Wenjin is our distinguished guest, so let's give Mr. Wenjin two sets."

Li Wenjin said with satisfaction: "How much is a pair?"

Garcia shook his head and said, "Give it to Mr. Wen Jin for free. I just hope that Mr. Wen Jin will take care of our business."

Li Wenjin understood that this was because the Spring Chamber of Commerce was interested in his strength and wanted to win him over, so he was not polite, and said directly: "Then I will be disrespectful."

Garcia smiled and said, "Mr. Wen Jin is really kind."


Li Wenjin and Garcia talked casually about trading pirate ships and buying food, and waited for Nami and the staff of the Spring Chamber of Commerce to check all the bounties before finishing the chat.

After the reward offering was over, Li Wenjin and the others from the Spring Chamber of Commerce boarded the Pineapple and headed back to the port of Gadimas City, preparing to trade the pirate ship.

(When the black cat and Duman went back, they went back on the pirate ship that followed the Pineapple to the battle location, so the Pineapple was still parked on the coast.)
Back at Gadimas Port, the sky was already completely dark, but this did not affect the deal between Li Wenjin and the Spring Chamber of Commerce. Nami, the three women, and the people from the Spring Chamber of Commerce were busy on the pirate ship. And Li Wenjin asked the black cat about his return to the port.

When the black cat and Duman returned to the port, the crew guarding the pirate ship didn't even know what happened, so the black cat and Duman went directly to knock out the pirate guarding the ship and waited. Li Wenjin and the others are back.

Black Cat and the others fought on the deck of the pirate ship, and the speed of resolving the battle was so fast that they did not attract the attention of the port residents at all.

Only later when some pirates fled back to the port and wanted to escape by boat, the black cat immediately threatened the pirates with a gun. If the pirates were disobedient, he would shoot them directly.

The gunshots at the port naturally attracted the attention of port residents, but there were no civilians, and no one came to take care of them if they were hurt. It's just that Li Wenjin and the others are probably already on the blacklist of the Gadimas Kingdom. Come again, it is estimated that it is the focus of attention.

The story of the black cat gave Li Wenjin some headaches. If he went to the next island after going to Chiga Island, they would definitely receive special attention, and they might even be expelled directly. At that time, Li Wenjin could only find Si Mog helped.

(Li Wenjin didn't know that his headache had already been solved, and the person who solved it was Audi Xiuen from the Spring Chamber of Commerce.

Audie Xiuen has already notified the branches of each island to report Li Wenjin's every move. Now that Li Wenjin and the Golden Tiger Pirates are such a big deal, the head of the Garcia branch of Gadimas Island will naturally report immediately. Inform Audie Huen.

When Audie Huen got the news, he immediately asked Garcia to help Li Wenjin to take care of the follow-up matters. Otherwise, the guards of Gadimas Island would have come to expel them when the black cat shot at the port.

And Garcia was willing to give Li Wenjin two sets of Hailoushi gloves for free because he could tell from Audie Xiuen's words that Audie Xiuen attached great importance to Li Wenjin. )
(End of this chapter)

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