One Piece: Heaven's Rebellion

Chapter 277: Saint A Island 5

Chapter 277: Saint A Island 5
In the office building of Jinchipu Town, St. A Island, Li Wenjin transformed into a man in a suit, and walked out of the toilet calmly. He did not stop after reaching the lobby on the first floor, and walked directly towards the second floor.

On the way to the second floor, some staff members saluted Li Wenjin, but Li Wenjin just nodded indifferently and did not say a word to them.

When he was pretending to be a man in a suit, Li Wenjin had observed the man in the suit. The attitude of the man in the suit was indifferent and silent, so the staff naturally did not suspect Li Wenjin's indifference.

All the way up to the second floor smoothly, Li Wenjin realized that he was pretending to be a small leader, because the staff on the second floor also saluted him when they met him.

When Li Wenjin arrived on the third floor, he finally confirmed the identity of the man in the suit, because the staff on the third floor all called Li Wenjin "Minister Lager".

Li Wenjin didn't dare to answer casually the salutes of the staff on the third floor, so as not to expose his identity, he directly ignored those staff and continued on to the fourth floor.

There were very few staff members on the fourth floor, and none of them walked in the corridor. They all worked in their own offices. When Li Wenjin passed by the corridor, they just nodded at Li Wenjin and ignored him.

Looking at it now, the identity of the man in the suit means that he is at the same level as the people on the fourth floor. This makes Li Wenjin very happy, because it seems that it is possible to go to the fifth floor with his current identity.

Li Wenjin was in a good mood, and quickly set off towards the fifth floor of the mayor's office building.

This time Li Wenjin was not so lucky. He was stopped by two guards just as he went up to the corridor on the fifth floor: "Minister Lager, the mayor has already rested. Come over tomorrow if you have anything to say."

The guard's answer made Li Wenjin a little surprised. He saw that the staff on the first to fourth floors were all working, and thought that the mayor would also work until eleven o'clock in the evening. He didn't expect the mayor to be a lazy person who let his younger brother do things. He himself was asleep.

Seeing that Lager hadn't left, the two guards warned again solemnly: "Minister Rager, you'd better leave here quickly, or the mayor will wake up, and your life will be in danger."

Li Wenjin did not answer the words of the two guards. He was carefully observing the corridor to see if there were any other guards.

After discovering that there were only two guards in the corridor, Li Wenjin turned around and walked back towards the fourth floor. However, when Li Wenjin walked back to the fourth floor, he was still paying attention to the situation of the two guards.

When he saw the two guards turn and leave, Li Wenjin "shaved" and went back behind the two guards, knocking them unconscious with two punches.

The strength of the guards is probably at the level of an ordinary lieutenant colonel. Li Wenjin's armed and domineering fists, they didn't even have time to snort before they were knocked out by Li Wenjin.

After the guards were settled, Li Wenjin carried them directly to a sentry room on the fifth floor, which was obviously guarded, and then secretly checked the situation inside, only to find that there were no other guards inside.

It's just that there is a door in the sentry room. Li Wenjin thought that there might be other guards inside, so he went straight into the sentry room, threw the two guards on the ground, and walked towards the door in the sentry room. .

Quietly opening the door of the sentry room, Li Wenjin saw that there were indeed two guards resting inside. When the door was opened, the two guards inside immediately woke up, and then saw Li Wenjin pretending to be Rag.

"Minister Lager, this is not the place for you to come here," said a guard with a frown.

"I came to find the mayor on an urgent matter, but when I came over, I found that the guard at the sentry post had been knocked out, so I came in to check the situation," Li Wenjin said flatly.

The expressions of the two guards changed drastically immediately, and they ignored Lager, who had a weird expression, and got up and left the room directly, planning to check the mayor's situation first, and they were dealing with Lager, a person who behaved strangely.

When the two guards walked out of the room, although they kept vigilant against Li Wenjin, their strength was far from Li Wenjin's. When they turned their backs to Li Wenjin, they were still knocked down by Li Wenjin with one punch.

After killing all the guards, Li Wenjin dragged all four guards into the room, left the sentry room, walked through the corridor to the end of the corridor and turned right, and came to another corridor, and this corridor did not have any guards, only one with two doors s room.

Needless to say, the mayor's resting room is definitely inside.

Li Wenjin became a little excited, thinking that there were a lot of Baileys in the room, waiting for him to go and collect them.

The door of the room was just an ordinary door, which was of no use to Li Wenjin. Just like before, he used armed domineering to dig the lock open, and then entered the door.

Entering the room is a large living room, and the lights in the living room are also on, so you can clearly see the situation in the living room.

Li Wenjin immediately scanned the entire hall and found only two doors. For Li Wenjin, this situation became very simple. As long as the two doors were opened, the affairs of Jinchip Town would be over.

Quietly, he walked to the door of the two rooms and listened carefully. Li Wenjin easily heard the sound of breathing in one room, which made Li Wenjin quickly walk to the door of the other room, and once again violently cracked the door of the room. door.

There was no light in the room, but Li Wenjin didn't care much about it. He leaned against the light from the hall, and Li Wenjin could barely see some of the situation in the room.

The room was empty, only ten huge boxes, which were obviously used to hold Pele, which made Li Wenjin very excited.

As far as the area of ​​the ten boxes is concerned, there is absolutely no problem with a box of 100 billion Baileys. If the ten boxes add up, there will definitely be 1000 billion. This made Li Wenjin happy, and quickly walked towards the box.

When Li Wenjin opened the ten boxes, he felt a little disappointed, because out of the ten boxes, four and a half were empty, and only five and a half boxes contained Bailey, and there was no gold jewelry at all.

By recharging five and a half boxes of Pele, Li Wenjin got 540 billion Pele.

Li Wenjin, who got 540 billion, was not particularly happy, and was even slightly disappointed, because he had already figured out why those four and a half treasure chests were empty:
Li Wenjin's idea is: the ten treasure chests here should be waiting to be filled with Bailey, and then people from the World Government will come and take Bailey away.

Now Li Wenjin came too early, and the ten treasure chests were only filled with five and a half. If he had come later, the ten treasure chests might have more Baileys.

Walking out of the room, Li Wenjin quickly adjusted his mentality. After all, he already has 540 billion Berries, so one should not be too greedy.

And if Li Wenjin came too early, the number of Baileys might be even less. If he came too late, maybe Baileys had just been sent away, and he couldn’t get a cent of Baileys. Now he can get 1000 billion Baileys Half of it is considered a very lucky thing.

(End of this chapter)

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