One Piece: Heaven's Rebellion

Chapter 323 Alabasta 4

Chapter 323 Alabasta 4
In the Royal Palace of Alabasta, Li Wenjin took Princess Vivi under his command, and left the sad Princess Vivi and King Cobrara to rest in the room arranged by the palace guards.

The idea of ​​accepting Weiwei's job was an idea that Li Wenjin had long ago, but there was no suitable opportunity. Now that he finds a suitable opportunity, Li Wenjin will immediately strike without mercy.

He did this because he wanted Weiwei to replace Robin and Nami to deal with the government affairs of the Ten Stars Work Club and liberate Robin and Nami. In this way, when he went to the new world, Li Wenjin could take care of Nami and Robin with peace of mind. Take them away and let Weiwei deal with the problems of the Ten Stars Work Club in Sky Island.

Moreover, Princess Weiwei has received a good education in government affairs. When she handles government affairs, she is more formal than Robin and Nami. This is also very beneficial to the development of Ten Star Work Club.

Since there are so many benefits, Li Wenjin naturally cannot let Princess Weiwei go easily, even if it is threatened, he must let her join the ranks of the Ten Star Work Club and contribute to the Ten Star Work Club.

In the palace of Alabasta, Li Wenjin and Anilu could control their emotions and stay in the palace without going anywhere.

But Perona couldn't stay there at all, and went shopping in the royal city very much, so Li Wenjin had no choice but to find Cobra, and asked him to arrange two guards to go shopping in the royal city with Perona.


At seven o'clock in the evening, when Li Wenjin and Ainilu had just eaten and were about to go back to sleep in Alabasta's palace, a guard rushed up to Li Wenjin and said, "Master Wenjin, Miss Perona, you are here in Wangcheng." There's trouble inside..."

The guard was sent by Cobra to follow Perona, and Li Wenjin recognized him at a glance.

"Let's talk as we go, what happened to her, please tell me clearly."

If Perona goes out to play casually, things will happen, which makes Li Wenjin very helpless, and wants to rush over to have a look as soon as possible.

On the way to the royal city after leaving the palace, Li Wenjin asked, "Tell me now, what exactly happened?"

The guard replied out of breath: "Lord Wen Jin, Miss Perona had a dispute with a foreign nobleman who was going to the Alabasta rainy land to gamble on the streets of Wangcheng."

"Then Miss Perona knocked down the nobleman and the guards, and snatched away one of the nobleman's slaves."

"Slave snatching..." Li Wenjin was very surprised.

It was really unprecedented that Perona was interested in a slave.

Li Wenjin didn't even think about who the downed nobles were, but was very interested in that slave, thinking about what kind of slave it was that Perona could take the slave away.

It might be Perona, who saw the slave being bullied by the nobles, she felt compassion and rescued the slave. This was Li Wenjin's inner thoughts.

After thinking for a while, Li Wenjin asked the guard again: "Did King Cobra not deal with it?"

The guard was a little embarrassed: "The other party is a nobleman under the command of the Tianlongren, King Cobra, and it is not easy to deal with it. I can only ask Mr. Wenjin to deal with it himself."

It turned out to be under the command of the Tianlong people, no wonder Cobra couldn't handle it! .

This time, Perona has caused a lot of trouble. Li Wenjin kept thinking about how to deal with this matter.

It is absolutely impossible for Perona to apologize.

Perona is naughty, and she is also Li Wenjin's subordinate.

Even if there is a mistake, you have to wait until you get home, and Li Wenjin slowly educates you.

Thinking of the end, Li Wenjin decided to pay Bailey to the noble who was beaten by Perona.

If the nobles are too arrogant, just beat them up and drive them away, but Li Wenjin doesn't, he is used to the bad temper of those nobles.

Now Li Wenjin's wings are not full, but at least half full. If the Tianlong people dare to threaten him, he will directly abandon the identity of Qi Wuhai and fight hard with the Tianlong people of the world government.


On the commercial street in Alabasta's royal city, Li Wenjin just came over and saw Perona standing at the door of a doll shop, preventing others from entering.

And outside the doll shop, there was the wryly smiling King Cobra, and some aggressive nobles and noble guards who didn't dare to approach the doll shop.

When King Cobra saw Li Wenjin approaching, he immediately came to Li Wenjin and said, "Mr. Wenjin, please take care of your subordinates. She has done too much."

"King Cobra, how can you say that my subordinates are wrong when the matter is not clear?" Li Wenjin said with an unswerving expression.

The corner of Cobra's mouth twitched, and he said with a very helpless expression: "Mr. Wenjin, I am really not partial this time. Miss Perona caused trouble first this time."

"I'll go and find out the situation first, I don't believe anything you say." Li Wenjin raised his eyebrows, ignored Cobra at all, and went directly to the door of the doll shop.

Seeing Li Wenjin leave, Cobra sighed a little. Li Wenjin is so protective of his subordinates, which is beneficial for Weiwei to join the Ten Star Work Club. At least Weiwei will not be bullied by outsiders.

At the door of the doll shop, Perona saw Li Wenjin, and she said excitedly, "Boss, come here quickly, and drive away all the guys outside...".

When Perona shouted, the nobles at the door of the doll shop and his guards immediately looked at Li Wenjin with angry expressions, leaving Li Wenjin speechless.

The aristocrat at the door of the doll shop was a young man about 20 years old. He looked at Li Wenjin and felt that his anger would burn Li Wenjin to death.

The nobleman saw Li Wenjin coming to the doll shop, and when he was one meter in front of him, he threatened Li Wenjin, "Li Wenjin, don't think that you are Qiwuhai, you can do whatever you want, if you don't hand over that woman today, I will Let your Shichibukai identity be stripped away."

Li Wenjin frowned, and looked back at the arrogant nobleman.

Originally, Li Wenjin was still thinking about whether he could get rid of the nobles with Bailey.

Now it seems that it is no longer necessary.

What kind of bullshit aristocrat dared to threaten him, he was courting death.

"Enel, get rid of them all...".

Li Wenjin didn't turn his head back, and told Ainilu behind him that he ignored the nobles and walked towards the doll shop.

Ai Nilu was stared at by ordinary people in Wangcheng for a long time today, which made him in a bad mood. Now that Li Wenjin said that he could do something, he suddenly became a super strong thunderbolt that killed the nobles and his guards. Shrouded within the range of lightning.

"God's punishment..."

Enilu let out a loud roar, and the thunder and lightning enveloped the nobleman and his guards under the thunder and lightning.

By the time the thunder and lightning disappeared, the nobleman and his four guards had already lost their lives lying on the ground.

Moreover, his whole body was burnt beyond recognition, and he continued to smoke continuously.

Enilo was defeated by Li Wenjin on Sky Island, and was tortured and brainwashed by Li Wenjin and Perona. Now he can finally vent his anger once, and he directly showed all his strength.

The nobles and the four guards are the targets of Enilo's vent.

The nobles and the four guards, they can only admit that they are unlucky, who told them that they were unlucky, and they met Enilu who was in a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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