One Piece: Heaven's Rebellion

Chapter 321 Alabasta 2

Chapter 321 Alabasta 2
King City of Alabasta.

Eleven in the morning.

Li Wenjin, who was flying at full speed, landed outside Alabasta King City in one and a half hours.

On the way to Wanggongcheng with Ainilu and Perona, Perona kept complaining that Li Wenjin bullied her and messed up her hairstyle and dress.

Li Wenjin ignored Perona's complaints.

If he was serious with a child under 15 years old, Li Wenjin felt that his IQ would be lowered.

As for Enilo, he didn't react much. After all, his advancing speed in the form of thunder and lightning was almost the same as the speed of Gale.

Entering Alabasta King City, the bustling streets and various pedestrians instantly attracted Perona, so she stopped complaining about Li Wenjin and took Bailey to buy some gadgets she liked.

This time, Li Wenjin did not urge Perona to leave, but let Perona play.

The reason is that Li Wenjin was waiting for the guards in the royal city to go back and report to King Cobra of Alabasta, and then Cobra himself sent someone to welcome the three of them into the palace city.

Now Li Wenjin didn't use the imitation fruit, but walked in the Wangcheng with his real body. With his identity as Qi Wuhai, he knew the guards of the Wangcheng, and he would definitely know him.

And while wandering on the road, he had already seen several Alabasta patrol guards, glanced at him, and hurried towards the palace, clearly recognizing him.

Li Wenjin and Ai Nilu followed Perona and watched her continue to buy things, like two bodyguards, which made the store owners look at Li Wenjin and the others strangely.

Of course, the main reason is that Enilo's dress is too weird.

Although Alabasta is a summer island, no one would walk up and down the streets with bare upper body and bare feet.

For the gazes of ordinary people, Enilo simply didn't see it, because he was the god of thunder, and it was not something ordinary people could understand.

(The real reason is: Ai Nilu has been warned by Li Wenjin that he can't do anything casually here, so Ai Nilu can only pretend not to see the eyes of those civilians.)
(If there were ordinary residents who dared to look at him strangely before surrendering to Li Wenjin, Enilo would have killed him long ago.)
After wandering around the palace for 10 minutes, Li Wenjin finally waited for the person sent by the palace to greet him, that is the patron saint of Alabasta, Bell (bird fruit: falcon form), who fell from the sky.

In front of Li Wenjin, the avatar was also humanoid. Bell bowed to Li Wenjin and said respectfully: "Mr. Wenjin, Princess Weiwei and His Majesty the King are already waiting for Mr. Wenjin at the palace."

"Bell, long time no see..." Li Wenjin replied with a smile.

Regarding Li Wenjin's answer, Bell was very helpless and could only say once: "Mr. Wenjin, Princess Weiwei and His Majesty the King are waiting for you."

Bell didn't dare to urge Li Wenjin, so he could only remind Li Wenjin obliquely, telling Li Wenjin to go to the palace to meet Princess Weiwei and the king.

Of course Li Wenjin understood what Bell meant.

With a helpless sigh, Li Wenjin said: "You are so boring, Bell...".

Bell still replied blankly: "Princess Weiwei and His Majesty the King are waiting for you, Mr. Wenjin."

Li Wenjin shrugged helplessly, stopped teasing Bell, and shouted at Perona who was shopping in the puppet shop: "Perona, we have to leave here, come back quickly."

Two minutes later, Perona returned to Li Wenjin with four bear-shaped dolls on her back, and complained, "What are you doing? I haven't finished buying them yet."

Li Wenjin ignored Perona's complaints and said to Bell directly, "Let's go...".

Seeing Li Wenjin's expression, Perona became serious and didn't dare to complain casually. She followed Li Wenjin honestly and went into the palace.

(Perona has been following Li Wenjin for a long time. She knows that when Li Wenjin looks serious, she should not be provoked casually. Otherwise, it would be easy to be taught a lesson.)
(When Li Wenjin is smiling, that is the time when you can play with Li Wenjin. At that time, Li Wenjin will not blame her for whatever you do. This is the experience that Perona has summed up.)

Alabasta Palace, banquet hall.

Before Li Wenjin came, King Cobra had already prepared a sumptuous lunch, waiting for Li Wenjin's arrival.

In the hearts of Princess Weiwei and King Cobra, Li Wenjin is an existence that cannot be provoked now, because they both understand that the power that is so huge that it can overthrow Alabasta's Ten Star Work Club at any time is a force that Li Wenjin can completely control.

As for Princess Weiwei and King Cobra, the reason why they are so clear is that Princess Weiwei is already a four-star member of the Ten-Star Work Club, and she may be upgraded to a five-star member in the near future.

Princess Weiwei didn't choose to quit the Ten Stars Work Club back then, but she just wanted to know whether the Ten Stars Work Club would harm Alabasta.

But as time went by, the rapid expansion of Ten Star Works shocked Princess Weiwei.

As far as Princess Weiwei has heard, the number of members of the Ten Star Work Club has exceeded [-], and all of them are members with stronger fighting power than ordinary people.

What's even more frightening is that Princess Weiwei also knows the Ten Stars Work Club, which has more than 100 animal families, female warriors with devil fruit abilities.

With more than 100 animal-type ability users, the Ten-Star Work Club has no problem in defeating Alabasta. What's more, the Ten-Star Work Club has more than ten senior members with seven stars and above, which are more than animal-type ability users. , but also a strong existence.

When Princess Weiwei thought about the huge scale of the Ten Stars Work Club, she did not dare to easily offend Li Wenjin, the owner of the Ten Star Work Club.

Fortunately, the ten-star work agency has always been aiming at earning Bailey, and seems to have no interest in occupying the country and causing chaos, which makes Princess Weiwei feel relieved.

Otherwise, Princess Weiwei will risk her life and report the matter of the Ten-Star Work Club to the world government, so that the World Government can eradicate the Ten-Star Work Club for Alabasta.

Today, the guards reported that Li Wenjin arrived in Alabasta. Princess Weiwei and King Cobra immediately made preparations to welcome Li Wenjin, so as not to provoke Li Wenjin, a powerful guy.

At the same time, in the hearts of Princess Weiwei and King Cobra, they also wanted to get some cheap money from the Ten Stars Work Club.

What they think is cheap is the attribute equipment of the Ten Stars Work Club. If they can get some attribute equipment from the Ten Star Work Club for Alabasta's fighters to use, then Alabasta's defense force will become very strong.

It's a pity that the ten-star work club only sells or rewards the attribute equipment to the members of the ten-star work club, which makes it difficult for Princess Vivi and King Cobra to obtain the attribute equipment of the ten-star work club.

If the Alabasta fighters were to join the Ten-Star Work Club, they would be able to change attribute equipment, but Princess Vivi and King Cobra did not want to continue to increase the power of the Ten-Star Work Club, so they had to break through from Li Wenjin and let Li Wenjin Sell ​​attribute equipment to Alabasta Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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